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/lit/ - Literature

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8157676 No.8157676 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like this place needs a thread to discuss theatre.

>what plays have you read/reading/want to read

Currently reading Angels in America (part 1). Surrealism is always a fickle thing; trying to imagine how the characters move without seeing the play prior to reading it is left to the imagination (which I have non)

>> No.8157682

Hitler and the Nazi party considered surrealism degenerate art.

If you want to be redpilled, you have to stop with that sort of subversive shit

>> No.8157689

Ahaha, being a stormfag is not the same of being redpilled. Being redpilled in the arts means that you can differentiate self-congratulatory,rehearsed lies masquerading as art and real art. From the sounds of it you don't know either.

>> No.8157704

There are some pretty obvious links from psychoanalysis and Freud (Jew "science" and a Jew respectively) to surrealism.

Educate yourself, sheep

>> No.8157716

>implying all surrealism is the same
Notice how I said "fickle", it's always changing.

Please stop derailing the thread,

>> No.8157725

>psychoanalysis is inherently immoral
>being Jewish is inherently immoral
>psychoanalysis is a "science"

wew lad

Care to back any of this up with some citations and/or rationale?

>> No.8157732 [DELETED] 
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I will make any thread into a redpill thread, just you watch me, you roach

I single-handedly decide the fate of this board. You are all in my control, and discuss the things I want to discuss.

You are but mere insects to me, my puppets, who mistakenly think that you're in control.

I will make every thread into a discussion of race, gender, or sexuality, -- i.e. white > black, men > women, heterosexuality > degeneracy -- and slowly but surely drive all leftists off this board.

You are but mere roaches

>> No.8157736

Nobody on /lit/ is this stupid. Ignore the troll.

I've finished Beckett's Waiting for Godot and Endgame and still have the complete works in front of me. I think that Krapp's Last Tape is the best way to start, but where do I go from there?

>> No.8157746

>Beckett's Waiting for Godot
How do I get into absurdism, Every time I watch/read an absurdist play I'm absolutely lost.

After Last Tape, the Dumb Waiter by Herold Pinter is a good way to go, I found it extremely intriguing and crushed by the end of it, but a it's bit dry

>> No.8157752

Check out the HBO miniseries after you're done. Surprised someone could pull off such a great play from such a disgusting topic. The work itself is fantastic though, I'd never deny that.

>> No.8157754

I've been meaning to read Endgame for ages. How would you say it compared to Godot?

>> No.8157764

Absurdism is meant to make you think Western civilization is 'absurd' and that race mixing is ok

>> No.8157791

I like what ive read about humans but I am waiting for it to be a movie desu

>> No.8157805

honestly Humans is stellar and deserves best play. I feel like if it's made into a movie it'll lose the energy the play has. I could be wrong the play can easily be into a movie.

Theatre is raw and more compelling, movies lose those features.

>> No.8157807

Jesus Christ, this has got to be the most retarded /pol/faggotry I've ever seen on /lit/.

I'm currently reading The Crucible for school but I'm only about 20 pages in. Really liking the atmosphere so far, it's got an almost oppressive feeling to it that I'm loving. I also like the little diatribes that describe the characters and the setting.

>> No.8157815

I hate live plays. Stage acting is repellant to me, I much prefer musicals. I would rather consume my theatre through stuff like Branagh and Brando adaptations of Shakespeare


Ultimately a play is only as good as its source material (Like a man for all seasons or death of a salesman) and if its that good it will translate well to the screen no matter what.

>> No.8157837

>hate live plays. Stage acting is repellant to me
Care to elaborate on that? I used to agree, but I think it was more due to the fact that theater performances tend to be much more confrontational than other types

>> No.8157841
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>no mention of spring awakening in the first 15 replies
I'm more disappointed in you anons than your fathers were

But yeah, Spring Awakening. I might take crap for this, but I prefer the musical to Wedekind's original. It's too powerful and complex to view it without that added artistic dimension.

