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/lit/ - Literature

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8185081 No.8185081 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite work of poetry?

>> No.8185088

my diary desu senpai

>> No.8185090

10 Crack Commandments by Smalls, Biggie

>> No.8185097


>> No.8185111

Would Paradise Lost count?
I do love some of the story's in Metamorphosis though.

>> No.8185117


Songs of Innocence and of Experience

(haven't read much poetry though)

>> No.8185137

God's Father by Lil B.

>> No.8185155

Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

>> No.8185156

The Sea and the Mirror by Auden
Or the posthumous "More Poems" by Housman

>> No.8185223
File: 288 KB, 999x1000, Flaming_June,_by_Fredrick_Lord_Leighton_(1830-1896).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herr God, Herr Lucifer
Beware, Beware
Out of the ashes, I rise
With my red hair
And I eat men like AIR

>> No.8185227

>With my red hair
>And I eat men like AIR

now, and it was not considered a moon-june-spoon type of rhyme because the freaking silvia plath wrote it

quod licet jovi, non licet bovi

american poets past poe and longfellow are hacks

>> No.8185236

What is your point, exactly?

>> No.8185436

stop posting retard

>> No.8185441

I don't know but I can tell you what the biggest meme poem is

started with the and ends with raven

>> No.8185484

The abominable Wes Craven?

>> No.8185496
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>tripfag on an anonymous board trying to rant about hacks

>> No.8185501


>> No.8185542

the japs did it better.

>> No.8185551

The Tower by Yeats or Personae by Pound.

>> No.8185573

>american poets past poe and longfellow are hacks
>Wallace Stevens is a hack
>Ezra Pound is a hack
>William Carlos Williams is a hack
>Hart Crane is a hack
>John Ashbery is a hack
Go back to whatever board you came from, pseud.

>> No.8185574

My Immortal?

>> No.8185618

Emily Dickinson's shit i guess

That and Leaves of Grass, though ive had waves where i passionately hated that thing. shits rambly and boring and poorly written, bur i think thats kinda the point.

>> No.8185634

Die Bürgschaft by Schiller.
I cried the first time I heard it.

There's just so many parts where the emotion is palatable, especially the panic Damon feels as he's running up and down the riverbank- it get's me everytime.

>> No.8185644
File: 77 KB, 532x478, Slays_Hector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iliad, of course. When I'm 40 it will be the Odyssey.

>> No.8186314

wow your entire post is awful and senseless

>> No.8186378

Sunflower Sutra by Ginsberg.

>> No.8187059

Tell me a line make it easy for me
Open your arms
Dance with me until I feel all right
It's good in the dark, good in the dark
But into the lover's light
Here comes another fight

So ring the alarm, ring the alarm
Bar me and hold me and cling to my arm
Here it comes, here it comes

And what you're asking me now, disastrous now
Hoping and hoping and hoping
The feeling goes away

Never change, never change, never change, never change
Never change, never change, never change
This is why I fell in love

Never change, never change, never change, never change
Never change, never change, never change
That's just too up there in love with

This is the time the very best time
So give me a line and take me home
Take me over

But dashing the hopes dashing the hopes
And smashing the pride
The morning's got you on the ropes

And love is a murderer, love is a murderer
But if she calls you tonight
Everything is all right
Yeah, we know
And love is a curse shoved in a hearse
Love is an open book to a verse of your bad poetry
And this is coming from me

But I can change, I can change, I can change, I can change
I can change, I can change, I can change
If it helps you fall in love

Turn on the light make it easy for me
Fill the divide fumble in the kitchen
Til it's right
What an awful sight

But there's love in your eyes
Love in your eyes, love in your eyes
But maybe that's just what your lover finds
All night!

