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/lit/ - Literature

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8175731 No.8175731 [Reply] [Original]

on a scale of 1 to 10 how talented is john green?

>> No.8175742


>> No.8175748

Pretty talented at making heaps of cash.

>> No.8175749

Behind his skin there is blood and bone.

>> No.8175754

Is this some kind of new Tao Lin tier meme? Some faggot was trolling the DeLillo thread with this guy too. Who is he?

>> No.8175784

i refuse to believe that someone can be this new and at the same time not, this post is testing me.

>> No.8175789

This anon said everything I wanted to say

>> No.8175892
File: 1.00 MB, 1000x1504, can't wake up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a scale of 1 to 10 how HAPPY is john green?

>> No.8176170
File: 127 KB, 1000x1135, 1466254040145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute wife
>loaded as fuck
>all the teenage pussy in the world (that can read)
>a famous youtube channel
>a fucking writter
it ain't even funny

>> No.8176436

You got it completely wrong. He could fuck teen pussy if he didn't cuck himself with a passive aggressive meh lefty. He fucked up big time

>> No.8176685

>cute wife

going to need proof on this one

>> No.8177041

me on the left

>> No.8177191

what am i doing with my life

>> No.8177221

That is not his wife. She is also not cute.

>> No.8177223

Cara Delevigne isn't cute? Come on dude...

>> No.8177225

It's just the dopey expression on her face, I think.

>> No.8177228

She has the face of a neanderthal and the body of a 12 year old boy

>> No.8177242

She falls into that valleynof weirdness for me

Its hard to pit my finger on exactly but she does nothing for me. I have trouble figuring out how she dkes it for anyone

Normally i can atleast concieve of someone finding another attractive, but not her.

>> No.8177273

It's quite an achievment but you're pretty high on the 4chan's autism scale.
You cannot seriously concieve how she be seen as attractive? Come on man, I don't like her myself but she's thin, has a great skin, nice face traits, tall, green eyes. Come on.

>> No.8177278



No I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a penis

>> No.8177287
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>tfw I like short buxom vixens with fairyesque facial features

>> No.8177297

Be my friend

>> No.8177301

Did you read my post. Normally i can wuth her i just cant.

>> No.8177305

As I said I don't like her myself; the whole quirky attitude and "look at me I'm so random" is very offputting but even an holocaust denier would understand why people find her attractive.

>> No.8177313


>> No.8177325
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>> No.8177496
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she has very striking almost brutal facial features which are almost ugly but certainly not completely so.

>> No.8177502

> he doesn't know about left wing sexual freedom
Also is this because of that Paper Towns movie or did he get her cast as the unattainable sex highschool sex object in that film? Both have odd undercurrents desu

>> No.8177512

more than you/10

>> No.8178721


>> No.8178775

I have been looking for a way to describe his style of writing because it also happens to be the style of talking that many 'funny' hipster kids used in high school.

It's not right to say it's quirky but it does have a kind of Wes Anderson element in the dialogue. You get a sense from the narration that the leads are looking down on the other characters and they come in with these words like 'literally', 'life choices', 'basically'. To some these words seem innocent but in this style of writing it's used to add a certain sharpness or personality to the character that makes them nauseating because it's as if adding 'literally' to an observation you're making it at the same time more clever but also more fickle/non-chalant or juvenile. A standard line might be like 'Literally, the love of my life.' referring to something asinine

Anyone else get this?

>> No.8178802

yeah I know what you mean. girl that Im vaguely friends with acts like that
she loves halsey,wes anderson and john green.

>> No.8178830
File: 144 KB, 1080x1350, cara541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhmmm. wrong again

i feel like the writing has the same sort of dialect that histrionic high school theatre kids have, wherein they try to put extra emphasis on "weird" words and "peculiar" enunciation. altho i'm just basing this on his films as i haven't actually read the books.

>> No.8178836
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>> No.8178855

she's like a 5 m8

>> No.8178858

Is that an actual man?

>> No.8178873

tfw we have the same taste.
I like her.
Well "objectively" she might be a 5 but I'd choose her rather than cara or whatever is considered attractive today.

>> No.8178890

>that right eye

This upsets my autism.

That being said, she looks more like an actual woman than an androginous dude like Cara.

>> No.8178891
File: 48 KB, 427x640, 1466015065682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude Cara is a goddess

>> No.8178893

this is exactly what models try to be

>> No.8178894

she looks like a handsome surfer dude in that pic

>> No.8178917

Exactly no one can look at her and realistically day that they think she's pretty, she might not be there type but they'd still think she's attractivr

>> No.8178947

>tfw i don't like cara
I tried honestly to understand the appeal many times over, always failed.
Can someone tl;dr the attraction you feel?

