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/lit/ - Literature

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8183440 No.8183440[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, you're the least stupid board on 4chan, so you're the only ones we can hope for some good attention from. (Sci isn't bad as a whole, but they would be for this). Since there didn't seem to be a relatively casual one, we wanted to make a philosophy room on discord. And by philosophy, we don't mean stoner philosophy, but somewhere to actually discuss academic philosophy with other people who are somewhat knowledgeable in it


So if you want, we're looking for philosophy oriented people for our discord. Anyone else can come too, but that's what we're explicitly looking for more of.

>> No.8183447

>>>/his/ faggot

>> No.8183452


sorry i missed

>we don't mean stoner philosophy,

carry on.

>> No.8183465

>/s4s/ isn't the smartest board

>> No.8183466

>2000 + 20 - 10 + 5 + 2 -1
>thinking philosophy is relevant

>> No.8183468
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Yeah. Stoners calling being blazed "philosophy" is something you always have to be on the lookout for.

>> No.8183474

>lit/, you're the least stupid board on 4chan, so you're the only ones we can hope for some good attention from

Don't ever address me like that again you chain-link fence-decorating miscreant.

>> No.8183479

This basically

>> No.8183821

It looks tolerable, but you need more action on the philosophy channel. I'll hang around to see what happens.

>> No.8184115

I think I'll check it out for the purpose of observing, since I'm not well read in philosophy
but honestly I don't have high hopes for a philosophy discussion consisting of people from 4chan

>> No.8184131

To be fair, I'm not sure I do either. I'm just not sure where else to look.

>> No.8184553

Probably like, an independent philosophy forum or something, I don't know.

>> No.8184557

Do you ever think being high was the way it was meant to be?

In seriousity, though, what would you consider "stoner philosophy"? Is any idea you get while high not allowed at all?

>> No.8184562

>I don't have high hopes for a philosophy discussion consisting of people from 4chan
We're else are we to go? Goodreads?

>> No.8184565

/lit/ isn't a smart board. half the people here don't know anything about basic calc or algebra

>> No.8184590

Neither do most philosophers.

>> No.8184599


There's a meme in society of some kind of entrepreneurial post-capitalist industrial-scientific "productivity" thing, and they are expressing the meme because they are demi-conscious memebuoys floating on a slurry sea of currents you can only see if you zoom out
It's exhausting even trying to give an answer to this question. You need to like phenomenologically bracket every single word and write a book explaining that they aren't even people. They aren't even conscious. They aren't even having "opinions". STEM people are like robots with human skin stretched over them. To say "they are dismissive of the humanities" is implicitly to admit I think there's a "they". STEM people don't even fucking exist. They are a statistical gaseous nebula of random particles wafting across continents and periodically expressing junk they picked up along the way. Why would you even talk to them?
Talking to a STEMfag is literally like being some kind of Buddha, ascending reality, then coming back down and talking to bees who were dudes in past lives. I'm sure these bee niggas can be saved or whatever, but let's just wait until they're back in human form. Don't walk around going "BEES, STOP BUZZING, PUT DOWN THAT POLLEN, LISTEN TO ME ABOUT HOW EVERY CONCEPTUAL CATEGORY YOU HAVE FOR EVEN THINKING OF THINGS WAS SHAPED FOR YOU BY AN UNCONSCIOUS SLUDGE OF MEMETIC POLYALLOY THAT FLOWS IN PREDICTABLE CURRENTS FROM YEAR TO YEAR THROUGH THE HIVE IN WHICH YOU WERE CONCEIVED"

>> No.8184605

This. Underage retards who trash the board like it's /b/ don't consider the fact there's no better place to discuss literature in the entire www.

Reddit, Goodreads and the likes are cancerous places full of plebs that unironically read Young Adult fiction. Also SJWs.

Literary blogs are a hive of bitter old guys who didn't make it & deliver their grandpa ratiocinations all day.

Websites for writers are the most incredibly vapid circlejerk you could think of.

Other languages have no serious platforms to discuss anything.

So basically the only big site left is 4chan, and the only board is /lit/. Pretty sad desu.

>> No.8184606
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We're not saying that anyone involved in stoner philosophy isn't allowed. Its meant to be a casual room. What we mean is that we're not advertising as a philosophy room that actually just means stoners going "whoah, dude, we are the universe experiencing itself" but as one that actually contains people with experience with professional analytical philosophy / science / etc.

>> No.8184612

I have more hopes for good conversation on 4chan than in a chat client filled with channers.

>> No.8184615

>I have... hopes for good conversation on 4chan

Poor child

>> No.8184624

>it's 4chan so let's all be retards lol

>> No.8184629

Smart people actually know they shouldn't waste time discussing pointless shit

>> No.8184631
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>implying its a conscious choice.

