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File: 37 KB, 597x403, hp-lovehack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8184041 No.8184041 [Reply] [Original]

>it's the most horrible thing you ever seen brah
>dude you'll totally have your mind blown and go crazy when you see it
*Fish man with tentacles for a beard walks in*
>have you gone mad yet? haha you can't even comprehend what you're seeing can you? be

lovecraft meme needs to die already, he was a talentless hack

>> No.8184053

quality post OP
absolutely and utterly epic haha!

>> No.8184069
File: 26 KB, 580x386, 95b91271fbbd763c3b3f608b6759bf33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you about quadrangles and pentangles that will totally blow your feeble little mind, kiddo

The landscape of this terrorverse is literally so difficult to comprehend it defies logic! Behold and despair...

>> No.8184083
File: 104 KB, 630x806, 91f15d049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take geometry class
>fucking angles how do they work
>fail out
>this must be the work of the fishmen
>forever vilify the subject in your future works

>> No.8185252

>accidentally posts the entire plot summary to Lovecraft's "The Unnamable"

>> No.8185261
File: 15 KB, 599x181, 1466102978001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something quite aristocratic about his eloquent racism.

>> No.8185270

Now here is a man who has seen the horrors of a community swimming pool.

>> No.8185273

>can you imagine sensitive persons bathing near a pack of greasy chimpanzees?
I kekk'd, I don't agree, but I kekk'd

>> No.8185276 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 279x440, vol4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovecraft is one of few who could be deemed highly sublime in the horror genre.

>> No.8185293


hounds of tindalos was written not by lovecraft though, it was written by frank long

also it's easily better than any horror story by lovecraft himself

p.s. curves are harder to study than angles


>Asiatic type of puffy, rat-faced Jew

who are those?

>> No.8185296
File: 223 KB, 404x507, c26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the whole universe he created, but they all read kinda the same

>> No.8185299

>it's the most horrible thing you ever seen brah
>dude you'll totally have your mind blown and go crazy when you see it
*a cat called nigger man walks in*

>> No.8185300


>> No.8185309

>>can you imagine sensitive persons bathing near a pack of greasy chimpanzees?
Lmao he doesn't chill. But I heard somewhere that his racism increased a lot when he had one of his depressive phases, so I assume he had the major blues early 1925.

>> No.8185343

All I've read from him are "Rats in the Walls," where a man goes mad because he found his ancestry, which is all he has left, is that of cannibalism and cruelty, "The Color Out Of Space," where no one goes mad, "The Call of Cthulhu," where only sensitive non-narrator persons go mad explicitly due to Cthulhu being psychic, and "At the Mountains of Madness," where, again, no one goes mad.

>> No.8185395

>At the Mountains of Madness," where, again, no one goes mad.

t. mad guy

>> No.8185435

yeah the other plane dude goes mad

>> No.8185442

Top kek.

>> No.8185444

Forgot about that tertiary-ass character.
Does anyone remember what exactly he goes mad from? At least it wasn't indescribable, the only one who saw the indescribable thing was the narrator who I'm pretty sure stays put-together.

>> No.8185447

When Lovecraft was writing non-Euclidian geometry was the new hotness.

>> No.8185459

he refuses to say what he saw while the narrator doesnt see it so we dont know.

>> No.8185462

>"The Color Out Of Space," where no one goes mad

The farmer dude who had his whole family killed off actually goes pretty fucking postal.

>> No.8185473

He is in a plane and looks over another even bigger mountain range and sees something and goes insane from seeing it.

>> No.8185475

Well that's understandable, really.

Fuck, I read these too long ago.

>> No.8185668

basically a god-tier type being hiding in the mountains that only he sees as they're flying over. I think it's hinted at here and there (and expanded on in "lovecraft canon" fanfic)

>> No.8185673

woa lmao really makes u think

>> No.8185676

fucking ruining lovecraft but thank you.