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/lit/ - Literature

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8174668 No.8174668[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you study anything /lit/ related?

>> No.8174670

i did

>> No.8174673
File: 49 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nisvf2Ysov1tmaykeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren't in meh to suicide tier you're not cool.

>> No.8174684

I have a "Unbelievable Tier" degree and sincerely wish I could go back in time and study English lit.

>> No.8174688

>theology isn't cool
Burn in hell.

>> No.8174696
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Math and philosophy. Yes.

>> No.8174700

Yeah, literature. Technically it's humanities, with a concentration in literature.

I've got a comfy, well-paying job though, so it's not "suicide tier" for me.

>> No.8174723
File: 404 KB, 588x598, smug anime grill face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I'm heading for a math degree
>Tfw it's easy as fuck

>> No.8174727

this chart would be a lot more accurate if unbelievable tier were simply removed.

also no, I went to school for mathematics because I figured it would be easier to study lit without professors. dunno if that's true or not, but I liked my education.

>> No.8174734

the retarded tripfag said meh to suicide, which would include theology, which is not cool btw.

>> No.8174736

Wouldn't it be just as easy to study math without professors?

>> No.8174738

daily reminder major DOES NOT MATTER, only the rank/prestige of yoru school

>> No.8174740

I have a name...it's (◡‿◡)"bafflingly stupid as possible"....

>> No.8174742

I wouldn't say "only." Self-motivation has a lot to do with it too. But then, I suppose self-motivation often gets you to better schools.

>> No.8174751

Oh. I read too quickly I thought she meant you had to be suicide tier.

>> No.8174756

Burn in hell btw.

>> No.8174757

Which is exactly what that anon said: retarded tripfag

>> No.8174758

i saw someone call you boob gap, which i think is a way better name. it's because your smiley looks like boobs separated by pectus excavatum.

>> No.8174762

No it's (◡‿◡)"bafflingly stupid as possible"

Should I change it?

>> No.8174764

Add a flower :3 Also replace stupid with cute

>> No.8174765
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>> No.8174766

You know what that's not a bad damn point. Boob gap sounds cute too.

>> No.8174774

Instinctively looked at suicide tear and there it was

>> No.8174777

Not to make this thread too much about me but.....

right back at you for the flattery bubs :3

>> No.8174778


>> No.8174787

You're the best <3

>> No.8174788

does anyone know if math masters programs require a maths bachelors degree?

just wondering

>> No.8174796


>> No.8174798
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Depends. The Calculus sequence and Linear Algebra/Diff eq, Yeah. Their pretty easy to learn by yourself. Proof methods, it helps to have a profeessor but you can learn it by yourself. Anything above that, no. Usually the books are kinda muddled(as in they assume you know certain things you may have not covered in detail or at all and use that for a fundamental proof) and self-study is pretty difficult due to the complex nature of whats going on. A professor is definitely necessary to help clear up what's going on in context of the book.

>> No.8174801

I study literature.


>> No.8174811

You made me make an audible aww
You're good at fucking with my expectations.

>> No.8174812


>> No.8174820

Do you think the equivalent of a BS in Math could be done through self-study? I didn't take many Math courses in my undergrad, but I was thinking a MS in Math might be fun to try, since all the ones around here are fully funded despite being mediocre universities.

>> No.8174827

are you me?

im trying to do the same

>> No.8174831

I do not see linguistics on that list. Wich is actually a bigger deal here, since we have authorities that dictates how our orthography shall develop in our language.

>> No.8174832


He probably doesn't live in the United States to begin with.

>> No.8174834

>Usually the books are pretty muddled
>You can't self-study because it's too complex
Neither of these are true, you're just retarded.

How do people even get the idea that you can't learn mathematics by yourself? You think all your profs and their grad students never read a book without somebody holding their hand?

Besides, even if you do ever reach a complete impasse on a part of a book, there are tons of professional mathematicians on stackexchange that will answer your questions for free.

>> No.8174843

> history is shit tier

>> No.8174844
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Should I go to grad school for philosophy or psychology? I want to become a professor, but I know professorships for philosophy are few and far between.

>> No.8174846

I'm in engineering and there are plenty of cool people here

not me though :^)

>> No.8174849

How'd I get a job, personally? I usually look at the careers section of every website I go to regularly. There's all sorts of jobs that can be done remotely with an English degree. Copywriters, public relations and social media mess, all those bureaucratic-sounding non-titles, things like proofreaders, editors, anything in education fields like creating course content, grading courses, teaching assistants (not to mention teachers), etc. Besides that you've also got to be proactive: reach out to start-ups like publishers, education-related companies, websites that are related to your interests and see if they need someone, even if they haven't posted that they do.

If you want to know specifically what I'm doing, I grade tests for ETS and do side work as a proofreader for a few publishers.

I do, though.

>> No.8174855

I'm working on a computer science degree. I'm pretty envious of those who have life situations that allow them to get lit degrees.

>> No.8174857

that whales like "look at these lolis"

>> No.8174859

Do you already have another Masters too? If so, I may be you.

I just don't like the idea of not learning/actively earning a degree. Especially if it's totally funded.

>> No.8174864

Yeah if you don't go to grad or med school with physics and chem you're fucked.

>> No.8174865

>Besides that you've also got to be proactive: reach out to start-ups like publishers, education-related companies, websites that are related to your interests and see if they need someone, even if they haven't posted that they do.
This is good advice (can't speak specifically for English, but in general). Trying to get jobs through postings is more difficult, especially with little experience, because there's lots of competition.

Going through private channels not only gives off the impression that you're genuinely interested in working there and not just spamming resumes, you're also competing with much fewer people (if any at all).

>> No.8174867

Is there something below suicide tier?

I'd be edgy enough to be interested in something like that.

>> No.8174870


>prescriptivist linguistics instead of descriptivist


>> No.8174872

Sure this list is constructed based on money potential.

>> No.8174876

Unaccredited major that your advisor talks you into because you are young and impressionable and the school wants to be able to list having that degree. Happened to my cousin.

That or going to a for profit college.

>> No.8174881

Library science.

>> No.8174887

How to become more motivated desu? I don't care about much of anything these days

>> No.8174892

Do you have rich parents? If the answer is no, then you shouldn't go grad school for the humanities. And also it depends on the strength of the programs. Go with whichever one is stronger at your school and you may get lucky and get a decent paying job in marketing with your bachelor's

>> No.8174895

I don't get the backlash against this. There are degreed librarian positions open almost constantly around my city, which spans several dozen library districts. There's got to be at least some demand.

>> No.8174905

Can't help you with that, anon. I wish I knew how, so I could help some of the people I care about irl become motivated to do anything at all. It doesn't seem to be something you can teach.

>> No.8174919

Lol I forgot that some people actually did this.

So many reasons. Libraries are going to the wayside with the digital age so many states are talking about closing them down. Also since you have degree you are probably less likely to get hired because they will have to pay you more. Why would they pay someone a degree worthy salary just to put books on the shelves.

The only place I can think where this would be needed is at really large libraries or uni libraries. The amount of positions for this field has to be small. The only way there can be hope for this is that the number of people with your degree seeking those positions is really small and relatively weak.

>> No.8174921

I know trying to get into the humanities is pretty much a joke at this point, but there are people doing it. I just wonder what it takes for these people to get into positions at universities. I keep wondering if I am a "chosen one".

>> No.8174930

Anon, I think you're confused about what librarians do. They aren't the shelvers. Those jobs are given to pages, minimum wagers if not volunteers.

The librarians are the people who do acquisitions and weeding of the books, management of the grants and bureaucracy, handling the library's cataloging systems and running all those programs for the underprivileged and/or children.

>> No.8174952
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Philosophy and Computer Engineering.

