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/lit/ - Literature

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8189231 No.8189231 [Reply] [Original]

>Music has Beethoven's 9th Symphony
>Painting has Da Vinci's Mona Lisa
>Sculpture has Michelangelo's David
>Film has Welles's Citizen Kane
>Anime has Kakifly's K-On!
>Architecture has Eiffel's Eiffel Tower

What does Literature have?

>> No.8189236

The Fault in Our Stars

>> No.8189237

Oh besides the Odyssey, the Bible, Dante's inferno, Hamlet, paradise lost?

Do you want a strait up novel? Poetry? Plays?

>> No.8189244

Something better than Citizen Kane

>> No.8189613
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Hmm, that's a toughy.

>> No.8189615

>Anime has Anno's Evangelion

Don't worry anon, I sometimes get them confused too.

>> No.8189622

The Eiffel Tower is an eyesore.

>> No.8189656


>> No.8189666

What are we looking for? Something not entirely too special that outsiders disproportionately appreciate and associate with the field?

In that case we have Romeo and Juliette.

Also, in that case K-On! has been replaced by One Reddit Man.

>> No.8189794

>Anime has Kakifly's K-On!

Anime has nothing, you filthy degenerate.

>> No.8189797

>>Painting has Da Vinci's Mona Lisa
>>Sculpture has Michelangelo's David
not completely retarded, but no
>>Film has Welles's Citizen Kane
>>Anime has Kakifly's K-On!
>>Architecture has Eiffel's Eiffel Tower

>> No.8189852

You forgot Beethoven's 9th

Quite a large proportion don't even regard it as his finest symphony, the 3rd or 7th often coming out higher. A common complaint being the chorale finale being an awkward, ill-fitting bolt-on.

But for people who don't know much about classical music it is unconditionally seen as an apex. Just as the other populist works listed are.

>> No.8189861

Aren't Beethoven's string quartets considered to be the apex of Beethoven? The ninth isn't even the best Beethoven, let alone the best musical piece.
Also I'd make the case that Wachet Auf is the best classical composition

>> No.8189885
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>people actually swallows the citizen kane meme

>> No.8189910

It's definitely not the Eiffel Tower as the pinnacle of architecture m8
everything else makes sense despite not being true (anime doesn't belong on that list at all) but the Eiffel Tower is a retarded choice

>> No.8189912
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Citizen Kane is the Gatsby of film - not so technical and prophetic that it's difficult to digest, but just """complex""" and """inspired""" enough that it satisfies the plebs.

>> No.8189923
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>anime has Oshii's Angel's egg

>> No.8189934

>not Kino no Tabi for anime

>> No.8189935

The bolt on choir keeps the lacanian object of desire in this case perfection in focus and the awkward instrumental after critiques the whole symphony. It's a perfect symphony only that's like the 3/7 as truly above it.

>> No.8189939

>implying Gatsby isn't a technical wonder
plebs don't read it for the technical aspects and they don't realize they're there, plebs just want a story of a super rich guy trying to fuck some puss

>> No.8189999

>Calling it by its weeb name
Mushi-shi and Haibane Renmei are better sempai.

>> No.8190086

Oh, the musicality of it!

>> No.8190097

The pinnacle of music is Bach's Art of Fugue.

>> No.8190505
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Shit checked for quads of supreme number 9

>> No.8190509

good digits

trash opinion

>> No.8190516

>still listening to beethoven
>not listening to better contempory composers such as the finest Takashi Yoshimatsu
>brainless sheeps

>> No.8190526

The 9th is pretty overrated.

>> No.8190532

Good one.

>> No.8190585

OP you triggered the contrarians into overload

>> No.8190592
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literature has DOGBOYS and it needs nothing else.

>> No.8190598

>the Eiffel tower

>Beethoven's 9th

>including anime

Off yourself t b q h

>> No.8190608
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>Architecture has Eiffel's Eiffel Tower
Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.8190611


>> No.8190618

This is the worst board.

>> No.8190696

>all these dumbasses getting triggered
You are missinterpreting OP. He isn't talking about the apexes of those fields, but those works most associated with it in mainstream culture. For literature I second >>8189666

>> No.8190757

>Anime has Yatabe's Boku No Pico
Ftfy senpai

>> No.8190759

Gatsby is the perfect book for high schoolers because it shows how being a thirsty beta and missing your ex is severe faggotry

>> No.8190773

Romeo and Juliet is a play...

