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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 48 KB, 427x640, 1453526950738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8165160 No.8165160 [Reply] [Original]

What are some novels where the protagonist's motivation is primarily sexual, e.g. Lolita?

>> No.8165167

Every novel.

>> No.8165227

fuck off freud

>> No.8165250

I wanna tickle Cara out of her mind.

>> No.8165273

My diary desu

>> No.8165278

too late, man. This post has to be the first one or it's not funny at all. Step it up, dude

>> No.8165304
File: 93 KB, 674x1080, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one. A HS teacher seduces one of her students and they fuck each other's brains out, then she blackmails him and shit. Pretty badly written imo, but it suits what you're looking for.

>> No.8165307

Can't think of a novel, but in the movie Babel, one character meets this demand.

>> No.8165334

my diary desu

>> No.8165354

mmm---my dddiaryy des
suu mmm---my dddiaryy deu mmm---my dddiaryy des
suu mmmm---my dddim---my dddiaryy des
suu mmm---my dddiaryy desuvu mmmm---my dddimm---my dddim---my dddiaryy des
suu mmm---my dddiaryy des
smm---my dddimm---my dddiuu mmm---my dddiaryy des
suu mmmm---my dddimmm---my dddi---my dddiaryy des
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suu mmm---my dddiaryy dessuu mmvmy dddiars
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suu mmm---my dddiaryy des
suu mmm---mm---my dddimm---my dddimm---my dddimy dddiaryy des

>> No.8165384

any shitty erotic novel

>> No.8165395

Name of demon?

>> No.8165426

>Alissa nutting

fitting desu

>> No.8165649

The second part of Faust I

>> No.8165686


Cara Delevigne

She's from England

>> No.8165731
File: 207 KB, 868x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on.

>> No.8165801

1984, kinda

>> No.8165851

can't figure out if she's hot or not

>> No.8165860
File: 31 KB, 321x475, Portnoy_s_Complaint[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8165912
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I'll help you out, she's a fucking goddess

>> No.8165970
File: 2.01 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-06-15-17-51-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll help you out. she looks like a man, baby

>> No.8165976

so adorable

>> No.8165978

she's hot

>> No.8165979

she is also jewish

>> No.8165981
File: 1.54 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-06-15-17-51-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bout now

>> No.8165996
File: 109 KB, 1024x1535, 1461893679025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even more adorable, o no a sense of humour

>> No.8166009


are you gay or female?

>> No.8166017

She looks like Keith Flint.

>> No.8166023
File: 711 KB, 2222x2617, 1461893902428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bisexual male, most people agree she's gorgeous, hence part of the reason why she is an Uber successful model....

>> No.8166047

stfu fag

>> No.8166048
File: 150 KB, 1200x1200, KU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

models get promoted because their look makes people buy things and the type of products that cara sells are targeted towards women and queer men such as yourself which is why that demographic finds her appealing

if you want to know the kind of look the average normal man finds attractive a model like kate upton would be more appropriate because she is featured in advertising that is targeted at straight males

>> No.8166055

yeah seriously. go to a fag club and get shot please.

>> No.8166060

her tits are fucking gay gross. same with her hips and her no ass. she needs to lay of the cheese burges

>> No.8166069
File: 3.38 MB, 480x270, Vayntrub.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her tits are fucking gay


>> No.8166073

stfu abdul

>> No.8166091

Kate Upton is the perfect female form.

>> No.8166145
File: 127 KB, 345x337, Neckbeards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no waist
>the perfect female form
pic related is me btw

>> No.8166161

Thanks but I don't want to read a poorly written fanfiction.
The Enchanter by Nabokov is pretty good.

>> No.8166167

only a homo faggot or a woman could be this catty

>> No.8166171


>> No.8166172

i feel like the protag. is sexually motivated in nearly every novel

>> No.8166189


>> No.8166192


>> No.8166193

don't make me post her gross fappening pictures

>> No.8166340

No dude, just no, if she didn't have humongous tits literally no one would give a shit about her. She'd be slightly above average that's it, you should be able to take away one good feature a woman has and if there isn't much left then she'll be forgotten in a couple years when her tits can be covered by her bikini bottom

>> No.8166350

The attraction to a nymphet goes far beyond the disgusting coital drive. It's a desire to protect the purest, softest, kindest form of life from the horrors of the outside world. She hardly recognizes how sweet she is and how much she will lose when puberty takes hold, and because of that only an elder man can appreciate her singular gifts.

>> No.8166354
File: 95 KB, 407x405, 37347314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8166359

The innumerable conflicts that set men and women against one another come from the fact that neither is prepared to assume all the consequences of this situation which the one has offered and the other accepted. The doubtful concept of ‘equality in inequality’, which the one uses to mask his despotism and the other to mask her cowardice, does not stand the test of experience: in their exchanges, woman appeals to the theoretical equality she has been guaranteed, and man the concrete inequality that exists. The result is that in every association an endless debate goes on concerning the ambiguous meaning of the words give and take: she complains of giving her all, he protests that she takes his all. Woman has to learn that exchanges – it is a fundamental law of political economy – are based on the value the merchandise offered has for the buyer, and not for the seller: she has been deceived in being persuaded that her worth is priceless. The truth is that for man she is an amusement, a pleasure, company, an inessential boon; he is for her the meaning, the justification of her existence. The exchange, therefore, is not of two items of equal value.

