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8179175 No.8179175 [Reply] [Original]

Any transgender-friendly books, /lit/

>> No.8179185

The Holy Bible.

>> No.8179192

Transsexualism is a mental disorder.

>> No.8179197

Please go back to /pol/ where you belong

>> No.8179201

But I'm not a racist.

>> No.8179207

You'd fit right in anyway

>> No.8179209
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>> No.8179227

nah they mostly just write fan-fiction stories where all of the characters from their favorite mainstream tv shows and movies are gay and make out with each other

>> No.8179230

I wouldn't. I hold a few conservative beliefs but I am not a conservative, and I'm definitely not an authoritarian.

>> No.8179234

Fuck you

>> No.8179281

How to serve trannies

>> No.8179332

can someone tl;dr this book for me? which is the best way to kill myself? just curious

>> No.8179335
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>> No.8179364

same as every time you start this thread

>> No.8179432

This is my first time ever making this thread.
There are lots of transgendered people in the world, ya know

>> No.8179439

no, it's just one guy. he's been going since elizabeth i

>> No.8179450


>> No.8179463


>> No.8179472

>get told to go to /pol/
>go to /pol/
>get told to go back to /reddit/

it's an endless cycle

>> No.8179507

that's not what a cycle is.
just stay in /plebbit/

>> No.8179565

you forgot
>go to /reddit/
>Get told to go to /4kidz/

>> No.8179570

>Going to reddit

>> No.8179580

Justice for Omar Mateen!

>> No.8179592


Friendly in what sense? Because every trans person I talk to says it's a miserable experience.

>> No.8179598

OP here, Please be more respectful

>> No.8179662

Myron/Myra Breckenridge by Gore Vidal

>> No.8179707

This is such a lazy bait thread. On the off chance you're serious
If you want a hugbox go there
Or stay there

>> No.8179713

>your argument makes me uncomfortable but I have no rebuttal so please leave

>> No.8179741

>get told to go somewhere


here's how you do it:

you: [indefensible opinion]
anon: gb2/pol/ retard, spew your "redpilled" opinions on your containment board and stop shitting up our threads
you: lick my nuts newfag

>> No.8179742

statements are not arguments, don't flatter yourself.

>> No.8179772


shotgun blast to the head is 99% effective or so I've heard.

whatever you do don't take pills or slash your wrists, that's only 6% effective. Sauce: http://lostallhope.com/suicide-methods/statistics-most-lethal-methods

Maybe it depends on the pills though. I used to have a prescription for zopiclone sleeping pills. Years ago I told my therapist I was contemplating suicide and he asked he how I was planning on doing it and I said "Well I'd swallow sixty tablets of zopiclone" and he said, "Yeah, that would probably do it."

Fuck I miss those sweet blue gems.

>> No.8179782
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Being trans is okay, being an oversensitive frogposter isn't.

>> No.8179799

> /pol/ is the only place where people think that being a transexual might be a symptom of a mental disorder
Sure bro

>> No.8179804

I won't let you belittle me, you ignorant monster

>> No.8179811
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>> No.8179820

As far as I know you people are miserable and unfulfilled all through your teens up until the point in which you either kill yourselves, get murdered by someone else, get AIDS or inevitably regret all the decisions you've made and want to become a man again.

Don't see how books will help, sounds like you need some kind of anti-psychotic.

>> No.8179822
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youre an idiot
99% of all respected hospitals, doctors, professors, and universities will disagree with you

gender dysphoria is a disorder, and transitioning to a new gender is the cure. being transgendered literally means curing mental disorders

>> No.8179828

>victims of unjust discrimination live harder lives

up next, anon learns that water is wet, and proceeds to blame the jews

>> No.8179843

Well, it's not really us normal people's fault you all inevitably choose prostitution, drug addiction and unstable lifestyles, you know I kind of think that might stem from being severely mentally ill and not being given the help you need but getting coddled instead.

>> No.8179844

What is a gender? How do you "become a girl?" Through hormones? By wearing dresses? You may as well claim you have "race dysphoria" and start wearing blackface.

You can add elements of your idealized "femininity" without fully buying an outdated societal view of what being a woman is.

>> No.8179847

>normal people
Do you have any idea how offensive you sound right now?

