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8138419 No.8138419 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post your favourite British poet

>> No.8138425
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>> No.8138451
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>> No.8138489

Review brah?

>> No.8138545

>slight-slanted giant bug eyes spaced widely across the head
>yellow crooked as fuck teeth
>downie/frog aesthetics

Boy, did you even need to say "British"?

>> No.8138549
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Edward Arlington Robinson looks more like him imo

>> No.8138836

Uncanny. It looks like review brah sporting a damn freddy mercury stache.

>> No.8138844


Id love to see him review the quesalupa

>> No.8138850


>> No.8138950
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I know this is unrelated but I didnt wanna make a thread for this shit, do you guys know a classic poem that touches on being contempt with the transient nature of life ? if you do my homework ill be your friend forever anon

>> No.8139580

do not go gentle into that good night by dylan thomas

no u r

>> No.8139600
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I've been reading a lot of Hood, Auden, and Clare this year.
>those teeth

>> No.8139602


Even though he received his post-secondary at Cambridge, spent the majority of his life working as a banker in England, and came from one of those Somerset club New England WASP families, he was still American born 'n raised. Can't erase the first 25 years of your life.

Biggest Englandboo in recorded history? Probably.

The easy answer to OP's question is obviously Shakespeare.

>> No.8139621

Tao Te Ching

>> No.8139685
File: 271 KB, 648x866, Samuel_Taylor_Coleridge_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8139700
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Into my heart on air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?

That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.

>> No.8139717
File: 28 KB, 320x292, Robert Burns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior to many of the much-lauded British romantics in my opinion. Isn't revered to the same extent because the body of his work is in broad Lowland Scots.

Also a fantastic songwriter:



>> No.8139744



mah beasley street nigga

>> No.8139747


Drugs are a hell of a drug.

>> No.8139758
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>> No.8139768


wew lad

His poetry isn't that good either. It's like reading one of his plays but with line breaks. Cascando is neat, tho.

>> No.8139791
File: 212 KB, 704x900, george-herbert-robt-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno about "favorite", but I've been reading a collection of this guy's works and I'm about it.

>> No.8139816

JCC love thread

>> No.8139826


Love a bit of the Salford Bard, saw him live last year.


>> No.8139834

awesome matey
i saw him supporting the mighty Fall a while ago

hire car has always been one of my faves and i love the buildup he always does

>> No.8139850


I find his patter to be quite repetitive. It's excellent stuff but it's never new - certainly not over the last 10 years.

When I saw him he was joined by Mike Garry, another Manc Poet. He wrote this tribute to Tony Wilson that was adapted to a song.


>> No.8140278
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>> No.8140348

Thanks dude

>> No.8141014

Herbert is underrated

>> No.8141078

get a collection of the metaphysical poets

>> No.8143053
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>tfw no qt grime mc gf

>> No.8143203

She walks in beauty like the night
Discarding her clothes in the plastic flowers
Pornographic and tragic in black and white
My Marilyn come to my slum for an hour

I'm aching to see my heroine
I'm aching been dying for hours and hours

She walks in the beauty of a magazine
Complicating the boys in the office towers
Rafaella or Della the silent dream
My Marilyn come to my slum for an hour

I'm aching to see my heroine
I'm aching been dying for hours and hours,
been dying for hours and hours

She walks in beauty like the night
Hypnotising the silence with her powers
Armageddon is bedding this picture alright
My Marilyn come to slum for an hour

I'm aching to see my heroine
Aching, been dying for hours and hours
I'm 18, I need my heroines
Aching, been dying for hours
Oh and I'm never alone now
Now I'm with her

>> No.8143314
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>> No.8143329
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>brit grime slag "spittin" shit

fuck no. a qt black girl with a nice british accent who sung soul sections over tracks maybe but female grime rappers? yikes