>> No.8166363
File: 3.23 MB, 2912x4368, 1459477304975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my type, shove it

>> No.8166368

This inequality will be especially brought out in the fact that the time they spend together – which fallaciously seems to be the same time – does not have the same value for both partners. During the evening the lover spends with his mistress he could be doing something of advantage to his career, seeing friends, cultivating business relationships, seeking recreation; for a man normally integrated in society, time is a positive value: money, reputation, pleasure. For the idle, bored woman, on the contrary, it is a burden she wishes to get rid of; when she succeeds in killing time, it is a benefit to her: the man’s presence is pure profit. In a liaison what most clearly interests the man, in many cases, is the sexual benefit he gets from it: if need be, he can be content to spend no more time with his mistress than is required for the sexual act; but – with exceptions – what she, on her part, wants is to kill all the excess time she has on her hands; and – like the greengrocer who will not sell potatoes unless the customer will take turnips also – she will not yield her body unless her lover will take hours of conversation and ‘going out’ into the bargain. A balance is reached if, on the whole, the cost does not seem too high to the man, and this depends, of course, on the strength of his desire and the importance he gives to what is to be sacrificed. But if the woman demands – offers – too much time, she becomes wholly intrusive, like the river overflowing its banks, and the man will prefer to have nothing rather than too much. Then she reduces her demands; but very often the balance is reached at the cost of a double tension: she feels that the man has ‘had’ her at a bargain, and he thinks her price is too high. This analysis, of course, is put in somewhat humorous terms; but – except for those affairs of jealous and exclusive passion in which the man wants total possession of the woman – this conflict constantly appears in cases of affection, desire, and even love. He always has ‘other things to do’ with his time; whereas she has time to kill; and he considers much of the time she gives him not as a gift but as a burden.

>> No.8166369

see >>8166145

>> No.8166371

How about you take a seat

>> No.8166379

And he wants to have sex with her....

>> No.8166386

Humbert only desires to feel her silky skin and smell her clean hair

>> No.8166387


>> No.8166395

yes child I noticed the pictures are the same, but in order to understand the message you actually have to read it.

>> No.8166405

the message was implied by the original pic

>> No.8166414

>Humbert only desires to feel her silky skin and smell her clean hair

>believing humbert

>> No.8166435

I thought >>8166145 meant to imply that anyone who thinks a woman without a thin waist is perfect is a neckbeard. I see now it could also be taken as a self-effacing remark.

I guess whoever posted that sucks a fat one at communication. Thank god for redundancy, amirite, ya goddam retard

>> No.8166458

too bad she's a dike

>> No.8166463

you had me at fuck

>> No.8166464

That's the rationalisation of the more primal urge of wanting to stuff her

>> No.8166479

For you

>> No.8166482

...... did you miss like the entire point of the book?

>> No.8166486

Fifty Shades of Grey.

>> No.8166519

>the book had a "point" to it
wew lad

>> No.8166785

Therese Raquin

>> No.8166795


Arthurian romances. Also the Illiad. Because Paris is the real protagonist.

>> No.8166811
File: 33 KB, 500x600, 1433406258577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female models are only attractive to fags and women

>> No.8166818

the Catcher in the Rye, I think.

although to be fair, it was also about his slow-motion psychological meltdown IN ADDITION TO his repressed, weird sexual urges, but w/e

>> No.8166918
File: 32 KB, 532x800, jenna-berman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's used in advertising for shitty video games to show tits and sports illustrated....
But hey if I find a woman more attractive then her I must be gay right ?

>> No.8166994

>fuck off freud
nice aliteration en f my funny friend. You proved freud right tho.

>> No.8167029

look at them yellow ass chompers. britbongs are fucking disgusting.

>> No.8167046

Rabbit Run

>> No.8167118
File: 28 KB, 657x370, mgid-uma-video-mtv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't even yellow, she's cute as fuck even if they were. She actually seems like a real person I watched some interviews and she seemed actually quite intelligent and had a neat sense of humor. She I guess is taking a break from modeling for problems with depression which I tend to respect, I haven't met many people with depression who weren't intelligent and vice versa

>> No.8167136
File: 101 KB, 575x367, 1441343413135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8167154

hopefully she kills herself

>> No.8167158
File: 52 KB, 780x520, TMM15CARADELIVIGNE1_955640b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8167180
File: 31 KB, 720x449, Cara-Delevingne-YSL-embed-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yum yum, that one book I hope they serve beer hell has the guy entire motivation pretty much sex

>> No.8167200
File: 44 KB, 278x475, drink play fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8167218

lol are people really this dumb? This is news to me
wow dude

for your sake I hope you didn't actually read it

>> No.8167249

look at this fucking freak right here. what the fuck is her problem

>> No.8167384

Your view of her is the problem

>> No.8167389

Don Kwicksote

>> No.8167412

almost true.

The exception would be books about eating.

>> No.8167417

Rules of Attraction by BEE. shit's pretty funny too

>> No.8167491


>tfw too far away to share poppyseed bagel fetish

>> No.8167643

Choke, by Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.8167658

That reminds me, Chuck Palahniuk's "Snuff" is also entirely about sex: the main characters are three of the dudes running a train on a porn star who wants to break a record for most dudes fucked in a row.

It was, as all Palahniuk's books tend to be, extremely weird and uncomfortable. And funny. And sad. and kinda hot. But mostly weird and uncomfortable.

>> No.8167710
File: 131 KB, 1200x1160, kate-upton-antarctica-youtube-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even without her perfect titties, she's still hot.