>> No.8179859

> This person believed that his body was inhabited by two seperate people. His mind was disfuctional caused him to believe things about his body that were biologically false. So we fucking cut him in half to make his body correspond to his mental disorder. He is now cured

>> No.8179865

>This person believed that his body was inhabited by two seperate people
>misunderstanding gender dysphoria this badly

>> No.8179873

> being offended by the term "normal" despite it being an accurate term that describes how common something is

Do you have any idea how sensitive you sound right now?

>> No.8179874

>I told my therapist I was contemplating suicide
how did they not institutionalize you? every therapist i've ever been to has told me that if i told them i'm suicidal and have a plan, they'd have to report it.

it sucks cause i'd really like to talk to someone about this. i've tried hinting at it with one therapist but she got spooked and almost reported it. i had to spend my next couple sessions just pretending that i suddenly got better and wasn't depressed anymore so she would stop. then i got the fuck away from her.

>> No.8179878

I was using an example that wasn't gender dysphoria. Making domeone's body correspond with their delusions is not a cure.

>> No.8179891


I'm honestly interested because I'm actually writing a novel with several trans characters (based on real people).

>> No.8179906

>implying people don't have agendas

>> No.8179908

OP, the novel "Kitchen" by Banana Yoshimoto has a transgender character.

It's possible this is just a bait thread, (especially because you frogposted) but if it's not I hope that recommendation helps.

There was a time a few years ago when /pol/fags had not yet infiltrated civilized, blue normie boards like /lit/ and /trv/, but it's the reality now. I blame the the PC/SJW vs. "Alt Right" cancerous culture war that has really sprung up and flared in the last year or so. (I have no love for either side).

Immature, insecure, virginal, basement dwelling troglodytes have always been a reality of 4chan though. In a sense you have to take it with everything else if you decide to come here.

>> No.8179909

and your agenda is to be an idiot :^)

>> No.8179914

>and flared in the last year or so. (I have no love for either side).

nah, it's been going since '12/'13 at least. it's just the /pol/tards were more contrarian-for-the-sake-of-being-contrarian rather than children regurgitating memes.

>> No.8179926

Herculine Barbin? Depends on what you mean by friendly, I guess.

>> No.8179934
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>> No.8179938

All orthodox Christian literature is friendly to transgender people—as people.

If you are a man by birth, and you claim you are a woman, that is surely an abomination; but you are a man and you have an immortal soul of immeasurable worth. God loves you, and we do, or we ought to.

I know you don't want Christian literature; or any literature that tells you you're behaving wrongly. You don't want literature that will love you like a friend, because a friend will tell you what you need to hear. You want literature that will be agreeable. Books that are transgender-flattering; or transgender-neutral; books that treat you like a paying customer. All of us have sought literature that did that for us at one point or another; nobody likes to be told they're wrong, and especially to be told that they're behaving badly. But that's what good literature does.

Perversion feels impossible to escape from when you're deep in it; and struggling against bad impulses is difficult. But that's life. You either let weakness and vice bind you in chains, or you fight, and fight, and fight. The Christian's life is a warfare upon earth. It sounds gloomy, but it isn't.

I know you must feel like a square peg forced into a round hole; and you think you were born in the wrong body. There is truth to it: for we were all born into a world of sin and and death for which we are not intended. These are not our proper bodies; this is not how we were meant to live. But seek and you shall not find a remedy in this world; seek it instead in Christ.

>> No.8179941

>citation needed

>> No.8179943

i'm sorry that i don't accept this idea that a woman or man can be born in the body of the opposite sex. i'm sorry that i don't accept that a person's sex chromosomes are entirely irrelevant. i'm sorry that i think people need to accept the hand they were dealt even if it's not what they want. i know those are unpopular opinions and you disagree with them, but that doesn't make me an idiot.

>> No.8179944

you'll rot in the dirt with the rest of us, meatbag

>> No.8179946


It's the reality of our culture now. Our culture has been hijacked for utilitarian purposes. It keeps the idiot plebs at each other's throats rather than meddling in affairs of state.

I comfort myself in the knowledge that American hegemony will lead to global unity and the next stage in human social development. Also the fact that we live in a free country and can still say and do whatever the hell we want. I'm interested in starting a movement of people who fly above all that bullshit and focus on living in a state of grace during these times of comfort. Nothing's more tragic than being born into a comfortable life and not enjoying it.