The latter sucked out all my life. I don't know what to do with my life now. I just know I don't want to work as an engineer. Should I do an MBA? Should I just learn a trade? I want a comfy part time job and spend the rest of the day reading and writing. Due to my last relationship and general problems with women I opt out of having a family, too (even though I wanted nothing else for many years). Wanna live in a small shack with a large garden and my comfy part time job, yeah.

>> No.8175023

Focus on something rare in your programming skills (COBOL?), become a consultant, work 20 hours per week for double pay

>> No.8175131

This is a shit list because it is based on someone's personal interests. If you want to make money with just a bachelors, Computer Science, Finance, Business, Accounting, Applied Math, and Economics are probably the best choices especially considering the Engineering market is now flooded with recent graduates. If you want a solid education in the humanities, English, Classics, and Philosophy are the most rigorous and cover the greatest breadth of knowledge. The traditional sciences such as Physics, Biology, Mathematics, etc. see mediocre unless you pursue a doctorate, then you can become a professor-researcher or get a $ick quant job. Engineering is a pretty shit deal. Every other engineering student I meet is planning on pursuing a masters degree because they don't have any employment prospects. They would have been better off with Chad Thundercock in Financial Accounting 101 literally using middle school algebra to balance books for an OK middle class job. Plenty of great writers have been accountants and tax collectors: Miguel de Cervantes comes to mind immediately and didn't Joyce get bored at a bank in Rome for a year?

Anyway, I studied English for 3 years in university but changed majors to Computer Science after being a NEET for 2 years. I plan on quitting whatever I'm doing if I get a fat check in the mail for one of my novels... even if it doesn't come until I'm 40.

>> No.8175244

I study international relations (I don't know what tier to put it, probably meh tier)

so yes I have a pretty /lit/ friendly major, probably won't work in my field since it should be called Nepotism Inc.

>> No.8175271
File: 24 KB, 960x422, Autism Level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8174798 here.
Cause I'm an English major.
And yes, I am retarded. My major is a literal meme.

>> No.8175315

Study outside of class as often as you can. It won't be easy, but it's worth it.

>> No.8175320

No, but I'm hoping to go back in a few years and do so.

>> No.8175346
File: 37 KB, 217x43, nukular.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the hell would i waste my time and money on /lit/ bullshit?

>> No.8175356
File: 474 KB, 680x519, 12d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Psychology with minor in rhetoric
>School doesn't offer philosophy
>Can't transfer
>4.0 but no scholarships
>There are people getting free rides to play leather ball
>Major is still shit tier
>Psychology program is full of half-retarded students
At least the teachers are cool.

>> No.8175384

I did a double major in Political Science and history. In my defense I have no debt from it (took no loans) and I graduated really early. I figure I can use it to teach English in a foreign country (they usually require a bachelors) or apply to the Peace Corps. If I don't fall into a cool job from that I figure I could always teach high school history, it might be meh but it would be better than office work. That or I can get my library sciences degree and become an archivist. I had considered becoming a professor but I hear the pay and security is horrible. Maybe I'll be an adjunct in a community college if I ever can live off of investing or if I'm old and retired.

Or I could just go learn a trade and live a "comfortable" plebian life and read on the side.

>> No.8175409

>I just wonder what it takes for these people to get into positions at universities.

Sexual favors to people in high places

>> No.8175413

Library Science is legit IF and only if you want to live in a top 20 population city or suburb. Even in a city of 150K I have never seen a job I could qualify for yet, so would be very careful there but yeah its somewhat underrated, sometimes you can get dope work like spending the day building websites, or you can look at old documents and digitize then add metadata so that computers can find it, or yeah, help people learn what stocks are and how to invest, actually feels good to know you can help lift people up too ya know.

I have been a librarian for 2 years and definitely considering Law School and then doing Big Law Librarian, then I don't need to do a lot of weird shit with old infirm and homeless people like I thought I would like to do because I considered myself a "humanitarian who loves books". :/

>> No.8175456 [DELETED] 

Let me tell you why that list is literal bullshit.

As a med student, I can tell you with absolute certainty that if you don't even understand Anatomy, Biochemistry, Biology, or Pharmacology, which are all located one tier below Medicine, you will NEVER EVER be able to become a good doctor. So forget "employment, usefulness to market, salary, and environment", you will fail as a professional if you don't understand the foundation. Besides, employment and environment are not necessarily guaranteed in Medicine. Employment depends on way more on the person than on the discipline. And most of the time the "environment" is absolute literal dogshit, because you're working along arrogant assholes.

So fuck your list, in fact fuck any list that is made for the only purpose of making yourself feel superior to others only based on what you chose to study.

>> No.8175459

>Computer Engineering.
What did you study? I'm deciding between CE and CS

>> No.8175460
File: 35 KB, 512x390, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you why that list is literal bullshit:

As a med student, I can tell you with absolute certainty that if you don't even understand Anatomy, Biochemistry, Biology, or Pharmacology, which are all located one tier below Medicine, you will NEVER EVER be able to become a good doctor. So forget "employment, usefulness to market, salary, and environment", you will fail as a professional if you don't understand the foundation. Besides, employment and environment are not necessarily guaranteed in Medicine. Employment depends on way more on the person than on the discipline. And most of the time the "environment" is absolute literal dogshit, because you're working along arrogant assholes.

So fuck your list, in fact fuck any list that is made for the only purpose of making yourself feel superior to others only based on what you chose to study.

>> No.8175466

>What did you study?
Sorry, I'm a bit tired. I meant it as, what is the content that you studied/learned?

>> No.8175470


>> No.8175475

>As a med student, I can tell you with absolute certainty that if you don't even understand Anatomy, Biochemistry, Biology, or Pharmacology, which are all located one tier below Medicine, you will NEVER EVER be able to become a good doctor.
So? Are you supposed to have 5 bachelors to be a good doctor then? You don't study that shit IN the medicine course?

>> No.8175502

proofreading student assistant job for the SoCA. Worth majoring in English. Good prospects. Good advice.

Bad usage of English degree: attempt to write a book your entire life and never accomplish it and live in your car involuntarily (or voluntarily, in some places)

>> No.8175511


>> No.8175524


I'm about as poor as you can get in my country, have no support or housing from my parents or anyone else other than my equally poor girlfriend, was able to pursue other disciplines, including science (not eng though), but I still choose lit as my major, and philosophy as my minor. What's your excuse?

I'm in my final semester, and when I finish, I'm going to become a fireman.

>> No.8175545

god tier here, and same.

>> No.8175549

I hate These fucking meme charts too much. It should be like this

God tire

Good tire
Bussinese/Computer science

Shit tire
Everything else

>> No.8175570

what the fuck is this stupid chart?

>> No.8175587

>le god tier stem
Fuck off, Reddit

>> No.8175605
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>> No.8175620

I remember meeting a guy from okcupid who was literally majoring in foreign languages and gender studies and he was fat and had green hair and would get on camera and show me his nail polish and drink juice boxes and eat pringles. It was so disgusting, I actually just removed him and blocked him one day because I couldn't stand it.

I honestly wish this planet would die, or better yet, I was thinking about suicide a little bit this morning. I care more about art and philosophy than literally anything, and to be honest I don't really even care that much about making art besides appreciating art (besides the fact that I'm not bad at art). My whole life is stymied because I am too bored with school to stand sitting in a college classroom, my parents are helping me find some minimum wage job at a food delivery service because I quit college 3 times.

I literally have been contemplating suicide lit. I hate this world and there's no way out.

>> No.8175625

you sound like me, my friend. except I have little talent at creating art, sadly. I live pretty much only for the next book or piece of music to appreciate.