>> No.8168380
File: 25 KB, 480x712, 1465535409401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8168391

if you see them naked they are really gross. the are pancaked as fuck and sag super hard. the definition of knockers

>> No.8168399

nah man. look at how hard she is trying to be different. people like that have something wrong with them mentally. trust me I work at CAMH

>> No.8168403


i can just imagine them flopping around fucking her doggystyle flapping up into her face like WHAP WHAP WHAP

>> No.8168406
File: 431 KB, 1200x1200, W020130620015619232982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the perfect human form

>> No.8168441

doggy style. fucking wrecking your pelvis off her bony ass

>> No.8168683

its parody

>> No.8168802
File: 14 KB, 360x239, 687474703a2f2f69332e6d6972726f722e636f2e756b2f696e636f6d696e672f61727469636c65333830373033392e6563652f414c5445524e415445532f733631352f436172612d44656c6576696e676e652e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8168818

I like you

>> No.8168824

Death in Venice by Thomas Mann

>> No.8169581

>protagonist's motivation is primarily sexual


>> No.8169587

Pippi Longstocking.

>> No.8170664

>tfw you will never hit her and tell her to redo her makeup and hair because you demand perfection.

>> No.8171611

>tfw ywn make her go on a hike in 5 inch heels and watch her fall repeatedly

>> No.8171628

1984 fits the bill, that aspect of the book is actually the most interesting if you ask me. The dystopian aspect of it isn't really that interesting.

>> No.8171633

might i suggest the manga for Evangelion?

>> No.8171745

>tfw ywn tell her that from now on she'll be sleeping on the floor in order to maintain her humility

>> No.8172139

>tfw she will never smile and ask you to only fuck her in the ass because she doesn't think sex should be painless for her

>> No.8172814

They actually look pretty gross outside of a bikini

>> No.8172821

yeah man that's what I'm saying. they are slightly to big or slightly to saggy. not sure which one. might be a mix of both.

>> No.8172910
File: 153 KB, 1192x868, 140953290366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8172941

why do you care so much tho

like are you a model competing with her or what

>> No.8173151

Is this a new meme?

>> No.8173219

omg they are gross. she's also raising her arms in that so they might look okay

>> No.8173231

>not appreciating maturity

You might as well be Humbert Humbert

>> No.8173245
File: 406 KB, 676x958, 1465337024073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they are way to big, over the years things I guess have changed for me. When I see a girl like her all I can think is like in 3 years those things will be covering her vagjna. I never understood how she got so popular, yes she has huge tit's that I know but that's her only noteworthy thing and they are just too big , as you get older these things become more apparent. I'm tripping hard so hope this makes sense but basically a woman's tits are top tier between 16 and 20 depending in the girl, they slide downhill fast, that girl who was hot that you sat next to in physics with huge tits and was hot 4 years later those tits are almost to their belly button but at least she haa a pretty face and becomes average. I just don't understand why people like her so much. Once you see a woman who is like 40 who used to have amazing tits you'll understand. They aren't so hot anymore lol

>> No.8173248

>omg gross tits

what the fuck is wrong with you

are you a woman

you write like a woman

>> No.8173287

>tfw ywn make her send a postcard to her father informing him that you have just given her all the spankings he failed to give her, with interest, and that she's not sure that she will ever be able to sit again

>> No.8173316

>penguins running away

>> No.8173785
File: 140 KB, 766x1227, Amanda-Knox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek that's awesome

>> No.8173845

Yes and she always hogs the bathroom and she isn't even anorexic the stupid cunt

>> No.8173869
File: 24 KB, 377x561, 1430932276310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ywn be her Severian

>> No.8173883

men lol

>> No.8173909

Are there any books where the protagonist is motivated primarily by sex, but is not male?

>> No.8173919
File: 24 KB, 267x416, Desert of the Heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8173936

If a female writes it, not only will it be motivated by sex, but it will be about sex.

>> No.8173942

Look at this thread, look at this website, look at the reddit from which you've arrived, and tell me it again with a straight face.

Men are horny to a fault.

>> No.8173956

On average, a woman will have slept with 25 sexual partners before they turn 30.

>> No.8173959

And on average your thirsty ass would wish you were this successful at getting laid every 30 seconds. Piggie.

>> No.8173961

>tfw ywn choke her with a banana while her hands are tied just long enough for her to think you're not gonna take it out and then dickfacefuck her relieved face

>> No.8173965

You've slept with 100s of men, haven't you?

>> No.8173966

jesus christ lmfaoo

>> No.8173971

I've slept with one million men.

>> No.8173980

>not even being able to keep count of how many partners you've slept with


>> No.8173983

But I just said I slept with one million men. I've kept count, what are you talking about?

>> No.8173986

>I've kept count

Nah, that's a copout approximation because you were unable to keep count

>> No.8173987

she's a lesbian. she hates all men.

>> No.8173989

No I just said I kept count. The exact number of men I've slept with is 1,000,000. Why are you skeptical?

>> No.8173990

you cant count to one million?

>> No.8173992

Oh, it all makes sense now.

>> No.8173995

I can count to one million.

>> No.8173998

I definitely hate men. Whenever my friends who are men hang around me I'm like, dude why are you here, I hate you.

>> No.8174001

Quit spamming the thread, bitch.

>> No.8174005

He asked me a question bitch

>> No.8174007

Are you okay with people who are biologically male due to the cruelty of fate but do not identify as male

>> No.8174011

I'm ok with all people who don't slobber over models on /lit/.

>> No.8174014

You're not okay with yourself?

>> No.8174017

You've never read nabokov's lectures on literature.