>> No.8179950

gender =/= sex friend :^)

>> No.8179956

what does it mean to feel like a woman?

>> No.8179968

you want to wear women's clothes, makeup etc, and conduct yourself in a feminine way.

>> No.8179973

>muh gender essentialism

>> No.8179979

>muh meaninglessness

>> No.8179990



>> No.8179994

well okay i wouldn't use the phrase "feel like a woman" in the first place, those were anon's words not mine

but there's nothing mentally ill about being born a man and not wanting to do the things society expects men to do, and potentially even wanting to do the things that women are expected to do, or to rest somewhere in between those two ways, or to do something else entirely.

>> No.8180002


>> No.8180017

not that dude but i've had similar experiences

you've gotta play it off as a passing thought you've been having more than usual and convey that you have a vague idea of how you'll do it, which should be >1 methods that end up with more attempts than deaths (like weak pills or slitting your wrists), so the therapist wants to nip that shit in the bud rather than possibly make it work by 5150ing you.

don't act like you have this shit figured out and that you're probably gonna make the attempt

>> No.8180026

Orlando (althought best time to start it was last week lol)
The Life Before Us by Romain Gary (was lucky enough to get

>> No.8180029
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>> No.8180030

see, i'm not saying that all men should adhere to strict ideas of male and female gender stereotypes. if a man wants to wear makeup and dresses and stuff, that's fine. i don't have a problem with that. but i refuse to pretend that they are actually women.

also, isn't it in some way sexist to say that if one is attracted to things associated with femininity that one must be a woman? are tomboys then not really women? are they less womanly than hyperfeminine women?

>> No.8180041

>children that can barely be differentiated by gender are allowed to get a sex change, but I'm not allowed to be with a 13-year-old girl

>> No.8180045

>transitioning to a new gender is the cure

Highly debatable. Many have regretted their transition and observed suicide rates both before and after transition aren't noticeably different.

>> No.8180046

Trannies suffer from compound mental ilness so this os not surprising.

>> No.8180048
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>> No.8180052
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>> No.8180053

This is what nu-males actually believe.

>> No.8180054

>you want to wear women's clothes, makeup etc, and conduct yourself in a feminine way.

but that's not what it's like to be a woman

people behave according as they ought, but not because they enjoy the things for themselves. this is the whole lie underneath the transgender idea: that men and women are deeply enthusiastic for the superficial aspects of acting their gender. they aren't.

I get a lot of excitement from imagining what it would be like to dress up in women's clothing, and have a woman's body, and behave as a woman. But it's of an entirely different kind from the less exciting sort of joy that I get from being a man. This is why there is—anybody who has been to /d/ knows this—a large amount of gender transformation porn on the internet, and a large audience of transgender-identifying men and women who enjoy it. The excitement is sexual. I agree with Blanchard on this: autogynephilia is certainly connected to transsexualism.

Some of us think that building a life around a fetish is wrong. For the psychologists, there is only a question of whether the fetishist is more comfortable living his fetish; Blanchard himself supports publicly-funded SRS because the research suggests it helps transsexuals to live more happily. I don't call that a cure, but some people do.

>> No.8180063

What is a nu-male? All men have been born in sin since Adam fell. The men of today are no new species; they are men, and they are sinners. Same as they were a hundred years ago; same as they were two thousand years ago. I too dislike many fashions and vices of our own day; but there is no nu-male.

>> No.8180091

There's very few people who don't comprehend the reality of gender dysphoria.
Let's skip this part of the debate for posterity and go to source of the issue:
1. Is transitioning a viable treatment?
2. Should a more inclusive society change and acquiesce to the needs of this new minority?
3. What degree is gender grounded in sex (psychological evolution vs behavioral ecology) ?
4. And if gender leans behavioral (nurture), to what degree can society be changed (i.e., transgender bathrooms, sports, sexual preference, developmental psychology and childcare ethics, etc.)?

