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8170301 No.8170301 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of The School of Life?


>> No.8170307

Based on the name, they're probably a bunch of faggots desu

>> No.8170314
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>men's designer clothes

>> No.8170322

Clothes are for homos, best male outfit is none.

>> No.8170338

That's not half as fucking gay as their retreats

>> No.8170440
File: 80 KB, 600x800, TSOL retreat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're a cult, this is well-known on /his/

>> No.8170445

Nothing is well-known on /his/

>> No.8170447
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>> No.8170454
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Actually, this is the one thing we have agreed on there.

>> No.8170455


I bet all those solitary confinement people are the happiest men on Earth.

>> No.8170462

I bet, like other people in cults or religions.
It's the price you pay though, Anon.

>> No.8170469

Alain de Botton is a pseudo-intellectual and a fraud.

>> No.8170471

give me the run-down, even if it must be in /pol/-tier infographic form

>> No.8170487

alain de botton publishes pop philosophy videos on his youtube channel where he incorrectly summarizes schools of philosophy in under five minutes to push overpriced books and sweaters.

>> No.8170490
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>> No.8170497


There's something really weird about de Botton's attempts at popularizing philosophy and commercializing it. And I don't say this from a Marxist angle, but from a more centrist one.

I don't know why de Botton really wants philosophy to be "part of the people" again.
It was always high falutin shit and the fallout society got was always in the form of tidbits or hundreds of years later as a religion.

>> No.8170507

Jerking off to de Botton-approved material only is step 1 to joining the cult


>> No.8170513

So he's basically a 21st century equivalent of Epicurus and TSOL is his Garden?

>> No.8170516

he doesn't really care, he just wants to make money in his chosen field. He's doing a ridiculously good job of it too as far as taking advantage of people's vague vanity in wanting to feel smart for knowing some pop trivia about philosophers

>> No.8170520

it really does look cool, though

>> No.8170526
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no I know what it is, that their videos can be inaccurate or shallow, and that they flog stupid crap. why are they a cult is what I mean.
probably the same reason most philosophers in history and now want it to be popular; they think it will improve people's lives, create change they want to see in the world, and convince people of the value of philosophy so that they'll get funding and/or stop getting picked on. I would be surprised if he's the first one to do it while also selling shoes, really. I would say there may be more impetus to do that after philosophy allegedly nose-dived into obscurity in the late 20th century, but tsol has only done like 5 videos on pomo frenchies.

>> No.8170531

they both look pretty good

>> No.8170537
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>> No.8170539

John Green's philosophy channel is literally 10x better

>> No.8170548

yeah but you can find things that look similar at k-mart and your local shoe store.

>> No.8170549


Someone in the comments of one of their vids said it best, and I'm paraphrasing here, but it seems like every video ends with the same sort of statement: the meaning of life is to be found here, watch more of our videos.

>> No.8170554

garbage made for rich talent-less pseuds

>> No.8170555

>Dat heidegger video being a massive apology for the they self


>> No.8170945

The school of life is mostly an ""introduction"" for philosophy etc. What they do is cram stuff into a 5 min video, and its really not that bad desu. Botton seems like a genuine nice guy, but he is more of a standup guy then a "real" philosopher. He still has some valid points in some if his videos (even tho its all the same thing in every video of his).

School of life may be videos for plebs, but its not all crap.

>> No.8170998

The videos on their youtube that aren't summarizing philosophy/literature are actually very relevant to anyone who isn't acquainted with self-reflection. It answers a lot of questions that may need guidance.

And on the videos on philosophy/literature I agree with >>8170945


>> No.8171005

Not only that but each philospher they cover gets summed up in a trite little moral at the end of each video

>> No.8171519

>probably the same reason most philosophers in history and now want it to be popular;
Do they, though? Of course they don't want to be forgotten or ignored, but do they really want their philosophy, and not the result of their philosophy, to be in the head of every pleb, who will 100% guaranteed distort it to something completely different than what they actually meant?

>> No.8171541

wow Alain de Botton u clever fucker

>> No.8171571

Cool videos. Nice business idea of selling their shit to really rich pseudo/lit/ people.

I really enjoy their videos and the narrator's voice calms me down. The stuff they sell is interesting but wayyy to expensive

>> No.8171580

I hate this fucking world, too many god damn fuckers in it.
Too many thoughts and different societies all wrapped up together in this fucking place called AMERICA.
Everyone has their own god damn opinion on every god damn thing,
and you may be saying 'Well what makes you so different?'.
Because I have something only me and V have; SELF AWARENESS.
Call it exortenstiolism or whatever the fuck you want.
We know what we are to this world, and what everyone else is.
We learn more than what caused the civil war and how to simplify quadratics in school.
We've been watching you people and we know what you think and how you act.
All talk and no action.
People who are said to be brave or courageous are usually just STUPID,
then they say later that they did it on purpose cause they're brave,
when they did it on fucking accident.
God everything is so corrupt and so filled with opinions and points of view,
and peoples own little agendas and schedules.
This isn't a world any more.
It's H.O.E and no one knows it.
Self awareness is a wonderful thing.

>> No.8171584

I want Alain de Botton to take me from behind and whisper his soothing voice in my ear. I want his cock deep inside my Botton.

>> No.8171585

Charles Bronson seems like a cheeky chappy