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8183979 No.8183979 [Reply] [Original]

>last 5 books you read
>other anons give you feedback

>> No.8184000

War and Piece, Galapagos, Letters from Seneca, The Ego and His Own, and currently reading Van Gogh's letters

>> No.8184012
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>> No.8184029

I, Claudius
Pictor's Metamorphosis and other stories
Tales of ETA Hoffman

>> No.8184032

The Cantos by Ezra Pound
Underworld by Don DeLillo
Adventures in the Alaskan Skin Trade by John Hawkes
Selected Poems by John Ashbery
Omensetter's Luck by William Gass (2nd reread)

>> No.8184034

the recognitions
mason and dixon
the sound and the fury
what we talk about when we talk about love

come at me niggers

>> No.8184039

IJ, Selected Tweets, Americana, IJ, Fear and Trembling

>> No.8184040

I don't read

-Stirner (you probably don't have the Hegel background)


>> No.8184043

meme hard brother

>> No.8184046

The Road
The Martian
Stone of Tears
Hitchhiker's Guide
Wizard's First Rule

>> No.8184048


>> No.8184060

>War and Piece
I wanna start it soon. Seneca made me mad when I read parts of On The Shortness of Life because he basically said "lol dont work!"
My local half priced book store didnt have any Pound : /
I loved sound and the fury. Just found Against The Day for like 2 dollars, Ill get to M&D one day

>> No.8184061

Some serious reading dude. Did Stirner live up to the memes?

Looks like some fun reading

I literally haven't heard of any of this

More serious stuff. Good on you anons.

My last 5 were the Karamazov brothers, falling man, history of -------, sunshine sketches of a little town, and the chrysalids, I read the odyssey before that as well.

>> No.8184072

The Aleph
Sallys söner
Alice in Zombieland
Moby Dick

>> No.8184075

>I literally haven't heard of any of this

Robert Graves
Hermann Hesse
ETA Hoffman (lol)
Shusaku Endo
Richard Powers

>> No.8184085

Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay - Ferrante
The Formation of Muscovy - Crummy
Eichmann in Jerusalem - Arendt
The Story of a New Name - Ferrante
Season of Migration to the North - Salih


At least you are trying

>> No.8184087

Notes From Underground
Iphigenia in Aulis
The Argonautica
Dead Souls
The Trojan Women

>> No.8184095
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One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Bleak House
The War of the Worlds

>> No.8184096

>My local half priced book store didnt have any Pound
I've never seen a single thing by Pound at a physical bookstore, chain or local; so you're probably better off using amazon or something.

>> No.8184098

Crito/The Apology/Euthyphro
The Catcher in the Rye (reread)
The Metamorphosis
Julius Ceasar

>> No.8184100

the public burning
quiet flows the Don
life and fate
mama day
life a user's manual

>> No.8184120

The Bone Clocks- David Mitchell
The Fireman- Joe Hill
Haunted- Chuck Palahniuk
Two Serpents Rise- Max Gladstone
Connectome- Sebanstian Seung

>> No.8184122

total pleb

>> No.8184125

That's a mighty fine book selection, especially The Public Burning and Life a User's Manual; no one ever talks about either of them here.

>> No.8184128
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>Atlas Shrugged
>A Collection of Kafka's Short Stories
>As I Lay Dying (I dropped it halfway, tho)
>Bad Girl
>The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.8184130

yeah they were both really damn good and I wasn't expecting to get blow. away going into them.

>> No.8184132


Was life and fate as good as it sounds? I love the first few pages, i just can never commit to the whole thing

>> No.8184134

>I dropped it halfway, tho
its on my shelf, what made you stop?

>> No.8184144

The plot and dialogue was cliche, imo. I'm also not a fan of Stream of Consciousness.

>> No.8184145

Same. The Public Burning is one of my favorite books now.

>> No.8184147

Orlando Innamorato
Social History of Art Volume I
Social History of Art Volume II
Social History of Art Volume III
Social History of Art Volume IV


Trojan Women sucks.

