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/lit/ - Literature

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8146368 No.8146368[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw in AP bitches just bitch about feminism and queer oppression
>tfw they ham-fisted it into every analytical discussion we had
>tfw John Green, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter references all the fucking time
>tfw cummed over Tolkien but glossed Joseph Conrad
>tfw tell boys to stop doing something but then turn around and do that exact thing (i.e. talking)
>tfw got screwed over multiple times on partner projects because they never checked email or documents
>tfw they thought poem was about white guy being disgusted that he was attracted to a black woman and wanted to rape her when the poem was written by a black male and was about celebrating the beauty of his race in opressed time
>tfw tried to make friends with Game of Thrones guys and make conversation but they where scared of me
>tfw I will always be associated with these types of women
What the actual fuck guys?

>> No.8146370

You have to be 18 or older to post on 4chan, friend. I'm afraid I'll have to report you.

>> No.8146383
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dont assume, you'll just make an ass out of you and me

>> No.8146396

Nobody likes a gym class hero.

Literature is a solitary pursuit. Ignore teachers. Stay unmemed. Plus isn't it summertime, grab a popice and some Tolstoy pal

>> No.8146404
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>not IBP

Stay pleb

>> No.8146409

>not banned

>> No.8146431

>going to 'educational' institutions

>> No.8146432

Been here since I was 14, what ya gonna do Marx?
Getting Colledge cred, that's all that matters. Besides, I live in hickville.

>> No.8146465

Whoa whoa whoa, people being shitty in highschool? Stop the god damn presses.

Don't worry about it. People are gonna be dumb cunts in highschool. It doesn't get much better, but it gets easier to avoid.

>> No.8146482

>stay unmemed
Half of the memes are ironic & that meme'd author or book is actually good.
ex: Finnegans Wake

>> No.8146489

You're a teenager also, OP. You are just as stupid as they are.

>> No.8146494
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I'm talking about the women, my female teacher is like this too. I thought you guys where just being sexist but damn, I can see why and I really don't want to be associated with this when I get to actual professors in college, people will think I'm like this. Litterally all the women are stupid and don't actually care about literature or philosophy whatsoever, and I don't want to be seen as that. It's like they lack basic brain storming abilities. Please tell me there are intelligent women in literature somewhere, because I stand no chance if these people are who I'll be associated with.

>> No.8146497

Don't shoot up your school, kiddo.

>> No.8146500

At least I try to better myself by reading up on the cannon and philosophers instead of John fucking Green

>> No.8146509


What made you think I wasn't talking about the women too?

>> No.8146510
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I just want to have intillectual conversations and debates. I've only been able to do this with guy friends, why are women so fucking stupid? I don't want to be seen as a stupid tumblrite miss Carolina, it's not fair.

>> No.8146545

I can't figure out what kind of satire this thread is or isn't or what the OP even is, but if the OP is a teenage girl, can she please post her feet

I'm 28 years old btw.

>> No.8146568
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>it's a footfag

>> No.8146586

Haha where did you brought these stories my friend? Cause i dont know if i miss something between failing for stem degree and going to job i hate

>> No.8146614

>bitching about high school and other women
>making sure to imply she is a female for guaranteed replies
>but guyz, women, am I rite? I'm sooo not like them, I just wanna have inteleckchul discushions about the cannon

Roasties gonna roast.

>> No.8146617

It's real 100% real. Shit, we where discussing Geart of Darkness and every chick thought it was about homosexual oppression. Not gonna lie, Marlow acted pretty gay for Kurtz at times, but the book wasn't about homosexual repression, that was Dorian Grey.

>> No.8146624
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Fuck off Orwell, vaginas exist and they browse 4chan. Get over yourself.

>> No.8146634


not even going to bother anymore. i've lost the will to live

>> No.8146636

Some of the best discussions about literature I've had have been with women. I discuss literature with men more often, but there are women out there with some pretty original ideas. You just have to meet them.

>> No.8146642

they also seem to be better at writing non-fiction

>> No.8146647

Well I'm still waiting then, because I've never had an intelligent conversation about literature with a woman

>> No.8146654

maybe they avoid talking to you because they think you're a pseud who takes his one interest seriously enough that it's all he talks about but not seriously enough that he has any insight

>> No.8146662

The founder of my uni's english soc is sharp as fuck and level-headed anti-sjw, but really low key about it. She knows to keep her mouth shut around the morons.

>> No.8146727
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Actually, I'm usually quite in discussions and don't speak my mind in fear of being rejected, kind of like >>8146662
I thought this place was safe to complain to about, didn't realize we are literally /mu/ now
By the way >>8146662, how does she get discussion points and avoid conflict at the same time? I really struggle with this.

>> No.8146732

>how does she get discussion points and avoid conflict at the same time? I really struggle with this.
stop talking to idiots. even if they disagree with you, but especially if they agree with you.

>> No.8146735

this is why I can't wait to be done with uni
fucking cancer, man

>> No.8146793
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Most people are shitty. Most women are shitty. Most men are shitty.

The above are vacuous, even though there are probably tendencies that go one way or another for the sexes. You should be thinking about the individuals in front of you, not statistics or imaginary groups you get mad at in your head.