>> No.8180116

nu-male are low test beta orbiters who identify as radfems and constantly feel the need to apologize for white straight cishet behavior and microaggressions

>> No.8180137

I hate this fucking world, too many god damn fuckers in it.
Too many thoughts and different societies all wrapped up together in this fucking place called AMERICA.
Everyone has their own god damn opinion on every god damn thing,
and you may be saying 'Well what makes you so different?'.
Because I have something only me and V have; SELF AWARENESS.
Call it exortenstiolism or whatever the fuck you want.
We know what we are to this world, and what everyone else is.
We learn more than what caused the civil war and how to simplify quadratics in school.
We've been watching you people and we know what you think and how you act.
All talk and no action.
People who are said to be brave or courageous are usually just STUPID,
then they say later that they did it on purpose cause they're brave,
when they did it on fucking accident.
God everything is so corrupt and so filled with opinions and points of view,
and peoples own little agendas and schedules.
This isn't a world any more.
It's H.O.E and no one knows it.
Self awareness is a wonderful thing.

>> No.8180165

All that text. No substance.

>> No.8180170

>Transsexualism is a mental disorder.
so treat it with the the widely accepted treatment HRT. thats like saying schizophrenia is a mental disorder... ok... so treat it. simple

>> No.8180173

Nevada, A Safe Girl to Love

>> No.8180184

trans people have higher rates of suicide because of people like you

>> No.8180210

so if a person says their arm doesn't belong to them, should you just cut it off?

>> No.8180220


>> No.8180232

the person who doesn't want to cut off their arm

>> No.8180240


>> No.8180273

Transtrending is no more biologically/psychologically significant than any other sub-culture/trend and has very little to do with gender.
The only reason those people get any attention is because of their gross body modification, highly peculiar values and constant demand for recognition.
The whole thing people under thirty pretend the economy doesn't exist and the term 'politics' refers to whether you're being mean or nice to minorities is absolute bullshit.
Go learn something of value because you're arguments are stupid and childish on both sides.

>> No.8180358

The left hand of darkness

>> No.8180531

/pol/ is reddit silly

>> No.8180541

souls have no gender

>> No.8180549

Thats not treatment that enableing someones delusion.

>> No.8180551

No its plenty of other shit. They tend to have more than one mental problem.

No one else has to play along with their delusion

>> No.8180555

Souls dont exist.

>> No.8180577

But they have sex, or rather souls aren't human, because a human is both body and soul, one without the other does not constitute you.

>> No.8180579

So is posting seriously on 4chan.

>> No.8180581

If there's one thing that's certain of the alt-right, it's they're lost, confused, angry, and most of all, they don't know what they want.

>> No.8180590

nice post, very orthodox

>> No.8180594

>all these liberals here thinking transgenderism is not a disorder

kys cucks

>> No.8180600

Stone Butch Blues by Feinberg
Nevada by Biggie

>> No.8180601

I'm not orthodox, they don't actually have philosophy, they rejected it due to butthurt.
There's no resentment in the statement "transgenderism is a mental disorder" for the same reason there is none when you state that anorexia is one. It's a simple fact and there is no reason to feed it out of "compassion" or any other ideological buzzword that goes for "love" these days.

>> No.8180607

Is cosmetic plastic surgery a mental disorder?

>> No.8180609

Removing your penis and taking hormone pills and actually wanting to be something which you never will be is very different from removing a bit of your fat or saggy skin.
One does irreparable damage, both physical and mental, while the other doesn't.

>> No.8180610

There's honestly more mental disorders in the alt right. People on the right side of the spectrum, always, bar none, tend to kill more people.

>> No.8180612
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souls of men are female, souls of women are supposedly male, since this world is very men-oriented souls are generally assumed as female

>Here once, through an alley Titanic,
>Of cypress, I roamed with my Soul—
>Of cypress, with Psyche, my Soul.
>But Psyche, uplifting her finger,
>Said—"Sadly this star I mistrust—
>Her pallor I strangely mistrust:—

>> No.8180618

>There's honestly more mental disorders in the alt right.
I don't think that one group will have more mental disorders than one with 100% of mental disorders
>People on the right side of the spectrum, always, bar none, tend to kill more people.
Bar the abortion industry, which kills more children than any muslim shooter could hope for, sure.

>> No.8180624

I think both are too focused on superficial appearances.

>> No.8180625

>I don't think that one group will have more mental disorders than one with 100% of mental disorders

That's what I'm saying, the alt-right has 100% of mental disorders. You cannot deny they kill more, killing is indicitive of psychosis. The alt-right is psychotic.

>Bar the abortion industry, which kills more children than any muslim shooter could hope for, sure.


