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/lit/ - Literature

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8161626 No.8161626 [Reply] [Original]

Faulkner hate thread
The Sound and the Fury is fucking unbearable with its pretentious vocabulary. Stream of consciousness be some retarded shit. Also the main character is literally retarded.

>> No.8161635

I just thought it was really boring and uneventful. it also wasn't hard. why do people say it's hard? I just wrote down characters names and there relations and it even goes into italics when the time changes. I wish it didn't. but yeah he's shit.

>> No.8161637

Let's turn it into an 'OP hate thread' instead.

You're a fucking faggot

>> No.8161638

>Elder von Corncob
This guy needs to stick a corncob up his ass

>> No.8161665

>The Sound and the Fury is fucking unbearable with its pretentious vocabulary. Stream of consciousness be some retarded shit. Also the main character is literally retarded.
Jason Compson could have written this review

>> No.8161702
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Where were you when /lit/ was taken over by plebs?

>> No.8161722

>pretentious vocabulary
What? Where? I just got finished reading this book and the vocabulary wasn't pretentious at all. I'll grant that the book is a bit overwrought, but the Benjy chapter is amazing, albeit confusing (oh no a hard book), and the rest is really solid too. By the way, after about 70 pages the narrator changes. There isn't one main character (and if there is, it's Caddy).

>> No.8161728

Here's a (You) for you.

>> No.8161742

The main character is Caddy, you fucking pleb. The story is told from the perspective of her three brothers, and how her actions affected them moving forward.

>> No.8161746

Bro, with the booktuber threads, and the science fiction generals, this board is definitely going to shit.

>> No.8161754

OP came out of the plebcloset

>> No.8162389


>> No.8162396


>> No.8162402

^ found the retardophile

>> No.8162410


Samefag OP

>> No.8162698

What the fuck just happened?

I've been posting and joining discussions here for over a few months, and I have not once seen a Faulkner hate thread until now. He may not be to your liking (and there are definitely many who dislike him), but one can't disagree with his contributions to American literature.

He's great.

>> No.8162721
File: 193 KB, 600x739, image_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretentious vocabulary
Only one section had anything you could label as pretentious, and it did it on purpose to show that the narrator there was an overeducated and anxious autist. Go read asoiaf and fuck off

>> No.8162893


Benjy detected.

>> No.8162916

summer happened.

>> No.8162964


>> No.8162967

>Thinking Faulkner has pretentious vocabulary

Kiddo I've got some bad news for you about the rest of literature

>> No.8162968


>Stream of consciousness be some retarded shit

lol at this pleb thinking he was going to get support in this pleb thread with statements this blatantly pleb

read more son

>> No.8162980


>> No.8162981

Read two pages than was like "lol wut"

>> No.8163393

I dropped As I Lay Dying not even 70 pages in. Shit was fucking weak, bruh.

>> No.8163489

Faulkner is a genius and possibly the greatest writer of the 20th Century.

>> No.8163493

You have to be older than 18 years old in order to browse 4chan, friendo.

>> No.8163497

at least he's better than pynchon

>> No.8163605

>Faulkner is a genius
Yes, undoubtedly.
>possibly the greatest writer of the 20th Century
There is no such thing as a "greatest writer of [insert time or place here]."

>> No.8165080

Who was equal to Shakespeare at his time?
>inb4 muh windmills

>> No.8165084


>> No.8165088

Intruder in the dust wasn't that good though. Come on nigga you can use at least 1 full stop in the span of 7 pages

>> No.8165090
File: 10 KB, 236x318, 1464912300642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8165104

it's spelled 'redditor'

>> No.8165289
File: 66 KB, 566x477, 1464320013518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't understand Absalom

>> No.8165303

ah, haven't been on 4chan long. is this what happens when the kids get out of school for the summer? constant juvenile threads? i've noticed it in some other boards, too, here.

>> No.8166643

>Newfag asking about summerfags