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[ERROR] No.8147816 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good erotic literary novels?

>> No.8147855

The Blood Oranges

>> No.8147913

tropic of cancer

>> No.8148674


>> No.8148683

The picture of Dorian Gray was pretty hot and steamy. Gay though.

>> No.8149880

one last bump

>> No.8149900

Little Birds - Anais Nin

>> No.8150143

>inb4 some dumb faggot who's never read Lolita says Lolita

>> No.8150160

The Golden Ass has some penis engorging passages. Too bad the novel devolves into some cringey religious mysticism in the last book. Up to then it's great fun though and I recommend it.

>> No.8150184

Really? I've finished The Lime Twig recently and I've yet to fully recover from the visceral poetic portrayal of violence. If he does the with lovemaking then...I'll be in my bunk.

>> No.8152038


>> No.8152254

a couple of scenes out of context are pretty hot though
if the book ended before the roadtrip and expanded on the time before it could pass for erotica

>> No.8152269

>dumb faggot thinks Humbert isn't the narrator

>> No.8152275

The only erotic scene (that I can recall, at least) wasn't even part of the narration, it was part of Humbert's diary excerpt. And the scene where they finally fuck is pretty much in summary.

>> No.8152293

You do realize that the whole thing after the preface is Humbert's diary, right? That and there are a quite a few scenes where he describes their sexual encounters, but in flowery, somewhat vague ways.

>> No.8152298


>> No.8152312

>If you see kay
>Tell him he may
>See you in tea
>Tell him for me

Absolutely brilliant.

>> No.8152329

Uhm, depends on what you're into
>Story of the Eye
>Funeral Rites as well as Our Lady of Flowers
>The Lover by Duras
>Anais Nin's writings
are all literary, your milage may vary wrt sexiness.

>> No.8152347
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Your mum's diary.

P.S. I feature in it *a lot*

>> No.8152351

It's a short story collection, but Brief Interviews with Hideous Men by DFW.

>> No.8152382

No, there is one specific section of diary entry. The rest is his testimony. Which contributes to his unreliability as a narrator. He probably actually pushed Lo's mom into the car rather than her running into it.

>> No.8153797

gud one m8

>> No.8154514

>inb4 some leftist cuck says it's not erotic

>> No.8154522

Who are you quoting and why did you use a surprise box?

>> No.8154525 [SPOILER] 
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Who are you quoting and why didn't you use a surprise box?