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/lit/ - Literature

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8151932 No.8151932 [Reply] [Original]

I have never gotten into reading as much as I would like to. Saw this image awhile back and saved it, are any of these books good? If so what should I read?

>> No.8151970

I actually enjoyed Flowers for Algernon.

>> No.8151998

>I think therefore I am
Couldn't have got a worse way of describing it if he had wanted to.

>> No.8153388

Let me just tell you first that The Book of the New Sun is the best, period. If you read that, everything after will pale in comparison.
If you are into sci-fi or fantasy try Dune.
Or just follow the chart.

>> No.8153392

Terry Pratchet's books are genuinely hilarious. Or, at least, I find them so.

>> No.8153842

Why do you care what we think you should read? Just pick something that looks interesting to you and go from there.

>> No.8153858
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, starting with the greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Science Fiction

Pic related is what you should read.

>> No.8153864

Terrible guide. Do people here really think you have actually started with the greeks if you (almost) only read ABOUT the greeks? Just as an example: Where are the great 3 tragedians here?

>> No.8153872
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Of course this isn't everything about the Greeks but it's a good starting point for someone that wants to get into serious reading.

If you read all the books in the pic you'll understand most references to the Greeks made by other authors and more of the western canon (Which is the whole point of reading the Greeks)

Top if off with the bible, congratulations you're more well read than 99.9% of the population.

>> No.8153873

>(Which is the whole point of reading the Greeks)

>> No.8153881

But it is pretty much the whole point of reading the Greeks besides learning the fundamentals of philosophy, you'll know the most referred stories next to bible and often time, after rereading a book after reading the Greeks you'll see how many things you haven't understood the first time.

>> No.8153955


>> No.8154644

It should be fun in it's own right. Homer's poems are fun to read. Plato's dialogues are pretty well written. That's my only experience with the Greeks so far, and i read them because they interested me, not because I wanted to be a part of a super exclusive reference-understanding club.

>> No.8154656
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If aren't starting with sumerian/cuneiform you might as well keep playing video games

>> No.8154938

>tfw I've read that and now I struggle to find anything remotely similar.

fuck that, the book of the new sun is just so fucking good.

Also I'm italian and we have only that series translated, and that sucks

>> No.8154965
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i have circled worthwhile ones IN THE CONTEXT OF THE GENRE. You should be pushing yourself harder than this. Also, Stanislaw Lem>Most of this shit.

>Let me just tell you first that The Book of the New Sun is an overrated meme book pushed by 2 or 3 long time posters

>> No.8154981

Perdido street station was so fucking boring I couldn't bring myself to finish it

>> No.8155565

Honestly, a Greek reading guide that doesn't have Aeschylus or Pindar, but has the fucking Pre-Socratics and Sophists, is so ass-backwards that it could have only been made by someone who has never read them.

I mean, the chart literally just says read all of Plato and Aristotle. Seriously? All of it? Every single one of Aristotle's works, but not a single line from Sappho? Are you kidding me? It's the most asinine thing I've ever seen. Utter trash. Some of the other ones are better, but not by much. I'd make a new chart if I knew the first thing about picture editing.

>> No.8155957

When I read this books, do I have to continuously make notes and write about what I think? I feel as though there must be more to 'serious reading' than just sitting down then reading and thinking about a book.

>> No.8155994

Dune really isn't that great. The world is really interesting but the story of the first book of dune is just the exact same teenage male finds out he has powers bullshit that every teen sci fi book has.

>> No.8157166

oh boy looks like another one got done hooked by the meme. it's fun to think that this board started off as a fucking joke that got taken way too seriously. then again I guess you could say that about all of 4chan

>> No.8158875
File: 367 KB, 747x1417, 4chan lit starter kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8158914

Thanks, is there an intermediates pack too?

>> No.8158927

>one flew over the cockoo's cockoo's nest

>> No.8158955

All the other works of Hesse, plus Celine (read in order of publication) and whatever Houellebecq sounds the most interesting to you.

>> No.8159005
File: 1.94 MB, 1008x4600, 4chan literary kit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8160506
File: 1.15 MB, 648x1276, 4chan lit exit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8160519

what is exit level?

>> No.8160523

Before suicide

>> No.8160580

Book of the Short Sun, Borges, In Search of Lost Time, Moby Dick, Tales of Dying Earth, Fifth Head of Cerberus, Man Who was Thursday.
That should cover the similar to Wolfe chart.

>> No.8160588

mild and moderate should be flipped

>> No.8160926

>Book of the Short Sun,
there's no italian translation sadly.

I read The Knight in english, but it was a bit difficult desu

>> No.8160941
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I can't say I've read all of the books in that chart, but the ones I read are really good.

You'll just have to read the subject you like the most. That's why they made that chart.

>> No.8160953

again >>8160926

>Fifth Head of Cerberus
I can buy literally only 1 used copy available, is it worth it?

What do you suggest by Borges? Also, what I like about Wolfe is the incredible mix between cyberpunk (yes there's a little), sci-fi, and fantasy.

That said, I'll check everything you have suggested.

>> No.8160986

Borges is one of the major influences who even makes a cameo.
Wolfe was riffing off a lot of the large and strange ideas he had.
All of those are stylistic influences and Borges is according to the man one of the biggest.