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File: 30 KB, 220x279, fyodor-dostoevsky_6-t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8172783 No.8172783 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that at least somewhat describe schizophrenia?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.8172794

None whatsoever

>> No.8172798


>> No.8172803

Memoirs of my nervous illness - Schreber

>> No.8172808

Deleuze and Guattari.

tl'dr "Schizophrenia is cool, man! What if, like, we're all connected but schizo too? Oh, yeah, groovy, everybody be schizoprenic!"

It's what academia has become.

>> No.8172811

House of Leaves

>> No.8172816


>> No.8172828

The Bell Jar and One Flew over the Cuckoos nest do it well enough

>> No.8172858

I didn't know my dad dad a brother until I was 19. he died in a mental asylum due to schizo. Its not cool, and hopefully I don't have it either. 5 more years of minimum symptoms and I'm in the clear.

>> No.8173013

you think post-structuralist philosophers are in bad taste making light a serious debilatating mental illness that ruins lives and families?

lol you just dont 'get' it

publish or perish; fuck decency

>> No.8173020

Delete this shitty post

>> No.8173033

Fight Club

>> No.8173035
File: 36 KB, 1008x876, deleuze-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's worse because Deleuze in private said he hated schizophrenics. Most disgusting exploitative philosophy.

>> No.8173067

As a schizo, I recommend VALIS.

>> No.8173466


Was Schizo himself but wrote about melabcholia.

>> No.8173479
File: 2.00 MB, 300x300, 1411158308863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D+G didn't exploit or make light of schizophrenia or advocate it as a "lifestyle" as people who haven't read them think; they took it seriously as a part of mental and political life. And Deleuze said that when he was at Guattari's weird anarchist commune where any ordinary person would feel uncomfortable.

>> No.8173503

your pic is actually related, try "Notes from underground" by Dost. its about a heavily nevrotic man

>> No.8173507

>your pic is actually related
We know.

>> No.8173511
File: 214 KB, 345x336, 1454446334242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he's too stupid to understand deleuze

>> No.8173512

Johnny the homicidal maniac is a comic book. The main character could pass for being schizophrenic. However, as a psychologist, I really don't know any normal books dealing with it (but I am not that well-educated concerning personality disorders... I am specialised in ocd, phobias, etc)

>> No.8173864

Why does 4chan like mad men so much

>> No.8173872

it's easy to make reaction images out of it

also it's good

>> No.8173873

Because we're mentally ill males.

>> No.8173879

ask me anything

>> No.8173881

Finnegans wake. Joyce wrote it to relate to his schizophrenic daughter

>> No.8173893

absolutely retarded

>> No.8173910

Thank you. I know it's no big deal to write such a post in response to ignorance/bait, but I really appreciate you taking the time to reassure me that there are still decent people on /lit/.

>> No.8173924

Check out RD Laing

>> No.8173946

>but I am not that well-educated concerning personality disorders
Obviously not since schizophrenia isn't even a fucking personality disorder

>> No.8174933


>> No.8175402


The Four Gated City

>> No.8175906

that's funny in a passive-aggressive sorta-completely-not-accurate way

>> No.8175925

Youtube "crazy homeless person". I'm pretty sure you'll see a lot of schizophrenics.

Also, check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEnklxGAmak for a fun schizophrenia lecture.

>> No.8176075

>they took it seriously as a part of mental and political life.

No they didn't. The same way you don't use the Holocaust as an example.

> And Deleuze said that when he was at Guattari's weird anarchist commune where any ordinary person would feel uncomfortable.

A schizo started setting shit on fire and making a scene and it really bothered Deleuze and he told Guattari, "How can like you those freaks?" (in french, of course)

> D+G didn't exploit or make light of schizophrenia or advocate it as a "lifestyle" as people who haven't read them think

Yes they did. Schizophrenia is literally their model for resistance.

Deleuze is cancer.

>> No.8176700

Well, jesus christ, if a retard started setting shit on fire, would YOU like him?


>> No.8176721

The Yellow Wallpaper. Quick easy read.

>> No.8176724

My diary desu