>> No.8175629

I'm the same with music, to be honest. I didn't think to mention in because it's such a worthless hobby, but I think that I probably know more music than almost anyone on earth. It's been an obsessive interest of mine since I was in my early teens.

>> No.8175630


>> No.8175720

If you are actually smug about finding an undergraduate degree easy you should consider suicide. Fucking pleb.

>> No.8175721

Philosophy. Hoping to do an advanced degree in Cog Sci or phil. The job-prospects aren't good and I will most likely struggle if I don't make it to research-lvl, but I find the work very engaging and the student loans aren't too bad (Northern yurop).

>> No.8175734


>you are rated on how useful a tool you are and how many consumer points you can accumulate

I'm by no means aversive to work, but god damn it STEM friends, stop being so vulgar.

>> No.8175738
File: 523 KB, 1280x1280, 1465521055415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me just close my eyes to write this so I don't have to feel oppressed by the world and I can actually think. You know what's disgusting about this chart? The very premise on which the ratings are based. The only thing that matters in this world is the applicability of a job to society and how much money it makes? If that's the only thing that really matters then this is a pretty shallow fucking life. Is that really the basis on which you can rate jobs for their worth? I think that seems like a pretty subjective rating, I couldn't imagine anyone but some vain sociopath thinking that money is literally the only important thing in this world.

Okay, now time for slightly unrated to the first part I wrote part two. I think that in an ideal world people wouldn't really have to work. There would only be some jobs that people could take turns doing because they're necessary, not make society's sole function and purpose for living to become consumers of goods and figure out what the best way to market and become a business man or work for some business. How could someone not see how shallow a purpose that is? I look at the industrial revolution as simply phase 1 to an automatic livelyhood for human beings. The next step will be to make everything automated so human beings won't really have to work, or simply implant the data students have to learn directly in their brains so they don't have to spend any time in school.

I wouldn't lie to you about this, I feel that my life has been robbed and I possibly have become inescapably apathetic towards our modern day existence from what I have been put through in our society. If you read through everything I just wrote and you still think that the be all end all virtue of everything is work, then I really have nothing to say to you because the well of rationality inside of my head has been depleted at this point and all that's left on the bottom is my anger and resent towards you and people like you. Except I'm not going to go there and end on some defensive insecure not like I see many people do who are upset at the world, although I do feel that way quite a bit. I feel horrible about the world I live in.

Sometimes I almost conflate being intelligent in a boring ass field like the ones in those charts with actually having "worth while" and "not worth while" sorts of intelligence. If I'm simply a retarded dumbass because I'm not smart in a higher field on that chart, then I guess I'm just thrown into some bizarre alternative universe, because that's fucking bullshit. Tbh the only things that interest me on that chart are in the shit tier and meh tier fields.

>> No.8175747

Biology (Medicine, Economics, and Physics tri-major.

May take out a philosophy minor if I get more scholarships.

>> No.8175760

>Ecology shit tier


>> No.8175763

Why regret not having formally studied something so easily self-taught?

>> No.8175772


What part of northern europe?

>> No.8175778


>> No.8175780

I thought you fucks didn't have to take out loans.

>> No.8175787

Engineering is a bloated job market and Medicine and Law require too much debt. Law is also in the same boat as engineering. If anything, CS and degrees that can get you a job in a bank are probably the best.

>> No.8175794

I wrote that huge post and no one's gonna respond?

>> No.8175805

You're beyond saving if you think that because they are a part of a curriculum, it diminishes their importance.

>> No.8175807


You can't easily self teach humanities research and long form argument making any more than most other things, which is the skill you're really getting if you study lit. Guidance is helpful for that kind of stuff. You can easily learn about literature though.

>> No.8175808

how the fuck is business managment lower than economics and accounting?
in my country accounting isn't even a degree, just a part of business managment mayors

>> No.8175811

I see a huge post, I immediately assume it's a copypasta and ignore it.

>> No.8175815

I just wrote that. is everyone so terrible at writing that no one thinks that a 4 paragraph post is something original? Nigger I go write 20 paragraph messages in my fucking sleep, I literally just wrote that, go fucking read it.

>> No.8175818

>go fucking read it
You can't force me to. I have human rights.

>> No.8175825

No you don't, bitch. You're officially my slave. Now read it or die.

>> No.8175828

Technically we don't have to, as we don't pay for tuition. Most students, however, do take loans in order to have an income while being enrolled in a full-time study. The loans are used to cover rent for student accommodations, food, transport, leisure activities. The interest on the loan is very low so some students even put a portion of it towards stock investments.

>> No.8175830
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a degree is just means to an end
you deciede what end will it be
it is just a codification that tells people you know about certain subjects

and yes we need capitalism to fool selfish and individualists into working for the benefit of all
at least until humankind will be able to leave its cradle

>> No.8175833
File: 67 KB, 1061x591, GtHAm9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-Please don't do this to me

>> No.8175841

You don't have time to go back to university part time then? It's not exactly uncommon.

>> No.8175849


the chart says its rated by "usefulness to market"

why the hell would you want to be that

>> No.8175851

I want to be a millionaire.

Business or engineering? Or both?

>> No.8175852

Considering that consumerist culture just keeps buying new stuff and throwing out old stuff to stay new and current, I'd say it's a cruel punishment for everyone that this is the way we live, because it's so unnecessary and involves so much suffering.

>> No.8175853

Take the money you were going to spend on a degree and invest in in getting started in the scrap metal business.

Take it from me, man. Scrap metal dealers make bank.

>> No.8175855

This is some unique advice.

Also, random question. Are there some "careers" or "courses" that can truly be self taught? Lincoln read his law books from his old job iirc.

>> No.8175856


If you actually believe this shit you are fucking retarded.

Obv all of social sciences and humanities should be on top, except IR and media studies.

>> No.8175858

Let me just close my eyes to write this so I don't have to feel oppressed by the world and I can actually think. You know what's disgusting about this chart? The very premise on which the ratings are based. The only thing that matters in this world is the applicability of a job to society and how much money it makes? If that's the only thing that really matters then this is a pretty shallow fucking life. Is that really the basis on which you can rate jobs for their worth? I think that seems like a pretty subjective rating, I couldn't imagine anyone but some vain sociopath thinking that money is literally the only important thing in this world.

Okay, now time for slightly unrated to the first part I wrote part two. I think that in an ideal world people wouldn't really have to work. There would only be some jobs that people could take turns doing because they're necessary, not make society's sole function and purpose for living to become consumers of goods and figure out what the best way to market and become a business man or work for some business. How could someone not see how shallow a purpose that is? I look at the industrial revolution as simply phase 1 to an automatic livelyhood for human beings. The next step will be to make everything automated so human beings won't really have to work, or simply implant the data students have to learn directly in their brains so they don't have to spend any time in school.

I wouldn't lie to you about this, I feel that my life has been robbed and I possibly have become inescapably apathetic towards our modern day existence from what I have been put through in our society. If you read through everything I just wrote and you still think that the be all end all virtue of everything is work, then I really have nothing to say to you because the well of rationality inside of my head has been depleted at this point and all that's left on the bottom is my anger and resent towards you and people like you. Except I'm not going to go there and end on some defensive insecure not like I see many people do who are upset at the world, although I do feel that way quite a bit. I feel horrible about the world I live in.

Sometimes I almost conflate being intelligent in a boring ass field like the ones in those charts with actually having "worth while" and "not worth while" sorts of intelligence. If I'm simply a retarded dumbass because I'm not smart in a higher field on that chart, then I guess I'm just thrown into some bizarre alternative universe, because that's fucking bullshit. Tbh the only things that interest me on that chart are in the shit tier and meh tier fields.

