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8125541 No.8125541[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What will the effects of constant internet/vidya/porn in our formative years be on our generation? The next? The one after that?

Is it possible that in a few hundred years or so the human attention span will be so small that reading a novel is practically impossible?

>> No.8125548


>> No.8125555

the future is already here anon
most normies today are physically incapable of reading literature

and no grrm is not literature

>> No.8125556

It's way worse and more wide-ranging than that. Go read all the really incisive critiques of capitalism from the last century. They're all basically saying the same shit. Modern industrial capitalism has destroyed humanity and ended history. 1984's proles are basically reality now.

In a few generations there won't be anything recognizable left. We'll all be feminized soma drones moving cubes around for eternity, with mental conditioning to make sure we don't have a transcendental ego.

>> No.8125569


>> No.8125573

>Yes, I would certainly agree with that, not only in theory but also in action. That is, there are two intellectual tasks: one, and the one that I was discussing, is to try to create the vision of a future just society; that is to create, if you like, a humanistic social theory that is based, if possible, on some firm and humane concept of the human essence or human nature. That’s one task.

>Another task is to understand very clearly the nature of power and oppression and terror and destruction in our own society. And that certainly includes the institutions you mentioned, as well as the central institutions of any industrial society, namely the economic, commercial and financial institutions and in particular, in the coming period, the great multi-national corporations, which are not very far from us physically tonight [i.e. Philips at Eindhoven].

>Those are the basic institutions of oppression and coercion and autocratic rule that appear to be neutral despite everything they say: well, we’re subject to the democracy of the market place, and that must be understood precisely in terms of their autocratic power, including the particular form of autocratic control that comes from the domination of market forces in an inegalitarian society.

Noam Chomsky in 1974.

>> No.8125580
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>> No.8125589

you hit the nail on the head, although I'd point out that it's not really capitalism/communism or any specific ideology, but moreso economic globalism in general

>> No.8125592

who knows dude

>> No.8125605

Yeah, yeah Kaczynski was probably right. Its the next step, the emergence of multi cellular life is being played again as society congeals into a homogeneous self. We were always just a stage, kinda arrogant to think otherwise

>> No.8125612

all generations have had their ways for dissolution

we'll be fine, at least relatively

>> No.8125613


>> No.8125615

most normies since forever have been incapable of reading serious literature, nothing has changed

>> No.8125620


>> No.8125628

Not great, Bob.

>> No.8125650

>Is it possible that in a few hundred years or so the human attention span will be so small that reading a novel is practically impossible?

as few will read good stuff as always

>> No.8125660

Utilitarianism's logical final outcome, lastmanhood.

>> No.8125675
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>> No.8125693

only average people speak of averages

>> No.8125694

makes your dick fall of and gives you aids

>> No.8125695

Human civilization is imploding, collapsing into a singularity. Technology is merely a part of the organism, maybe not even the most important one. Culture, language, social and economic structures, ideology, your very innermost thoughts... All reconfiguring themselves into a different being. It's nature yet to be determined. It is an entropic process. trying to stop it is at best futile and at worst could lead to pressure build-up released through ecological catastrophe/total war. The world as we knew it exists no longer and probably was never real to begin with. There are many paths to take.

>> No.8125704

Another "The ______ is ruining our culture!"
>Sage in all fields.

>> No.8125712

in a few generations overpopulation will have driven humanity straight into the shitter, forcing people to get serious again. Things are looking like they'll probably get worse now, but then I think they'll get better.

What's the state of your country's water resources? Nobody ever talks about it but it's very important to keep an eye on that. Australia is fucked if we get another drought, which we probably will soon. Absolutely fucked.

>> No.8125745

Australia is surrounded by water lmao

>> No.8125756

this, dumb aussies

>> No.8125761

WWIII could start any day now. All it takes is a single fuck up, a jet downed over Syria, a flare up in the Ukraine or a torpedo'ed ship in the South China Sea. People aren't afraid of it anymore. it's not like the Cold War when the menace of war was reflected everywhere. How many 80s pop songs are actually about nuclear war?

>> No.8125767

Compare the modern American man to the ancient Greek citizen and see that it's true, humanity is degenerating as a race and this pace is accelerating quickly.

The average cranial capacity has fallen by the volume of a tennis ball since the bronze age. We are ""healthier"" in that we live longer. But remember what N-God says about the last men and their longevity.

>> No.8125926

The average American man knows more than the average ancient Greek citizen

>> No.8125932


>> No.8125960

>jet downed over Syria
I hate to break your shtf fantasy, but the world's leaders are not on such a crazy hair trigger. Putin, who people think to a bit nutty, let one of Russia's planes be shot down by the Turks without instantly staging an invasion. One over Syria would be even less likely to be an issue. Ukraine flared up and that conflict stayed contained, and another flare up likely will. We aren't near Cold War levels of tension as a society because we aren't hovering on the precipice of global nuclear conflict like were back then.

>> No.8126217

Have you met an ancient Greek citizen?

>> No.8126222

We already have kids that've grown up being exposed to all of that their entire lives.
What makes you think things can get worse?