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/lit/ - Literature

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8144029 No.8144029[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many /lit/ friends do you have irl?

>> No.8144032


It's same number of non-/lit/ friends I have also

>> No.8144033

Well I just graduated with a joint major degree in Philosophy and English so I have zero

>> No.8144037

2 (one of them is a girl)

>> No.8144041

Not a friend but the one guy at the local bookstore always makes super pretentious comments to anyone who asks him anything and really only says that he's already read something, has a big bookshelf, recs super obscure shit, and talks about the jazz he's playing in the store.

On two different occasions, one buying Arno Schmidt and another buying John Hawkes, he gave me the dirtiest stink eye I think I've ever gotten as he rang me up.

I think he's one of us.

>> No.8144043

Many coworkers are reading fine literature regularly, and most have a solid general knowledge. I wouldn't call them “lit”, although few definitely are as well-read as a scholar would be.

>> No.8144057

My friends like to read sci fi and thats good enough

>> No.8144059

One. His siblings are pretty /lit/ too so sometimes we all meet up and discuss books.

>> No.8144064

most "lit" people around me read shit like Paulo Coelho and Osho

>> No.8144071

Like 2 or 3, me and a guy from my old church Talk about Blood Meridian sometimes too.

>> No.8144074

>how many friends irl do you have that also post here

Please reword your post, better.

>> No.8144091

Anyone in Philly?

>> No.8144092

zero. but I have one friend who reads while he travels to work and always just takes my books. so I've been feeding him your memes. it's pretty funny. got him with infinite jest, mason and Dixon, bloodmeme, the sound and the fury and currently he's reading the recognitions lmao. I want to give him the wake next.

>> No.8144098

I have you guys


>> No.8144125
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Zero my man, but then again I'm a stemlord so I don't move in literary circles a lot, though once I went to the library of the humanities department of my uni in hopes of meeting some literati patricians but it was full of people with colored hair, tattoos, piercings and such repulsive stuff.


>> No.8144134


>> No.8144148

I'm a stemlord too. Most people I know don't have time to read, and I mean that literally. I have a friend who read The Brothers Karamazov and a friend who likes Murakami and Vonnegut, and I know a few armchair philosophers. Most physics undergrads I've known have had at least some interest in literature or philosophy. I can't speak for other sciences or engineering.

>> No.8144164

I know the old tripfag Bullkowski in real life.

He's a bitter cunt.

>> No.8144179

I remember him posting in just about every Bukowski thread. His hatred for the drunk poet was extreme. Then I vaguely remember the thread where someone posted letters and photographs showing Bukowski was romantically involved with his mother. Must have been back in 2011 or 2012. Was that you?

>> No.8144185

Well I suppose physics would have at least a few people interested in literature.
But engineering on the other hand, any kind of engineering. All I've met are dull simpletons, who sure indeed are good at what they are studying but they all seem to like very basic and pleb forms of entertainment.
This all probably makes me sound like a pretentious fag but that's my experience.

>> No.8144217

Physics, Chemistry etc will have some relatively normal intelligent people. Engineering departments are virtually autism support groups.

>> No.8144237

It's the truth, though. I go to one of the best stem schools in the country and I'm surrounded by engineers every day. They all browse reddit - literally all of them, to varying degrees - and the more time I spend talking to them the more it seems like a huge percentage of them mold their entire personality around things reddit likes.
They'll get triforce tattoos, wear GoT tshirts, speak in pun threads like they're competing for upvotes, use phrases like "so much win," freak out whenever someone mentions marvel/star wars/one of reddit's favorite celebrities. It's surreal. Some of them are very nice people that I'd still consider friends, but it's like certain key topics make them only speak in rehearsed reddit memes. Like if you brought up books in real life and three people threw in the same poorly-timed and not actually relevant "start with the greeks" or "my diary tbqh" jokes every single time.
I fall into the physics-majors-with-wider-interests category. Physics and math majors are a strange bunch that will almost always be either fairly normal well rounded people or extreme aspie versions of the engineers. There is no middle ground.