>> No.8175861

Let me just close my eyes to write this so I don't have to feel oppressed by the world and I can actually think. You know what's disgusting about this chart? The very premise on which the ratings are based. The only thing that matters in this world is the applicability of a job to society and how much money it makes? If that's the only thing that really matters then this is a pretty shallow fucking life. Is that really the basis on which you can rate jobs for their worth? I think that seems like a pretty subjective rating, I couldn't imagine anyone but some vain sociopath thinking that money is literally the only important thing in this world.

Okay, now time for slightly unrated to the first part I wrote part two. I think that in an ideal world people wouldn't really have to work. There would only be some jobs that people could take turns doing because they're necessary, not make society's sole function and purpose for living to become consumers of goods and figure out what the best way to market and become a business man or work for some business. How could someone not see how shallow a purpose that is? I look at the industrial revolution as simply phase 1 to an automatic livelyhood for human beings. The next step will be to make everything automated so human beings won't really have to work, or simply implant the data students have to learn directly in their brains so they don't have to spend any time in school.

I wouldn't lie to you about this, I feel that my life has been robbed and I possibly have become inescapably apathetic towards our modern day existence from what I have been put through in our society. If you read through everything I just wrote and you still think that the be all end all virtue of everything is work, then I really have nothing to say to you because the well of rationality inside of my head has been depleted at this point and all that's left on the bottom is my anger and resent towards you and people like you. Except I'm not going to go there and end on some defensive insecure not like I see many people do who are upset at the world, although I do feel that way quite a bit. I feel horrible about the world I live in.

Sometimes I almost conflate being intelligent in a boring ass field like the ones in those charts with actually having "worth while" and "not worth while" sorts of intelligence. If I'm simply a retarded dumbass because I'm not smart in a higher field on that chart, then I guess I'm just thrown into some bizarre alternative universe, because that's fucking bullshit. Tbh the only things that interest me on that chart are in the shit tier and meh tier fields.

>> No.8175865

Why? Why? Maybe it's time you stopped asking why. Hell, maybe it's time you started asking how. Fuck purpose. That shit will get you nowhere, kid. Purpose is as Marx called it: "the opiate of the masses." What are you gonna do? Buy a new iPhone? New Macbook? New Nike Jordans? Heh... maybe you will. Makes no difference to me. But those? Those things? That isn't living. Hell, that isn't even trying.

Don't let these corporations live for you, kid. That's how I used to do it. Once you take the red pill... Let's just say you DON'T go back. Trust me, kid. It's time to grow up. Time to climb out of the tree house. Time to tell your ma to put that tit away: you're done sucking the corporate milk. You're in the shark tank now, kid. Time to start acting like a shark.

*throws cigarette on ground*

*mounts motorcycle*

Oh and one more thing...

*smiles to myself*

Don't let me catch you round these parts again or I won't let you off so easy...

*throws cigarette on ground*

*drives away*

>> No.8175868


Why would you rant over such a chart? You already said yourself that this chart is based on job rate. Study whatever the fuck you want, man.

>> No.8175870

Because looking at that chart legitimately made me upset, it's almost too real to look at and just see as a joke. I have no intention of what the person who made it is, but I wrote that under the mind set that the person who made that chart was serious about it. I know in retrospect that it was probably someone thinking "haha this will get a few people riled up", but when you step back and look at the relevance of that sort of thinking to society, the one that actually looks like a chart like this and agrees, it starts to become pretty depressing. I may even have been under the impression myself for a little while while I was contemplating the chart that it somehow had some meaning. However I thought about it and I quickly snapped out of it, my instincts kicked in and I knew that it wasn't just some abstract mind trick that I would have to perform to make myself less upset, I realized that there's a serious reason why that mind set is wrong, and I decided to go and write something about it.

>> No.8175873

>describing plebs



>> No.8175879

You write like a twink.

>> No.8175890
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>mfw my degree is not even on the list

>> No.8175891


Not sure if this will help you, but reading Stirner and Nietzsche and getting yourself a "fuck other people's beliefs" attitude can prevent you from getting upset over stupid people.

>> No.8175895

I am going to switch to linguistics this year, and probably double major with psychology.

>> No.8175899

Who is Stirner? Is he Nietzsche-friendly?

>> No.8175900

I have a book by stirner, and I have thus spoke zarathustra by nietzsche and I wish I got a different book from him. I usually wait until I have some sort of special drive to finish a book, because every time I pick up a book there's almost a sort of ritual of prepared mindedness that goes into reading a book for me. I was thinking of getting the gay science, the genealogy of morality and echo homo, as well as beyond good and evil.

>> No.8175908
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>> No.8175909

I wish I could get me some new Nike Jordans tho

>> No.8175912
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>> No.8175913


Stirner "The Ego and His own" is all you need. It's upsetting, depressing, and will generally alter the way you view societal ethics forever. Not for the faint of mind, though, but definitely recommendable.

>> No.8175918

>and will generally alter the way you view societal ethics forever
That's quite a Rand-tier claim.

>> No.8175927


Funny cause Rand, Nietzsche, and Stirner typically fall in the same boat.

>> No.8175931

Except neither Nietzsche nor Stirner were determinists.
>and will generally alter the way you view societal ethics forever

>> No.8175934

what the fuck? not determinists? uggh

>> No.8175937

>finished Physics Bachelor
>starting Philosophy Bachelor
Dropping four tiers like it ain't nothing brooooos!

>> No.8175938

I'm studying film, so yes. If you disagree with me that's fine, but I wouldn't hang out with you.

>> No.8175952


>> No.8175957

Studying Physiotherapy

Fairly /lit/

>> No.8175958

Would you mind putting on a dress and posing for me?

>> No.8175959

those videos aren't me, but they're heavily agreeable to my ideals. I made a thread the other day of myself naked with the edgar allen poe book though lol.

>> No.8175974

Studied and now work in anthropology. Is it good? Yes. Meh, more specifically.
Its money earned with work much harder than I'd earn it with something from first two categories. Lifestyle coming with it is not the best one either. Good thing in life is that you can end up anywhere with just about any degree or even without it if you're socially competent and likeable, tall and white.

>> No.8175979 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8175981

Should only be roughly a year, no?

>> No.8175992

Well the Bachelor-Master system is still quite new here in Germany so it is somewhat weird. At my uni the Bachelors in Philosophy normally takes the regular 3 years but it is also normally a dual major field. As I have already finished a complete Physics Bachelor I can just take that as my second major and ideally blaze through Philosophy within approx. 1.5 years.

The thing is that I don't really have any idea what the exact workload will look like so only time will tell how long it will take me. Currently I'm pretty much living the NEET life by chilling in the university library and reading multiple books at the same time.

>> No.8176028
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Considering starting History after a couple of semesters of Engineering made me want to kill myself, what's it like?

>> No.8176043

You're a grill, aren't you?

>> No.8176105

Why did it make you want to kill yourself?

>> No.8176114

>mfw major in Chemical Eng with minors in Philosophy and English
>mfw judged by "employment, usefulness to market, salary, and environment"

>> No.8176136

i major in math with a minor in philosophy as well. sadly its all analytic philosophy in amsterdam so its kinda a disappointment

>> No.8176164
File: 151 KB, 754x735, The aftermath of D-Day as two boys watch from a tree while American soldiers drive through Saint Lo in France..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely mentally draining and the only reason I ended up picking it over something like History or Lit is because I figured at least it wouldn't be too difficult getting a job if I graduated. That's a key thing here: 'if', I never fully believed I would graduate, even before I started. I figured since I spend most of my time by computers, and always thought programming might be interesting, so just went for it hoping it would turn out good despite being more interested in history and lit. Then the farther I got with the degree the less I cared. A lot of what I was doing was also different from what I expected. After a larger assignment, in which I had no idea what I was doing, I started seriously considering dropping out. I ended up passing it, somehow, but I think that was based off the formalities of the assignment and not the actual content I delivered. I could barely make myself read up for the exams and because of the weird way the largest exam worked, which I failed, I'll have to retake probably all of them despite passing some of them. Either way I'm dropping out.

