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8128178 No.8128178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should I explain Zizek's ideology now? In general, how can philosophy be used romantically?

>> No.8128195
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this go directly to the cringe channel

>> No.8128208

This board is lacking in tinder threads.

OP tell her you want her to read you marx while you tongue her butthole

>> No.8128225

hav u made any nice girl stinks today? mmh, i really like girl stinks. pls make a nice girl stink with ur girl holes for me :)

>> No.8128263

You people are even more autistic than r9k.

>> No.8128270

please make a nice big girl stink for me with ur nice girl holes. girl stinks are so hot to me, makes me feel good

>> No.8128288

Sometimes I stick my Q tips in her girl hole and then I throw it away. The Q tips have ear wax on them.

>> No.8128296

tell her that you want to put your capital gain in her merchandise.

>> No.8128302
File: 1.29 MB, 2200x3037, 23-thomas-pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quality thread

obviously. instead of obsessing over our inability to get women we just read books and pretend they don't exist

>> No.8128304

mmh, a nice big girl stink on ur Q tip. would really like to experience such a big girl stink myself. girl holes can make really nice girl stinks

>> No.8128310

are the MS paint blurs intentionally phallic or am i just gay?

>> No.8128315

you like cocks bb

>> No.8128347

He's thinking of his father's cock and his mom's vagina.

>> No.8128865

If you want this thread not to suck, you should have dubs decide next message.

Rolling for : I'm considered a great shit poster, hbu?

>> No.8129150
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No thanks to you idiots. Although I have no idea what to do now. I actually know nothing about movies

>> No.8129160

Ask if she has a sister.

>> No.8129163

That's okay man, Zizek knows all about movies.

>> No.8129166

>waiting two hours to reply
>avoided the question


>> No.8129175

I have about 200 tinder matches--I signed up about a month and a half ago. I've never message any of them. I get an occasional message from a girl, but it never goes anywhere--just the typical "what's up" and other banal stuff. I'm too boring to get laid. I live with my parents too, so it's basically impossible.

>> No.8129205

The "yeah :)" was a response, right? Perhaps less concrete than I had hoped for.

I signed up a couple days ago, this was my only match. What about going to the girl's house?

>> No.8129214

Honestly I thought that since I was in Palo Alto (for the summer) there would be a ton of qt Stanford girls into philosophy or compsci or math, but no luck so far. This turned out to be quite a boring city.

>> No.8129217

Girls don't give a shit about philosophy. If they're on Tinder, they want a Chad who will fuck them silly. All women are whores.