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/lit/ - Literature

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8165681 No.8165681 [Reply] [Original]

My wife wants me to read this book (and ostensibly the two books following).
But I'm a few chapters in, and it's kind of a slog.

Why am I having such a hard time getting into it?

>> No.8165689

Uh, because it's a children's book?

Is your wife 11 years old?

>> No.8165704

Because it's a children's book and you're most likely an adult or at least something resembling one. Just tell her that you're not into it. Don't be a pussy.

>> No.8165716

She is heavily into young adult fiction.
I agreed to read this to get her to read The Once and Future King.
Maybe Ivanhoe next.
I am trying to work her up to Dank Quijote.

>> No.8165726

I'll read it, I'm just going to complain about it the whole way through.
I did the same thing once when a roommate wanted me to read John Dies At The End.

>> No.8165742

It does get better as the story progresses. Though, as people say, it is meant for a younger demographic. The later books in the series have some interesting ideas.

>> No.8165746

This isn't even YA though, it's straight up a children's book. That sounds like a really shitty compromise. I wouldn't want to be saddled with something like this in exchange for getting someone to read a book that isn't garbage.

>> No.8165776

That's good to know

Is the whole thing like "blah blah, allegories for Christianity" ?
I got more than enough of that for a lifetime when I was 15.

>> No.8165807

Don't be a passive-aggressive bitch, my man

Not really allegories, it's all pretty blatant. As far as kids' books go though you could do a lot worse. First one is the best, 2nd one has some interesting ideas but doesn't really go anywhere with them. 3rd is pretty good but way too long, though it has some of my favorite scenes in the whole series.