>> No.8180628

>People on the right side of the spectrum, always, bar none, tend to kill more people.
>Robespierre was a blip

>> No.8180631

Plato's Symposium if you realise Socrates was wrong and Plato fucked up Aristophanes' order of traps so it wouldn't win against "wisdom".

>> No.8180650

You don't think that removing a healthy organ is for no medical reason is mutilation?
I mean it only shows in an outward way internal problems and I don't see plastic surgery as something good or beneficial in non medical cases.
>That's what I'm saying, the alt-right has 100% of mental disorders.
While they are meming manchildren in most cases, that doesn't constitute as a mental disorder.
>You cannot deny they kill more, killing is indicitive of psychosis.
I just did, later on. The alt right is a small population of millenials who thus far haven't actually killed anyone as far as I know.
>The alt-right is psychotic.
Not sure how frogposting and childish political opinions constitute as psychosis.
Therefore we have proven that murder in USA and across the globe is not coming from the small alt right group with no political power and is coming directly from the progressives who hold USA and most EU counties, as well as the organization itself.
Believe it or not Robespierre wasn't actually the one doing that, he was just a scapegoat, he was killed when he wanted to end the reign of terror.
t. The French Revolution by Hilaire Belloc.

>> No.8180655

>While they are meming manchildren in most cases, that doesn't constitute as a mental disorder.

Being more likely to kill does though.

>I just did, later on. The alt right is a small population of millenials who thus far haven't actually killed anyone as far as I know.

I said the right currently bar none kills more. This is not up for debate, the psychotic and antisocial alt right is prime for whatever next school shooting we have.

>Not sure how frogposting and childish political opinions constitute as psychosis.

Shooting up a church is.

>Therefore we have proven that murder in USA and across the globe is not coming from the small alt right group with no political power and is coming directly from the progressives who hold USA and most EU counties, as well as the organization itself.

No you said abortion is murder and I was laughing at you.

>> No.8180659

>Believe it or not Robespierre wasn't actually the one doing that, he was just a scapegoat, he was killed when he wanted to end the reign of terror.
>t. The French Revolution by Hilaire Belloc.
>Robespierre, while a leftist who killed lots of leftists, we should remember was killed by more leftists, and therefore cannot be taken as representative of leftists
I'm with you

>> No.8180663

nice dubs bby but who are you quoting?

>> No.8180664

Robespierre was a leftist as much as Hitler was a leftist lmfao. Or any of the founding men of America.

>> No.8180670

No, I'm saying he wasn't the one who issued orders or had partaken in the killings at all, or at least not outside a lawful degree.
While we are at it, Hitler derived most of his policies from German leftists, he was quite socialist.
Hayek has a superb book on the subject, A Road to Serfdom.

Be, but she's kind of retarded.

>> No.8180672

>Be, but she's kind of retarded.

Should try and remember where the M Key is located before you make insinuations.

>> No.8180673

>Leftist in the French parliament is such a hard thing to pin down
No. They fucking sat to the left. The side that is not to the right. Fuck you, I hope you get lost regularly.

>> No.8180674

>You don't think that removing a healthy organ is for no medical reason is mutilation?

I agree, but mutilation has been the norm for longer than the opposite, see circumcision etc.

>I don't see plastic surgery as something good or beneficial in non medical cases.

I agree, to go on a tangent, how much of gender is based in appearance, and how much is separate from appearance and or spooky?

>> No.8180680

>No. They fucking sat to the left. The side that is not to the right. Fuck you, I hope you get lost regularly.

The left as you understand to ceaselessly bitch about, did not exist during the French Revolution. The closest there was, was the political philosophies of Marque de Sade.

>Fuck you, I hope you get lost regularly.
Hahahaha what?

>> No.8180681

m8, he not only advocated for the terror with danton, he then advocated for killing danton. it's not like rousseau getting a bad rap, robespierre was stalin-like in his ambivalence to the immediate human cost of revolution vs the future of the state.

>> No.8180684

>the left killed the left once it came into significance
you're beyond retarded, and i would reenact every scene from justine on you if your prices are reasonable.

>> No.8180688

What are you even saying. You said the French Revolution was leftist, I said left as you bitch about did not exist at the time, which is correct. What this has to do with anything, what you're saying, I have no fucking clue.

Be coherent or shut the fuck up, now.