>> No.8184642

Obviously people like you are excluded because you're determined to be stupid, but if you think there's anywhere else I can have decent conversation about authors outside of JK Rowling then you're wrong.

>> No.8184644

>enter chat
>it's people posting shota porn

yea ok.

>> No.8184649

That's every chat on discord though. I'm not sure what you expected.

>> No.8184675

>4chan chat
>I bet there won't be porn.

>> No.8184680

your post is a gaseous nebula.

>> No.8184683

Just proving the point that without rules to follow society falls apart

>> No.8184688

well i was expecting some semblance of "academic philosophy" as advertised in the op. unless shota porn is the next big philosophical movement.

>> No.8184709


>Do you ever think being high was the way it was meant to be?

t. stoner philosopher

>> No.8184716


Saving this for future /lit/ and /his/ threads

>> No.8184718
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>implying not all big philosophers craved for boipussi

>> No.8184722

Literally, that was all that happened in ancient greece. Marcus Aurelius even bragged in the meditations that he was such a skilled stoic that he could refrain from fucking boipucci. He didn't specify whether he meant overall, or just at certain times. But the implication is that the call is overwhelming.

>> No.8184724

if thought exists, something exists. if something exists, the highest something exists. god is the highest something. if god exists, he created us. if god exists, he can destroy us. if god creates a something and doesn't destroy it, he loves it. matter can't be destroyed, we are matter.

thought exists, god exists, god loves us.

refute me.

>> No.8184726


You can't prove that

>> No.8184740

i just did.

>> No.8184752

>if thought exists, something exists.


>if something exists, the highest something exists.

doesn't follow.

>god is the highest something.

the fuck did that come from.

> if god exists, he created us.

doesn't follow.

>if god exists, he can destroy us.


> if god creates a something and doesn't destroy it, he loves it.

for made up meanings of love, sure.

>matter can't be destroyed

it can.

>refute me.

i refute 8/8 m8

>> No.8184770

Look, what he said is obviously bullshit but how can you not follow?

>>if something exists, the highest something exists.

Obviously this makes sense. Unless you're trying to suggest that everything in reality is equal, one THING inherently has to be the best THING, even if only by a miniscule margin

>> No.8184785

No love for us continental bros?

>> No.8185107


This meme really needs to die.

>> No.8185116

>a philosophy room on discord.

I assume /his/ laughed you out?

>> No.8185739

Don't you all get ton of pussy? Why care what we think?

>> No.8185744

"This meme really needs to die." meme needs to die.

>> No.8185852

you really need to die tripfag

>> No.8185856
File: 13 KB, 214x174, OhMyGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/, you're the least stupid board on 4chan

>> No.8185923

>laughing at anyone


>> No.8186092
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I'd assume he's the same retard that made this thread:


>> No.8186108

>tfw you realize the allegory of the cave refers to STEM lords experiencing humanities
>tfw STEMfags murder you for trying to teach them philosophy

>> No.8187579

I think its more extreme continentals realizing that we do know real things about the world enough to make sense of it when they were insisting that we can't.

>> No.8187905

that's not the same room though.

>> No.8187913


>> No.8188131

In all seriousness though, continental philosophy is barely philosophy. Existentialism is just bad literature combined with saying teleology isn't real. Congratulations, everyone knows that by now. Structuralism and poststructuralism is basically sociology, combined with excuses to ignore scientific findings they don't like by saying that scientists can't escape their biases. Ignoring that the same is true in the opposite direction for the poststructuralists themselves. Marxism is sociology that's outdated, but still has a few interesting aspects. There's very little of much serious worth.

>> No.8188135

. . .

>> No.8188137

you should publish this post so everyone knows philosophy is done and they can go home now

>> No.8188140

Philosophy isn't done. Analytical philosophy still exists, working on real problems.

>> No.8188148


>> No.8188191

How will you handle things that don't fit the contemporary leftist narrative? Philosophy is filled with so called "hate facts" or "hate concepts"?

Will we be able to consider, debate, ponder on Schopenhauer's views on women, for example without the a group of white knights capitulating to the shrill screams of "misogyny, sexist, patriarchy" -- and having the entire discussions removed because of the inevitable--let's just call them social "science" student--demands/ crying/ whining?

I don't know what discord is, but I find no where is safe from this happening, no matter the subject. And one of philisopgies core tenets is a little something called "intellecual humility" which requires reaching across the isle and talking about things that might be perceived as icky or uncouth by some ideologues.

It only takes one feminazi mod given her position by a cuck to ruin the entire thing. Bitches are pro-saboteurs, this is why I stay on anonymous websites where identity politics hold no weight and you can't use your gender/sexual orientation/race as social currency.