>> No.8184148
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>Zero K
>White Noise
>Runaway Horses
>The Setting Sun
>The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.8184151

The Freud Reader
The Ego and His Own
Part One of Divine Comedy (why did I buy it like this and why do they print it like this)
The Portable Nietzsche

>> No.8184154

9. The Fall of Paris by Alistair Horne
10. This Is the Ritual by Rob Doyle
11. Lanark by Alasdair Gray
12. Sabbath’s Theater by Phillip Roth
13. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

>> No.8184156


And I fucking love it senpai

>> No.8184157


Now read Orlando Furioso

>> No.8184158

yeah dude it was great

>> No.8184175

ABC of Reading by Pound
A Confederacy of Dunces by Toole
Four Major Plays (A Doll's House, Ghosts, Hedda Gabler, The Master Builder) by Ibsen
A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway
Infinite Jest by Wallace

Also read The End of the Affair by Greene midway through IJ.

>> No.8184184

I've actually read it first, Boiardo doesn't even compare.

>> No.8184190


Nothing ever lives up to the memes, but I find its a good philosophy to further justify the sort of people who take to master over slave morality.

>> No.8184204


I'll freely admit that I'm a beginner. I arguably just started reading seriously a few years ago and I regularly go through depressive spells where and I read nothing and sulk about the fact that I read nothing for months.

>> No.8184573



>> No.8184580

infinite jest
infinite jest
infinite jest
infinite jest
fight club

>> No.8184596
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you should check out infinite jest
throw in some marx to round out your "how2modernism"
>doesn't finish as I lay dying
>finishes atlas shrugged

Gilles Deleuze: A Guide for the Perplexed - Claire Colebrook
Carmilla - Sheridan le Fanu
Gilles Deleuze: An Introduction - Todd May
Crash - JG Balls
Blindsight - Peter Watts

>> No.8184632

A Visit from the Goon Squad (gf recommendation), The Trial, Candide, The Magic Mountain, and The Road

>> No.8184640


>> No.8184654
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I fucking hate Atlas Shrugged. Your thoughts?

1. Stalin: Volume 1
2. Mythology - Edith Hamilton
3. The Iliad - Homer and Fagles
3.5 reread the Odyssey, doesn't really count
4. Histories - Herodotus
5. The Name of the Rose

>> No.8184655

Hill William - Scott McClanahan
Cezanne: A Life - Alex Danchev
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
Taking Care - Joy Williams
The Soft Machine - William S. Burroughs

i like that you joked about the other anon's "how2modernism" when you seem to be boarding the "how2postmodernism" train.

>> No.8184661

The Dwarves
The War of the Dwarves
The Revenge of the Dwarves (Stopped halfway through)
Roadside Picnic
Currently reading Dune.

I've never been a big reader but I've been reading a lot more recently

>> No.8184671


Currently reading IJ

Cuckleberry Finn
The Metamorphosis (reread)
Collected works of HP Lovecraft
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
My most recent novel

>> No.8184678

>i like that you joked about the other anon's "how2modernism" when you seem to be boarding the "how2postmodernism" train.
i like that you like that. you board trains much more efficiently when you don't deceive yourself. btw wuthering heights is shit.

>> No.8184686

>btw wuthering heights is shit
I thought to myself, "hey, this anon is pretty cool and funny" up until you said that dumb shit.

>> No.8184692

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
I Am Legend
Black Beauty
Communion Town
The Urth of the New Sun

>> No.8184697


But Wuthering Heights is shit

>le moor
>le heathcliff
>hanging puppies off the back of a chair is characterization

Anon plz

>> No.8184700
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gotta stay on your toes my man. why did you like it? it has been a very long time since I read it.

>> No.8184704

I Am Legend is written quite poorly but it's still one of my favourite books.

>> No.8184725

last words from montmartre - qiu miaojin
a heartbreaking word of staggering genius - dave eggers (i think)
m train - patti smith
tres - bolano
some ether - nick flynn

>> No.8184730

is fear and trembling a meme? i thought it was just a pretty cool kierkeegard

>> No.8184750

That dog really fucking annoys me

>> No.8184755

The Well of Ascension
The Hero of Ages
The Way of Kings

I recently discovered Brandon Sanderson and read these all in the past 3 weeks, currently reading Words of radiance

>> No.8184766

I thought the characters were interesting and complex, if unlikeable. The novel's general atmosphere is relentlessly dank and gloomy which I'm into. I found the dynamic between Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange compelling. I enjoy Bronte's prose the way I enjoy Melville's or Hawthorne's. I like novels about gender politics.

