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/lit/ - Literature

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8125771 No.8125771 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything out there similar to the Lovecraft Dream Cycle?

Through The Gates of The Silver Key and Dream Quest nearly broke my brain with the insanity. Or should I just read old school fantasy like a dream sequence and get the same effect?

>> No.8125781 [DELETED] 

those tits look nice can we get one without a book in the way. then I might read what you wrote underneath those bazoombas.

>> No.8125783

>poasting roastings

>> No.8125785 [DELETED] 

that picture is a perfect metaphor for life

it's better without fucking books

>> No.8125790

It's a metaphor for life in that if you look too hard at the details, everything turns out disappointing

>> No.8125791


that picture is a perfect metaphor for /b/ plebs

>> No.8125792

i want to breed her ass.

>> No.8125793
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>> No.8125799

Its toradoki

>> No.8125804


Can I just get some answers instead of you faggots fawning over dirty 3-D girls?

>> No.8125805

Wow, no worthwhile reponses to a Lovecraft thread again, what a surprise.

Fuq this pseud shit parade.

>> No.8125808 [SPOILER] 
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Forgot to post the pic

>> No.8125809

I have yet to read what you wrote. and will read it after your delivery of bazoombas

>> No.8125814


>> No.8125819

It should be illegal for attractive people to have childish taste in shit

>> No.8125821


>> No.8125842

Do you have an alternative to what i'm looking for thats not "childish"?

>> No.8125846

no. there are no non-childish alternatives. it's all childish and plebeian.

>> No.8125859

The aesthetic is disgusting but it's a sexy body

>> No.8125872

>implying pseduo-goths aren't top tier

>> No.8125879

Ok, so do you have a non-childish alternative to dream like literature or are you just here to complain?

>> No.8125884

Yes, that's what I was implying.

>> No.8125913

Pseudo goths are the worst. Either go all the way and look like you're attending a Victorian funeral as the deceased, or just be a normie like everyone else.

>> No.8125914

yeah, just what i like, a woman who wants to have the appearance of a roastie junkie whore.

>> No.8125916

can someone please post the tits. I'm. starting to get angry

>> No.8125919

those panties are so cute

who is this prostate apostate?

>> No.8125927
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Oh for fucks' sake /lit/, I'll try to think of something... May I suggest Alice through the Looking Glass?

>> No.8126505

Not e/lit/e here.
How about Lord Dunsany, from whom Lovecraft got his dream-cycle idea?

>> No.8126516

Who is this penis Venus?

>> No.8126528

Maisie Williams, apparently.

>> No.8126529

God's work anon

>> No.8126530

This, I will forever have a soft spot and a hard dick for mid-00s emo girls.

>> No.8126556

Her name is Toradoki

>> No.8126560


I was going to read Dunsany but is he weird enough?

Is there anything that's kind of similar to the Dream Cycle where characters go to different dimensions or places in their dreams? Or that uniquely Lovecraft?

>> No.8126595

go ask /tg/. they've got an excellent lovecraft thread going on at the moment. and you can actually get intelligent discussion going on. unlike this shit pile of a board.

>> No.8126628

Some us are from that thread. Actually, and we're laughing at /lit/ for de-railing a thread so badly.

>> No.8126629

lets see that bitch with some New Sun

>> No.8126786

I think I saw that on a "recommend by /lit/" list somewhere

>> No.8126800

Clark Ashton Smith was big on that so check him out, not as good with mood as Lovecraft though. Better than both of them is Algernon Blackwood who isn't quite what your describing but I think you'll love him. Check out The Man Whom the Trees Loved.

Also check out the NYRB collection Shadows of Carcossa. That'll give you a great sampling of the classic weird authors.

>> No.8126809

Thanks, ive never heard of the other two. I want something super weird, even more out there than Door to Saturn

>> No.8127051

It's a Rose Lalonde cosplay.

>> No.8127080

woah dude humminah humminha

>> No.8127316

It's a homestuck cosplay.

>> No.8127519
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>> No.8127754

Maybe if you have that wacky disorder that prevents you from recognising people.