A side note is that the STEM-autist meme is real, not that there aren't pretty normal people there too, but didn't actually expect the number of weirdos it turned out to have.

What are you in?

>> No.8176194

Not in university yet, but about to finish the HSC.

Can anyone (Ausfags especially, and NSWfags more so) entice me about Economics?

It is one of my favourite subjects at high school, but I feel like university-level of economics is going to be a whole lot more complex. What I admire most about high school Economics is that it is quite logical, meaning that once I have shit figured it out it stays figured out, and everything seems to flow naturally from one topic to another, as in my knowledge in one topic helps to inform knowledge in another.

If university economics is nothing like this, then can someobody recommend a major that seems more up my alley? TY.

>planning on going to USyd, but if all else fails ANU

>> No.8176205

>stirner didnt get completely btfo in the german ideology
Is this the worst meme?

>> No.8176212

>History/Philosophy BA/MA
>starting Philosophy PhD at UChicago in September

Who /barista/ here?

>> No.8176217

HEC alpha reporting in

>> No.8176222

Plastic Arts, but only because my dad told me that i should study something. Otherwise i wouldn't even try to have a major.

>> No.8176240
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In theory, anything can be just self taught. Nowadays, i'm inclined to say that only medicine is supposed to be taught by an expert, as you need to see how something is done irl one way or another. Everything else can be done by studying a lot on your own. But why bother.

>> No.8176278

Hardware architecture, electrotechnology, microsystems, circuit technology ("Schaltungstechnik"), digital signal processing, metrology and sensors, Physics, control technology ("Regelungs- und Steuerungstechnik"), Signals and Systems, network technologies, technical informatics, ebedded systems, embedded mobile systems, GPU programming, operating systems (focus was on programming Assembly; I suck at programming).

This was the bulk of the special modules. Then there was 20% of standard Computer Science modules that everyone in the CS faculty did, no matter which special snowflake degree they chose. Also a few standard engineering modules. The largest modules were electrotechnology (3 modules á 10 credit points) and technical informatics (also 3 modules á 10 credits). Took electives in industrial design, bioinformatics and machine learning, because why not?

I wanted to study robotics and automatization for my MSc, but I'm done with STEM. My grades were mostly mediocre, too. Except for the engineering parts. Programming and CS autism isn't my strength. Didn't like the electrotechnology either.

Applied for an MSc in Engineering Mathematics but dropped out before I even started.

I'm currently doing nothing, but will apply to something for the next semester as the job market is scary. Really unsure where to go. Someone suggested I should try to get a position in AI research due to the CE+Philosophy background. Alas those spaces are rare, I imagine it to be boring and I agree with Kaczynski. Bad combination overall.

>> No.8176282

Did you get a job?
If not there yet: do you expect to get a job? Where?

>> No.8176323

I'm going from a god tier to a suicide tier, or maybe it's meh tier AMA.

>> No.8176347

Biochemistry but I've probably forgot everything by now. I ended up becoming a wood worker. I guess it's kind of nice to understand what wood is on a molecular level

>> No.8176356

So, for a living, you identify wood, and your mom sits on it?

>> No.8176373

What would Architecture be under

>> No.8176385

Depends on where you live. In Germany it would be "meh" (job market has oversupply of them), in America it probably would be good.

>> No.8176833


I study Biochemistry - why am I in Great Tier twice? Does that mean I'm twice as great as the others?

>> No.8177178

I'm a barista. What else did you expect?

>> No.8177396

Where my fellow translators at

>> No.8177419

learn to read

>> No.8177423

This chart is inaccurate on many levels.

An electrical engineer will make more money than a financial analyst at 23. But the same engineer will make around the same when he's 45 (~100-200k) while the analyst will be either a financial planner, senior broker, or banker making anywhere from 120k -400k a year.

I'm an economics major by education, working in an editorial office. Our senior-most editors make over 300k a year. They're all philosophy or literature majors. The IT engineers who run our software/ computer systems are stuck with ~120k a year for the rest of their careers. The college major simply gives you access to certain jobs and graduate programs - it's your career trajectory that matters.

Also, Bachelor's degrees are essentially high-school diplomas at this point, since everyone has one. If you want access to competitive high-paying positions, go to graduate business school (what I'm doing) or graduate school that teaches you skills that advance your career. Don't go to graduate school for history if you were a history major, unless you want to join academia or get a career in civil service.

College education is overrated. Just go to a well-regarded school, get over a 3.0, and look at graduate school or a career with excellent opportunities to rise.

>> No.8177434

No it just means you're looking at a chart made by an engineering student.

>> No.8177435

Let me just close my eyes to write this so I don't have to feel oppressed by the world and I can actually think. You know what's disgusting about this chart? The very premise on which the ratings are based. The only thing that matters in this world is the applicability of a job to society and how much money it makes? If that's the only thing that really matters then this is a pretty shallow fucking life. Is that really the basis on which you can rate jobs for their worth? I think that seems like a pretty subjective rating, I couldn't imagine anyone but some vain sociopath thinking that money is literally the only important thing in this world.

Okay, now time for slightly unrated to the first part I wrote part two. I think that in an ideal world people wouldn't really have to work. There would only be some jobs that people could take turns doing because they're necessary, not make society's sole function and purpose for living to become consumers of goods and figure out what the best way to market and become a business man or work for some business. How could someone not see how shallow a purpose that is? I look at the industrial revolution as simply phase 1 to an automatic livelyhood for human beings. The next step will be to make everything automated so human beings won't really have to work, or simply implant the data students have to learn directly in their brains so they don't have to spend any time in school.

I wouldn't lie to you about this, I feel that my life has been robbed and I possibly have become inescapably apathetic towards our modern day existence from what I have been put through in our society. If you read through everything I just wrote and you still think that the be all end all virtue of everything is work, then I really have nothing to say to you because the well of rationality inside of my head has been depleted at this point and all that's left on the bottom is my anger and resent towards you and people like you. Except I'm not going to go there and end on some defensive insecure not like I see many people do who are upset at the world, although I do feel that way quite a bit. I feel horrible about the world I live in.

Sometimes I almost conflate being intelligent in a boring ass field like the ones in those charts with actually having "worth while" and "not worth while" sorts of intelligence. If I'm simply a retarded dumbass because I'm not smart in a higher field on that chart, then I guess I'm just thrown into some bizarre alternative universe, because that's fucking bullshit. Tbh the only things that interest me on that chart are in the shit tier and meh tier fields.

>> No.8177465

Not him, but I study History and it's pretty nice. I like the subject and the classes are always interesting. I don't study in the US and don't have to pay tuition, so there no debt problem there; not sure about how that'd work in the US though.

There's always plenty to read, and I've found that the Theory classes are always rather entertaining - it does have a lot in common with some branches and aspects of Philosophy.

As for classmates, it's what one expects from a humanities class - interesting people, but not really interested in delving deep into the subject. Not really a bother, but not really anything to write about either.

All in all, I like it. It involves a lot of reading, so if that's your cup of tea, you might like it.

>> No.8177480

What do you guys think about Biochem. I wan't to be a research scientist, but I've seen first hand that the biological fields have been over saturated with medfags who only care about money.

At my orientation of about 100 bio and biochem students me and 3 other people were the only ones trying to go to grad school. Are my goals misguided? Will I be forced to become a science hs teacher?

>> No.8177519

Architecture is cool.