>> No.8180695

getting dubs doesn't excuse you from the spanking for thinking leftists don't kill people or that robespierre wasn't a leftist.

it also won't make history go away, but i think you should play to your strengths and focus on the one that involves bending over not reading history.

>> No.8180697

As I previously stated

What are you even saying. You said the French Revolution was leftist, I said left as you bitch about did not exist at the time, which is correct. What this has to do with anything, what you're saying, I have no fucking clue.

>> No.8180699

I said Robespierre was a leftist. It's not like they summoned him fully formed on the eve of the tennis court meeting. You seem to be trying to argue that really he was a tennis courtist during that period, not a leftist. Which is beyond retarded. Post spanking gif.

>> No.8180706

>What are you even saying. You said the French Revolution was leftist, I said left as you bitch about did not exist at the time, which is correct. What this has to do with anything, what you're saying, I have no fucking clue.

>> No.8180707

You also said Sade was the closest thing to a leftist philosophy of the time, which is double retarded again, because he wasn't even in the Bastille any more when they raided it.

>> No.8180708

What does that have anything to do with ideology.

>> No.8180712

I just think it's cute you think that leftists didn't exist as a series of ideologies in the French Revolution. It's like when Americans think that they found Africa first.

>> No.8180713

What? Are? You? Fucking? Saying? Rn?

>> No.8180714

That you'd make a really great Justine bby

>> No.8180717

No you're saying that Marxism as you think it existed, existed within the French Revolution, when just the same double standard enlightenment ideals, ides, could be applied to ideas during the founding of America.

You haven't even read Sade's political works, you don't know any of what you're talking about.

>> No.8180725
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Also, how did sex and gender become conflated?

Why not have the divisions as: masculine male, feminine male, masculine female, feminine female without strict divisions, or alternatively rather than trying to establish your own categories, why not try to abolish them in general?

>> No.8180726
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In years to come, we will look at transitioning/etc with the same level of incredulity as we regard Hunter-Gatherers who practiced lobotomies for fucking headaches.

>> No.8180728

I never said shit about Marx. I'm talking about Robespierre, who fucks with your idea that rightists "always" kill more.

>You haven't even read Sade's political works, you don't know any of what you're talking about.
jej, je les ai lu. you're fucking retarded.

>> No.8180735

>. I'm talking about

You have no idea what you're talking about and none of it is consistent, and you aren't even aware of it.

>> No.8180740

It's not my fault you can't follow a quote chain or admit Robespierre was a leftist.

>> No.8180741

Nothing says I'm well read on the subject than posting a screencap you've actually named and readied to be posted, from /pol/.

>> No.8180743

It is actually your fault you can't stay coherent and consistent and you have a bit of a failure to see difference between ideologies that you can't group together conveniently into "leftist things I don't like >:("

>> No.8180745

They were always conflated.
When were they seperated is the better question.
Sex and gender are inline in 99% of people.

>> No.8180748

Can i sex u babey?

>> No.8180750

Nope. Please return inside my ass.

>> No.8180753

Butte smel not nice

>> No.8180761

>I'll accuse them of things other people won't find in the quote chain
I'm sure all the French historians are re-writing for you as we speak, but on the off chance they're not, why are you so mad that Robespierre was part of a convenient group of people who shared ideologies and sat to the left, spawning the term leftists? Do you want the left to only refer to your idiosyncratic grouping of things that are "left"? I haven't seen someone so mad about their personal and pointless definition of leftism since Zoolander.

>> No.8180767

>I'm sure all the French historians are re-writing for you as we speak
They are.

>but on the off chance they're not
They are

>why are you so mad that Robespierre was part of a convenient group of people who shared ideologies and sat to the left
They didn't because the left as you bitch about did not exist at the time of the French Revolution.

>Do you want the left to only refer to your idiosyncratic grouping of things that are "left"
I want you to refer to ideologies as they are.

>I haven't seen someone so mad about their personal and pointless definition of leftism since Zoolander.
This is the shittiest joke possible.

>> No.8180785

>I want you to refer to ideologies as they are.
Wow, that's both fascistic and impossible. Maybe that's why you don't know the basics of high school history, like Robespierre was a leftist and the term nor ideology disappear during the French Revolution, because you're the prisoner of a fascist mindset which can only think in snapshots of a presumed and fabricated reality. I guess that's the comfort of narcissism: history books might prove you wrong to everybody else, but you're too dumb to read them.

