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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 286 KB, 250x425, Ayn rand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8161087 No.8161087 [Reply] [Original]

So why does everyone on this board seem to hate Ayn Rand.
Genuinely Curious.

>> No.8161099


because her writing is subpar for literary fiction and her philosophy is subpar for philosophy. she tried to combine both and failed tremendously.

she also makes hilary clinton seem less sociopathic by comparison.

>> No.8161109

People who like her philosophy tend to be people looking for some kind of modernized Carlylian or Nietzschean great man worship for the post-industrial era (the entrepreneur as opposed to the aristocrat or condottiere). Typically Americans, since that's the one holdout of classical libertarianism left in the world. Classical libertarianism is also a cult strongly encouraged by the larger cult of neoclassical economics, which is the religion of the American plutocratic classes.

And just in general, the American obsession with money and the entrepreneurial spirit doesn't translate well across the Atlantic (see Tocqueville). European economic conservatives tend to be pretty staid by plutocratic standards, interested in protecting their class, but not in selling bombastic "REAGANOMICS SOLVES LITERALLY ALL HUMAN PROBLEMS" Bernaysian propaganda to obese consumerist proles. Carlyle-ly inclined guys over in Europe tend to go for more traditional forms of hero worship.

Her writing isn't great, and the ways in which it is not great are pronounced (giant block monologues), so she's easy to mock. But the books are decently stirring if you are into her shit.

She was also an insane cult-leader herself. Whatever values she represents to the entrepreneur-worshipers, she was just kind of a crazy old cunt, and her philosophical system is child's play compared to the real philosophical titans of the 20th century. It's relatively easy for leftists to mock.

>> No.8161116

Because she's a woman and 95% of the posters here are men.

>> No.8161119
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The only reason one would hate Rand is if he thought the poor and minority groups were intellectually inferior, was economically illiterate and devoid of man's two greatest faculties: logic and reason!

But the enlightened man need not fret. Our Lady Rand provides a lense through which to view objective reality and a lens with which to grab it!

>> No.8161144

>failed tremendously
>Most successful business men regard her as either an influence or a very inspirational author

Lol, dhe didn't write for NEETS or basement dwellers kiddo.

>> No.8161151
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No, she wrote for sociopaths.

>> No.8161153

no one cares about her outside of US

>> No.8161154


i know. she wrote for sociopaths.


>> No.8161191

Because Pynchon made fun of her, and because Bioshock didn't have great gameplay.

>> No.8161199
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>> No.8161516

kek, this

also telemachus sneezed

>> No.8161547

>Haha, they're more productive than me so I'll just call them a sociopath! That'll show em! Bernie 2017! Then I'll go to free school online while renting a mansion for cheap because the government funds my life because autism and then I'll be the 1%! Then I will bring down the cis patriarchy and cucking will be mandatory and white men will be abolished, and men will all be forcibly castrated and used for manual labor and we will create XY chromosones in labs and eventually the concept of a sentient man will be a joke. Something the sci-fi shows use as a joke. Get ready rich boy, because your world is about to be shattered.

>> No.8161555

How many 'scientific' articles have you contributed to red pill threads on Reddit?

>> No.8161557

It's a fresh new meme that came from Tumblr.