>> No.8177528

Economics is awesome friend

>> No.8177610

Underrated post. Engineering students always try to show how superior their majors are. Everyone else either takes the bait, or accepts that their major is shit based on what some introverted, perma-virgin Asian kid with an overpowering mom claims.

Relevant - engineering is a good major if you're in a poor country like China or India since it allows you more social mobility. If you're middle-class American, you probably won't make more than your parents if you study engineering. But other majors allow you to have the upward social mobility that engineering doesn't allow you to have.

>> No.8177994

suicide tier is studying something you have zero interest in just because of "usefulness to the market"

>> No.8178070

I'm an engineer and this is relatively accurate, but it also has something to do with the nature of people I believe go into the engineering field. I majored in Chem E but also got minors in Philo and English, and I got an MBA to hopefully aid in my upward mobility. This is the exact opposite of a typical engineer. Most of the people I met had no concept of independence or interest in the field and seemed content with doing the same thing for decades. I think engineering for the most part draws many "cogs in the machine" which is why many have the world view they do.

>> No.8178455

No. I am the only straight male psych major that I know of at my school.

>> No.8179461

tfw you in good tier getting your phd in english college education

>> No.8179477

i was studying history but i dropped out junior year when i decided i would commit suicide at thirty. it seemed pointless to keep going to school after that.

>> No.8179491

I'm studying English lit with a concentration in TESOL


>> No.8180237

That was my plan before I dropped out. I wanted to **see the world**

>> No.8180263

What is the SoCA?

>> No.8181181

Theology is actually the most secure option for jobs tbqh. In my country they're borrowing pastors between churches because there aren't enough.

>> No.8181206

I think the highest ultra uber mensch unbelievable god tier is Artificial intelligence.

>> No.8181219

how is software engineering not on the same category as electrical and computer?

>> No.8181236
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I study economics, but literature is my passion

If we lived in a post scarcity communist world, I might have studied something literature related

>> No.8182010

The lack of rigour and professionalism. Software engineering debates are very often bad in all the ways that stembros claim the humanities are.

>> No.8182027

>calls people unindependent for not falling for the class striving meme

>> No.8182047
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Thanks for the reply.

Everything you've written is basically what I would have expected it to be. Tuition and debt isn't an issue for me either.
How far in are you? Do you know now what kind of work you'll be looking for when you finish?

>I've found that the Theory classes are always rather entertaining - it does have a lot in common with some branches and aspects of Philosophy.
That's pretty cool.

>> No.8182052
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>> No.8182058

In order from most to least important:

>Fraternities / sororities
>Research / internships
>Other connections
>Schools attended
>Class rankings
>Extracurricular activities

>> No.8182063

t. American

>> No.8182066

>using a two value logic
>being an americunt

>> No.8182067



>> No.8182069

Comparative Literature with a minor in French.

>> No.8182075

I studied Russian language for a while. We did some reading, mostly poetry. If the administration hadn't killed the program,I would have been able to go on and read classic novels.

>> No.8182089

Also philosophy, but all analytic, so more like math.

>> No.8182096

How many courses of Russian did you already have? My university did the same with Japanese only two semesters in for me. But apparently, they said they were required to offer the full four semesters of one language required for us to graduate with a BA if we wanted to continue in that language.

Ended up meaning that it was just me and a qt Chinese grad student teaching me Japanese one-on-one for the last two semesters.

>> No.8182105
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>Ended up meaning that it was just me and a qt Chinese grad student teaching me Japanese one-on-one for the last two semesters.

>> No.8182146

I'm halfway in, so there's still a while to go. I'm getting both a teaching degree (not sure what's the exact terminology in english) and a bachelor's degree, mostly so I'll never risk starving - but my goal is to follow the academia path (so a Master's, a PhD, etc.). Still not sure of what period I'm going to cover, but maybe something in the Middle Ages or the French Revolution. It's going to be a long journey, and I'm not really expecting too much - eventually getting a job in a nice university doing some research and teaching some classes and eventually writing some books, but I'm not really counting on that feeding me.

I rather like it. Who knows how it'll be in a few years; for now I'm satisfied.

As for the philosophy aspects, they are rather fascinating. The very notion of the possibility of a history is so riddled with interesting problems and questions that I don't feel it loses too much to an actual philosophy degree (it's a different approach to many of the same concepts).

>> No.8182152

I had 6 classes over 5 semesters. 3 ore classes and I would have had the minor I was going for. Right now my major is Geology, but I've also studied accounting, finance, and mechanical engineering. Needless to say, I have no idea what I want out of life. At least I'm not taking loans.

>> No.8182164

This the blog thread? Cause no one gives a shit.

But I'm in school for Literature because its all I'm good at. Essays and writing, though I haven't done any creative writing because it terrifies me. Wouldn't even be able to upload shitty fanfiction as practice on some shitty website under a pseudonym because I'm so pathetic. Guess all I can do is become a teacher or kill myself or something. At least reading is fun.

>> No.8182172

>tfw meh tier
God end me now

>> No.8182206

No, /lit/ is just a hobby.
I studied pure maths.

>> No.8182216

Going from Unbelievable (Electrical Engineering) to God Tier (Maths) because that's just not the life I want but I still hate myself.

>> No.8182225

>chose psychology
>complaining about talented athletes doing something harder than her shit major

Get rekt

>> No.8182232

And I'm probably going to do a Master's in Computational Linguistics. I speak four languages and I'm working on my fifth; almost all I do in my free time is study the mechanics of different languages. Help me.

>> No.8182258

Any tips you can give a fellow economics major? I am definitely planning on going to graduates school once I get my bachelors

>> No.8182266

How can you not be mad about athletic scholarships? Those scholarships are there just so that the people running the athletic department can make fat stacks. Then, when the athletes get too old, they just toss them out like used napkins. All the while the athletes are tricked into thinking that fucking football is actually worthwhile.

>> No.8182267

Study what you have passion about and be consistent. One of exes is an absolute autistic fuck, but he went hard on his History Masters, and now he gets tu run a fucking museum all by himself.

>> No.8182285

I studied nursing.
Kill me.

>> No.8182291

but where does Maths with Philosophy lie

>> No.8182339

desu think I might want to study linguistics, though I'm not sure if I want to waste money on college either.

also I'm not sure that would lead to career paths with decent paying jobs (literally all our school emphasized when it came to college, not learning something your interested in, just fucking jobs), although I really don't mind that. I don't care for STEM either, or rather, I'm shit at all aspects of it.

>> No.8182355

r u a cute girl

>> No.8182368

No, that would at least ease my existential pain a bit.

>> No.8182376

geo is cool. gotta job in oil back in 2009 and havent been laid off yet. making 120k

>> No.8182397
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I never thought of being a teacher or professor but in the end I don't think I would mind actually. Wouldn't mind working at a museum either.

>eventually getting a job in a nice university doing some research and teaching some classes
What exactly would this researching entail?

>and eventually writing some books, but I'm not really counting on that feeding me.
Would be pretty cool to do as well. Just to get anything published really.

>and now he gets tu run a fucking museum all by himself.
This sounds so damn chill.

>> No.8182403

I wrote software for the past couple years. Now I'm unemployed and just read and play vidya My drive to do anything else is completely gone. I just want to stay lost in other worlds.

>> No.8182411

Did you hit the software jackpot or do you have to inevitably get a job again?

>> No.8182417

why is geophysics in god and good tier

>> No.8182454
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>tfw Petroleum Engineering

I fucking need to get out boys, this shit isn't looking good
>no idea what to do with my life
>slip sliding into an overspecialized degree for a job in a dying industry
And I don't even like any of this shit

This isn't unbelievable tier, this is me wanting to die tier

>> No.8182457


No jackpot. I worked for small businesses doing in-house software and websites. I'll have to get a job again soon.