>> No.8180793

transgenderism is not new

>> No.8180796

Shut up

>> No.8180798

Come make me :3

>> No.8180803

No YOUR a fascist.

Why is fascism bad? Italy was pretty cool until shitler came a fucked everything up

>> No.8180804

Shut the fuck up

>> No.8180814

>YOUR a fascist
If I wanted to follow a faggot around, I'd pick a better one, like Alice Cooper or some shit. Mussolini didn't even write his own speeches

>> No.8181464


>> No.8181478
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>> No.8181498
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Chopping off your dick is never a cure.

>> No.8181501

>and transitioning to a new gender is the cure
literally nobody says this except transgender people themselves when they're trying to talk themselves into it

many doctors will say that transitioning is an appropriate treatment because it seems to correlate to higher levels of happiness. there is no "cure". nobody has yet found a medical approach to treatment that will return someone with gender dysphoria to a state of normalcy; some of us think that's because there can be no medical solution for a moral problem. Whether you think so or not, you ought to admit that a treatment that helps with coping is NOT the same thing as a cure.

>> No.8181503

It is if having a dick is the problem.

>> No.8181516

>I get a lot of excitement from imagining what it would be like to dress up in women's clothing, and have a woman's body, and behave as a woman. But it's of an entirely different kind from the less exciting sort of joy that I get from being a man.

Sounds to me like you're a closeted transgender who is repressing her feelings and lashing out at fellow-sufferers. You are exhibiting clear symptoms of gender dysphoria.

>> No.8181529

That's about a intersex person, not a trans person

it's also not very good

>> No.8181538

>many doctors will say that transitioning is an appropriate treatment because it seems to correlate to higher levels of happiness.
That's the thing, it usually makes them more miserable. It doesn't really help at all.

>> No.8181539
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this is the only good response in this thread

>> No.8181546


>> No.8181550

Doesn't make you a woman though, so that point is kinda moot.

>> No.8181572

But having a dick isn't the problem. The disease is the mental state.

"Transgendered" men look at their healthy and normal human penis and think "this is destroying my life". That is diseased thinking. Cutting off your penis doesn't cure that. Sacrificing your dick at the altar of autogynephilia might calm your demons, but it certainly doesn't kill them.

>> No.8181578
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>tfw mutilating their bodies into grotesque mockeries of the opposite gender is the only cure for those poor bastards

>> No.8181579


>> No.8181591
File: 94 KB, 283x475, 175325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you morons arguing about whether or not transgenders are real. That has nothing to do with the question the OP asked. Nobody cares if you have a special made up gender or if you think boys who wear skirts should be drowned.

>> No.8181624


That post did not say "go back to redit"

It was implying that people who use /pol/ as a scapegoat for unpopular opinions are typically ledditors

This is a literature board, I expect you to develop better reading comprehension

>> No.8181648

It's funny. The only people who protest for transgender people so hard are transgender people.

I'm not even anti-whatever-the-fuck it's called. I don't even care that people chop their dicks off and wear skirts, etc.
But can we just not pretend that the majority of transgender people don't have mental health issues.
Also, despite you wearing a dress and having tits implanted... You're still a guy, dude.
You're just a guy dressing up as a women.

If you disagree you're either transgender or mentally ill. (or both, ha)

>> No.8181677

>Also, despite you wearing a dress and having tits implanted... You're still a guy, dude.

>thank god no amount of beta shit or penis loss will make me seem less male

you seem more low test than the trannies m8

>> No.8181693

i find it pretty funny how a lot of guys on 4chan care so much if trannies should be considered women or not, literally every thread about it is full of posts like >>8181648

why do they care so much about it at all?

i think it stems from the homosexuality taboo, they don't want to accept even a possibility to think of trannies as of a kind of women because it would make those into potential sex objects (which is ridiculous, if we think about it, clearly most of the women whom they meet don't fall in that category simply being much older than them or for other reasons) and it would make them into homosexuals since trannies are clearly related to men

>> No.8181700

You hit the nail on the glans. 4chan males, who are generally between 17 and 22 years old, are terrified of possibly being gay. It haunts them. And yet... and yet... well, just see the kinds of threads that proliferate on /b/.

