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/lit/ - Literature

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8121852 No.8121852 [Reply] [Original]

Post only one writer per country, but as many countries as you want. I also listed in descending order the nations I tend to read from the most.

USA: Charles Bukowski (sorry, no pomo)
England: D. H. Lawrence
Ireland: James Joyce
France: Michel Houellebecq
Russia: Fyodor Dostoevsky
Germany: Friedrich Nietzsche
Austria: Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Greece: Homer
Italy (including Italic Romans): Italo Svevo
Norway: Knut Hamsun
Switzerland: Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Netherlands: Jan Wolkers
Belgium: Dimitri Verhulst
Denmark: H. C. Andersen
Spain: Cervantes
Portugal: Pessoa
Japan: Mishima
China: Li Fu
Argentina: Borges
Peru: Vallejo

This list makes me realize that I prefer modern writers. I know I'll get a lot of hate for Bukowski, but whatever. Our lists are about what we like the most, not who is "objectively" the best.

>> No.8121859

you seem like someone i would really dislike

>> No.8121860

Also, are there any nations you would like to read more of? Personally, I was surprised to read that I haven't read any Swedes even though they keep awarding themselves the Nobel Prize in Literature. I also would like to read more contemporary Chinese novelists since there seems to be a lot! Anyone have any Swedes or Chinese to recommend?

>> No.8121861

Hnng sauce?

>> No.8121873

America: Thomas Pynchon

Who cares about the rest?

>> No.8121874
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you forgot pic related.

I found her on here actually. Try doing a reverse image search. I don't know anything about her.

>> No.8121882

OP here. I liked Pynchon even though I generally dislike pomo writers. Nonetheless, I didn't finish Gravity's Rainbow. I felt like I got the point after about page 200.

>> No.8121886

katie who likes to fuck strangers

>> No.8121896

luke wilson

>> No.8121934

you are a shit-taste pseud

bukowski is a retard

>> No.8121946

she's from an MDE video lmao

>> No.8122043
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>Don't forget about Poland.

>> No.8122048
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>France: Michel Houellebecq

Out of all the great French literature you could choose from your favourite writer is fuckin Houellebecq??

>> No.8122052


>USA: Charles Bukowski

Yikes missed this one completely. Lmfao.

>> No.8123087


>> No.8123111
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>> No.8123171

>USA: Charles Bukowski
Into the trash you go.

>> No.8123207

USA: Faulkner
UK: Joyce
France: Flaubert
Russia: Dostoevsky
Germany: Goethe
Austria: Musil
Greece: Euripides
Italy: Dante
Norway: Ibsen
Sweden: Strindberg
Spain: Cervantes
Portugal: Camoes
Argentina: Borges
Brazil: Assis
Colombia: Llosa
Peru: Vallejo

>> No.8123619

w-why is she spreading her legs like that?

>> No.8123639

>UK: Joyce

Kill yourself.

>> No.8123649

True, I forgot that Northern Ireland and Ireland weren't the same thing.

Ireland: Joyce
UK: Eliot

>> No.8123662

>picking anyone other than Joyce


>> No.8123912

Yeah, James Joyce is definitely the best author from the United Kingdom

>> No.8123926


>He thinks Ireland wasn't a part of the UK at that time

Get out, taig. I can smell your taterbreath from here.

>> No.8123959

I know these aren't the most popular or "best", but they are my favourites.
England: W. Somerset Maugham
USA: Mark Twain
France:Samuel Beckett
Austria: Thomas Bernhard
Germany: Gunter Grass
Spain: Cervantes
Ukraine: Nikolai Gogol
Italy: Italo Svevo
Russia :Anton Chekhov
China: Mo Yan
Poland: Andrzej Stasiuk
Hungary: László Krasznahorkai

>> No.8123965

USA: F. Scott Fitzgerald
England: D.H. Lawrence
Wales: Dylan Thomas
Scotland: Robert Burns
Ireland: James Joyce
France: Marcel Proust
Germany: Thomas Mann
Russia: Leo Tolstoy

>> No.8124021

USA: William Gaddis
Ireland: Jamba Juice
France: Gustave Flaubert
Russia: Leo Tolstoy
Germany: Thomas Mann
Austria: Hermann Broch
Austria-Hungary/Czech: Franz Kafka
Italy: Italo Svevo
Spain: Julian Rios
Argentina: Jorge Luis Borges
Chile: Roberto Bolano

>> No.8124023


Argentina: Borges
Brasil: Lispector
Česko: Kafka
Danmark: Kierkegaard
Éire: Joyce
España: Cervantes
France: Proust
日本: 芥川
Polska: Lem
Poccия: Дocтoéвcкий
UK: Dickens
US: Wallace

>> No.8124446
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Svevo is a bit shit m8s

>> No.8124528

Look at these cunts denying Shakespeare just to seem well-read. Guess how I know your not, come on.

>> No.8124556

>Guess how I know your not [well read]
>and hyphenating well-read in predicate adjective position
hee hee hee
I'm pickin up what '''your''' puttin down anon

>> No.8124848

Tell me the reason why nobody's talking about Mexico. There's pretty good literature over here too, such as Juan Jose Arreola and Octavio Paz (who I'm not a great fan but he's pretty good in matters of cultural and sociological issues -pardon my english, btw), José Emilio Pacheco and Carlos Fuentes were not bad at all either. We have, also, great poets and essaists (please correct my gramar in casi it's messed up). I deeply enjoy reading Julio Cortázar and Borges, as for Argetina's lit comes, and about EUA there are some really good authors from beat generation and the roots from it, such as Ezra Pound (who I personally admire above all) and Walt Withman. Nontheless, I can't give an honest opinion about other authors, though I've read some of their work (such as Camus and Sartre, or Hamsun -who I think is also magnificent writting-, or Lawrence or Goethe), given to the fact I have not read further works despite one or two of their more famous ones. I'd like /lit/ to tell me, in a short way, about the reasons you have to say such author is your favorite in such country and have fun, good willing people. :)

>> No.8124853

There's a huge german writer who is seemingly impossible to translate, but i can't remember his name at all, does anyone know who i might be talking about?

>> No.8124881

you can't honestly think svevo > dante

>> No.8124905

>I felt like I got the point after about page 200.

>> No.8124912

UK = United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

You epic fucking retard.

>> No.8125062

UK: Dickens
America: Steinbeck
Japan: Murakami
Spain: Cervantes
France: Camus
Russia: Solzhenitsyn

>> No.8125581

Arno Schmidt.

>> No.8125602

That's the one! Thank you

>> No.8125649

Ahahaha, sorting Gogol under Ukraine.
Poor guy is turning in his grave.

>> No.8125714

Interesting choices, but why did you put Kafka under Czech? I know he was born in the area known as today's Czech Republic, but did he ever consider himself a national Czech writer?

>> No.8125719

Not so fast. Joyce never gave up his UK passport. Even when the Nazis occupied France and he became an enemy alien, he refused the offer of Irish citizenship in order to leave for Switzerland. Joyce could have gotten a Free State passport as early as 1924 but did not do so.