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/lit/ - Literature

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8167279 No.8167279 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone say this is so hard to read? Are you guys just so autistic that you can't understand context clues?

>> No.8167502

i am slav and its fun to decipher those words known to me that are written "in english", funny read

>> No.8167506

i'll tolchock your yarbles until they come out your rot i will m8

>> No.8168221

Easy book to read

>> No.8169266

We had to read a novel and give a presentation on its themes and concepts in AP English Lit and i did the entire presentation in Nadsat teacher gave me an A+ shit was cash.

>> No.8169364


you probably had no friends in highschool my man

>> No.8169463

That's brilliant! I wish I had been clever or motivated enough to do something like that when I was in high school.

I was just too depressed. A real shame, because my English teachers were all excellent. I still feel ashamed about my poor performance, knowing I could have done so much better.

Story of my life, really.

As for OP: It's not hard to read. People are shit.

>> No.8169629

I love this book.

"Now all the cats were getting spoogy and running and jumping in a like cat-panic, and some were blaming each other, hitting out cat-tolchocks "

That line made my sides ascend

>> No.8170921

You understand from context after a couple of chapters it's just funny. Good book and the movie deserves an honorable mention Kubrick did a good job on it

>> No.8171466

This book is the evidence that a gimmick (the nadsat), when done well, can add a lot to the book

I don't care much for the message though

>> No.8171473

i read this when i was like 14? 15? if ACO is considered difficult reading by any measure than either youre all retarded or im an impossibly good reader