>> No.8181706

>implying things
I only care when they try sell themselves as a special interest group that deserves special treatment.
If you're a man, you're a man.
No amount of surgery is going to change that, you moron.

>le low test
>le ur not a real man
Fuck off

>i think
i stopped reading right there,
>look at me guys im smart an progressive 4 thinking its all a bit connection to homos i must be ryt because even tho ur anonymous i kno u r a closeted homo
you're a pleb. i have nothing against them at all, i just don't think i should tip-toe around them because they have decided they want to cut their dick off and play dress up

>> No.8181708

>170 posts
>no results for "The Wasp Factory"

>> No.8181714

oh shut up, you retarded fuck. homosexuality has nothing to do it. i wouldn't care if i was attracted to men, i'd deal with it. in fact, sometimes i wish i was...
>it haunts them
you must be transitioning, right?

>> No.8181718

Just admit it. You are gay and live in fear of sleeping with someone you consider a man.

>> No.8181722

>i have no argument so you must be a gay in denial
kill yourself, my man.

>> No.8181730
File: 9 KB, 254x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this image make you feel Anon? Excited? Because I regret to inform you that it is of a man.

There, there. It's all right. We're all gay in our own way. Why, Freud once said...

>> No.8181736

lmao do you really think this is going to turn any of us on?

I don't know if you know this, but there is such a thing as a heterosexual male

>> No.8181744

>there is such a thing as a heterosexual male
I'm pretty sure that's a myth, dude. Got any sources? Thought not...

>> No.8181749
File: 1.34 MB, 1526x2048, 89 - Statua di ercole e il centauro nesso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all jokes and memes aside, you're actually autistic aren't you? you have no argument other than ''you must be a gay because i said so because i'm transitioning and i read on tumblr...''
>we're all gay in our own way
and you're trying to say i'm the homo in denial?
you speak for yourself only here, cunt.

transgenders are people in denial.
and don't get me wrong, i can appreciate the male form, it is a truly beautiful thing... but that doesn't mean you want to perform a homosexual act on someone now, does it?

please exit bag soon

>> No.8181758

Yes, the male form is beautiful. And copulating with a man is among the highest of pleasures. But of course, it's not gay! Gay people are gay. Not like me. Not like us. We're beyond such trivial adjectival labels. Hahaha. /s

There's no shame in just embracing who you are. Embracing your delight in male company, male ways, male... touch. Admit this. My argument is a linguistic kiss on the lips. Kiss them, Ivan.

>> No.8181759

>If you're a man, you're a man.
I dunno m8, a lot of trannies have been more man than you, even before surgery and special interest groups. reverse traps of course, it wouldn't be hard to find a bad trap who's more man than you either but that's a different thing

>> No.8181765

I was speaking loosely. I'd be glad to learn that there is no such thing: biological determinism doesn't mesh well with orthodox Catholic sexology

>> No.8181778

t. a gay guy

in a hundred years or so when this meme tier trend of ''i'm a woman born in a mans body'' has been long dead, the people will laugh at you

>> No.8181798

"Aye, and Gomorrah" by Delany is about Spacers with ambiguous sex.

Written On The Body is a romance without gendered pronouns.

>> No.8181812

I'm pretty sure James Miranda Barry is still going to be more famous for duelling in a couple hundred years time compared to your manly exploits. But that's just compared on the past couple hundred years of history to you.

Maybe you'll take down two college campuses and the future people will all agree you were way more man than Barry. It's not like you're going to become a doctor, so just keep your options open, and keep hoping bb.

>> No.8181820

>implying my name won't be etched into moon dust by that point
you have no argument whatsoever famalalay

>> No.8181827
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>transgender-friendly books

>> No.8181834

>implying the future cares about your moonrock collection
i have a great argument: you're more of a bitch than a whole bunch of traps, even when surgery or hormones or the trend weren't an option for them. it's a great argument because it's not only true, its proof involves you getting your ass kicked by a tranny.

>> No.8181839

Pussy in Breakfast on Pluto might even be overly friendly.

>> No.8181847
File: 114 KB, 900x1200, 82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting your ass kicked by a tranny
>mfw statistically you'll probably be dead by your own hand in a few years
lmao at ur life partner, would kek again

>> No.8181852

i'm not even a trap, i just know you're a bitch.