>> No.8190786

If we're going for meme tier shit then...

Film has Shawshank
Anime has Akira
Literature has The Iliad and the Odyssey

Also I don't think anime should be on this list at all, it's just shitty film the same way that pop music isn't listed here.

>> No.8190805

You sound like a pseudo-intellectual who doesn't know the first thing about music. Also it's not the perfect symphony, the third movement is boring as hell and the fourth has some of the sloppiest writing (particularly from the brass and woodwind) ever in a major work.

>> No.8190811

Video games have The LAst of Us which is the Citizen Kane of video games

>> No.8190817

Said the idiotic pseud.

Stop shitposting. Why are you even here?

>> No.8190818

agreed on awful third movement. fourth movement is forgivable imo because of the formal brilliance and innovations associated with it. details can be overlooked.

the first movement had a strong claim to bring the most perfect first movement ever written in the entire repertoire however.

>> No.8190846

To easily dismiss Citizen Kane you'd have to be a dumb faggot who knows absolutely nothing about film. It's one of the most innovative and influential films of all time. Before it films just used boring shots like simply showing everything going on in a 2 dimensional plane and just filming dialogue shot reverse shot zoomed in on the character talking's face etc. but in Citizen Kane deep focus camera was used which added complexity to the characters and to the visual story telling, this all really influenced film noir and brought back traditional theatrical staging to film. Plus the use of sound to transition from one scene to another in the film is used in pretty much every movie now, plus the use of flashback and unreliable narration, which had only really been done in novels, plus way more I'm too lazy to write. This information is widely available

>> No.8190869


Only Americans think Shawshank is quintessential cinema.

>> No.8190881


>> No.8190895

>Music has Lmafo's Party Rock Anthem
>Painting has Worhol's Campbells Soup Cans
>Sculpture has Bonavita's Many Colors
>Film has DreamWorks' Minions
>Anime has Naruto
>Architecture has the Kremlin
What does literature have?

>> No.8190928

>video games are art

Though since anime is included I guess it's ok.

>> No.8190937

Yeah and plays are written in books, man.

>> No.8190948
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>The LAst of Us which is the Citizen Kane of video games

>> No.8190949

Probably one of these.

>Architecture has Eiffel's Eiffel Tower
>Not the Chrysler Building or Fallingwater

>> No.8191007

>Chrysler Building
That's an achievement in building engineering. The architecture isn't that notable. Falling Water is a better option, but lacks in scale.

>> No.8191044

Technical innovations are worthless on their own.

>> No.8191068

Video games shouldnt be judged on how much they attempt to be choose your own adventure books, but rather how well they create art that is reliant on the medium of an interactive experience to best evoke the spirit of the work.

My vote goes to Shadow of the Colossus for gaming's masterpiece. If you disagree, you can fight me.

>> No.8191378

The joke's on you, because I, in fact, do know nothing about film :^)

>> No.8191397

Architecture actually has Eiffel's Eiffel's Eiffel tower2

>> No.8191419

lol owned!

>> No.8191423

Music has trout mask replica

>> No.8191432

t. someone who has never seen Vertigo

>> No.8191435

Infinite Jest

>not World Trade Centers

>> No.8191445
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>implying anime is art

>> No.8191462

Anime has Yu-Yu Hakusho

>> No.8191463

War and Peace

>> No.8191469

Why is scale a requirement? The Mona Lisa is quite small.

>> No.8191473

>i don't get it

>> No.8191521

Can someone explain what that picture is supposed to mean?

>> No.8191532

One implication is that anime fans don't have a solid counter argument when people call out pretentiouss anime, unlike fans of more high brow art forms. No idea about the last part.

>> No.8191749

Yoshimatsu has some good pieces but most is straight up garbage. Refer to Thomas Adès for good contemporary.

>> No.8191778

what are the good pieces by Yoshimatsu and Adès?

>> No.8191794

Vertov > Welles

>> No.8191842

Ah these posts reminded me that there's this contemporary(-ish) componist i want to check out, but i always forget his name, and it's been bothering me for long.
The one i heard was a string quartet (maybe more), very dissonant and screeching, and seemingly completely chaotic, watching them play was very interesting to me, but i can't for the life of me trace it back.

