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/lit/ - Literature

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8129874 No.8129874 [Reply] [Original]

Can /lit/ recommend me any fictional books about creation of society? Post apocalyptic/ideas for new types of societies and the execution of those ideas.

I did not know how to search for this specific theme from the sticky's links.

>> No.8129982


>> No.8130056


>> No.8130924

Lord of the flies
The mysterious island ( aka the convenient island)

>> No.8130945

This and Brave New World.
BNW in particular with how society is pretty much restructured into a class driven hedonistic dystopia.

>> No.8130969

I've read Brave New World but that's not exactly what i'm looking for. In Brave New World the society is already stabilished, it's just a dystopian view of our future.

What i'm looking for is something along the lines of the movie Fahrenheit (they isolate themselves in the forest, hoping to create an alternative society), the ending of Atlas Shrugged (the whole view of their secret club which leads to a new society), or the ending of I am legend (in which a new society of creatures take over the earth).

I'm interested in the structural part of creating a new society. For example, King of thorns talks about how there was a great event in the past, and society reestructured itself after the anihilations of the previous human race. This process of reconstruction is what i'm looking for.

I've heard of lord of the flies before, i'll look into them, thanks.

>> No.8130979

animal farm

>> No.8131011

In Lord of the Flies Golding specifically chose to write children so that the characters would not have a fully formed conception of what society is.

So the boys are not trying to create a society with any particular vision in mind. Golding is exploring how he thinks things would go "naturally".

I'm not sure if that deviates from what you are looking for.

>> No.8131013

It's exactly what i was looking for, i already started reading it, thankee.

>> No.8131069
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Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius ?


>> No.8131441

I enjoyed the shit out of Seveneves by Neil Stephenson.

>> No.8131455

A Canticle for Leibowitz

didnt read it, but I heard its an underrated gem...

>> No.8131790

Ok this is a recommendation thread, yes, but the fact that no one has provided anything satisfactory corroborates the argument that /lit/ is getting shit up by pseuds and other boards/social sites.

God, I hate most of you.

>> No.8131909

Lord of the flies was a great recommendation and i'm enjoying it.

>> No.8131974

Earth Abides
The Stand
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Crossed +100

>> No.8131977

Dark Eden and its sequel, literally the creation of society and the problems that devients create when they want to go their own way instead of follwing tradition

>> No.8131994
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This is one of the subjects I'd like to write about so bad it hurts, but the words just won't come out.

>> No.8132017
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I'm no writer, but read about it, watch movies and play games on the subject. That's the way i go when i need inspiration in my field, i see interviews about other professionals and things that will inspire me in the way i want to go.

>> No.8132180

The Republic

>> No.8132301

Growth of the Soil - Hamsun
100 Years of Solitude - Marquez
Invisible Cities - Calvino
The Long Journey - Johannes V. Jensen.