>> No.8178992
File: 397 KB, 2048x1228, cara500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one year ago
>alone again during the whole summer so i just drive around places for whatever reason at weird times
>drive like four hours one day to the city to go to like goodwill or the state mall or some shit
>can't find anything to buy and store employees keep pressuring me so i just get a Nirvana shirt from Newberry comics
>sit outside for a long time eating pretzel bites and hoping to die
>hang out in Cabela's later and try to buy a Remington shotgun but it was $500 and I only had $455
>get tired as the sun begins to set and decide to find a movie theatre just to pass time
>there are like ten movies showing and all of them look embarrassing
>pick Paper Towns on a whim
>go inside and sit with a small group of tweens and an middle aged MAN who is with his wife
>can't get my bag of Sour Patch Kids open and stop trying after I cut myself on it
>well up
>the small girls behind me are loud but as soon as the movie begins I realize it's going to hit home - HARD
>turns out the movie is literally about me at that time
>cara comes onscreen and everything begins to make sense
>drive home in a daze
and this is where cara and i began

>> No.8179008

It depends who you ask, some people cal it a choice I personally think people are born gay so I don't know how I could explain it to you

>> No.8179017

Idk, I like females but Cara objectively is a 7.5/10
If 5 is the average woman.
She's way above average but nowhere near really beautiful.

You can try to explain.
For example I like Anna Kendrick's face, I think she's a million times prettier than Cara.

>> No.8179063

Supremely punchable face/10
What is it about his face that tells you he's a shitty writer?

>> No.8179231

You gay? She looks like a dude in that pic.

>> No.8179241

You are the problem

>> No.8179244

His name is Blake

>> No.8179247

Edit this.

>> No.8179253

Talented enough to finish a book but not talented enough to write books that are not young adult trash.

>> No.8179262

You sound pathetic

>> No.8179267

Is that Jared Leto?

>> No.8179288

she isn't nearly Asian enough.

>> No.8179298

I thought this was supposed to be about rating John Green?

>> No.8179311

human garbage

>> No.8179312

I hate green, but that is a really good idea that I would use if i had friends.

>> No.8179318

when that baby grows up it'll probably join the alt-right.

>> No.8179330

Any manlet can only look slightly attractive if she puts on 20 kgs of makeup, you moron.

>> No.8179346

this is the most reasonable argument I've heard, how ever it still fails to actually do what the OP asked.

>> No.8179350
File: 55 KB, 607x608, 1465149046055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

admit that you want to poke her penis. you have 30 seconds to do so.

>> No.8179354

god I hope so.

>> No.8179382

what is the deal with /lit/ and Green?

>> No.8179411

Wallace wrote a positive blurb about him like weeks before his death, it was his last published material until TPK was released.

>> No.8179425

/lit/ stands for literature

>> No.8179471

I prefer girls who look like boys who look like girls, not girls who look like boys.

>> No.8179502

Why is she being pohotobombed by an orc?

>> No.8179504

If you have a penis you are not a her.

>> No.8179533

You're gay aren't you

>> No.8179708

>what is the deal with /lit/ and Green?
Lit is mad that a Supposed Hack is rich while their Patrician work is shit

>> No.8179712

Fucking wake me up inside.

>> No.8179830

No its the testicles that count, a woman can be born with a penis is but have ovaries and biologically be a female

>> No.8179837

Underrated post

>> No.8179965

She hates him. I remember him writing about how she couldn't stand him until he was famous.

>> No.8180090

hahaha what a fuckin pussy. instead of having the guts to ask someone out, he unasks out 6 people instead.

>> No.8180282

what is it that makes her face look so brutal?

i guess normally the mouth is wider - when a draw a face, the corners of the lip go to the respective centers of the eyes

and normally the mouth is 2/3 of the way between the chin and the nose, instead of 1/2 of the way

but i dont know if that really explains it

>> No.8180289

you're right

im not a fan of john green, but he does have a distinctive narrative voice. the voice usually isnt bland, but the rest of the book is pretentious and boring

>> No.8180305
File: 93 KB, 968x612, u fooking wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


filthy inbred jewess that takes drugs and black cock like it's her fucking job

>> No.8181395

What's wrong with drugs ? That makes her more attractive to me, the black cock thing doesn't do much to me isn't she a lesbian ? Which also is better for me

>> No.8181424

Her eyes for sure a day the small mouth yeah but the angle of how triangular her face is, her eyes though are the most striking part

>> No.8181454

>you had an arse full if farts that night my dear and I fucked them out of you. big fat fellows long windy ones, all ending in a long gush from your hole.

What did he mean by this?