>> No.8174020

I don't do that yay.

>> No.8174029

I'm ok with all people who actually have moral guidelines and don't sleep with numerous sexual partners

>> No.8174030
File: 60 KB, 800x1092, emily-wickersham-in-esquire-magazine-december-2014-issue_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me when this autistic hole started shitposting here? I haven't been on /lit/ in a couple of weeks.

>> No.8174035

earlier this week. he's in like every fucking thread.

>> No.8174036

I'm here on anon most of the time |3

>> No.8174043


>> No.8174046

What do you think of typefucking? :3

>> No.8174048

Do you want to type fuck me?

>> No.8174054

Maybe if you use more nice emoticons~

>> No.8174062

oh stop you're getting me so flattered ( /)w(\)

>> No.8174067
File: 56 KB, 800x1046, IU1XC5O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8174071

Uhhhh dude...I'm trying to have sex can you be more considerate...:

>> No.8174093

it's a women apparently but she hasn't posted tits

>> No.8174096

That's more like it >:3 I trace the outline of your cheek with my lips. Romantically.

>> No.8174100
File: 158 KB, 800x900, 1463862592774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman or tranny, like that constantine idiot?

>> No.8174104

>tranny, like that constantine idiot


>> No.8174109

those are some big ass feet

>> No.8174115

A lesbian women, apparently. Probably a tranny knowing this place.

Also... god fucking damn son, that picture is making me want to dominate something.
Similar to when you're taking a piss and your stream is flowing strong and it makes you feel powerful, in a way that you cannot explain.

>> No.8174117
File: 427 KB, 1199x1799, 1465158437443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

constantine, the guy shitting up /his/ and who has tried doing the same here on /lit/ with his Christianity-babble is a transsexual.

>> No.8174123

wow, that's crazy.

>> No.8174127
File: 525 KB, 852x1280, 1420581428141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeling powerful when you piss
Whatever floats your boat.

This image always felt relaxing.

>> No.8174136

>feeling powerful when you piss
Only sometimes when the stream is flowing stronger than usual, and it makes a thunderous sound upon hitting the toilet water.

I can't be the only one, senpai? It is some primal shit, son. Like pissing outdoors.

>> No.8174147

that reminds me of the dream I had yesterday where I was pissing in the bushes and a crack whore came up and started drinking it, then started sucking my dick. I felt disgusted but I didn't stop her, then woke up, feeling fckn strange.

>> No.8174161
File: 129 KB, 1080x1080, h2t20lW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only way it has felt "powerful" is in the groin area when the stream was stronger than usual. But not in any other sense.

Do you regularly have contact with crack whores?

>> No.8174167

no i like to piss also. i wish cum was more like piss if that makes sense. like white and a little thicker but coming out in a continuous stream... i want to write my name in it on someone's body.

>> No.8174186

mm nah, maby I should though

>> No.8174197

I think I scared away the person I was typefucking with... ;;

>> No.8174200

OK ? Not the person you were talking to but what point is that,supposed to be holding ?

>> No.8174206

Weird guy, bro.

Strange. Maybe your ancestors were faggots or something, dude.

>I wish cum was more like piss
Wat. No it doesn't make sense.

>I want to write my name in it on someone's body
Okay, Ted Bundy... I'm leaving this thread now.

>> No.8174209

I'm right here

>> No.8174214

Not the guy you replied to either, but it means they are worthless whores by that point. Any man that fathers a child to a women who has been with 30 different men is asking for said child to be a failure. Truly.

If you don't know this, you're from Reddit or Tumblr.

>> No.8174216

Sorry if I was creepy.

>> No.8174217

Who the fuck is this guy.

>> No.8174220

Nahhhhh don't worry about it

>> No.8174237

Bruno from Houellebecq's "The elementary particles".

>> No.8174244

First when was the fathering a child thing ever brought up? And that's not that much, the number of people that someone has fucked really doesn't mean shit anyways really the only people who care are the ones that it least affects lol. You can't rationalize yourself out of the truth that someone just doesn't want to have sex with you instead of your high standards lol

>> No.8174245

I preferred Michel.

>> No.8174247

If the internet is anything to go by, men are less than worthless whores. They're pigs who can't even be pigs anymore, a red vein of impotency ravages their groin to their chest to their mind.

>> No.8174252

But his motivation wasn't primarily sexual as Bruno. But me too prefer Michel.

>> No.8174254

>the truth that someone just doesn't want to have sex with you

Typical response.

>> No.8174260

That's some delta class beta right there

>> No.8174262

Isn't there a double standard too? A man who's fucked 30 chicks is usually praised. It's so stupid. Sex is fun. People should get outta the Stone Age.

>> No.8174270

>First when was the fathering a child thing ever brought up?
Because it's relevant to this discussion.
>And that's not that much
>The number of people that someone has fucked really doesn't mean shit anyways
Citation needed.
It's been proven time and time again that is does mean something. Especially later, after the women has a child, if she still can.

>really the only people who care are the ones that it least affects
You sound like a John Green level of white knight right now, and there aren't even chicks to defend here.
>You can't rationalize yourself out of the truth that someone just doesn't want to have sex with you
I could be Joaquin Phoenix and you wouldn't know it.
>instead of your high standards lol
Yes. Having high standards is a terrible thing, right?

>> No.8174271

Typically true. Also, like your response wasn't typical. Truly a genius among us.