But I can change, I can change, I can change, I can change
I can change, I can change, I can change
If it helps you fall in love

>> No.8187841

isn't it clear? i think my post couldn't be clearer in what my point was

on a side note, it reminded me tennyson's kraken, lol:

>Until the latter fire shall heat the deep;
>Then once by men and angels to be seen,
>In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.

now, tennyson was a real poet


>Wallace Stevens is a hack
ok, he wrote a nice poem about ice cream
>Ezra Pound is a hack
hack, even lovecraft scolded jews better in his letters
>William Carlos Williams is a hack
literally who unknown outside of the usa
>Hart Crane is a hack
literally who known for appearing on the blowjob eyes macro on 4chan /lit/
>John Ashbery is a hack
literally who unknown outside of the usa

>> No.8187853

Don't you have summer reading you should be doing

>> No.8187855

eugene onegin

>> No.8187862

Probably the strongest emotion I've felt from a poem came from Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird by Wallace Stevens. It gives me chills as well as a weird, subtle, feeling of dread and I have no idea why...

>> No.8187885

paradise lost

>> No.8187901

now, tell me how my criticism of plath is not valid and it's certainly not a forced rhyme there which she could get away with because reasons

>> No.8188012
File: 342 KB, 720x818, bird'sfoottrefoil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont actually read: the post
Just stop

>> No.8188028

Duino Elegies, Rainer Maria Rilke

>> No.8188447


>> No.8188466

How about you actually read them before you spout stupid shit about them. Better yet, how about you go back to whatever board you came from and, for all of our benefit, stay there.

>> No.8188491

I thought you were an at least passable tripfag, now I know you're a pseud. Goodbye.

>> No.8188501


nice trips


>> No.8188513


What I would have said.

>> No.8188519

I really like Dream Record: June 8th, 1955 by Ginsberg. It's probably my favorite right now.

>> No.8188521

Self Portrait In A Convex Mirror is probably my single favorite poem

>> No.8188687 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 616x600, oppen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your main criteria for hack here is whether or not the poet is a well-known person?

lol stop posting any time

>> No.8188727

Piers Plowman

>> No.8188736

anything by wallace stevens.

why does /lit/ suck with poetry?

>> No.8188742
File: 30 KB, 400x300, See the Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love poetry by the likes of Sappho and Catullus


And how you laugh your charming laugh. Why it
makes my heart flutter within my breast,
because the moment I look at you, right then, for me,
to make any sound at all won’t work any more


To sit where I can see your face
And hear your laughter come and go Is greater bliss than all the gods
Can ever know.

The bright dream carries me away:
Watching your lips, your hair, your cheek
I have so many things to say,
Yet cannot speak. I look, I listen, and my soul Flame

>> No.8188817

>loving Sappho
pseudo poetry fan detected. how can you love someone whos work only survives in tiny fragments

>> No.8188883


i actually visited lit for a while, lit was better back then... it's so pale now, deserted and inhabited by you

but everybody still loves these free style american poets as a good victim of american education should and still cannot stand strong opinions

honestly, your list is pretty lacking, you mentioned three literally whos, didn't mention carl sandburg and t.s. elliot, leaving aside whitman (though whitman is of longfellow times); but at least you didn't mention somebody like langston hughes muh nigga poet nigga can be a poet just like mista white, and also you didn't mention emily dickinson muh feminism a spinster writing random ramblings can be a poet too poet, so you are not completely lost... though dickinson is of longfellow times so maybe you didn't mention her for that reason while actually you worship her poetry

>> No.8188899

Should I read Rimbaud with the English translations or just not bother

>> No.8188903

right, so anyone who ever says they admire or love Sappho is a pseud, because her work exists in fragments. You are a retard.

>> No.8188917

admire, sure. you can't love something that essentially exists only as a concept.

>> No.8188931

>only as a concept
the surviving fragments are concrete

depends, do you want to read rimbaud?

jesus fucking christ, they don't make them any more stuck up and myopic than you

>> No.8188941

>the surviving fragments are concrete
the surviving fragments are insignificant

>> No.8188950

these people are cool.

also this person

you're fucking terrible and i hate you.

>> No.8188954

clearly not to >>8188742

>> No.8188964

The Iliad

>> No.8188970

English: John Milton, Paradise Lost
German: Rilke, Duino Elegies
Latin: Virgil, Aeneid
Ancient Greek: Homer, Iliad

>> No.8188974

they may be insignificant to you, a lonely loveless virgin, but to me, there is something captivating about a poet from 2800 years ago writing love poetry that accurately conveys sentiments which i might have written myself, that makes it possible to 'love' her poetry, even if it only exists in fragments.