It's also one of the rare cases of plays where the actors are reductive and only ever detract from the abstract work. The question is more of how much Melchior the actor will leave, rather than what he will bring to the character.

>> No.8157845

The interplay between actors in front of me (rather than directed on screen) feels unnatural and off-putting. They dont interrupt each other, they speak in unnatural volume and tone so as to communicate with the audience, and pacing and stage positioning feels obvious and awkward even from masters like in The Humans. And when they do break from this, like when the characters interrupt each other, it feels forced and a function of the play, not natural, and again distracts me from the story. Compared to say, the dinner scenes in American Beauty, which are directed so finely that they feel totally natural and let me focus on what is being said.

I realize this is autistic but when I watch something like Les Mis or Saigon in public, the unnaturalness of singing your problems seems to let me relax and focus on the action and story rather than the forced nature of the acting.

>> No.8157856

That's a fair enough point. The unnatural naturalness of theatre is very hard to overcome especially in realism.

>> No.8157878

Does DOGBOYS need to be mentioned?

I've read a huge amount of theater from a very limited period. Albee, Mamet, Beckett, and Leroi Jones.

>> No.8157882

Guys, Hamilton is amazing and I've only seen a shitty recorded version of it. It must be unreal to watch live in the front row.

>> No.8157888


Spring Awakening is a musical for teenagers, anon. It has no redeeming qualities.

>> No.8157916

I just finished Wild Bill Shakes' Twelfth Night and that was okay. Last night I read The Leader by Eugene Ionesco, probably going to read his Rhinoceros later

I also started Plautus - Pot of Gold last night

>> No.8157920
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Can someone tell me the best theaters in new York city for classic plays?

>> No.8157922

I've been trying to get my hands on The Hermit by Ionescu but I can't find it anywhere online

>> No.8157925

I was lucky and stumbled across a collection of Rhinoceros, The Leader, and The Future is In Eggs at a bookstore for less than 4 bucks

>> No.8157996

Recently saw an adaptation of Queneau's Exercises in Style that has been playing for ~50 years by the same cast (an actor and an actress). It was pretty good, although it was surprisingly short (just 1 hour).

>> No.8158072
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>> No.8158085

Can you faggot actually fucking respond this time?

Plays aren't meant to be purely read and we should be creating resources to make it easier for anons to experience them as they should be but you fucking faggots act like just reading should be totally normal. I'm not even asking much you selfish fucks for it being NYC.

>> No.8158345

>Theatre/Play General
The word you're looking for is 'drama'. 'Plays' and 'theatre' are both not literature.

>> No.8158373

Any good one act plays with bigger casts?

>> No.8158375

D-boys never needs mentioned. It's quietly accepted that that piece of shit should never be talked about.

>> No.8158396
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I will make my first trip to Europe (Ireland and England) in August (I am Brazilian), and I can’t wait to visit Stratford. I want to visit Shakespeare’s grave, but I also think that they might have specialized bookstores in there with many interesting books of Shakespearean criticism.

I will also go to London, and will watch a play at the Globe. It must be a great experience to be so near the actors and to see them saying the monologues as if they were talking to you.

>> No.8158420


>> No.8158426

I'm in a play called Psycho Beach Party which is a dark comedy based on 1960s surfer flicks like Gidget. It's not exactly high art but I get to speak explicitly about sex in front of children and old people so I'm having a good time. For me, I enjoy the craft of performance enough to take parts in plays that aren't amazing. It doesn't seem like there are many actors/theatergoers on 4chan but I'm glad when people read plays.

Fav play ever is "The Visit" by Freidrich Durrenmatt. I would also suggest The Pillowman and Our Town for reading.

>> No.8158507

Just fucking google it you whiny shit.

>> No.8158521
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tis pity she's a whore

i like john ford. he's somewhat radical for his time compared to shakespeare or webster or marlowe etc when you consider that they all fall under the predominant Christian morality of the time regarding the murders, adultery and so on that happen in their plays. Ford writes about adultery and incest and other taboo things in a way that doesn't always end "morally", the passion and violence are sincere. i like how he writes about love, p good stuff yeah

>> No.8158742

Anyone read/watched Strindberg's plays?