>Isn't there a double standard too? A man who's fucked 30 chicks is usually praised. It's so stupid.
There is. These people just like to roleplay on /lit/ the power fantasies they could be posting about anywhere else as opposed to discussing things on topic.

I mean look at this thread. The entirety of it is these people drooling over models instead of talking about actual erotic literature. I wouldn't worry about anything they have to say.

>> No.8174273

its a sour grapes kinda deal

>i cant get laid
>everyone who can must suck

same how amateurs hate sellouts, etc.

>> No.8174282

The best way to respond to a post is to make a giant block of text responding to every single thing someone says; and doing it by pressing enter every sentence.

You could be talking to another woman here for all you know, by the way.

>> No.8174284

Typical response for a typical situation that is all to typical for people who haven't ever had their tip tickled

>> No.8174288

You're right. Somehow I got this thread mixed up with the favorite character thread.

>> No.8174299
File: 76 KB, 733x730, feeling_heads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing more I want on gods green earth than this.

>> No.8174307

I'm just annoyed at society's moral degradation is all. It saddens me to see women diluting their bodies with negligence and prostitution.

>> No.8174309

Eww /lit/ is suppose to have taste

>> No.8174314

It saddens to see men like you so pathetic and entitled and naive and baseless and stupid and wrong.

Every generation since people started giving a shit has bitched about how the previous was better and the current is "degenerate". This has nothing to do with evil, women, like men, turn out to have a libido. Get used to it.

>> No.8174316

If it would be favorite character thread i would post: Daniel from "Possibility of an Island". Of course also written by Michel Houellebecq.

>> No.8174319

So women have always been degenerates?

>> No.8174321

Is nyanybody else up for some strange and public typed sex in lieu of talking about books? ;3 I am a short girl who may be a demon. All fetishes fine.

>> No.8174323

Not as much as you're a degenerate for being unable to stop bitching about women every single god damn thread.

>> No.8174338

People once saw people wearing blue jeans a sign of moral degeneration or elvis swinging his hips, but fathering a child wasn't relevant at all nor is the number of people the mother or father fucked relevant either to the kids behavior or whatever. Couples who actually fall into the averages when it comes to sex and sexuality tend to stay together longer then say like two people who have only had sec with each other people need to explore a bit before they have a kid because more then likely if they didn't explore what they wanted to they will end up doing it anyway lol font confuse your saltiness with moral degradation

>> No.8174344

The internet isn't anything to go by.

>Double standard too
Oh, this old horse shit...
We both know, this won't fly here. This argument only works with fucking idiots and loose women who have slept around and wish to justify it. Seriously.

>Typically true
No it isn't. It's a response used by women and white knights trying to fuck said women. It doesn't bother men who have sex frequently.

>These people just like to roleplay on /lit/ the power fantasies
This is bait, obviously.

>These people drooling over models instead of talking about actual erotic literature
You shit post in every thread. You derail every thread you're in. Fuck off.

Oh look, it's that argument again...
''You're just mad you can't get laid, bro... Men don't get called sluts, they get called studs. It's like a double standard, bro. Totally.''

To quote someone else: ''I know many fat and ugly sluts, I don't know a single fat and ugly stud'' It's easy to get laid as a women, you don't need to try at all... Just spread your legs and lay on your back.

Enter Enter Enter

>Baseless and stupid and wrong.
t. A millennial
Do whatever you want. It's your body. I'm still gonna call it what it is though, yo. Being a worthless easy whore is being a worthless easy whore. No one wants to settle with a whore.
Having more sexual partners has been linked to all kinds of mental health issues, physical health issues... I could go on.

Why shit post on this board when you are clearly so uneducated about basic shit?

>> No.8174347

Bad post.

>> No.8174357

There are somethings in life I will not read, I refuse to read, and this post is one of them.

>> No.8174360

I'm coming up on mushrooms lol

>> No.8174362

Why, because it reads contrary to the narrative you've created to sustain your lifestyle?

>> No.8174366

No because it's a fuck huge mound of garbage and you're repeating yourself ad nauseum instead of actually changing your mind so it seems.

>> No.8174368

>Nor is the number of people the mother or father fucked relevant either to the kids behavior or whatever.
Yes it is, dumb cunt. Read more or fuck off back to plebbit.

>Explore a bit before they have a kid
Yeah. Exploring a bit isn't fucking hundreds of random men, dumb cunt. That's called being a dumpster.
>Because more then likely if they didn't explore what they wanted to they will end up doing it anyway lol
t. A worthless cunt with no moral compass or any substance whatsoever

>Dont confuse your saltiness with moral degradation
Keep telling yourself that it's just the ''bitter men'' who are pissed when it comes to this... You're gonna have a difficult time when you hit 30

>> No.8174373

Hey can you say dumb cunt to people you think are women, ten more times, it really shows me you care <3

>> No.8174376

Don't bumplimit this thread with your stupid coversation, take it to /b/ or irc or just stop.

>> No.8174385

Will no one fuck me?

>> No.8174392

Ask the tripfag. Be 1,000,001

>> No.8174393

Don't read it then, I don't give a fuck.
I'm just letting you know... the whole ''I can do whatever I want, it's my life, I may as well become a porn star because I have enough mental issues and std's so yeah, makes sense'' thing has consequences, you know. But whatever, Tumblr and other internet websites said it's okay so it must be, right?

Dumb cunt. Stop tripping, please. You shit post in every thread and shill your fucking Tumblr tier feminism to no end.

It's not gonna fly.