>Selected Tweets
memes aside, selected tweets is cool.

>> No.8184794
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The sun also rises
The book thief
The crying of lot 49
Fear and loathing in Las Vegas

I liked them all but the sun also rises, any recs?

>> No.8184798

House of Leaves
Cloud Atlas
Battle Royale
The Sound and the Fury
The Martian

>> No.8184802
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>A Scanner Darkly
>Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
>The Old Man and the Sea
>The Dharma Bums
>Satori in Paris

>> No.8184804

The Dead/Joyce
The Trial/Kafka
Remembrance of Things Past/Proust
Pale Fire/Nabokov

Read Ubik/Dick if you haven't.

Hitchhiker's Guide is awful.

Moby Dick is a masterpiece.

Only Beckett's trilogy is worth reading.

Just ordered Silence myself. What did you think of it?

Lombardo's translation is better. Don't really like Fag-les.

Good choice on The Trial. It's a masterpiece.

Stay away from Freud, unlearn him whatever you do.

TCoL49 is Pynchon's best work.

>> No.8184808

Good reads; awful opinions. Don't be so loud next time, will ya?

>> No.8184809

Theogony/Works and days-Hesiod
Volverás a Región-Juan Benet
The Sickness unto Death-Soren Kierkegaard
Complete short stories-Hemmmmmmmingway

>> No.8184812
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Had you read the trial before? What did you think of it? I'm thinking of rereading it, I wasn't crazy about it.

>> No.8184814 [DELETED] 

They're all good opinions, don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.8184828

They're all good opinions, don't know what you're talking about.

I read it in German so I don't know how good the translation is. Like I said, my opinion is that it's a masterpiece. My favorite of Kafka's so far, haven't read The Metamorphosis yet though.

>> No.8184839

>Stay away from Freud, unlearn him whatever someone with shitty taste is afraid of Freud? guess I know what I'm reading next

>> No.8184842
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I liked the metamorphosis more, much more eventful for me, and more concise.

It's strange though, even though I didn't like the trial very much there is something about Kafka that seems almost magnetic to me.

>> No.8184850

sein und zeit
wahrheit und methode
doktor faustus
the sickness unto death

>> No.8184853

They're not, really: Hitchhiker's Guide is, when you consider it for what it is, not that bad (not great, of course, but not that bad); How It Is and Ping are just as good--depending on the person, maybe better--as Beckett's trilogy, and you would know that if you actually read them; giving yourself background and context for an entire field of study is, in no way, something that should be avoided; and TCoL49 is, even by his own account, one of Pynchon's weakest novels, especially when you compare it to Gravity's Rainbow, Mason & Dixon, and, in some aspects, Against the Day. Again, good books, but you should really chill with the opinions, especially because you didn't even bother to back them up.

>> No.8184855

i'm reading being and time right now
heidegger is my favorite nazi.

>> No.8184875

he's a nazi like the conservative revolutionary "nazis" (Schmitt, Juenger, etc)

>> No.8184878

I've only read Waiting for Godot beside his trilogy and didn't like it, and I've read Nabokov's criticisms so I was partly basing my opinion on his. I couldn't finish Hitchhiker's Guide and I like both humor and science fiction, the prose put me off. To me TCoL49 feels the most unique of his novels which is why I like it the most, it was the most Pynchon. The reason I didn't want to back my opinions was because I don't think they're actually "good," I said that jokingly and my opinions tend to be unpopular.

>> No.8184884

weight of glory, prose edda, a christmas carol, psychology as religion, portrait of the artist as a young man

>> No.8185049
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Things Fall Apart
Brave New World

>> No.8185059

how did you like 10:04?