>> No.8144244

Well, They are nice and smart people but They have a insufferable complex of superiority.
"Muh It doesn't require math therefore It's bullshit"
"Muh humanities are for fags"

They spend their free time watching superhero movies and playing LoL, so yes, they are dull simpletons.

>> No.8144259
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>Tfw you only know STEM enthusiasts who think that science/philosophy (and by extension the Humanities) must be at odds at one another, and who long for nothing more than the end of the latter

Some examples:

>"Scientists aren’t gods. They deserve the same scrutiny as anyone else"
>Yup. But unless you're an expert in their field, you're not qualified to scrutinise them.

>It's called the 'scientific method', and it is very poorly understood by people who, with a frankly embarrassing lack of self-awareness, demonstrate to the world that they have a really excruciating weeping sore of a chip on their shoulder because (a) they're not very good at maths and science, (b) they cherish a fragile belief that their ignorance means science and math can't be that important, but (c) deep inside, they know that a middling theoretical physicist on his worst day is still twice as bright as a first class honours graduate in arts or marketing or hospitality management or humanities or PPE or any other of those other booby subjects which are, when you come right down to it, the equivalent of intellectual masturbation.

Gotta love scientism :^)

>> No.8144262

Where the fuck do you go?

>> No.8144291
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>playing LoL
I remember my freshman year a few people on my dorm's floor convinced like 10 other guys to start playing league. That game is a fucking plague.
Within a month of starting, they would all spend hours a day watching famous people play. Any time they were doing homework, sitting in the lounge, eating with us, they'd be streaming league on their laptop or phone. All of their free time steadily drained into playing with each other, which didn't even seem fun. They'd open all their doors while they plugged into ethernet and yell that everyone else on their team was shit the entire time. No less than three hours a day for all of them.
Eventually they started missing things, delayed meeting people because they needed to finish a game, cancelled entirely because they needed to get their rank up. They lost interest in extracurricular clubs they used to love and often missed class.
All this, and they still had the balls to constantly ask the rest of us why we wouldn't play. I told some of them at lunch one day it just wasn't worth the time, and that he'd probably be sad that he wasted all of his time on it one day. He said that if he enjoyed there was nothing wrong with soending 7 hours a day on league, and then told me my hobbies were boring shit. He insisted that a professional league player would be "way smarter" than someone who "just reads books all day." I didn't even know what to say.
That game has the potential to be as bad as any drug addiction I've ever seen.

>> No.8144304

Georgia Tech. Why?

>> No.8144334

About 1-2 I would actually contact and have a real conservation with, part of a larger group of circa 8 although none of them respect me

>> No.8144342

I only know people who talk about reading more than they read.

>> No.8144351

Why don't they respect you anon?

>> No.8144389

Guess they see me as kind of a Malvolio. Plus I'm NEET. They're mostly STEM so generally all they talk about is leisure, football and pop culture

>> No.8144399

Plus they caught me masterbating, lost me a lot of dignity. They're okay, I just rarely associate with them

>> No.8144425 [DELETED] 

If by /lit/ friends you mean people who read

>> No.8144446

Yes, an average lol player can be very toxic. I had the same addiction to that game. Now as a stemfag I spend my time in physics and math . I only play 1-2 games per day. I only read in my vacations.

>inb4 summer reader

>> No.8144450

Entering engineering classes this coming semester, was hoping that I'd meet people into literature in my gen-ed classes. Best chance I had was an American lit class that was 2000 level IIRC. I was really excited to discuss literature, but after about a month or so, people stopped actually reading what was assigned (I swear I'm not just being superior here, I was in some group chat with half the class, and not a single person ever said anything about the books that wasn't prefaced with "the professor said"). So eventually, what little discussion we had became the professor talking at us for an hour and a half, because I'm not going to be the one and only person who talks in that class.

There was a qt in that class though, and she kept looking back at me and smiling but I never talked to her (sometimes we'll pass on campus and she still smiles when she sees me). I'm stupid, I know.

But now, I guess the chance to meet people who are into lit is gone. Pray for me.

>> No.8144869
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I don't have any friends and I don't think I ever will

>> No.8144885

My old creative writing professor, she's pretty bro tier.

