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/lit/ - Literature

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8165320 No.8165320 [Reply] [Original]

Post em.
Also, please shit on mine.

>> No.8165346

Fucking embarrassing. Both the 'look at my stuff guis xD'-threads and your actual selection of books.

You belong on /r9k/

>> No.8165375

Who the fuck actually likes Stephen King? Everything else on your bookshelf is meme shit.

>> No.8165396

Can't bash it too much other than the potato quality picture (really like your Harry Crews selections). Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Stephen King, but I think it's perfectly fine if you enjoy him.

Also, Faulkner should have a nose.

>> No.8165406

I agree and not enough people know about Harry Crews. I wish his works were not out of print

>> No.8165415

>falling for memes like 2666, Recognitions, JR, Pynchon, Infinite Jest

Kek. Just how much money have you pissed away because you're a weak and gullible faggot who takes 4chan seriously?

>> No.8165505

Care to give some recommendations then?

>> No.8165530

Here's a recommendation: go fuck yourself

>> No.8165549

So you have nothing to offer? Shocker.

>> No.8165552


>> No.8165752

the amount of jelly in this thread is amazing

>> No.8165755

I love that you have all of Pynchon and Gaddis. You are unironically a true patrician.

>> No.8165759

mirin pynchon

>> No.8165770


>> No.8165796

Damn, love those 1st Ed Dark Towers. Those are hard to find.

>> No.8165803


>all white men

>> No.8165862

I hate Stephen King, good premises for half his novels and he tanks them hard, SaleMs Lot was the only one I enjoyed

>> No.8165871
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One of three of my shelves this one's in my bed room tho, a lot are school texts i still have and use but I need to organize shit badly but this is my "put it on the shelf for now shelf" sorry for quality I'm drunk and don't give a shit

>> No.8165971

Here's another recommendation: end your pathetic life

>> No.8166000

>Also, please shit on mine.
what's your address

>> No.8166022

Do you actually read all first editions or did you buy them as trophies?

>> No.8166077

Kind of a mix. The first time I read most of them were paperback then I eventually got around to finding first editions

>> No.8166097
File: 65 KB, 500x667, (Doggie).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally every meme book without the necessary reference material to enjoy them
>Infinite Jest
>Stephen King


>> No.8166103

>Recognitions, JR

Both good books m8.
But this guy is obviously a faggot that jumped on whatever shit was meme of the month on /lit/

>> No.8166113

Why do these threads exist

>> No.8166115

>school texts

Inb4 the faggots with 20 5-inch wide programming manuals arrive

>> No.8166124
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>be 20-something with no friends but modest left over spending money every month
>decide to take up a hobby to look smart so I start listening to classical music exclusively and reading super-smart meme fiction that is circle-jerked everday on lit
>buy muh first editions
>haven't read anything yet but it sure looks great on the shelf
>take pics and post on lit

>> No.8166125

How many (You)s would I get if I bought hundreds of copies of Infinite Jest and filled a bookcase with them?

>> No.8166131

I would fill a thread with (You)s if you did that.

>> No.8166136

why does any thread exist anon

actually i think the answer to your question might be "to show what a bunch of boorish uneducated turds the population of /lit/ is"

>> No.8166147

>>8166131 (You)
me to

>> No.8166153

What does a bookshelf tell you about a person and their literary taste? I don't think mine represents me particularly well. Half of it is stuff I haven't read yet, and half of my favorites I don't own.

>> No.8166187
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>tfw your library is 80% pdfs

>actually i think the answer to your question might be "to show what a bunch of boorish uneducated turds the population of /lit/ is"

This is a good post.

>> No.8166194

Telling someone to kill themselves because they enjoy a different type of literature to you.

Never change, /lit/.

>> No.8166213

Where the fuck do you find a hardback copy of Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.8166246

I dig that copy of GR, props. You're also repping Delillo, I have a similar shelf myself. Only thing your missing is some Kafka

>> No.8166299



>> No.8166347

Chemistry, I use my reference materials constantly for work

>> No.8166618

pfft. bwahahaha
>Gaylo figurines

>> No.8166632
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>> No.8166700

>proust next to stephen king


>> No.8166731

You still have nothing, got it.

>> No.8166852
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>> No.8166938

what a fool u are lol

>> No.8166945

:( why? I bought almost all of these used so they were still really cheap

>> No.8166961

I can find ex-library books in very good condition for $3 each, hardcovers. It is actually a good choice.

>> No.8167182

t. poorfag

>> No.8167196

How? Where?

>> No.8167202

>he organizes his books in alphabetical order according to the author

I knew a guy in graduate school who arranged his books around his flat in stacks of like colours.

>> No.8167206

Not him, but ThriftBooks has them often. There's a little icon that tells you when they're ex-library.