>> No.8185423

Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
The Summer Book
Infinite Jest

>> No.8185449


listen to more drones and read less lerner. also don't see kavan much on here (if we're talking about the same book) good taste m8.

>> No.8185463

Kingdom of Fear
Hell's Angels: A Strange And Terrible Saga
The Outsider (Colin Wilson)
The Hobbit
The Great Gatsby

>> No.8185743

Morning Star, Golden Son and Red Rising by Pierce Brown

Starship Troopers and Tunnel In the Sky by Robert Heinlen.

>> No.8185760

Most is somewhat above average, except for the war scenes with the cut-off detachment, which should have been the whole book.

>> No.8185843

Waiting for Godot
Kafka on the shore
A hunger artist
Anna Karenina

>> No.8185857

The Informers
Desolation Angels
American Tabloid (re-read)
The Cold Six Thousand (re-read)

>> No.8185875

>patti smith

for me:
>franny and zooey by salinger
>the bell jar
>the liars' club by kary karr
>to the lighthouse
>a sort of life by graham greene

>> No.8185909
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>The Sergeant In The Snow - Rigoni Stern
>Inherent Vice - Pynchon
>Stoner - Williams
>Portrait Of A Lady - James
>Nausea - Sartre

>> No.8185920

Soul platonov
Bukharin and the Russian revolution Cohen
Edward II Marlowe
Massacre of Paris Marlowe
The power and the glory Greene

>> No.8185947

Big Sur - Kerouac
Post Office - Bukowski
Notes from a Dead House - Dostoevsky
The Essential Ginsberg (majority of it)
Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry 2nd Ed. - Whitman, Dickinson

Not all in that order, intermingled.

>> No.8186002
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>> No.8186007

Paradise lost
Kafka on the shore
The ego and it's own
Gravities rainbow
Ride the tiger

What next?
Reading Nick land atm

>> No.8186022

europe central
Giles goat boy
a frolic of his own
in the heart of the heart of the country

>> No.8186024

>>patti smith
>>the bell jar
>>to the lighthouse
are you a cuckold

>> No.8186038

nah just queer

>> No.8186121

Karen Blixen - Babette's feast
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaugtherhouse 5
Ernest Hemmingway - To have and have not
Knut Hamsun - Hunger
Thomas Mann - Death in Venice

>> No.8186150

Travesty that Gadamer is what we get after Heidegger

>> No.8186153

babies first book read

>> No.8186201

Taipei by Tao Lin
Berkeley literature lectures by Julio Cortázar
El Aprendizaje del Escritor by Borges
My Struggle #1 by Knausgård
La Gallina Ciega by Max Aub

>> No.8186208

1. Faust I & II - Goethe
2. Anna Karenina - Tolstoy
3. Furiously Happy - Lawson
4. For Whom The Bell Tolls - Hemingway
5. House Made of Dawn - Momaday

>> No.8186212

>My Struggle #1 by Knausgård

Just saw the IQ2 interview with him which made me interested in the books, what did you think of the 1st?

>> No.8186770

How was Last Words From Montmartre? Just picked it up. Might read that next.

>> No.8186783

Crime and Punishment
IJ (reread)

Now reading the Bible

>> No.8186801

Out - Natsuo kirino
Coin locker babies - Ryu murakami
Life - Kieth Richards
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
Piercing - Ryu murakami

>> No.8186806

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
To the Lighthouse
The Savage Detectives
Pale Fire
Where I'm Calling From

What should I read next? (I didn't really like Fear and Loathing)

>> No.8186889

End of the Affair - Graham Greene
All That Is - James Salter
New York Trilogy - Paul Auster
Oryx & Crake - Margaret Atwood
Between the Acts - Virginia Woolf

>> No.8186895
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Beyond Good and Evil
Human, All Too Human
The Last Days of Socrates
The World as Will and Representation (Vols. 1&2)

>> No.8186997
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I really enjoyed it. I thought it was very touching and the writing was expressive. The part about the Challenger explosion in the middle and how it inspired him to write I thought was fantastic and on it's own worth reading. The meta-narrative stuff was also really interesting and fun; like this could have easily been about a white new york struggling poet feeling sad and scared and slightly surreal but I thought it was more than that and was pleasantly surprised.