>> No.8174395

It said an average of 25, statistically that's actually a good amount, there's actually a correlation of more partners and being less likely to cheat, if someone hasn't had many partners they feel they haven't experienced enough and are naturally curious. Besides who the fuck wants kids anyway? I got my vasectomy when I was 22

>> No.8174397

I will if you look like the greek god zeus but we will have to stare into each others eyes and chant no homo three times afterwards

>> No.8174403

>'I can do whatever I want, it's my life, I may as well become a porn star because I have enough mental issues and std's so yeah, makes sense'' thing has consequences, you know. But whatever, Tumblr and other internet websites said it's okay so it must be, right?

What does this even mean? Nobody here is going to become a porn star just because we have lives that involve sex. Do you think pornography and intimacy are the same bloody thing?

>> No.8174404

I don't want to be pushy ;o;

Can you stop posting instead? You're boring and foolish and I keep laughing imagining what kind of person makes posts like yours.

>> No.8174417

Straight internet sex isn't an option, then?

>> No.8174421

What the fuck? Yeah I mean I'm obviously going to become a pornstar because of the number of people I've fucked ?

>> No.8174427

Huh? What are you saying right now

>> No.8174428

>Besides who the fuck wants kids anyway?
People with brains that function healthily, lmao
>I got my vasectomy when I was 22
Explains it all, not even kidding.

You're really trying to make it seem like I'm saying that, but I'm not saying that, If you get what I'm saying.
Yeah, ''lives that involve sex'' is perfectly normal mate.
Being a cum dumpster and fucking hundreds of men isn't normal mate.
You understand now, sensitive?

>I keep laughing imagining what kind of person makes posts like yours.
t. an internet white knight trying to act superior when in reality it's probably the opposite lmao

Well, a lot of porn-stars were known to be easy or ''sluts'' before going into porn... So uh... If you're in the hundreds and you're in your twenties, it's possible.

>> No.8174431

I just fed my fish

>> No.8174433

The person said average of 25 when they're 30, that's normal....

>> No.8174439

>You're really trying to make it seem like I'm saying that, but I'm not saying that, If you get what I'm saying.
Because it's rambling and incoherent.

>Being a cum dumpster and fucking hundreds of men isn't normal mate.
I'm a lesbian. But I see more repugnance among people like you than the people you're criticizing. It's impotent rage at people you've never met. While I can say for certain having met your posts with my eyes, you suck.

>> No.8174450

Hey, what kinds of things get you hard? Do you feel bad after masturbating?

>> No.8174452

There is no logical reason to have a child anymore, we're way overpopulated and kids fuck up your life. And what does a vasectomy at 22 show ? Other then responsibility that I'd be a terrible parent and had a fuucked up childhood.

>> No.8174453

You're just ruining the thread for everyone else. Take it elsewhere or shut the fuck up.

>> No.8174455

i love how /lit/ always has antinatalists

it makes me feel like even if we're always in eternal september the right people end up here

>> No.8174457

I doubt I'm having kids either, mostly for the same reason.

>> No.8174462

There's no point in having a kid

>> No.8174466

>30 different men before 25
Yeah, I don't think so partner.
Maybe for the tinder generation, yeah...

You just made a whole post of implications and said absolutely nothing.
>People like you
Who am I, all knowing one?

>I'm a lesbian
Of course. Explains everything. You hate all men. Such a shame.

>There is no logical reason to have a child anymore,
t. An absolute fucking moron who believes he knows everything there is to know
As long as you don't mind being a biological failure.
>Had a fuucked up childhood
Again, you're digging yourself deeper desu. Not sounding good for you right now.

All kinds and not at all really. Nice attempt though

>> No.8174467

i think it's outright unethical

>> No.8174468

>he read the book trying to draw some non existent point from it
Why even bother reading it if you're just going to waste the experience?

>> No.8174470

>Who am I, all knowing one?
Someone who can't get a date

>> No.8174474

All kinds? That's good! Anything you've been particularly fixated on lately? I'm not attempting anything btw~

>> No.8174477

>a biological failure

being a slave to biology in 2016, you're just admitting you actually lack enough sentience to not be ruled by animal impulses. you're barely a person.

>> No.8174478

Please be the bigger woman and stop responding to them so this thread can live.

>> No.8174482

>t. An absolute fucking moron who believes he knows everything there is to know
>As long as you don't mind being a biological failure.

Dude, I was agreeing with you up till this. While it's mostly the people who don't end up having kids who SHOULD end up having kids, that's not the way the world is tending towards with current birth rates.

Will you drop your trip already?

>> No.8174483

I'm starting to feel bad for being so mean to this guy anyways.

>> No.8174485




>> No.8174491


>> No.8174495

Lol, did you have an abusive father? I'm sorry if you did, truly deeply sorry.

>> No.8174498

Nope. My parents were A+. I love my dad very much.

>> No.8174499

Typical response desu. Weak.

Not really

>he thinks he's transcended biology
>he thinks he's not ruled by animal impulses
>he had his balls snipped
top fucking kek son

Yes. People who are educated should have kids. It is pretty much one of the only meaningful things you can do on this rock, mate.
Meanwhile, said people are not having kids because they've been memed to not have them by internet nobodies and their poor childhood experiences...

>implying it wasn't this trip who started by posting tumblr feminism in every thread
kys buddy

>> No.8174500

There's more daddy issues here then an orphanage

>> No.8174503
File: 543 KB, 512x502, shke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8174504

Bad post.

>> No.8174506

If you want kids so bad get yourself pregnant.