Anyone care to help, i think his last name was very piercing, like spike or spicek, something like that.

>> No.8191852

What do people see in Citizen Kane? I thought it was decent maybe great for the time but I dunno

>> No.8191859

Anime is film.

>> No.8191876
File: 88 KB, 768x768, 1464754463383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Not Serial Experiments Lain
>Not Haruhi Suzumiya

>> No.8191881

All the film students of the 50s and 60s studied it, so they went on to teach their students that it was basically the best thing since sliced bread and so forth until it was eventually universally acknowledged that Citizen Kane was the best movie ever made.

>> No.8191886

Realtalk, though, is there anyone here who didn't like End of Evangelion?

>> No.8191889

the go-to would be EVA, but one would think they'd opt for Haruhi.

>> No.8191896

Sort of like The Beatles, I get it.

>> No.8191936

Schnittke? Bacewicz, Xenakis? I know a lot of string quartets but a contemporary composer with a name like that isn't familiar

Ades - Asyla, Violin Concerto 'Concentric Paths', Powder Her Face, Polaris
Yoshimatsu - Pleiades Dances, Threnody to Toki, Piano concerto 'Memo Flora'

>> No.8191943

Sorry this was in reply to >>8191842

>> No.8191971

Schnittke was the closest one, but i already checked him.
I've never heard his name before, so he's not any of the big ones, like Xenakis or Penderecki.

>> No.8191983

The fuck? Do people here actually watch anime? I thought this was an 18+ board.

>> No.8191986


Schoenberg? Ligeti? Krzysztof Penderecki?

>> No.8192005

none, he has to be way more contemporary than a schoenberg, because this music wasn't just serialism, but proper avant-garde.

>> No.8192006

>implying all anime is for kids.
In that case, nobody over 18 can like South Park, Family Guy, Rick and Morty, etc. because cartoons are for kids

>> No.8192015
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>South Park, Family Guy, Rick and Morty

>> No.8192016

at least those have elements of adult humor

Anime is made for mentally deficient and emotionally stunted manchildren

>> No.8192023


>> No.8192039
File: 21 KB, 467x337, boxxy-trollin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying shows like Fruit of Grisaia, Nichibros, or Cowboy Bebop don't have adult humor.
I chose three very different shows on purpose. Anime is as diverse as most other mediums, but any medium has tropes and the mainstream ones don't portray anime in a positive light, I suppose. Either way, you're trolling.

>> No.8192048


I haven't watched any of those kind of shows since I was 19

>> No.8192076
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, 1464252891151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at thiss picture & (and) tell me that its for manchildren

>> No.8192089

Which amino is this?

>> No.8192095
File: 550 KB, 1180x1920, 1465812918339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares dude its just a hobbyt

>> No.8192106

Yuru Yuri

>> No.8192123

whats wrong with being that? words don't hurt

>> No.8192188

Elliott Sharp?

>> No.8192237


>> No.8192457

They aren't on their own, you philistine.

>> No.8192479

Certain shots are superb, and it also has many of the artistic merits of a good novel.

>> No.8192495

You chose the wrong line of attack against these imbeciles. That's exactly what they wanted to here, it gives the idiots license to retreat behind this cheap cliches:
>See it just happened to be influential! I'm not retarded for being unable to understand it!
They don't realize that innovation isn't enough. If these innovations had not been skillfully utilized by a genius, the film would have been worthless.

>> No.8192507

>the bible

Which version? Also lol.

>> No.8192513

the dream in the red chamber

>> No.8192725

K-ON is literally as deep as NGE but K-ON wins for not being as pretentious and for having (marginally) less autistic fans.

>> No.8192739
File: 88 KB, 640x618, 1442759403020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gaiman's Coraline
>Kafka's The Metamorphosis

These are the two greatest books of all time.
>inb4 plebs who can't speak German say Kafka is shit

>> No.8192744

My Diary To Be Honest

>> No.8192748

>Music was Beethoven's 9th Symphony?