Yep! It was Kavan's Ice. I think I liked the writing more than the story, which may not be that surprising. Parts like "I was committed to violence and must adhere to my pattern" and the connection between the characters was fantastic. It was just a little dry some times, but always very unnerving.

>> No.8187015

Short History of Decay - Cioran
Confessions - Augustine
The Individual - Karl Schmidt
Social Contract - Rousseau
Society of the Spectacle - Debord

>> No.8187022

Some pretty meme tier pessimism, not to say it's bad stuff but branch out more.
Also if you like that stuff read Cioran.

>> No.8187040


Only one of the authors on that list would qualify as pessimistic.

>> No.8187046

it was alright. deeply personal and intimate and all that, but it's so sincere it was cloying. good enough though.

>> No.8187094

Metamorphoses, Ovid
Man and His Symbols, Jung etc (second read)
The White Goddess, Robert Graves
The Poetic Edda
The Curtain, Milan Kundera

My body is ready

>> No.8187100

How is Barth?

>Joyce, Ulysses
>Pynchon, Gravity's rainbow
>The Tunnel
>Gogol, the nose
>Gertrude Stein collected short writings

>> No.8187136

Well, we can't all be reading the classics.

>> No.8187145

Ambrose Bierce - The Monk and the Hangman's Daughter
Yasunari Kawabata - The Master of Go
James Rebanks - The Shepherd's Life
Philip K. Dick - Martian Time-Slip
Elmore Leonard - The Complete Western Stories

>> No.8187147

Ubik- Dick
The Sun Also Rises- Hemingway
Frankenstein- Shelley
The Double- Dostoyevsky
Bleeding Edge- Pynchon

>> No.8187178

some people like to read for fun and not for bragging rights on the internet

>> No.8187499

How's you like Eco? I've got Foucault's Pendulum on my shelf, is it anything like the Illuminatus! Trilogy?

>> No.8187519

it's 1000x better

>> No.8187534

I really loved Steppenwolf, as a young lad it really turned me off the dark and edgy path.

>> No.8187539

I liked the game, is the book anywhere near worth reading?

>> No.8187547

From most recent to least recent:

James Joyce - Ulysses
H. Rider Haggard - King Solomon's Mines
Olive Schreiner - The Story of an African Farm
Ken Kesey - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Rabindranath Tagore - The Home and the World

>> No.8187589

The Sirens of Titan -- Vonnegut; I fucked up my head, so I decided on this for some light reading, it was pretty good for what it is.

Libra -- Delillo; I've not read a lot of Delillo, only White Noise, but this really hooked me, I finished it quite quickly, probably what some would consider a "page turner."

The Trial -- Kafka; this didn't really pop out so much to me, I really dug the heavy, weighing down feeling, but I think I'd like to read it in German, I'm not a yuge fan of translations, especially not Kafka.

Moby Dick -- Melville; I really liked what I understood, but i feel like I didn't catch the meaning of some of the later monologues, I will definitely reread in the near future.

Ficciones -- Borges; I liked this a lot more than I thought I would, not to be DUDE WEED LMAO, but some of the concepts of the stories kinda game me that feel

>> No.8187592


Twisted Metal
Blood and Iron
In Search of Shrodinger's Cat

>> No.8187621

>reading dellilo
Didn't know people were masoquists here.

>> No.8187626

A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again
White Teeth (dropped halfway because holy shit it is awful)
The Picture of Dorian Grey
The Trial

>> No.8187629

>At Swim-Two-Birds
>Under the Volcano
>The Crying of Lot 49
>American Gods
>The Leopard

>> No.8187630

I have never seen 'masochists' spelled that way

>> No.8187632

No snobbery please, do you find him difficult or do you have some hang up about his writing or topics? I'm reading Underworld right now and enjoy it and if you struggled I'd be interested to hear why - but if you're just gonna fire-back something scathing about him being an idiot then don't reply pls

>> No.8187637

spanish spelling. that's why he can't appreciate delillo.