>> No.8174509

Ah, then they didn't beat you enough, of course. You call them "good" when they created you, a narcissistic lesbian masochistically provoking an anonymous Korean weaving board. You take much pleasure in being the scapegoat, it's clear to me.

>> No.8174510

I wish that was possible. That's one way women are blessed.

>> No.8174511
File: 571 KB, 500x664, tumblr_o8b69pD31d1rpowflo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8174515

i didnt have my balls nipped lol

i don't know if i can expect you to know how to count though

>> No.8174517

yeah congrats you've triggered another person
why do you feel the need to ruin a perfectly good thread?
it's been completely derailed because of you

>> No.8174519

Why do you have to destroy threads like this? You can habe these stupid fuckimg discussiones om thousands of places on the internet.

>> No.8174520

I will do that when you stop being a trendy ''lesbian'' and self harming for internet points on your tumbl blog.

>a narcissistic lesbian masochistically provoking an anonymous Korean weaving board.
>You take much pleasure in being the scapegoat, it's clear to me.
This times a million, desu.

Because she desperately wants attention and her tumblr ask box is empty. Hence the trip

>> No.8174523

This thread was shit the moment people started drooling over actresses and models, it was never on topic. Might as well burn.

This thread was never on topic, and I was the one who pointed that out. So now we're here less on topic. There's an issue here, I may be part of it, but the root of the thing is not mine alone.

>> No.8174524

No onea forcing you to reply to her.

>> No.8174529

>I will do that when you stop being a trendy ''lesbian'' and self harming for internet points on your tumbl blog.

What? Ive never self harmed.

>Because she desperately wants attention and her tumblr ask box is empty. Hence the trip
And what do you want?

>> No.8174530

If a female writes it, not only will it be motivated by sex, but it will be about sex.

>> No.8174532

Another question, why do you trip?

Can't stand the idea of not having an identity?

>> No.8174533

I'm the one who got snipped you were referring to two different people and what's wrong with a vasectomy ? It's one huuuuuuuge thing I don't have to worry about now I'm not the kind of persin who should have kids anyway but no birth control needed occasionally a condom if I'm feeling an itchy vibe but more people should get snipped

>> No.8174535


>> No.8174539

Why do you post anon? Probably for similar reasons as to why I do it too. Why I post with a trip? For none of the reasons you've listed.

>> No.8174540

On average, a woman will have slept with 25 sexual partners before they turn 30.

>> No.8174541


>what do you want?
a four hour orgasm, family tbqh
and a slow death to all morons

>but more people should get snipped
Said no sane man ever...
>Mfw your entire bloodline dating back to fucking god knows what fucking sea slugs managed to pass their genes on... and you failed family

>> No.8174542

>This thread was shit the moment people started drooling over actresses and models
You thanked someone for posting hot women like an hour ago.
>Might as well burn.
Yeah why respect other peoples fun and not drive threads to the bumplimit instead of just hiding it.
>the root of the thing is not mine alone.
Of course not and I never meant to imply you were.

>> No.8174544

>and a slow death to all morons

Then stab yourself.

>> No.8174546

>>Mfw your entire bloodline dating back to fucking god knows what fucking sea slugs managed to pass their genes on... and you failed family
>implying this is a good thing

life is disgusting, it made you

>> No.8174549

>You thanked someone for posting hot women like an hour ago.
Thanking does not equate mmmmmmmm Kate Upton my hot titty friend mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm for over 10 posts.

>> No.8174550

I post because I've been baited

You haven't answered the question of why you have to use a trip to identify yourself on a site that emphasises anonymity

>> No.8174553

>You haven't answered the question of why you have to use a trip to identify yourself on a site that emphasises anonymity

For the direct opposite of the emphasis. Not for attention, or any of the other reasons you stated.

>> No.8174554

You're incredibly incompetent at it if that's what your doing. Replying to it doesn't drive it away it makes it bigger.

>> No.8174558

hahah xD
cool and mysterious ~(-_-~)

>> No.8174561


>> No.8174564

It's equally on topic.

>> No.8174568

And much superior, since Kate Upton is the perfect female form.

>> No.8174569

jesus you're dull

u mad bro? your ancestors... even the ugly and deformed ones managed what you couldn't
top lol

ur life is a joke
ur not smart

top fucking answer from a top fucking attention whore

/lit/ is truly in it's last days

this desu family. kudos for coming up with that
sounds like something churchill would have said

>> No.8174571

>What are some novels where the protagonist's motivation is primarily sexual
>What are some novels
>mmmmmmmm Kate Upton my hot titty friend ad nauseam

>> No.8174575

(o_-) thanks

This is amazing

>> No.8174576

>somehow excluding eating that PussPuss

I'm ashamed of you, anon.

>> No.8174577

/b/-tier thread

report and filter all tripfaggots especially feminist trolls

>> No.8174579

What's insane about getting snipped ? Is there any logical reason whatsoever that you need to procreate ?

>> No.8174580

>your ancestors... even the ugly and deformed ones managed what you couldn't

all your ancestors probably raped their siblings, why aren't you doing that?

>> No.8174581
File: 245 KB, 457x665, tumblr_o81zlhNXaK1rpowflo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh don't forget the feminist trolls. The feminist trolls that don't get banned while posters like >>8174569

>> No.8174587




>> No.8174588

>>mmmmmmmm Kate Upton my hot titty friend ad nauseam
That wasn't all the thread and that's still better than another "SJW vs mysogynyshithead" debate that's just like all the other ones and takes up 100 replies and makes the thread bumplimit instead of giving people the chance to get it back on topic or at least post some creative shitposts.