>> No.8188211


>> No.8188216

No, we don't have radical leftist mods if that's what you're asking. If a chat room didn't want to allow anthing but the far left it really wouldn't advertise on 4chan.

>> No.8188217
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>doing math

>> No.8188226

>wouldn't advertise on 4chan
You're sadly mistaken there, buddy.

>> No.8188234

Why? What radical leftists think that they can draw from 4chan to get people?

>> No.8188256

Do you know anything of the site's previous admin? Some of the boards on this site are havens for these types of people.

>> No.8188257

Everyone advertises on 4chan.

>> No.8188261

Which boards?

>> No.8188271

/v/, /tv/, /co/, /pol/. /lit/ probably has some too.

I'm sure there's more.

>> No.8188279

I used to spam 4chan for money. Got like minumum wage if people clicked my shitty links. But then the company shifted it from $1 per click to $0.25, so it became unprofitable.

>> No.8188280

/adv/, /lgbt/, /tg/, and back in the day(and probably still the case today /cgl/ was HQ

>> No.8188286
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>/pol/ s a radical leftist board.


>> No.8188333

I was talking about advertising.

>> No.8188345

i'm a philosophy phd and i tried spamming about how i want to gas everyone but it didn't go too well

is there a /lit/-specific discord

i want people who will agree with me about my esoteric opinions on gassing everyone

>> No.8188358

What a weak, passive-aggressive attempt at getting a point across. Not only was the underhanded sarcasm unnecessarily catty you're conflating inane shit-posting(you yourself admit it's spam) with holding controversial views.

>> No.8188360

Why would radical leftists want people from pol? They'd shit up their stuff. Unless they're hoping they'll be drowned out and thus convert.

>> No.8188382

i don't know what you're taking issue with specifically, i'm just bantering not trying to be passive-aggressive

i am just honestly asking if there is a /lit/ version of this, with a higher ratio of people studying philosophy/literature

it wasn't really spam in terms of content

>> No.8188390

To convert people and to keep people from discussing anything.

>> No.8188431
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regards - t. Gymosophist

>> No.8188991

They're doing a bad job.

>> No.8189864

I'm pretty sure that holding openly ridiculous views is equivalent to shitposting.

>> No.8189914

Who gets to decide what counts as reasonable though? I get that in this particular case its obvious trolling, but this sets a bad precedent for radical leftists who think other positions than their very specific formulation of social justice simply isn't worth even considering a real position.

>> No.8191900

People not being retarded do.

>> No.8192844

Is this a /lit/ room specifically?

>> No.8193426

Yeah. I popped in, but I'm not sure what's going on in there.

>> No.8193947

>I think this might work better as a general 4chan room. /lit/ isn't really big enough to have a room all to itself.

>> No.8194172
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Hey I'm a STEMfag and having experienced it firsthand...I actually agree for the most part. I'd like to think of me as an outlier but who knows?

>> No.8194585

>STEM people don't even fucking exist. They are a statistical gaseous nebula of random particles wafting across continents and periodically expressing junk they picked up along the way. Why would you even talk to them?

This sounds ironically, like what a stemfag would say.

>> No.8195393

The discord at least is contained within other parts. Sure some cross overs happen now and then, but hey, its early days. We just wanna establish a base of people then begin discussions on the regular. The hope and goal is for it all to be self regulating but that requires enough interest. Theres a few plans in place for later and one guy earlier mentioned of a group watch/read along in which we all comment on afterwards and in my personal opinion is a pretty cool idea to be done once every week or so.
And sure the discord has porn, but what do you expect? We have tags for that at least so it doesnt spill into other things
People can discuss Diogines and post boypussy at the same time? Its a greek mans wet dream
I see a goal for the discord and i think we can get there
And honestly, its been nice talkin to all the people over the last few days ive been there

>> No.8195533

memeing and countermemeing are the final peak of analytical philosophy. In a few decades all this nonsense will go back in limbo.

>> No.8195545

We already have a /lit/ discord
I bet you faggots can't even handle Chiller

>> No.8196823

There's like 30 people in that room tops.We need a better one.

>> No.8197712



>> No.8197717

You actually expect more than that?

>> No.8197725

>/lit/, you're the least stupid board on 4chan
is this a joke? hell, /diy/ is more useful than /lit/. this board is autistic as /tv/ but with the extremity of upholding their own opinions as /co/. honestly, this board gets waaaay to much recognition just because of their bullshit jargon and widespread knowledge of thinkers

>> No.8197827

Maybe try contributing to it instead of adding to the cancer then, retard.

>> No.8197953

>shitposting about shitposting isn't shiposting.

>> No.8198012


There is nothing about something that would lead one to conclude it would have a "highest" point, level, or whatever.

>> No.8198050

That was bait.