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/lit/ - Literature

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8128561 No.8128561 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, what should I read to impress a girl?

>> No.8128572

Homo Thug II

>> No.8128583

diary desu

>> No.8128584

Harry Potter
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Story of the Eye

>> No.8128585

My diary tb h

>> No.8128590

chinese lit

>tfw really missing the guy that used to crack jokes about water margin and journey to the west that noone else besides us understood

>> No.8130232

a book you are genuinely interested in

>> No.8130655
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never fails

>> No.8130661

Lolita and Death in Venice

>> No.8130674


Cyrano de Bergerac
guess why

>> No.8130679

Is she white, in her late teens or early to mid 20s, and vaguely middle class? If so, dfw. If not, I don't know.

>> No.8130686

Bukowski, Kerouac, Plath, Wilde, Vonnegut, Camus, they're into that kind of shit. Then have some hip contemporary shit like Rontel. Read a wide range of accessible poetry: Shakespeare, Blake, Shelley, stuff they've heard of but never actually checked out. And then round it out with a mixture of genuinely important classic literature, masturbatory postmodern novels, and obscure eastern european novels; stuff they're guaranteed to have never read which impresses them all the more cause you also supposedly like the bukowski kerouac stuff they like despite going beyond them.

>> No.8130693


You might as well just answer, "Read the same books that are your beloved's favourite books."

If I met someone who read the same obscure books as me I think I would melt.

>> No.8130980
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Anything related to W40K

>> No.8130992

He said a girl, not a greasy neckbearded virgin who listens to black metal.

>> No.8130993

infinite jest

>> No.8130995

hey black metal's p cool

>> No.8131012

nothing you read will impress a girl, or anyone really. i'm a bit impressed when i hear about people taking on books with thousands of pages, but beyond that if someone's impressed by your intellect because you read The Stranger and you know what it's about, they're probably not all that smart or interesting themselves

>> No.8131015

Check out 'how not to be a little bitch'

>> No.8131016
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Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

>> No.8131023

The 120 Days of Sodom

>> No.8131028

OP it's real simple.

1.You ask for a recommendation
2.You read it (it will probably be terrible)
3.You then talk to the girl about the book (by talk I mean ask her questions and add very little)
4.You now have some rapport with this girl and her shit taste in books.

Bonus Points - Be man enough to say that it was shit, while not being an asshole.

>> No.8131030

not the first two, Bukowski is a red flag for any girl half-aware and not in some self-hating phase

>> No.8131040
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>> No.8131049

what should I read to impress a guy?

>> No.8131050


What are these books even like? What happens in them? Is it just "Die for the Emperor" for ~450 pages?

>> No.8131054

why would you want to impress a guy

>> No.8131057

I'm a girl and just curious

>> No.8131061
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>> No.8131064
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Don't try to impress her with a book. Rather start a journel and let her read the paradigms of your mind. It'll be less banal.

>> No.8131073

not sure. i was just joking. I do plan on getting around to reading some eventually.

>> No.8131074

guy here. depends on the guy. to me at least, I'd be a lot more interested in the person in general than the fact that they read Dostoevsky or something. but I'm a shy dude in general so I don't know about everyone else. just don't make reading your only selling point, I suppose.

>> No.8131089

A girl that, every once in a while, reads something that's not genre fiction is a great turn on by itself, if she were to actually understand what she's reading I'd be diamonds constantly

>> No.8131096

read romance

>> No.8131125


Every guy is different though. Most guys don't even read books. It would probably be best to read the kind of books the guy you want to impress likes, or, books that he considers challenging or intimidating. Or maybe it's just me who gets scared of hard books. What kind of books would a guy have to read to impress you?

>> No.8131134

Depends on the guy and if he reads.
But honestly, philosophy is the most common. In literature there are more authors seen as must reads so chances of having a similar lit taste isn't as large.
But with philosophy, you'll always read what the guy has been reading.
Also, Dostoevsky.

>> No.8131141

I'd legitimately be impressed by and instantly want to fuck a girl who has read the entire meme trilogy, even if she was fat, ugly, or both. I'm not even kidding.

>> No.8131167

Anything off the beaten path that you then form an independent opinion about. One of my exes got me into Kafka and I bought her Genealogy of the Morals in turn. Another introduced me to Gogol and in a roundabout way that lead to learning Russian a couple of years later.

More recently I argued the Sapir Worf hypothesis with a beautiful woman and although we didn't speak for a week due to how heated our debate got, I have to say it was intensely fun to rattle sabers like that.

In other words, decently attractive men run into pretty plebs regularly. If you want to stand out, develop your intellect and personality. Caveat-- this will make plebs uncomfortable and limit the pool you are interested in

>> No.8131221


>> No.8131784


the underlying hopes, worries, etc. behind her words; her facial expressions and body language; her emotional state

>> No.8131796

Depends. There are a lot of them. The Horus Heresey series is basically an edgelord 12 year old playing with the Illiad. Depending on the author theyre well writ nonsense and good palette cleansers between reads. Guant's Ghosts is Space Sharpe and Caiphus Cain is grimdark Flashman.

>> No.8131800

bank statement

>> No.8131808

stay mad, Holden

>> No.8131827


I think it's because I'm a virgin who don't really talk to them so my idea of girls is a distant "talk about whatever and hang out on their phone and have sleepovers (do they do that?)".

Whenever I see a girl with some kind of specialty, like she's carrying a violin case or she does sport at a high level or she talks with a russian accent, I instantly build a miniature biography of her in my head and it makes the girl stand out from other girls who could be extras in a big budget porn movie. It kind of validates this girl as a human and not just a part of the group I label "girls". All it takes is for this one girl to have something special, bordering on an autistic obsession that confirms she thinks and does stuff for herself.

>> No.8131836 [DELETED] 

is this what the male species are turning into? giving out bullshit PC relationship advice to women when instead they mean the opposite of what they said?

If you're a girl and you want to read in order to impress me, you should better fucking be able to analyze whatever you have read, be it fucking John Green or Finnegans Wake, and optionally not misread completely its social context purely out of autism and/or having a personal political agenda.

bonus good girl points directly exchangable for tendies if it's not John Green, but in the end I don't personally give a shit if you'll be getting the tendies or not, so it won't be a dealbreaker for me.

>> No.8131849


It's literally the edgiest shit that exists. I remember laughing hysterically when I read an interview with Euronymous, where he said he was satisfied with church burnings because it stopped people from being joyful. Black metal is for gargantuan faggot edgelords exclusively. It's lame if you like it as a rebellious teen, hysterically pathetic if you like it as an adult.

>> No.8131874
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Anything more complex than Twilight or Harry Potter. >tfw no reader gf

>> No.8131949

You shouldn't take black metal seriously.

>> No.8132217

The fault in our stars by John green.
Better yet, read fifty shades of grey and directly steal quotes from the main character and use them

>> No.8132680

From what i'v heard isn't 50 shades of grey wrote something like "I went to the shop and it was a sunny day and I bought ice cream and I had sex and it was kinky and dirty and"