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/lit/ - Literature

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8132861 No.8132861 [Reply] [Original]

have you read a better fantasy saga in the last 10 years?

>> No.8132971


The Great Book of Amber
The Inheritance Trilogy
Book of the New Sun
Urth of the New Sun
The Dark Tower series
The Dreamblood series
Lord of the Rings trilogy
The Prose and Poetic Edda
Ring of the Nibelung

I could go on...

>> No.8132982
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>> No.8132995
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>comparing edda to modern day fantasy novels

>> No.8133030

maybe, but that book is worth it

>> No.8133039


Hey OP was the one that asked if I've read a better fantasy saga in the last 10 years and I just posted the first ones that came to mind.

>> No.8133072

That's fair. The Edda's amazing. Do you dislike kingkiller though? I do feel it's one of the best fantasy sagas I've ever read.

>> No.8133148


It's ok for its medium. It will never be in the same league as anything great or mythological. It's definitely got polish but as far as being 'good' I can't really say yes. I've read the first 2 and will probably read the 3rd but it just has too much cringe. It's bread and butter plebian filler, and that's alright. Not everything has to reach for the stars.

>> No.8133400
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>self-insert neckbeard mary sue schlock
>to the point that the virgin protagonist is too good at sex for a literal sex goddess to handle
This is a literature board

>> No.8133833

Yes, but KKC is still a very enjoyable read. Met Rothfuss last year, he's a pretty cool guy. Pretty sure he'll be making the series longer due to all of the unexpected attention it got.

>> No.8134218


Deltora Quest.

>> No.8134223

I hate what the fantasy genre had become. It's hard to find good fantasy books nowadays.

>> No.8135539

Sadly no, but I've only read about 300 books since turning 17 (when I started reading for fun). Love the theorycrafting in the series.

>> No.8135548

>It will never be in the same league as anything great or mythological.

You mean things written thousands of years ago for literal uneducated peasants to try to trick them into giving what little power/wealth they have to whoever was wielding the story at the time?

>> No.8135550

The only parts I liked about that book were the ones where Kvothe got rekt, like the one when he jumps out of a roof

>> No.8135622

it's a good introduction to reading proper fiction, but New Sun does basically everything it does , but better

>> No.8135627

Or when he kills Cinder only to realize that by killing him he became a Chandrian with the Chandrian Sign of the Silence of Three parts. Good stuff.

>> No.8135634

Songs of Ice and Fire, literally greatest books ever written.

>> No.8135775


Something about RDJ is subtle yet very unlikeable

>> No.8135779


>> No.8135782
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Despite what /lit/ will tell you it's a fun book. Negative criticism is often heard more than praise so it's easy to be tricked into thinking it's the worst thing ever.

>> No.8135913

It's better than Harry Potter and makes good use of Western occultism but isn't all that great overall. Definitely better all the pulp it lampoons and subverts though. The characterizations are solid when you consider that the way they are is the point, but they are still better than much of the foundation it comes from regardless. I've read better, but quality isn't always personally enjoyable.

>> No.8135942

>Negative criticism is often heard more than praise so it's easy to be tricked into thinking it's the worst thing ever.

You aren't wrong, but your wrong. Negative criticism isn't more common, in fact It's relativity rare; authors are often drowned in a sea of positive praise. You're just personally upset by criticism so you remember it more easily.

>> No.8136340

You're right, I may need to rephrase that.
Like you said, from an authors perspective, praise is more prevalent.
However, in communities such as /lit/'s SFF threads though, people are more like to post about their ails about the book. It's more likely for people, in those threads, to tear down a book you like than defend a book you don't.

>> No.8136443

It's a pretty bad time to be /sffg/ right now, science fiction's corpse is currently being desecrated and adult fantasy is in a downward spiral, I can't blame them.

>> No.8136466


>> No.8136482
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>> No.8136507

yeah, the one i'm writing

>> No.8136533

I read the first one and the plot felt nonexistent. It was just rambling any some kid going through school with little connecting the events. He didn't find the boogeyman that killed his parents. He kept his oneitis for a girl that obviously sleeps around. Felt like Harry Potter lite.
Does it get better?

>> No.8136544

yeah this is my favorite fantasy series by a mile. name of the wind didn't really convince me to care about anything that occurred in any way except for the candlejack crew killing his family but that was put on the backbur

>> No.8136570

If you read it as a broken man recounting how he was an abhorrent shithead and the misery it caused, yes. Even then, it doesn't really get better, you just start to like the whore more than him.

>> No.8136587

>you just start to like the whore more than him.
Just you Anon, just you.

Ambrose is literally the only sane character in the book.

>> No.8136589

that's the point i dropped it cause the whole thing was so cliched

>> No.8136609

You don't like the whore? What's not to like about her, especially compared to Kvothe?

>> No.8136639

ASOIAF desu senpai

>> No.8136641

>The Prose and Poetic Edda
>genre fiction


>> No.8136822


>thinking this is why myth exists

I get the seething anger directed at organized religion though the ages for doing what you said, but they are simply whoring mythology to the blind.
Real myth is a glimpse into the human soul.

>> No.8136831

>Does it get better?
Yes, keep reading but pay close attention to the details. The book's plot is actually hidden among the seemingly unconnected events and the smallest detail might reveal a ton of stuff.

>> No.8136839


It's like you didn't even see that someone already pointed that out and gave an explanation.

>> No.8137111

>Lord of the Rings trilogy

>> No.8137174
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I've read the entire gaskun epic

>> No.8137181
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I've read the entire gaskun epic.
Books 5,7, and 10 are action from start to finish

>> No.8137324

>It's better than Harry Potter

Top kek


Stop this. We're on /lit/.

>> No.8137330

Yes, Kingkiller Chronicles sucks. Shitty bland prose, boring and retarded story, idiotic mary sue self insert character... Really, there is nothing going for it.