>> No.8182466

I have nowhere else to post this but I want to tell /lit/

>work in university library
>on desk
>4 year old girl comes up with her sister and parents
>asks me if the "Restricted Section" is real
>parents give me the wink-wink that it's from Harry Potter
>tell her yes, absolutely
>she looks completely amazed
>parents thank me for playing along
>kid leaves with look of barely contained excitement

>> No.8182478
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>This isn't unbelievable tier, this is me wanting to die tier
I laughed hard, thanks. Not at your misery though, I hope you figure something out friend.

>> No.8182480

Boring story desusenpai.

>> No.8183119

Not really, chemistry with PhD in organic synthesis so noooooot really I do have to write for grants and to tell the DEA stuff we're ordering

>> No.8183156

How would one rank linguistics?

>> No.8183246

I just got into med school, and because I live in Scotland the full 6 years are all paid for me.


>> No.8183249

>gets into med school
>6 years all paid in full
>finds out he doesn't want to do med after a year
Well blimey mate.

>> No.8183265

Shhhhhhh. It's an awful lot of work to eventually make some girls mum very happy.

>> No.8183270

Tell me something, is haggis any good?

>> No.8183274

Tastes like meaty dirt.

>> No.8183277

What about deep fried mars bars?

>> No.8183278

He said he was Scottish not from the American south.

>> No.8183286

Very good after you've had a bit to drink, but will always be second best to heroin

>> No.8183293

>being this unknowledgeable

>> No.8183299

Aye thas me, who wants to know?

>> No.8183330

Ugh.... and this is why the world hates americans you even think the crappy shit comes from here,

>> No.8183331

cs -> phil -> math

ended up w/ the math degree, work in cs

>> No.8183336
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>> No.8183337

All these math bros. How is life treating you?

I'm rocking a pretty comfy insurance job. Listen to books during the job, read books during lunch, people I work with are cool, pays well enough. Shit's nice.

>> No.8183348

Fuck you it was a magical moment bitch

>> No.8183349

Chem > cs

>> No.8183353

Insurance on the job spectrum is at the opposite of clown.

>> No.8183354

Where do you live around the northeast ? Also the price will go back up per barrel it's at a slump for sure but there will be a boom trust me

>> No.8183358

>Awful at math and science
>Only academic abilities I have are good reading speed and comprehension and I can argue pretty well
>Have to go to college in two months and have no idea what i can do to realistically make money

>> No.8183384

Better than to start some engineering degree and then drop out when you finally realize it's not for you.

t. Literally me.

>> No.8183405


>> No.8183412

Did the same with cs.
Moved to a double in math and philosophy. Feels good man.

>> No.8183419

>Great Tier

top kek

>> No.8183548

I was thinking the same thing

>> No.8183556

Why is chemical, nuclear, and petrol engineering over chemistry ?

>> No.8183560

Astrophysics god tier ? You mean god damnit how do I find a job tier

>> No.8183613
File: 153 KB, 1300x866, 27102457-View-of-a-young-relaxed-man-using-computer-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean god damnit how do I find a job tier

>> No.8183639

Yeah its a booming field...

>> No.8183661

Why is political science "shit-tier"?

>> No.8183675

>t. an engineer

>> No.8183725

>Moved to a double in math
Math grad here, can you share a story? Most CS guys from my school were really anti math. Whatever that says about the average quality, how would you be bad at CS and good at math? Most from our department were pretty good at CS, I practically had a minor in it with the amount of classes I took.

>> No.8183735

Probably the most bluepilled major there is desu

>> No.8183801

Lads, I've been wanting to go back into uni. I studied English for awhile because I liked it, but got scared about job prospects and dropped out. I've been self-studying math to prepare myself for an economics or computer science degree since they seem to open up more job opportunities. Do you think this "quantitative" stuff is a bubble? I've been reading about enrollment figures in computer science and various applied math fields at my local uni and I get the impression that the same thing will happen with software developing and finance that happened with the engineering graduates; the market will be saturated and I'll be out of work. I don't really feel like studying something like so boring like Computer Science if it is possible that could happen.

This recession has thrown certainty out of the window.

>> No.8183805

Because it's not political philosophy.

>> No.8183856

Perhaps in the US and UK, though not everywhere. A friend of mine studied law with something else at TCD, the best university in Ireland, and his starting salary after the bar exam was less than most comp. sci. graduates make in 5 years, regardless of their institution.

>> No.8183863

I was not bad at it, I hated it. I loved philosophy, but , philosophy paying what it does, I gravitated toward something that is similar eventually. As a rule, I am not pragmatic. However, when pragmatism finds it's left in a cast, I give him a hand. I struggle with that. I loved mathematics the way a mother loves a middle child. Math senses this and has treated me accordingly - loving, but frequently distant, with a knowing.
You'd think CS would be restrained only by the mind of the programmer. I found this not to be the case. This is likely a fault of my own. Maybe I was bored, maybe lovesick. We ended when I picked an even-petaled flower. CS told me she loved me not; I moved on.
I remember Quine now, "irrefrgability, thy name is mathematics".
I am drunk for the first time in, well, before that it had been long time. I haven't much to say, but today is my birthday.
What sort of story would you like, my dear anon?

>> No.8183878

Happy Birthday anon. I get what you mean, I never took philosophy, but those brief papers on humanities and soc. sci. were pretty comfy. Math, however, is my favorite.
You don't have to share a story, just enjoy yourself with my best friend alcohol.

>> No.8183892

physics + feminist studies double

>> No.8183902

You are the best friend I will never know. Not just love in their cups. I will remember you the way a bottle remembers its last drop, still covered in skin - it remembers. I will remember, too.

>> No.8183978

CS, didn't graduate yet because I realized how bullshit school was and nabbed a 70k programming job instead.

Still doing school part time so I can improve my salary projection.

>> No.8183990

>CS, didn't graduate yet because I realized how bullshit school was and nabbed a 70k programming job instead.
Elaborate, please.

>> No.8184002

I like that, I'm the third in here who's true love is alcohol. She's my guide through the forest of life, holds me when it's cold and tells me when to calm down.

>> No.8184008

I'll take bullshit for 700 please Alex

>> No.8184009


>> No.8184013


>> No.8184019

Chem was very hard for me. I got an F on the first exam in the intro chem at my uni and dropped it. First hit to me ego. Really didn't know how to handle it at the time

>> No.8184025

Math and cs are heavily tied together. All I've met in the cs industry that I consider to be good at what they do have a passion for math.

>> No.8184033



>> No.8184057

I'm one of those people who math and chemistry just came to me like super easily I didn't have to really study at all only for inorganic for the most part. Other stuff came really hard for me, I have a passion for reading but when it came to humanities and some other stuff I just didn't get it. I'm an ass burger and growing up reading my mom's old textbooks was my fixation so there's that lol

>> No.8184089

My university offers a minor in math if you take a major in CS. I think you just have to take one or none extra courses.

>> No.8184101

Researching consists pretty much of analysing old sources and coming up with new explanations for historical events, trends and the like, whilst debating with other written works of historiography. Then you publish a book with your findings and it gets debated in turn. And that's pretty much it, simplified.

>> No.8184117

Physics is for plebs

>> No.8184141

Ecology is a great field of study

>> No.8184165


its alright, i mostly kinda fell backwards into it because im good at it but i never had much of a passion for it outside of enjoying problem solving in the abstract

physics guys are mostly gross as hell tho and im opting out of going to physics grad school even though i could probably get in, i honestly much prefer critical theory and writing in general so maybe ill try to get into a cool feminist/gender studies program (assuming i can finance that)

>> No.8184168

t. journalism "student"

>> No.8184174

Most doctoral research in history now requires an archival aspect too

>> No.8184177

In what sense? Please, do explain.

