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File: 23 KB, 228x346, way of men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8145176 No.8145176 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read this? Is it good?

I have yet to read it, but it seems pretty interesting. I can't say I completely agree with the premise, but I think it'll be great to understand the idea of masculinity in Donovan eyes, and his thoughts on it. It really shows the modern way of thinking.

>> No.8145187


>> No.8145638

There was this exact thread 3 weeks ago.
Pretty long thread.
Maybe there's an archive.

It developed in a right-wing "intellectual words" name calling though

>> No.8145666

It's essentially evolutionary psychology hogwash invented by an amateur trying to justify homosexual caveman LARPing

>> No.8145758

Two things I agree with Donovan on:

1) Most men today are good, but not good at being men, most have become too domesticated.

2) Men need to have groups of MALE friends, and when you hangout, it is important that you at least some times exclude the women. Gatherings with men only are just different, it's hard to describe.

>> No.8145975


>the way of men
>written by a queer

is this a satire?

>> No.8146215
File: 121 KB, 925x800, 1463651901617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This post should become its own regular bait thread on /pol/. It's a guaranteed rile party.

>> No.8146222

What kind of chad has women friends, to the point they think it a problem???

nvm forgot about beta orbiters whew

>> No.8146243


The only female friends that guys have are the girlfriends of other mates of yours. And then you're hanging out with both of them typically. Certainly not chilling with her when he's not there, anyway.

If you have a bunch of female friends who don't have guys and are attractive then you're either friendzoned to hell and back or you are gay. It's really that simple. You can't be friends with an attractive single girl and not want to fuck her if you are straight.

>> No.8146254

its political lesbianism

>> No.8146272

>hahaha what can a faggot tell me about manhood

Millennials. The reason why I want Russia to provoke a world war.

>> No.8146295


you made a good point about these young memes but absolutely tripped over yourself with that russia line. because russia is just all ears for what a gay man would have to say about anything.