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/lit/ - Literature

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8155329 No.8155329 [Reply] [Original]

Books you like specifically for the narration style

>> No.8155438
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>> No.8155456
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>> No.8155464
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>> No.8155486

Every Kurt Vonnegut book, but especially the meme-tastic Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.8155809
File: 673 KB, 1588x2393, dan-brown-digital-fortress-mhleyh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8155893

the literal writings of a madman

>> No.8155896

God this book was horrible.

>> No.8155922
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"And, Janie, maybe it wasn't much, but Ah done de best Ah kin by you. Ah raked and scraped and bought dis lit piece uh land so you wouldn't have to stay in de white folks' yard and tuck yo' head befo' other chillun at school. Dat was all right when you was little. But when you got big enough to understand things, Ah wanted you to look upon yo'self. Ah don't want yo' feathers always crumpled by folks throwin' up things in yo' face. And Ah can't die easy thinkin' maybe de menfolks white or black is makin' a spit cup outa you: Have some sympathy fuh me. Put me down easy, Janie, Ah'm a cracked plate."

>> No.8155986

Fucks sakes. The worst part of this is that I don't remember if that's an actual passage from the book or some gibberish written in ridiculous Ebonics.

>> No.8155996

I like the cracked plate bit

>> No.8156256
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>> No.8156263
File: 34 KB, 260x392, trainspotting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going into this I thought the phonetic Scottish was going to piss me off but I enjoyed it
wasn't hard to make sense of at all

>> No.8156270

Everything William Gibson's ever written. Yes, even the Blue Ant trilogy.

>> No.8156713

On the Road

>> No.8156737

trash book tbqhwyf only on high school reading list bc of muh diversity

>> No.8156743
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>> No.8157018

Don Quijote.

>> No.8157042