>> No.8144900
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3ish I think. One is reading Lolita right now. The other two I am not sure what they are reading. One was reading Plato recently. The other I gave her a Dostoevsky collection for christmas and last time I asked I think she was reading that.

>> No.8144940


>> No.8144943


>> No.8144952


I'm in physics and scientism is the bane of me.

>> No.8144969
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Same. God forbid I start talking about anything /lit/ irl

>> No.8144999

None. I have friends who talk about how great reading is. They don't read. I also have friends who think reading is for fags.

I've never been in an environment where reading as a hobby isn't fringe.

>> No.8145030

none. i am a stemlord though

>> No.8145044


>implying the PPE isn't the definitively best bet for power if you're not born into the already wealthy ruling feudal class

>> No.8145090

My closest friend irl and two other acquaintances all have passing interests in literature. None of them read much outside of what they have to read for class though.

Also I met a girl on here a while ago and talked to her quite a bit before she stopped replying. Cora, if you see this, sorry if I came on a bit too strong, it was a weird time in my life.

>> No.8145093

i have, like, two real friends, and they live in a different city

one of them has a passing interest in scifi and anything you might call 'trippy'

that's it.

>> No.8145107
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>tfw you have a friend who basically goes out and buys all the /lit/ books you've told him about
>tfw he's already finished more of them than you

>> No.8145113
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>meet /lit/ qt
>she is way too cool for me and out of my league
>she likes bolano
>say i've read him
>rush to store and buy his books and read him
>school term ends
>she invites me to drive out and visit for a weekend
>too much of a pussy
>haven't spoken to her in 2 years

>> No.8145167

Start with the Greeks and my diary 2bh is a reddit meme? I thought those were limited to /lit/

>> No.8145229

No, he's saying their behavior is the reddit equivalent of a /lit/ user who says those things in real life whenever books are mentioned.

>> No.8145259

i want to brutally murder subhumans like you

>> No.8145263

One. Ex-girlfriend whom we both fell into because of our mutual love for Joyce. God I miss her.

>> No.8145269
File: 127 KB, 612x631, BolanoFotoArchivoVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Bolano girl still here? Babe, I've read everything by Bolano. Go on ask me anything.

>> No.8145314

Wow, anon-kun, you're so edgy! May I please have the honor of taking you're virginity??

>> No.8145325


Back off, slut! Anon's virgin alpha cock is mine!

>> No.8145327

I have four, I guess. Two of them were my literature professors, and two just like reading.

>> No.8145336


I collect board users for my experimentation with DeepMind and cryogenics. (Don't worry, they get payment.)


>> No.8145338

Thanks. I reread it and understand now. I have a friend who is reddit incarnate, who supported Bernie early on in the race because everyone on reddit circle jerked over him, and has recently switched over to trump because of /r/4Chan and /r/the_Donald. He has a huge hard-on for marvel and star wars, spends a huge amount of money on e-cig shit, smokes a lot of pot and browses /r/trees. He also makes reddit meme references irl.

>> No.8145354
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I don't have anyone I'd consider a close friend, but for acquaintances I can casually start a conversation about literature with, it would be probably seven. Two people who I met at conferences, one from publishing, the rest are people from graduate school.

>> No.8145357

I have 2 friends who listen to audio books to pass the time at work

>> No.8145375

Who's the girl again? I forgot her name.

>> No.8145380

>gen-ed classes

sorry homeslice, nobody takes those because they want to learn the material. it's more like "which is the least shitty sounding one that meets X requirement?"

anyways, join some club for books or whatever. not like you'll have time if you're working an appropriate amount.

engineering sucks btw :^)

>> No.8145385

by the way that chick wanted to jump your bones and you should quit being afraid of spilling spagetti and ask what she's up to the next time you see her

protip: end that conversation with getting her number

>> No.8145390


>> No.8145407
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The Japanese occasionally have some very attractive book covers.

>> No.8145419

That's really ugly and totally unfitting though.

Looks like an edgy I-Spy book.

>> No.8145422

Maybe I like edgy I-Spy, asshole

>> No.8145463
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I know, I love browsing them.