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File: 31 KB, 241x360, Catch22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8159665 No.8159665 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck who thought it was a good idea for this to be 450 pages? This would have been one of the best 200 page books ever.

>> No.8160289

It's a book, not a movie. 450 pages makes you see how bureaucratic everything is and how much everything is fucked and just blindly drones on. If it was 200 pages, you'd complain about how it wasn't 'developed enough'

>> No.8161423

i see what you mean, i reached a point where i just wanted to finish it
i hated reading the dark turn it took, but its still my favorite book so far

>> No.8161539

Exactly what I thought, the joke gets tired after 100 pages, and nothing happens until the last 50 or so. Heller doesn't even have anything interesting to say, regardless of pagecount.

>> No.8161549

You get the extent of it twenty pages when you read about the dead guy in his room. You don't need 400 more pages of contrived "bureaucracy, man" shit.

>> No.8161554

itt: plebs

>> No.8161695

Catch-22 is the pleb book of all pleb books