Are you fucking retarded? When you discuss Beethoven with anyone, the first thing the layman would say is hum the 5TH. When you see some bullshit advertisement with Beethoven playing, it's the 5TH

Fuck you you fucking pseudo pretentious cunt that knows fucking nothing

>> No.8192761

hmm yess the 5th..i presume that is what the "layman" or pop jingler would cite as beethoven's best...i, however, find an early 19th century musical transcription of beethovens bedroom farts to be the far superior piece...

>> No.8192773

I don't even know where to begin with this post

>> No.8192782

thats strange. its the opposite in my reality with the 9th. Seeing it in Zizek's film really made that impression too.


>> No.8192785
File: 476 KB, 1920x1080, end-of-evangelion-208210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it actually? I like Eva because it's visually incredible and because the symbolism and plot are fun (not "deep", Anno himself has said as much), but really it's all about the feels and the perspective on human emotions and relations. So if K-On has something like that, I'm certainly open to it. I just always assumed it was moeshit.

>> No.8192811

It's just a moe show, that it's deep is just a meme.

>> No.8192819

I don't know if he was serious but I felt like it captures life well in a positive tone as opposed to Evangelion focusing on the more serious questions. I kind of is moeshit "cute girls doing cute stuff" but I don't think anyone could actually hate it if they watched it

>> No.8192830

One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.8192832
File: 266 KB, 384x288, 1456788074861.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K-On is like anime's Ulysses: There are hidden references to lots of great works blended into the story so transparently that people unfamiliar with the source material will miss them completely.

Read Anna Karenina, The Atrocity Exhibition (Ballard), The Sickness Unto Death, Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Critique of Pure Reason, then go rewatch K-ON.

>> No.8192848

k-on is more like a jane austen novel but a particularly bad one and a lot worse

>> No.8194670

I understand the idea that modern art is supposed to invoke emotions in you, but I still think it's bullshit.

Interstellar was also a 6/10 film with alright science (to a point) and good cinematography. The plot was absolute shit-tier, though.

>> No.8194708

>beethoven's 9th
>not brahms piano concerto n.1
You literally don't know anything about music, do you?

>> No.8194709

You literally missed the point didn't you?

>> No.8194719

No he was clearly going for the "pinnacle of the genre" category, otherwise thr anime would have been something actually mainstream like kenshiro or pokemon

>> No.8194722

You spelled "chaconne in d minor for violin" wrong

>> No.8194726

>>Anime has Kakifly's K-On!

yeah buddy

>> No.8194729

You're stupid.

>> No.8194730

>Not mainstream

I think you need to stop.

>> No.8194954

K on is not mainstream, as a weeb your worldview is distorted

>> No.8194966
File: 83 KB, 1000x1000, Sigmund-Freud-1935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not deep
Read all of Freud's major works then re-watch EVA and you will shit yourself. Anno really knew his Freud.

>> No.8194971
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Is Beethoven's 7th Symphony (2nd movement) pleb-tier?

It's my favourite piece from him desu.

>> No.8194976

He didn't say they are objectively the best, you dumb. They are the most widely perceived to be the best, or at least the most well known.

>> No.8194989

It was very innovative and experimental for the time and it led to a greater knowledge about the boundaries of repetition but I wouldn't call it the best of beethoven by a stretch

>> No.8194996

Senpai, that is also my favorite desu

>> No.8195000

>objectively the best
This isn't even a thing. All is subjective when it comes to art.

>> No.8195020

This nigger got it.

>> No.8195025

The Quixote you plebeian, uncultured fuck

>> No.8195188

>art is subjective

sure is pleb in here

>> No.8195212

You know that it is true to an extent; who can say what's better between war and peace and don quixote?

>> No.8195213


>> No.8195228

Mozart's Requiem is better than gaytoven's 9th

>> No.8195231


>> No.8195257

>* is objective
Sure is spooky in here

>> No.8195266

Wow, found the pleb.

>> No.8195360

>things plebs say

also lol at "mozart"'s requiem. don't you mean sussmayr my little pleblet?

>> No.8195371

>Painting : Mona Lisa.

Obviously you don't know nothing.

>> No.8195373
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>> No.8195374


>Painting : Mona Lisa.

Fucking Pleb

>> No.8195381
File: 2.54 MB, 1800x2400, delillos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn play SOTC for the first time again.