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File: 61 KB, 601x734, PabloPicasso-Weeping-Woman-with-Handkerchief-1937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8174241 No.8174241 [Reply] [Original]

I see her and she is the target.

I have never seen someone so normal, a sort of androgynous stock face with not a semblance of uniqueness, in fact, she is so unremarkable, I sense that it would take a while for anyone to even notice her absence.

My name is Adam Coltrare, and no I am not Italian, nor am I a film maker. I already sense there are a lot of “I” in here. It is in my blood to quieten, my father shot my ma in a fit of drug fuelled hysteria. I believe in this reticence, they are the true people, rest are robots, that is why ma got killed, am I a robot? My father always said I was illegitimate, I am so glad, I cry at the thought of not being so. A half cyborg or so. I believe in this reticence, they are not NPCs you see.

I think that I have killed 72 of them in the past year, pa said that it is never-ending. However a childhood incident has made me believe otherwise, oh how I believe otherwise. He has there and then he will bring me to the other planet, where I shall hunt deer and make the waves a sea of foam, for eternity till I do come back to the robotica.

I plan meticulously, I have the time, I am thirty-two, I have not wrinkled since age twenty-three. My father is dead now, but he has died because I have turned twenty-three. Baby faced boy.

I need to quieten her, I knew from the second I saw the brown speckle in her left eye, inferior to the pupilage, you only see it when it is bright and it has shrunken. I wonder how he imagined I would not realise, from the second I saw her stock face.

She is quite thick and unwomanly, with breasts that hang like cow udders, large confectionary nipples, there is a lot in the woman to be found in their breasts. I think it is like eyes for men, except they take it upon themselves to unbalance the force of nature by enlarging and decorating their eyes. In fact, none of my quietened targets were women.

I work in a sales office, I am an actuary. You see the stereotype of my career is that we are do-gooders and it is very true. If not why would I be so fervent to quieten so many individuals? This girl was suddenly an employee of the company I worked at, I think she was in her 30s now, (looked much younger obviously) and had that brown spunk in her left eye inferior to the pupil. I checked her over. I was at the water cooler, drinking cold tea and talking to a robot about, I don’t know, rugby or some shit. Anyway, she came and sat down at her desk and I looked at her, my colleague stopped talking, looked in that direction, spotted her, and turned back unaware of the importance. He gave the same look of a robot looking at an indoor plant.

10:32pm - I am still at the office, I do not sit near her.

>> No.8174277

Work on your grammar pls OP.

>> No.8174289
File: 214 KB, 345x336, 1466197243503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trying to sound so edgy and blunt mang

>> No.8174335

The name's Julius Caesar, bub. AND DON'T YOU LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!

I'm walking down the subway when a man with a beard tries to give me money. Do you think I was born yesterday? I run away as he is flattened by an oncoming train.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if someone rearranged all the keys on my keyboard; Tpnfujnft J xpoefs xibu xpvme ibqqfo jg tpnfpof sfbssbohfe bmm uif lfzt po nz lfzcpbse.

I am listening to my professor giving a lecture on something quintessential when I wonder if Trump becomes president if he will build a wall to keep out all the normies and make anime real. I believe Albert Einstein said something similar, perhaps?

My friend ironically converted to Islam and now she is being stoned to death for reading the Koran on the wrong day of the week. I am about to save her but she gives me that look that tells me it would be funnier if she died. So I sent a tweet with her bleeding corpse and "Let's not blame this on muslims #notallmuslims #stonecontrol"

If that wasn't enough, Brutus shows up and stabs me. "Et tu, Brutus?" I say dramatically, tragically falling to the ground in an elegant pool of blood. "Brute", he says, "it is declined with an -e, the vocative of second declension masculine nouns." "This isn't the time for grammar lessons Brutus, you damn brute. Kiss me, Bruto, I'm dying." He sighs at my grammar and kisses me in the dignified Roman way. "Vale, Brutorum", dico (I say).

10:33pm - I am still in bed, my name isn't Julius at all, it's Jack.