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8168956 No.8168956 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most wonderful philosopher to follow? What will happy your shit up the best?

>> No.8169004
File: 40 KB, 600x400, happy afghani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prolly Buddhism, in an indirect way.
Interdependance is prolly the closest thing to authentic love you will every find in an applicable philosophy.

That or Epicurian hedonism. But that shit has pitfalls left and right, if not done correctly.

In the end it's all the same, m8. Pick something and go from there. If it doesn't make you happy or at least more content, it's either bullshit or doesn't suit you.

And a quick personal advice:
Go from inward outward. Learn to love yourself and take care of yourself. Just trust me on this one. Don't skip yourself. Nothing good comes of it.

>> No.8169024

JC, obviously

>> No.8169242

>But that shit has pitfalls left and right, if not done correctly.
Could you elaborate?

>> No.8169250

He constantly told people it wasn't about excess. Wanna guess what people did anyway?

There is a reason hedonism has the common sense meaning it does today.

>> No.8169261


Nietzsche is highly liberating, when properly understood.

The trouble is that he liberates you from both the good and the evil in life, so he's only advisable for those who can handle being along; spiritually/metaphorically speaking.

>> No.8170657


Matt 6:34
>Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matt 11:30
>For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

>> No.8170702

Nietzsche is good. Stupid people misunderstands him, so be """careful"""

>> No.8170712

>who can handle being along

What do you mean?

>> No.8170723
File: 109 KB, 640x640, zizek slvaoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy.


>> No.8170735

He pretty much means that you gotta see whats right and wrong yourself, create your own meaning in life. Nietzsche implied that morals are made by humans, therefore you gotta "think" for yourself.

'Your' is the keyword. Dont be relying on other peoples creation of meaning like religion.

>> No.8170736

it's obviously a typo, dummy. He meant "alone"

>> No.8170739

cuckoldry: the ideology

>> No.8170745


>> No.8170773


What is that even supposed to mean you useless bag of air? So what, the very idea of love is now cuckoldry? Well well, we should not be so surprised. Capitalism requires that significant sentiments be shamed, and it is only a further debasement of a fundamentally old kind that the primary form of shaming among today's utterly barbaric youth should take the form of a primal, Freudian assertion of sexual inefficacy. So it is to be expected, but is nonetheless shocking in its evil--or 'degeneracy,' to put it in terms popular around here. Still, one would think that someone on a 'literature' board would be just a little above the rabblement, as Arjuna's chariot is suspended just a little above the earth. But, no. The debasement is uniform.

>> No.8170786

the corpse devouring worm is made of gold and jewels

>> No.8170826

the buddha

>believe only what you find hard proof of, and test that evidence, then test those results, and keep doing till you find how things actually are in the world
>dont be a dick
>true satisfaction in life isnt from gaining material things or money, nor is it depriving yourself of that, its somewhere inbetween, like working a job you love so much that you dont feel like your working or helping others

>> No.8170832

Whats wrong with the two last points? Enlighten the pleb pls

>> No.8170839

No. Stop right there Kierkegaard. We all know where that rabbit hole leads.

>> No.8170843

>gib enlightenment plox

shit stick

>> No.8170849

Nietzsche and Jung.

It can be hard to love yourself when you're constantly basing your worth off of others; so add in Epictetus

>> No.8170859

What your point?Cant you enlighten a pleb without memeing away or do you have no valid points for you statements?

>> No.8170863

What's* damn

>> No.8170873

Or are you For the Buddha, maybe I just miss interpretated you lol

>> No.8171001
File: 36 KB, 361x512, Lao_Tzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be totally empty, embrace the tranquility of peace
>Watch the workings of all creation, observe how endings become beginnings

>> No.8171102

I had a religious upbringing, but grew up to be an engineer. This meant that I had to reconcile the absolute-ness and clarity I saw in my work and studies with the mystical and obscured teachings of my church. I didn't necessarily become atheist; rather, I tried to think about it rationally. If there really were an omnipotent, omniscient God, then surely everything he did had a reason. All of the suffering he allowed, all of the death, hell even the initial creation would have had a purpose. And why would he create a world for humans to live in in which they would only see suffering? In my mind he wanted us to come accept that bad things happen and to come to love him anyway. I'm not saying that I am overly religious. All I'm saying is that my career path and my upbringing led me to this idea that God or no God, the only proper path for me is to acknowledge that bad things happen and love life anyway.

>> No.8171155

its actually manipulating what you have in a sense you believe its better for you

>> No.8171631

Plotinus! Any mystic, really.