>> No.8167209

He was ahead of his time

>> No.8167210
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>> No.8167234

Actually pulling off the "yea i read stephen king because it's fun, bitch." Quite impressive indeed. What's your job and/or major, if you dont mind?

>> No.8167266
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>> No.8167271
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>> No.8167274

Wow, nice stack. I feel like bateman in these threads sometimes

>> No.8167281
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>> No.8167283

What's your job

>> No.8167291

How much for that sweet women and men ?

>> No.8167296
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Court translator and copy editor. I work like a dog, sleep 4 hours a day and spend all of my freetime reading/studying.

>> No.8167297

I dig this reading corner anon

>> No.8167305
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I'll tell you when I finish reading it (:^).

>> No.8167310

Why do you have so many JR's?

>> No.8167312
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What I'm currently reading.

>> No.8167313

look at all that goodass annie dillard

>> No.8167316

Shit dude, you're the guru. Who are your favorite writers and do you write yourself?

>> No.8167326

That Beckett book cover reminds me of "Identifying Wood":


>> No.8167330
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Just some random Delillos and NYRBs.

That's not my address btw. I bought it used (with extensive notes and markings inside).

After I bought the first one (Dalkey) on Amazon, I just started finding them in odd places (library sales, garage sales, books for prisoners stockroom).
No one ever notices my Recognitions, though.

>> No.8167336

send me a J R plz coolguy_kg@hotmail.com

>> No.8167355

Nice Miles - his autobiography is sweet if you haven't already

>> No.8167363
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Very under-appreciated. Would recommend Holy the Firm.

Beckett, Onetti, Melville, Didion, Felisberto Hernández. I write highly-derivative shit when I'm drunk or exhausted, then I never have the will to look back and edit the few sentences I'd like to keep.

>> No.8167372
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That's it. I'm too tired/lazy to go outside and take a picture of my other (third) book closet and the shed outside where I keep my old books from before I moved.

The only musician/artist I've ever really followed is Charles Ives. But I hear good things about Davis' autobiography. I'll get to it eventually.

>> No.8167374

Based reading area desu.

>> No.8167422

Got some other books too.
Wish i read more desu
But i like 4chan too much

>> No.8167868
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>Davis' autobiography
You damn nut

>> No.8167876
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this is kinda like a genre shelf but then I put some no genre stuff in it.

>> No.8167882
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I have a bunch of books that people have leant me but I haven't read them yet,is Richard Bransons autobiography worth reading?

>> No.8167888
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First shelf of many full, verdict?

>> No.8167918
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Probably gonna read paradise lost and canterbury tales after Aeneid.

>> No.8167975

You're missing Ratner's Star by DeLillo, so clearly you're just a poser phag with memetastes and a low self esteem.

>> No.8168232


>> No.8168281

that's an ikea billy shelf 80 cm

>> No.8168283
File: 1.25 MB, 2448x2448, 1451446449239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you pic related?

>> No.8168295

Love Ratner's Star, but Cosmopolis is my favorite DeLillo.

>> No.8168328

I'd give u some (u)s.

>> No.8168362
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every time

>> No.8168471


>> No.8168502

Cosmopolis was awful, senpai

>> No.8168503
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Can i have one of your JR editions?

>> No.8168595

I will never be able to take a good picture of my bookshelf sadly.
And most of the books are not even in english,so it doesn't matter.
Last time I posted it you called it "Trollspeak" anyway.

>> No.8168610

figured, you are likely the only anon on /lit/ with a full collection of pynchon first editions.

>> No.8168628
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>Owning physical media

>> No.8168634

>Not hoarding it

>> No.8168638

>reading in Futura
t. pseud

>> No.8168642

This happened to me, but I only have three Knopf editions.The tight typeface makes my eyes bleed.

>> No.8168646

>4 JRs
>Women and Men
>that Miles box set

>> No.8168652

I only own nice editions of my favorite novels

>> No.8168663

Are you one of those faggots selling used copies of JR for 80 bucks online?

>> No.8168835

I am easily jellied over first-editions but I get them from Half-Price when I find one that's been overlooked and in near pristine edition. Good job, OP.

>> No.8169083
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How you like the complete works of Plato? Real expensive so I had to buy (likely shit) Barnes & Nobles versions translated by a guy who goes by the name of Benjamin Jewett.

>> No.8169095
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>> No.8169254

That's the key. I paid almost nothing for all of my first editions. I just like having nice editions of the books I love.

>> No.8169321
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>> No.8169328
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got this backlog

>> No.8169343


>all those hardcovers

for what purpose

>> No.8169362


Do you like baseball or do you just live in an area with rich ethnic diversity?

>> No.8169387
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nice bait

>> No.8169393
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>> No.8169412

hot cop's buns is overrated

>> No.8169429
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Cool selection, I think you're the only person I've seen go Foucault over Rose

>> No.8170882

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read

>> No.8170951
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>revised lolita
>doesn't have the real lolita

>> No.8170976

>>revised lolita
Lolita wasn't changed, "revised" is referring to the updates in the annotations.