>> No.8189009

Love this
I like Kadish

I'm a big fan of Anne Sexton

>> No.8189011

>honestly, your list is pretty lacking, you mentioned three literally whos
Admitting to never reading them is not a very good argument against their greatness.
>didn't mention carl sandburg and t.s. elliot
Forgot about Eliot; and I'm man enough to say I haven't read Sandburg, so I ain't saying shit about him.
>didn't mention somebody like langston hughes muh nigga poet nigga can be a poet just like mista white, and also you didn't mention emily dickinson muh feminism a spinster writing random ramblings can be a poet too poet
You think in memes, don't you?

As a whole, you seem like someone who would be better off leaving 4chan completely--it's had a profoundly negative effect on you, as a person and as a reader, and it'll only get worse.

>> No.8189019
File: 2.70 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20160527_202248588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck brows, this Kerouac poem still does it for me

>> No.8189138

>Your laugh makes me happy
yeah, I guess I don't get it because you think I'm a virgin. That must be it.
>B-but its just the novelty! Not the poem itself!

>> No.8189620

>Should I read Rimbaud with the English translations or just not bother
Poetry pleb here.
I can't say I overly enjoyed reading him in English

>> No.8189781

It's a forced rhyme that she got away with because it fits.

>> No.8189788

>greek culture was pseud as a whole

>> No.8189789

>ctrl+f Faust
>0 results.


>> No.8189826

Tennyson's "Ulysses"

Mainly because I read The Odyssey in senior year at high school, but also due to the scene in Skyfall where M reads the final lines aloud. That, married with the use of some glorious scores sends chills down my spine.

If you haven't seen it: https://youtu.be/ptqoSZgh7q8?t=76

>> No.8189872


btw, don't take my banter too serious

i have some grudge against american poets though because they overuse free style and it's one of the reasons why poetry is in decline imo

p.s. i still find it amusing that it took me a couple of readings to understand that she actually doesn't write about a leviathan/kraken like lord tennyson did

>> No.8189900
File: 963 KB, 1672x1228, heights2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Ralph Waldo Emerson? He's my favorite American poet.

>> No.8189911

This and The Hollow Men

>> No.8189952
File: 533 KB, 1176x1080, 1465693409753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cross the room
to the last wall
the last window
the last pink sun
with its arm around the world
with its arms around me
I hear the death-whisper of the heron
the bone-thoughts of sea-things
that are almost rock;
this screen caved like a soul
and scrawled with flies,
my tensions and damnations
are those of a pig,
pink sun pink sun
I hate your holiness
crawling your gilded cross of life
as my fingers and feet and face
come down to this
sleeping with the whore of your fancy wife
you must some day die for nothing
as I
have lived.

>> No.8189953

Brodsky's A Part of Speech.
Joyce's Chamber Music.
Nabokov's Poems and Problems.

I'm a pleb when it comes to poetry tho, haven't read much of it and can't tell a good poem from a bad one.

>> No.8190014

I'm a bit of a poetry pleb although I'm slowly working my way out of that through this board
My dad read Prufrock, The Waste Land and The Hollow Men to me as a kid to get me to sleep, so they've stuck with me as favourites for now

>> No.8190079


i like his "uriel"

i also wonder if it affected frank long when he wrote "the hounds of tindalos" (it has a geometric conflict of angles and curves as its core), considering that he quotes a poem from "the book of jade" in his "the space-eaters" he probably had some interest in poetry and likely read emerson

well, emerson by the conflict of the line and the round meant a conflict of the linear time and the eternal recurrence since lines do exist in nature and even were mentioned by uriel himself - sunbeams, rays, but still

>> No.8190085

I'll never understand what people see in Dickinson.

>> No.8192035
File: 1.04 MB, 720x932, goat'srue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overuse free style and it's one of the reasons why poetry is in decline imo
free verse has nothing to do with poetry being "in decline" but I'm curious as to why you think this.

>> No.8192045

>My dad read Prufrock, The Waste Land and The Hollow Men to me as a kid to get me to sleep
Nothing like a lighthearted read to send a kid to dreamland...