>> No.8174596
File: 129 KB, 431x650, tumblr_o5vqjaFVug1rpowflo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That wasn't all the thread
It basically was.

>that's still better than another "SJW vs mysogynyshithead"

I didn't ask for that, I just made an off topic post, same as everyone else who ruined this thread did. For future reference, if you don't want this to happen, do not encourage the thread quality this started off with.

>> No.8174598

This means that you're probably a 100-120 IQ turbo-pleb

This means that you're probably a 100-120 IQ turbo-pleb.

>implying i'm not doing that bro. you don't know me or who i'm fingering at any given time, son.
Also: This means that you're probably a 100-120 IQ turbo-pleb.

>implying i should get banned and not yourself angry bird

t. a man who is too busy taking care of his wife's son
This post means that you're probably a 100-120 IQ turbo-pleb.

>> No.8174599

That's not logic, that's tradition. The sad thing is stupid people keep having children andintelligent people aren't. The next generation is even more fucked

>> No.8174603

I'm not implying. I never get banned. One person who shit up a thread about Trump, while I equally argued with him, got banned instead of me. I'm just speaking from experience the fact that you're less tolerable, if we're speaking on bans and what not.

>> No.8174605

>blaming the thread

Take personal responsibility.

>> No.8174609

>I didn't ask for that
I know but you could have stoped replying to them and let the idiots soften their rage boner with some other donut hole.

>> No.8174610

triggered hard

>> No.8174611

Feminists dont ubderstand that senpai
You see its always the fault of others

>> No.8174612

Stop it. Please. Y...you're making me want to bully you... hah...hah...

>> No.8174616

I'm a feminist myself.

>> No.8174620

I do. I said I made an off topic post, same as everyone else who ruined this thread did. There's not much responsibility to be held for the fate of this thread. With or without me it would have been shit.

What's the fun in not engaging someone willing to make posts the size of three posts in a row just out of spite? Not much to be frank. You rarely get an opportunity like that, to talk to someone of that caliber.

>> No.8174621

>less tolerable than me
>anyone even mentions men
''MEN ARE ALL PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''

t. you're a white male

>> No.8174624

man the bump limit is really hard to reach nowadays, why is /lit/ so dead, jeez louise

>> No.8174625

I'm a girl. And 4'01. And I want to bully you hard. I want to grind you into the metaphorical dust. I want to make you cry. So stop. I shouldn't feel this way. It's not proper. I might... end up... really making fun of you...

>> No.8174626

>t. you're a white male
What a confused usage of the second person.

>> No.8174627

You've been complaining about how women are sows every single thread I'm in, your skin is thin.

>> No.8174631

you're not even using your shitty meme right! how are you so bad at this

>> No.8174634
File: 113 KB, 694x1000, Kate-Upton-kate-upton-38797192-694-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread, lads.

>> No.8174635

I wish I was 4 feet tall sometimes.

>> No.8174637

>And 4'01

are you like a dwarf

>> No.8174640

Sweet. Hit me.

>he doesn't get it

lesbians don't exist and this is to meta 3 me

>implying i haven't re appropriated it and made it my own
That's post-modernism for you, son.

>> No.8174642

>With or without me it would have been shit.
But at least it could have been a less soul crushing kimd of shit.

>> No.8174648
File: 70 KB, 367x550, tumblr_o5vsa7Gxoy1rpowflo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soul crushing shit is always more pleasant than warm piss in my experience.

>> No.8174654

Is that Gass?

>> No.8174655
File: 200 KB, 778x675, 1466106763253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my fucking face when i just re-read certain parts of this thread

>> No.8174659

That's your fetish but if this is what you like there's no shortage of other places that provide it for you.

>> No.8174664
File: 480 KB, 434x650, tumblr_o5vqimtAL11rpowflo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk about literature, or end up here.

>> No.8174667

But did you reeed deez testes

>> No.8174672

>using memes from like 4 memenia ago
Bad Post. Not funny at all.

>> No.8174679
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>> No.8174683

There intermmitant om topic replies before the shitstorm blew and importantly the thread was slow and had a chance to get on track. Once it starts being about tumblr it's 100 contentless posts at relentless speed with no room for air for anything else.

>> No.8174691

As I've said, the point of the board. Or here.

>> No.8174694

This means that you're probably a 100-120 IQ turbo-pleb

>> No.8174698

And as I said, wihout the gamergatebyproxy it could have gotten to the point of the board.

>> No.8174701
File: 283 KB, 400x600, tumblr_o81ys6aaQx1rpowflo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well

>> No.8174705

post your tumblr selfie page

>> No.8174706

You're cool though; you laughed at my Cara abuse.

>> No.8174714

t. a desperate attempt

>> No.8174720

You're welcome hun bun

>> No.8174721


>> No.8174741

What did you mean?

>> No.8174747

that you're probably a 100-120 IQ turbo-pleb

>> No.8174750

But if I'm gonna talk
I just wanna talk
Please don't interrupt
Just sit back and listen

>> No.8174770

you're probably a 100-120 IQ turbo-pleb nice digits notwithstanding

>> No.8174923

selfie wen

well memed

>> No.8175122

I fap all day to photo hop disks

>> No.8175140

What planet

>> No.8175682

Any "classic" that's about society descending, Lord of the Flies and Brave New World kinda deal. Guess The Great Gatsmeme is also about pussy?????

Anyway go for Ovid's "Ars Amatoria", OP ;^)))))