>> No.8187650
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The Big Sleep
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
The Crucible

I don't think this list is very reflective of my taste

>> No.8187661

How did you like Quiet Flows the Don?

>> No.8187696

Hard-Boiled Wonderland and The End Of The World
Sense and Sensibility
The Sun Also Rises
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.8187704

Have you read other Murukami? I have read Norweigian Wood and all of The Windup Bird Chronicle and was interested by Hard-Boiled... but already the sameyness is setting in. Do you think it'd be worth checking out and is fun and unique in small parts enough to warrant going through?

I'd usually just read it cause I clearly like his stories but, damn dude, so much in his writing is alike.

>> No.8187706

hard boiled is unlike most of his other novels

>> No.8187741

poems 2~dugan
nights and days~merrill
the double dream of spring~ashbery
under milk wood~thomas

>> No.8187749

Thanks, that's good to hear. It sounded really cool.

>> No.8187765

I've read most of his works, yeah. I'd say Norwegian Wood and Wind-Up Bird Chronicle focus a lot on love, which is only partly a common theme in Murakami's works - mostly he describes mysterious women, whom the protagonist bangs, but not the emotional bond they share. Hard-Boiled is quite different from his other novels, like >>8187706 pointed out, but if you enjoy Murakami's writing I would also advise you to read something else by him, to see how he writes if love isn't the main focus.
I quite like A Wild Sheep Chase myself and think it's a good introductory novel, since it was also one of his first ones.

>> No.8188657

Snow Crash
The King in Yellow
Time and the Wind
Book of Disquiet
The Centaur in the Garden

good luck rating my plebeian brazilian taste lads, i'm getting brothers karamazov next

>> No.8188722
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Good taste.

>> No.8188943

on beauty and especially nw are better

read the collected short stories and fragments
hunger artist and penal colony are favs of the longer ones

there's worst lists posted...
like >>8185947
also in that he hated jews...
if you've never been on the internet before...that so sad today, hacky as I find it, does what they're trying better as do literally thousands of teen girls who don't get a pay check out of it

>> No.8188959

>also in that he hated jews...
this doesn't discredit his work.

>> No.8188971

if you're /pol/ don't bother replying, but being swept up in or unlearning antisemitism is a mark on his character, and more importantly, his thinking- plus it leaked into his philosophy at a barely dog whistle level, not saying he shouldn't ever be read, but he is tainted by his own doings and failures

>> No.8188976

no one said it did, you defensive, paranoid, /pol/tard

>> No.8188980

the age of innocence by edith wharton
pere goriot by balzac
fathers and sons by turgenev
the tempest

>> No.8188987

I'm not /pol/, and I think antisemitism is pretty fucking stupid, and I really like Heidegger still.

>> No.8189004

The Unvanquished, Faulkner
To the Lighthouse, Woolf
Selected poetry of Baudelaire,
Selected poetry of Ezra Pound
Anna Karenina, Tolstoy

(Currently reading)
The Recognitions, Gaddis
Complete Essays, Emerson

>> No.8189008

The Terror - Dan Simmons
The Mysterious Affair at Styles - Agatha Christie
The Complete Short Stories - Ernest Hemingway
Peril at End House - Agatha Christie
The White Comany - Arthur Conan Doyle

>> No.8189031

James Joyce - Dubliners (Loved it)
Ovid - Metamorphoses (Mandelbaum) (Loved it)
Hurston - Their Eyes Were Watching God (Her Description of Death was cool)
George Eliot - Middlemarch (Changed the way I think)
Genre Wolf - Retrospective Short Fictions (Made me believe in the potential of SF)

Reading: Fagles' Illiad

Did you Like to the Lighthouse? It was my first modernist work and it made me cry at one point.

>> No.8189089

It's easily one of my top five favorite books. Read The Waves if you haven't already, it's like To the Lighthouse on acid

>> No.8189092

>To the Lighthouse on acid

>> No.8189100

I'm reading it after if finish the Odessey

>> No.8189102

The Grapes of Wrath
A Tale of Two Cities
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Cricket on the Hearth / The Chimes

Currently: The King in Yellow