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8128460 No.8128460 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Americlaps love 1984 so much?

>> No.8128513

Probably because Americans are paranoid about the government, though the tactics of control used by the Party would work just as well on them.

>> No.8128551

it's their fantasy of what europe is like, that takes their mind off the fact that it is actually what america is like

>> No.8128559
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a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.

>> No.8128569

The societies of 1984 are actually closer to Europe than to America.

>> No.8128571

Why do Europoors think Americlaps love 1984 so much?

>> No.8128573

that's enough, Ahmed.

>> No.8128576

The country's ideals go against the very existence of a dystopia like 1984, so we like to jerk to it knowing we'll never ever end up like that. We're in Huxley's world instead.

>> No.8128594

Its an informative text on the current state of government.

Honestly, we're way past 1984 at this point.

Orwell couldnt imagine such a bleak future.

>> No.8128622

>people actually think this
BNW is actually a utopia, Huxley was just too much of an elitist to realize it.

>> No.8128625

America in 2016 is Orwell on estrogen and Sharia.

>> No.8128642

>BNW is actually a utopia, Huxley was just too much of an elitist to realize it.

how does you opining that go against what he said:

>We are in Huxley's world

It's only a utopia to you because you're in it.

>> No.8128645

>Stereotypical Badger

>> No.8128652

Our world is certainly shallow, but we're not happy and we don't live post-scarcity. In BNW everyone loved it except for that one nerd, but in real life suicide rates are rising.

>> No.8128680

Do they? If so, I'd guess because it was promoted in the Cold War as a useful anti-Communist text that could be taught in schools.

>> No.8128773

soooo, let's just biologically damage fetuses in order to engineer separate classes from birth -- thereby doing away with scarcity, find some sort of island where everyone that is patrician would be purged from the shallow rest of the society, and we'll be all set?