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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 241 KB, 1180x1204, 6d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8152666 No.8152666[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

tinychat / 4chanlit

come one come all

>> No.8152673

No one's there, they all left for some exclusive other chat group. Hey, Orpheus, you're an ugly cunt

>> No.8152680

>it's an Orpheus pretends to have friends episode

>> No.8152695

I'm not even Orpheus but thanks anyway.

>> No.8152706

>it's a ceit tries to become a /soclit/ celebrity episode

>> No.8152746

ceit's not the one on cam...

>> No.8152752

ceit is Mr 4chanlit there is no question to it

>> No.8152763

i'm convinced this is where all the people who are too afraid to namefag go

>> No.8152768

and 4chan is where people who are too afraid to do either go.

>> No.8152796

Yeah I'm to afraid to namefag so I show my fucking face on cam.

>> No.8152824
File: 45 KB, 923x705, 234523545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another comfy night with the boys

>> No.8152827

Why are there so many pale dark-haired girls with black plastic glasses on 4chan? Fuck, they're all exactly the same.

>> No.8152832

That's not a pale girl, that's the computer screen's light.

And I think the lower half aren't really from the chat

>> No.8152841

nice trips.

Also, is orph shirtless as yesterday?

>> No.8152864

Not yet. Let him have a few more beers.

>> No.8152865

Who is orph?

>> No.8152866

Which one of these three young guys will get to spend ONE FULL EVENING with a female specimen?

Don't miss what happens in the next episode of

THE LIT BACHELORETTE (only on tinychat)

>> No.8152879

Is it ok if I join and flash my dick? Its pretty big.

>> No.8152891

lady's lips awaits you.

>> No.8152919

It keeps saying connection error

I guess you won't get another fem

>> No.8152922
File: 58 KB, 600x600, 1445995377792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're all ugly
>I realize every poster here is likely to be ugly
>I'm talking to UGLY people

>> No.8152929

Reddit my man, how's it going

>> No.8152932

that girl is cute the guys are alright, dumb frog posters look like sphincters.

>> No.8152939

you know the two persons on the bottom were never on lits tinychat?

>> No.8152943
File: 5 KB, 250x172, 1464954793031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn it

>> No.8152960
File: 318 KB, 741x468, 1446963965013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8152965
File: 150 KB, 960x960, 1429969491369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, is this 'Blob'?

>> No.8152969

Looks like it. Where'd you get that?

>> No.8152980
File: 14 KB, 251x242, annoyed pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please end yourself already you fucking tripfag.

>> No.8152983
File: 39 KB, 350x623, Litizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ April 2015
Here's one from 2014.

>> No.8152984

should I get a trip? to be extra obnoxious? we could always use another obnoxious cunt with a trip

>> No.8152985

Creepy collection. That's not the same one though.

>> No.8152988

>all those sluts

>> No.8152990

Get a trip and drink bleach, that's how it's done.

>> No.8152993

Yeah there are a lot of desperate men in that pic

>> No.8152997

you try to reverse search the image and google put the text "beauty".
Google knows it and PoMo people can't even recognize beauty.

>> No.8152998

I'm not going to drink bleach. You made your wish.

>> No.8153004

men can't be slut. B^)

>> No.8153008

finally banned me

can't handle the bantz, huh? ;)

>> No.8153009
File: 532 KB, 509x453, Zeta's girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it's not Blob.
4chan is full of picture collectors. I am one.

>> No.8153010

men are whores.

>> No.8153012

i'm a male slut and i beg to differ

>> No.8153019
File: 13 KB, 250x245, No such thing as a slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chauvinists words don't carry any weight with me.

Gave me a good idea for my story though.

>> No.8153027
File: 23 KB, 431x365, betch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the word for not having dignity
>a joke

>> No.8153026

show us your tits, honey

>> No.8153030

look at your own fat ass

>> No.8153034

Sleeping around has nothing to do with dignity. Suggesting that it does is what the young'uns call 'slut shaming.'

>> No.8153037

only sluts slut shame.

>> No.8153041

there's no need to play hard to get ;]

>> No.8153043

lol brazilianfag? join tc ffs.

>> No.8153046

why are these threads even allowed to exist

>> No.8153048

Because you can simply close them if you don't think they're lit enough.

>> No.8153051

gay porn isn't /lit/ either but I can't make gay porn threads here and tell everyone who doesn't like them to just close it

>> No.8153053

post tits for me, babe :^)

>> No.8153054

it's ok to have a meta thread now and again

>> No.8153057

Kys Ceit you disgusting little manlet

>> No.8153058

how do you know that's a girl?

>> No.8153064
File: 35 KB, 338x469, Post-it heaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say, you don't like sci-fi, just close the sci-fi general thread. Breath deeply, and go shitpost some theology or whatever it is you do around here.

Pic for you, baybay

>> No.8153068

pretty ugly, thought so

>> No.8153076


>> No.8153077

post ur pic so we can compare

>> No.8153082
File: 69 KB, 400x300, « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » on Space Ghost C2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I am on Space Ghost C2C

>> No.8153085
File: 53 KB, 958x559, bjork-vulnicura-958x559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8153093

>vagina in the middle of your chest
pretty freaky t.b.h

>> No.8153110


>> No.8153116

vulvas are adorable fuck you

>> No.8153121

yeah but nothing but beyond that

>> No.8153123

dicks are grosser

>> No.8153130

not penises, only balls
penises are mostly cute

>> No.8153159

I disagree. I like vagoos. they're precious.

>> No.8153217

sure thing, slut.

>> No.8153226

If the worst slut is the slut in denial than men are the worst sluts.

>> No.8153231


>> No.8153238

your mom is a feminist and she has authority over your life >:)

>> No.8153242

If only women can be "sluts" I suppose the masculine of the word is "rapists" Men with no dignity are rapists.

These words suck. You sure you don't want to reconsider them?

>> No.8153248

>I suppose the masculine of the word is "rapists" Men with no dignity are rapists.


>> No.8153260


>> No.8153264

women don't post on reddit

>> No.8153304

we are listening to /mememusic/ come here.

>> No.8153347

why did you ban me

>> No.8153350


>> No.8153422

unban me

>> No.8153437

not ceit, but I unbanned you. Don't mess the chat, please.

>> No.8153499

hes 185cm fyi