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8132244 No.8132244 [Reply] [Original]

Want to buy an e-reader. What are you using and would you recommend it?

>> No.8132259
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> filthy carpet
> books just chucked into the corner of the room
> filthy shoe by books

>> No.8133269

Kindle paperwhite

>> No.8133470

This. Paperwhite is amazing.

>> No.8133492

A newer kindle or sony model.
I bought a kobo touch. it locks up quite frequently and I don't think the software issues will ever be resolved. would not recommend

>> No.8133572

I assume you have at least one of: phone, pc, tablet. All those devices perform the same function as an e-reader. Why would you buy another device that does something your current devices already do?

>> No.8133599

Kobo glow HD or Kindle paper white.

>> No.8133639

Kindle paperwhite anon + bookz

>> No.8133651
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>led is the same as e-ink

>> No.8133661

Kobo glo because no DRM bullshit. It's also cheaper than comparably featured alternatives.

>> No.8133664

Can I still buy ebooks from amazon and read them on the kobo?

>> No.8133681

Kobo Aura HD :DD

>> No.8133687

I dunno, probably. It definitely reads the amazon file format. Do you know if you can download a file of your amazon books? If so then throw that shit in calibre and you can put it on the kobo. Also you can get DRM stripped kindle books for free on #bookz. Or pay money in the kobo store.

Kobo also reads .cbr and .cbs which is dank for manga. :^)

>> No.8133695

Does Amazon actually have exclusive e-books? That's my fear.

>> No.8133708
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What's the supreme e-book file?

>> No.8133728


No, you need to break Amazon DRM or convert the file etc. The formatting will likely end up looking horrible.

Kobo devices have official support for Adobe epub files, so you'd be able to buy books from Google Play too.

>> No.8133735

Fuck Amazon then. I can't even buy the kindle where I live. I have to import it from the American store.

I can just buy my Glow HD form the local Hardware store.

>> No.8133739

it can read .mobi though, isn't that what you get from amazon?

>Does Amazon actually have exclusive e-books? That's my fear.

just pirate those ones. the authors deserve it anyway if they exclusively sell their work on amazon and if you wanna give em the shekels just buy a hard copy and leave it on the bus when you're done

>> No.8133740

>I can just buy my Glow HD form the local Hardware store.

Good for you. I bought my kobo from a local independent bookstore and it feels good man. Fuck amazon indeed.

>> No.8133757

> Kobo Aura HD
Same here, and I love it.

I read most books in my native language (which is not English), so access to the Amazon bookstore was the last thing on my wish list.

Kobo leads the hardware race, and with koreader for PDF's it's all I need.

>> No.8133776

.epub obviously.

>koreader for Kobo
Interesting. I'll be checking that out. Cheers, anon!

>> No.8133778

>it can read .mobi though, isn't that what you get from amazon?
1) That's what you get from Amazon, but the files are DRM protected. You can't copy them elsewhere, you can open them only on the device / application bound to your Amazon account. Moreover, Amazon mobi files are not fully compatible with the mobi standard afaik.
2) Kobo reads .mobi, yet the kobo software is quite loony/buggy over there. You need to adjust font size from one mobi to another, and the progress bar is stuck on 1% (always). Never encountered any of these problems with epubs.

>> No.8133779

>koreader for PDF's
Trying this tonight

>> No.8133782

>koreader for PDF's it's all I need.

does this make pdfs readable, as in not in shitty pan-and-scan mode?

>> No.8133800

You can set portrait/landscape plus zoom to page/contents width/height/page. "Contents" crops whitespace on sides.
Tapping works as one would expect on an e-ink, not that stupid Kobo panning.
Koreader has also reflow, but I usually don't use it, so I can't really tell if it works.
Mobileread has (or at least had) a nice thread on koreader on kobo.

>> No.8133814

do not buy kindle paperwhite, the backlight is useless

the reading in the dark meme has to die!

don't you own a goddamn light dude?

why would you put a light inside your ereader? that makes absolutely no sense and anyone who disagrees with it is a retard memer

>> No.8133820
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good stuff, thanks anon.

>> No.8133824

Kindle paperwhite, yes

>> No.8133999

Nook 1st Edition. I like it, but lately, I've gotten back into reading actual books.

I dunno, as cool as my ereader is, there's just something about an actual book that it can't replace.

>> No.8135195


Because it's also a fucking ipad.

>> No.8135198

different anon but my window looks out onto the street. it makes me uncomfortable to keep my light on at night because the people walking past can probably look in and see me.

>> No.8135207

Seriously though, this. If you actually cared about the visual accuracy of what you were trying to read, you'd just read a book.

>> No.8135209

reading on a tablet is pretty meh

even a cheap e-ink feels better than a good lcd display

tablets are quite weighty too and their batteries hold much less

>> No.8135332

>Kobo also reads .cbr and .cbs which is dank for manga. :^)
You can convert manga to mobi using kindle comic converter.

>> No.8135338

Real Books.

>> No.8135427

The illuminated display monitor on your computer is useless. Just shine a flashlight on the pixels. Don't you own a light anon?

>> No.8135614

Kobo Aura H2O. Pretty expensive but it has a big screen and the resolution is amazing. Not to mention it's waterproof, and very easy to put files on. Would recommend.

>> No.8135670


This: no battery life issue, supporting real authors, not looking like a wanker while reading, investing in a collaction which enriches your intellect and your home,.. etc. etc.

>> No.8136018

I've been thinking of upgrading to paperwhite only because of the light.
The basic kindle is 80 euros and paperwhite is 150 euros where I live. Seems like it isn't worth it?

>> No.8136033

> supporting real authors,
glad to see all my paper money is going to Polybius

>> No.8136040

Anyone here got a Kindle voyage?

>> No.8136053
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I recommend the Kobo H20. Nice big high res front lit screen, waterproof so great for reading in the bath, nice open epub ecosystem rather than the closed cancer of Kindle and friendly OS with lots of options in font and layout organisation.

For me the waterproof and the no longer having to be associating with Amazon were the main pros.

>> No.8136061

If you buy books to look cool and decorate your house with you are a wanker yourself, friend.

And since you're posting on 4chan you come across a source of electricity at least once a month, which is all that's needed to charge an e-reader.

>> No.8136967

Each time I encounter this, I start to wonder "did I ever got a (real) book wet?".

What's the point in waterproof ebook reader?

>lots of options in (..) layout organisation.
Trolololo… Kobo always displays title on the top and page counter on the bottom of the screen, wasting what could be some three lines of text. It's annoying on the beginning, then you get used to it.

don't listen to that anon, lit screen is a good thing. And it's totally different light than LCD screens.

Not worth it, kindle released voyage some time ago in order to have a high-res eink reader. Otherwise they'd stand out with their low-res einks (I mean, their hardware inferiority would be even more explicit).
Now they upgraded paperwhite to high res as well, so voyage got kind of obsolete.

>> No.8136998

>You can convert manga to mobi using kindle comic converter.

Do you know if this makes the file size any smaller?

>> No.8137121

No, the resulting mobi files are about the same as the zipped manga files. It doesn't seem to resize images smaller, though it does upscale if necessary and converts to black and white. Manga files are pretty small anyway.

>> No.8137142

>Fucking up my eyes

I think I'll pass senpai

>> No.8137345

You can adjust the brightness.

>> No.8137373

It's the backlight that fucks your eyes, all LCD panels work that way.

>> No.8137388
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Hello newfriend

>> No.8137828

>Mobileread has (or at least had) a nice thread on koreader on kobo.

i guess it's this one