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8126965 No.8126965 [Reply] [Original]

Which book'll make my life good instead of terrible?

>> No.8126980

Self help can help you out if you are in a really deep place, philosophy will fuck you up even more

>> No.8126984

King James Bible

It will be good, not honest.

>> No.8127009

I need this too, OP. My take is some religious writings like this

Almost nothing else can penetrate into our angst ridden souls. Spirituality is the path

>> No.8127280

on duties, cicero

>> No.8127290

The Bible.

>> No.8127313

Kill yourself, moron.

>> No.8127525
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>> No.8127582
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>> No.8127668

Don't read if you want to make life good instead of terrible.

Being ignorant is the only way of living a happy life.

>> No.8127671

either go to therapy or buy some of the books that different styles of therapy are based on. avoid cbt like the plague.

>> No.8127724

cbt is essentially socratic questioning, what's wrong with that?

>> No.8128321

It's really not. If anything it's the opposite.

>> No.8128349

It is, it's not even a matter of opinion, it's just a fact that it is a system largely based on socratic questioning

>> No.8128355

Why the angst against CBT?

>> No.8128423

I'm not against CBT but Socratic Dialogue/Questioning etc tends to end in aporia. If it ended in aporia I think you'd have way more existential crises and so on coming out. It's more like a renormalization of how we think about behaviours that borrows from Socratic method, but I would say it's more of a reverse Socratic method.

Plus the talking part is only one part of CBT.

Based on is not the same as essentially is.

We cool guys?

>> No.8128430
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I suggest On the Nature of Things, by the Roman poet Lucretius.

Abolish your preconceptions about what "epicureanism" means. The last couple thousand years have done nothing but slander the name of a harmless philosophy of liberation.

>> No.8128456

you've gone from saying it's the opposite of socratic questioning to quibbling over words. To be clear, CBT is both essentially socratic questioning and based on socratic questioning. You haven't a clue as earlier posts and this one show. We're cool :^)

>> No.8128466

>Being ignorant is the only way of living a happy life.
This, turn back before it's too late.

>> No.8128486

>To be clear, CBT is both essentially socratic questioning and based on socratic questioning.
Then we disagree.

CBT is meant to take you from aporia or something like it to feeling like you know or can deal etc etc with something, that's what I mean by opposite. Like reversal.


>> No.8128495

>i'm so intelligent, i've seen through the illusions and am enlightened by the horror aaaaah xD, that's why my life is going badly

people like this are the garbage of the world

>> No.8128541

It is the implementation of socratic questioning to deal with things in life. That is separate from a socratic lifestyle or using it to the same ends as socrates did. What it's function is doesn't stop it from using socratic questioning most fundamentally