>> No.8171004
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>he only read the bare text
>he thinks he understands the book

>> No.8171060
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It is a smol but mighty collection. I am missing a few.

>> No.8171068

>all that pynchon


>> No.8171069

Yes it is. Congratulations, anon.

>> No.8171070

I liked the artemis fowl books as a kid. They would make good movies, I used to think. Kind of forget the plots now.

>> No.8171071

basic kafka for a basic bitch

>> No.8171074

Not pictured are Logical Investigations, Schopenhauer's Essays and Aphorisms, Goethe's Maxims and Reflections, and Maxims of Francois Rochefoucault.

>> No.8171079

Ha, I thought the same thing!

>> No.8171083

has anyone else not read even half of the books they own?

>> No.8171094

yes, I am
and I have only read 3 of those completely, but I am still in progress with most of the others. Reading works of philosophy is okay to do by parts. No reason to just plow through something that needs time to take shape.

>> No.8171104

you are an

>> No.8171117

I'm sorry, but I really am a bibliophile. The moment I saw them within arm's reach, I felt like I needed to save them from certain doom. No, I'm not selling them on Amazon, because I wouldn't part with them unless I handed them personally to someone I was 99% sure would read it. They fell into my lap by chance, but only circumstance will release them from my safekeeping.

>> No.8171159

I have every Gaddis book expect JR now because of hoarder fags like you, so you can go suck a dick.

>> No.8171296

Quit projecting.

>> No.8171299


>> No.8171543

Mirin ivy.

>> No.8171551

>No, I'm not selling them on Amazon, because I wouldn't part with them unless I handed them personally to someone I was 99% sure would read it.
Some fucker paying $50 for a book on Amazon is going to at least read it

You're not "saving" anything it just makes you feel good to hoard shit

>> No.8171643

It wasn't criticism. They're damn cheap and functional, and they look good. I got three Billy 60 cm second-hand for 20 bucks.

>> No.8171672

>contrarian faggot tries to stroke his ego

>> No.8171680

>asking why people like hardcovers

holy shit is anyone on this board able to think for themselves? do you faggots need to be spoon fed every day ?

>> No.8171698
File: 21 KB, 200x228, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I thought /lit/ was a much less elitist board than /tv/ or /mu/. boy was I wrong.

>> No.8171706


>> No.8171716

no thank you

>> No.8171719

/lit/ is the supremum of elitism of any set

>> No.8171735


Literally the only people who get hurt by elitism are those who have bad tastes or get made fun of.

People just like to see someone's trying, even then, you still don't know what you're talking about as /tv/ since capeshit has come up literally talks about real movies and kino maybe once or twice a day in any length, it's practically dead for real discussion.

And /mu/ has pretty much the western canon of music available for download just to integrate you, there's too much pop and flavor of the month talks for it to actually be elite

you're a fuckin pleb.

>> No.8171740

What, exactly, is wrong with that? 30kg shelf load seems ample.

>> No.8171750
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>> No.8171755
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>> No.8171760
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>> No.8171765
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>> No.8171767
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My bedside book/5

(I usually keep borges, orwell, and dostoyevsky under my night stand)

>> No.8171775

I'm not hurt, I was just making an observation.

>> No.8171958

tfw you post your elite collection but no one replies

>> No.8171970


>Good Morning Midnight

i want to fuck you

>> No.8172003
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Quite a bit of medical literature
>Hoarding stuff from childhood that my grandfather bought me

>> No.8172009

Literally not true

I've read both versions, moron.

>> No.8172128

If I took off the dust jackets would they die?

>> No.8172168

Enough to surpass /mu/'s "hell be fine"

>> No.8172176

mirin hard anon
you got a nice place there

>> No.8173940

It would be extremely dangerous

>> No.8174073
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>> No.8175348
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>> No.8175494

can you give me the isbn numbers of those books?

>> No.8175513

c'mon now

>> No.8175691

>that Maddie Ziegler magazine cover
Are you some kind of paedophile?

>> No.8175740
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>> No.8176149
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The reason why people would like your excess copies of certain books is because they aren't being given the chance to read them because of hoarders like you who worsen the market for unpublished works. You say you wouldn't part with them unless you knew the person would read them yet you are doing exactly that.

>> No.8176301

you're a big guy

>> No.8176398

For you

>> No.8176527


>> No.8178355
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>> No.8178562

If you saw the hat on top of it you'd get the joke of having it

>> No.8178572

Kek I hate baseball though not a rich ethnic diversity just methheads, my town is like 75 percent white, a quarter Asian and Indian and they don't fuck with anyone and there's two half black dudes who are twins so I guess technically one black guy