>> No.8184181

I study the human condition.

>> No.8184205


>> No.8184210


>> No.8184211

everyone will be neet soon with automation

today's neets are just ahead of the curve

>> No.8184215
File: 62 KB, 750x736, 1463471807696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really dont care anymore
lets get this to the next level
who /cant even into HS math and in uni/ here?

>> No.8184216

Got my degree in chemical engineering

>> No.8184222

Wrong, about Nietzsche anyway.

>> No.8184231

Im studying something i have zero interest in AND it isnt useful to the market.
What level am i in?

>> No.8184237


rollover error tier

>> No.8184242

who /discalculia/ here

>> No.8184244

are you more of a xylem or more of a phloem guy?

>> No.8184252

lol, is it really so bad? I have a friend in that and he seems to like it

>> No.8184293

fuuuuck to close home
at least you are good at making art, i used to be talented as a kid but then i stopped drawing. i have tried to start again but it just isnt the same.
i think if i could get just one year of full practice i would may get able to get good again.
i've been contemplating suicide in and out for all my life but this year, specially, the last month it has been really heavy.
im really too fucking confused and scared, i just want this to be over.
I dont want to live an unhappy life being a slave for money like my parents.
theres nothing that scares me more than that.
i think im just not man enought for this, i feel subhuman.
Do you guys play any instrument? i picked up guitar when i was 12 and havent stopped since.
Is the only thing that has ever motivated me, e>>8175629
verything else is just pointless and painful, music is pointless but atleast feels great.
working on a museum even as a janitor seems god-tier to me

>> No.8184301

>boohoo i'm too cool for this world

>> No.8184331

The litmus test for "real historians" these days is doing original archival work. Like, going to Paris and poring over notarial archives to do original research on something, or doing the same with Florentine government documents, etc.

There's even a hierarchy of prestige. Medievalists have the most prestige because their primary sources are very difficult and inaccessible. But even modern historians have to do some kind of archival work or they're considered kind of phony or second-rate. When I was going to grad school, one of my professors asked "do you want to work with primary sources, or are you one of those guys that just reads the secondary literature and.. synthesizes it?" There was a clear sense that the latter is unserious. Many other professors express open disdain for pseudo-historians who don't "get their hands dirty." Most major monograph projects will be structured around spending a year on-site in your chosen locale(s) so you can make use of their stuff, e.g. the very prestigious (because notoriously harrowing) notarial archives in Paris.

For all the inroads theory has made, it still gets looked down on heavily. Most Anglosphere types hate it, but especially the English are like cartoonishly dismissive and JUST THE FACTS, MA'AM!!!! WIE ES EIGENTLICH GEWESEN!!! about what they do. The Anglosphere keeps the old German "Fussnote-Historiker" tradition alive and well - the more of your book that is composed of densely cited footnotes from archives, especially archives no one has ever used before, the better. People make a 5 year conference romp out of chancing upon one particularly unique find (literally, to give one example, a bored scribe doodling a crude picture instead of writing) while poring over 50,000 tax receipts from September, 1622 for half a year.

I'm a theory guy myself so I know. I almost went into medieval studies, but my adviser ordered me not to, because I would "spend the rest of my life counting dots on a manuscript," like his other grad students - and while they loved it, it takes a special kind of person to do that.

I ended up drifting to History of Philosophy and Science, History of Ideas, and continental traditions in general. Meanwhile, everyone I know from my history grad year is salivating over getting to go live in Lithuania for 4 months so they can read diplomatic archives from the 19th century.

>> No.8184365

i was in the same situation and ended up going for journalism.
im not going to lie to you, it fucking sucks and journalism is dead.
i try to lie to myself thinking at least i can end up traveling and knowing different places and cultures, which isnt bad, if you are kinda creative you can always be entretainement writting scripts and that kind of stuff, shit, you can even end up making movies, but what really matters here is to have good contacs and that kind of shit, which for an autist like myself and probably you can be really hard.
Thats my case, but i've been always more of and artsy faggot who sucked at art than an humanist. the only thing im really decent at is playing guitar and thats it.
best case scenerio for me is that i actually get the balls to kill myself soon before i realize none of that stuff is ever gonna happen.
If you are more of a normal and responsanble human being you can get in law and steal peoples money and be happy.
Or you can get into some social sciences.
My sister studied sociology, dont ask me what she works on, i only now it is in the public area and it is a lot of hard work, but she is living a happy life in a nice appartment with a nice car, married and she has a kid too.
Dont ask me how but she made it with a fucking sociology degree, she is not rich but her appartment is really nice and it is in a nice, safe neighborhood.
sorry for my bad english.
TL:DR: you are pretty fucked so good luck.

>> No.8184370

Go back to English.

>> No.8184385

no classics or philology in the op image but 'cyber security' is there

>> No.8184387

I have dysgraphia and I am now majoring in English lit

>> No.8184392

I should say I don't want to discourage you at all. There's always room for what you want to do, and you can always make weird shit work, but it pays to have cautionary tales. For example, I only realised in hindsight the extent to which I was languishing in my department, because it just didn't have anyone doing what I wanted to do. If I had been at a different school, or hell, been born in France, I would have had possible mentors out of the woodwork.

Also theory is very present in historiography, I shouldn't overplay its absence, but to be frank, it mostly comes from spunky young interdisciplinary historians, and they still tend to be using archival methods. Look at Natalie Zemon Davis, a very celebrated interdisciplinary historian and inaugurator of the cultural turn in history, for example, whose magna opera were all extremely careful and elegant archival-based histories (go look at the footnotes of her early books/articles), and who writes books ABOUT the imperishable glory and wonder of.. working in archives.

Historians are a weird bunch. It took me a while to realise I didn't really fit in their camp. They love their individual "stories" and character dramas.

On that note though, don't overvalue the French side of things either, just because they're more conducive to theory. They're just as bad from the other direction. My friend calls them the "milieu crowd," because when you boil a lot of the French geist down, you quickly notice it's built on very strong streaks of Taine's milieu-ism and the old French positivism (nomothetic over idiographic).

>> No.8184403

"hello, i will be your twitter-class professor"-tier
Is your friend a complete retard?

>> No.8184424

>i love petrolium engineering so much!
please stop

>> No.8184443

To all the guys here who are studying a "future-less career", meh to suicide tier, or not even on the chart lol, ¿what keeps you going? ¿do you guys think about suicide often?

>> No.8184486

Is this a normal way to feel? I dropped out of college a couple of years ago, and I'm only now going back to school to study Marine Biology which is what I'm really passionate about. I still think about suicide pretty often just because I can't imagine anything worse than working away my future for money. I keep going mostly because I really enjoy appreciating art and beauty and very recently started making digital art.

sry for the blog post

>> No.8184503

No, because I have a comfortable job, a loving marriage and a life filled with activities that make me happy.

There's nothing very suicide-worthy about how I'm doing, and I doubt my major in college would have made it that way. It's only four years of your life, anon.

>> No.8184506

its okay, they will all become (literally) suicide tier when they realize all the jobs are drying up in petro

>> No.8184526



You're aware the chart is bait and made by some uneducated NEET right?

>> No.8184575

sorry im used to write in spanish, not using "¿" feels weird.
Yeah im aware of that but i dont understand how does that make his point wrong.
obviously is based on money, and studying something "just for the money" sure is bad, but it is a reallity, and i cant judge people who do it.
without money you are pretty much fucked, a lot of people just go into those carrers to get good money for a couple of years, save, and then get the fuck out of the city.
Then you can live somewhere comfy and peaceful and learn to paint on your free time or whatever you want.

>> No.8184586

my oneitis studies marine biology.
and yeah depression or whatever this crap is called is more "normal" everyday.