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8146144 No.8146144 [Reply] [Original]

What is some good gay literature?

>> No.8146161

I'm gay and an English lit major, only novel in English I've ever enjoyed with prominent gay themes was Pale Fire. Giovanni's room was disappointing, but I liked Baldwin's 'Notes of a Native Son', which is nonfiction.

>> No.8146164

>not knowing Jean Genet

>> No.8146188

my diary tbqh

>> No.8146191

Naked Lunch

>> No.8146204

underrated post

>> No.8146209

The book of your dad

>> No.8146221
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>> No.8146235
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only by faith, labour, love and drugs one can overcome the terrible disease - homosexuality

>> No.8146244

Confessions of a mask
forbidden color

>> No.8146261

Dennis Cooper

>> No.8146768

Does that come with a free tennis racquet?

>> No.8146782

in search of lost time

>> No.8146799

i'd go straight just to get with that qt asian wife

>> No.8146881


>> No.8146887

Confessions of a Mask

>> No.8146891

ur mum's diary

>> No.8146940

anyone got any gay goy literature

>> No.8147029
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>> No.8147037

Anything by Chuck Tingle

>> No.8147080

Anything by Yukio Mishima

>> No.8147084

Yukio Mishima is about Beauty not homosexuality inni
Confessions of a Mask is his only work where homoerotism is an important subject

>> No.8147406

Forbidden colours is pretty fucking gay

>> No.8147817
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Come on, even his straight works have pages dedicated to how beautiful the body of a man is.
Check out Patriotism for example.

>> No.8147823

>finding the body of a man beautiful is gay
are you insecure my man

>> No.8147833

ISOLT is all you need... once you finish start again

>> No.8147840

The Sherlock Holmes series tbqh

The homoerotic tension is cute as fuck.
>“Ah, Watson,” said Holmes, smiling, “perhaps you would not be very gracious either, if, after all the trouble of wooing and wedding, you found yourself deprived in an instant of wife and of fortune. I think that we may judge Lord St. Simon very mercifully and thank our stars that we are never likely to find ourselves in the same position. Draw your chair up and hand me my violin, for the only problem we have still to solve is how to while away these bleak autumnal evenings.”

>> No.8147843

Infinite Jest

>> No.8148165

The Line of Beauty. The gay parts aren't as good as the cocaine parts, but the gay parts with cocaine are great.

>> No.8148167
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The Greeks

>> No.8148173

Doyle literally has Watson get married to a woman just to prove faggots like you wrong

>> No.8148180

...No, he had it to "prove" the homophobes right. It was quite common in those days to call those relationship "close male friendships".

Also he mysteriously killed Watsons wife off, so Holmes and Watson could be closer again.

>> No.8148867

Oscar Wilde and Tennesse Williams. For something more historical, Gilgamesh gets a little intense for a bromance. Especially how in the translation I read it said "He kissed him like one would kiss a woman"

>> No.8149342

Genet is very good.

>> No.8149356

Gilgamesh had trancended our mortal concepts of "gender" m8. Just like Xerxes.

>> No.8149370
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and then he made watson marry again and again, watson had six wives


>> No.8149384

I dunno, to me this sounds like a nonsensical question, just like asking "what is a good heterosexual literature?" Do you mean literature which has interesting gay characters? Or who's protagonist is gay?

Couple people have already mentioned Burroughs, and the greeks which I think are good suggestions. The couple books which I though had good non-straight characters were Cloud Atlas and the Alexandria Quartet, can't really recall any others atm although I'm sure there were a few.

>> No.8149392


Eh, I think that's you reading too much into it. The ancient civilizations had different concepts of gender altogether (kiss was used as a greeting in a lot of cultures), and stop kidding yourself, if you had uberbro like Enkidu you would suck his dick too, faggot.

>> No.8149443
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And he always comes back to Holmes.

>“Now, Watson,” said Holmes, as a tall dog-cart dashed up through the gloom, throwing out two golden tunnels of yellow light from its side lanterns. “You’ll come with me, won’t you?” “If I can be of use.” “Oh, a trusty comrade is always of use; and a chronicler still more so. My room at The Cedars is a double-bedded one.”

>> No.8149451

>The ancient civilizations had different concepts of gender altogether (kiss was used as a greeting in a lot of cultures)

it has literally nothing to do with the conception of gender

it has to do with the conception of kiss as a symbol, kissing didn't (and still not everywhere doesn't) always have its modern meaning which suggests some sexual implication


>> No.8149516

A lot of cultures still do non sexual kissing so the kiss didn't make me think "omg gaaaaay" It was mostly just how close he was to him and how they make the note of saying it was like someone would kiss a woman. I personally don't see it as gay, but some people do like to interpret it that way so I figured I'd mention

>> No.8149608

Hogg by Samuel Delany
"They call me Hogg because a hog lives dirty. I don't wash none. And when I get hungry, I eat my own snot. I been wearin' these clothes since winter. I don't even take my dick out my pants to piss most times, unless it's in some cunt's face. Or all over a cocksucker like you. What I usually do is park the truck in the sun with the light comin' in and piss my pants up somethin' terrible." The truck turned another corner; he dropped one hand from the carpeted wheel between his legs, hefted his meat around some - but I couldn't tell if he was doing it or thinking about it. "Yeah, boy, all that nice hot stuff, running down my leg, and squirmin' my ass around in it...I got worms, boy - had 'em ever since I was a kid. But I won't get rid of 'em cause I like the way they make my asshole itch. I gotta drink a lot of beer and eat a lot of pizza pies and French fried potatoes to keep a gut like this and all them little fuckers fed. I got a hairy ass and it sure cakes up crusty. But I just don't believe in wipin' when I got a freaky little son of a bitch like you to eat it out for me. Now, how do you like that?"

>> No.8149634

I get what you mean, but if you aren't a minority(of any kind) it's hard to understand the need for representation. Sure I can empathize with straight characters and their romances and relationships, but it's a much deeper connection with queer characters.

>> No.8149657

none. gay shits for faggots.

>> No.8149818
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The Sins of the Cities of the Plain
Some of Cocteau's stuff, also