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8140651 No.8140651 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here spend more time thinking about books and about having to read than reading? I do, and i hate it. But i can't stop procrastinating


>> No.8140669
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Juan that's why you don't actually like to read. You're just a pretender. You just read because you want to appeal intelligent. Cut off that ego man.

>mfw u are not even a writer

>> No.8140684

But I do enjoy it while I'm reading, it's the act of actually picking the book what's hard for me.

I spend a lot of time reading about my favourite authors or their work instead of actually going throughmy backlog...

>> No.8140839

Fuck off and read a book faggot.

>> No.8140859
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Who here spends more time thinking about life and about having to live than actually living?

>> No.8140880


>> No.8140918
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I do.
But along with this I procrastinate so hard that I essentially do nothing all day but laying in bed, daydreaming, introspecting and going to gym 4-5 times per week and only putting half an effort into it.
It's getting so bad and life-crushing that I am seriously considering ordering 50 tabs of Modafinil on Tor. I have tried for years to force myself to be more willing but I simply can't.

>> No.8140934
File: 453 KB, 280x207, I think he's serious lads.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is this a problem?

One of Schopenhauer's complaints was that people read too much and don't think enough.

As true now as ever.

>> No.8140954

>fotos pretendidamente graciosas de políticos españoles
Vuelve a twitter, payaso

>> No.8140970

no uso twitter, y esa foto la saque yo mismo así que ale, a dormir

>> No.8140982

Ha, buen intento, mogólico. Soy Pedro Sánchez; conozco personalmente al fotógrafo al que pertenece la autoría de esa instantánea, y dudo mucho que seas tú.

>> No.8141110

Pedro Sanchez escribiendo en un foro de literatura xddd, buen intento pablo

>> No.8141140

>remotamente ilustrado
Espero que aludas a esto, con todo, tendría más sentido que si hablases del vociferador con coleta adicto a las tragaperras

>> No.8141663

Recuerda que el libro de filosofia favorito de pablo es Etica de la razón pura....

>> No.8142094
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I know that feel all too well bruh

>> No.8142108

Set a schedule for yourself. It sucks for a month and then you stick to it. That was my experience, at least.

>> No.8142153
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>Cut off that ego man.


>> No.8143387

>falling into a bad translation

Einzige, you moron.

>> No.8143396


[/spoiler] I'm one too

>> No.8143400
File: 727 KB, 2937x2203, reddit anarcho-capitalist meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking personality types seriously

>> No.8143404

Taking them seriously is stupid. It's fun that is relatively accurate though.

>> No.8143406

Then save the internet quizes for buzzfeed faggot

>> No.8143411
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As long as you don't base your entire life around them, cataloging every person you meet in closed and static archetypes, they're fine.

>> No.8143418

There is actually a school of thought behind these personality types, as far fetched as it seems.

While those faggy buzzfeed quizes are extremely broad and have little to no logic behind them.

"You chose that you like the sea, jewelry, and fancy eye ware. OMG you were totally a pirate in your past life lolololol"

> I can't believe I'm defending the Briggs Meyers test

>> No.8143438

There's really no significant difference, just a higher degree of detail in their approximation of people.

>> No.8143520

modafinil only slightly increased my focus and wasn't worth the money. it's only worth it if you don't get enough sleep in college and need to be kept awake throughout the day.

adhd medication is much superior for reading. in fact adhd medication is much superior for keeping you awake as well.

>> No.8143523

>there's no difference
>except this one huge difference

>> No.8144086

It's a meme you dip

>> No.8144207

Why do you people come here expecting to hear anything other than GO READ