>> No.8159054

All three are masterpieces. I'd say go for Happy Days next. Not nearly on the same level, though.

>> No.8159087

I'm actually reading his Inferno + From an Ocult Diary right now. I really want to find his plays now

>> No.8159136

Do you speak Swedish? There are some on Öppet Arkiv if so. Miss Julie for example (excellent version too).

I've been wanting to read Inferno this summer. Is it good?

>> No.8159163

No on the Swedish. I only have this book because my fiancé has great taste in picking out things she think I'd like

Inferno is basically proto-Book of Disquiet only with more paranoia. Lots of whining, paranoid shit, etc. quite cleaely the account of a man losing it. Its pretty damn neat tho

>> No.8159235

Never let her go, Anon.

What else has she recommended?

>> No.8159248

She doesn't really rec me much because she doesn't read as much of the "patrician stuff" I read (classics + surreal stuff)

She just knows what I love and is always looking for things that seem to fit into what I'd dig

Not to knock her though, she loves the nhilistic misanthropic shit which is really fun to hear about. Daniel Weiss, DBC Pierre, etc

>> No.8159263

Reading Faust, and seen Doctor Faustus in London.
was preety rad

>> No.8159315

Yeah, she's a keeper.

>> No.8160536

Thanks lads. I'll be adding these to the short term to read list.

Godot and Endgame are really radically different pieces. You can imagine Godot taking place in some dull french field, but you never forget you're reading a play that would be performed on a dimly lit stage when you're going through Endgame.

Importantly, it's Vladimir and Estragon's characters and their actions that make Godot "absurd." Endgame is completely out there. The world itself is absurd in the play.

>> No.8160601


Just wanted to chime in to say that I agree with you. I cannot stand the theatricality of live acting. Honestly, I feel like plays have been outmoded by film. Filmmakers have all the same tools at their disposal and many many more. I am aware that this is probably an unpopular opinion (in this thread of all places). I would love for someone to explain to me the appeal of seeing a play (I like to read plays, but seeing them live just feels so artificial). I feel like a philistine because I don't "get" it.


>I'd say go for Happy Days next. Not nearly on the same level, though.

Happy days is my personal favorite Beckett play (his trilogy if novels is superior to his plays though, IMO). Winnie's unflinching optimism was incredibly depressing...

>> No.8160716

>seeing them live just feels so artificial
That's sort of the point in my understanding. By being so clearly "fake" they're able to emphasize the more important dramatic parts of the script without worrying about being "unrealistic".
It's the same principal behind Tarantino putting a Tupac/James Brown mash up in the score for Django Unchained and splitting his films into 5 acts with big fuck off title cards. It's not realistic, but it doesn't need to be because the audience is connected on a dramatic level to the characters, not the realism of the setting.

You might want to look into Brecht's epic theater, his whole career was essentially trying to make theater as "fake" as possible.

>> No.8160811

>musical for teenagers
Yeah, no.
>no redeeming qualities
Be more subtle senpai

>> No.8161079

Reading Marlowe at the moment. Gonna read Jacobean trade goes after that

>> No.8161402

I have read Miss Julie and saw a production of Creditors a few months ago. I love his sheer contempt for humanity.

I saw Edward Albee's Whose Afraid of Virginia Woolf a few weeks ago and it reminded me so much of Strindberg.

>> No.8161439


it's insipid and uinspired supermarket-tier kiddy porn

>> No.8162123

"I don't believe in grand narratives"

>> No.8162133

Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn website. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this site for 6 months: 6 MONTHS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to traps or whatever gay shit you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn site and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're "epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use 4chan). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn.

>> No.8162134
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is this slut any good or just another female meme?

>> No.8163226

Lol, u mad bro?
(kill yourself)

>> No.8163286
File: 584 KB, 1366x768, faggotpasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sauce for that dank pasta brah?

holy shit tho

>> No.8163464

>those tabs
wew lad