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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 1280x750, weirdness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8121763 No.8121763 [Reply] [Original]

Be A Fucking Weirdo.
Don’t hide your passions. They’re the key to doing awesome shit.
Weirdness is good. It sets us apart and allows us to be wholly different from the rest of the world, while still being innately the same. Humans tend to forget that what makes us weird are the things we are passionate about, and the levels that passion can reach.
We forget that those passions are allowed and are awesome whatever they are, whether it’s a passion for reading novels, playing chess or writing rock operas.
People learn to do things by imitation. We always have and we always will. It’s the surest way to improve your technique and learn the ropes of anything.

>> No.8121768
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But the problem with this is that we learn who to be, too. And we learn not to be ourselves. We look at the successful people, the ones who played by the rules and we start to cut out the parts of our lives that don’t match.
And then we think surely we can’t still listen to punk rock or write open source software if we want to become star employees and make money. Or, if we really want to make it in a creative field, we have to fit what we’re doing into the mainstream.
We can’t be anything except the image of an employee or an entrepreneur or a creative that people want to work with.
We repeat this to ourselves either consciously or subconsciously and we start to feel embarrassed or ashamed of the way we were before we pushed ourselves into a shitty little box.

>> No.8121772

Well there's no reason to be weird just for the purpose of being weird. That's borderline hipster fetishism. A better message would be "if you're weird, and you've gotten to that point as a natural consequence, go ahead and stay that way" rather than just "hey be weird k?"

>> No.8121776
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When you were a kid, it wasn't like that. When you were a kid, you let your freak flag fly.

>> No.8121783
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embracing everything about yourself

>> No.8121785

What is this? reddit?

>> No.8121786
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I shoot heroin, eat only captain crunch and masturbate in walmarts


>> No.8121788
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But when you grow up, you learn to put that side away, to find somewhere to lock it up so you can forget it was ever there.
We all go through this. Our passions just stop being important to us.
We learn not to be weird. And that’s a fucking terrible thing to do.

>> No.8121789

gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8

srsly thou r u passionate about that?

>> No.8121790

You're weird, so that means it's permissible.

>> No.8121793
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Creativity will always matter.
When you can approach a problem or a challenge from your own individual and singular viewpoint, using your innate weirdness and the personality that sets you apart from anyone else in the world who cannot live inside your head, you’ll reach creativity.
No ideas have to be completely original, but a good idea is always a creative combination of several others that have been mashed together, turned upside down and reinvented.
When you attempt to run in sync with what you see as the mainstream, with the worker in the cubicle next to you who always says and does the right thing—rather than the raw thing—you’ll never be able to embrace that creativity.

>> No.8121794
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yeh my man

>> No.8121796
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The best solutions, ideas, products, they don’t come from conventional thinking.
They come from a creative twist that only a totally passionate weirdo could have come up with. That’s what you have to try to foster. If you stamp it down, you’ll be suppressing any chance you might have had to be remarkable.

>> No.8121797
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You need to be weird to tell a story.
The oldest art that humanity has ever engaged with is storytelling. We’ve been doing it ever since we first developed the ability to communicate with eachother.
Why do you think so many ancient texts have resonating, similar themes? They were based on the viral stories we were telling at the dawn of time. That probably sounds like marketing bullshit.
But the fact is, everyone communicates through the art of a shared story.
That first salutation in the office on a Monday morning—“how was your weekend?”—it’s the default question because it invites a story, and creates common ground.
When you embrace your weirdness and your passion, you’ll be ready to share the stories that are personal, the ones that are close to you, the ones people really give a shit about and want to hear.
You’ll be able to communicate those stories in a hundred different ways.

>> No.8121802
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The greatest creatives were weirdos.
The people you truly look up to are fully aware of their passions. This is a fact. They could be entrepreneurs and founders, or comic book artists, or speed metal musicians—every creative is a passionate weirdo. If they weren’t, the world would be missing a lot of colour.

>> No.8121804
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You’d be surprised how accepting other people can be, when they’re presented with somebody who is a little different. Sure, there are always going to be a few total assholes, but I've discovered most humans are extraordinarily capable of showing love.

>> No.8121808
File: 394 KB, 1447x2179, Novelity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want my advice? Here’s what I think you should do.
Go write awesome stream of consciousness science fiction cyberpunk novels

>> No.8121819

>16 / 12 / 4 / 1

>> No.8121822
File: 109 KB, 2498x1408, Dance Music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take chances.

>Take a chance

>> No.8121828

you do you boo

>> No.8121831
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Embrace what you love...

>> No.8121839
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>a creative twist that only a totally passionate weirdo could have come up with

>Will you be the one to take a chance?

>Have romance, remix and dance?

>Fill your heart, Spread your thoughts

>Make the girls dance

>> No.8121911
File: 40 KB, 320x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see threads like these and can only wonder if the OP is just as insecure about himself/herself as he/she were before he figured out that he/she is a "weirdo".

Aside the mere fact that calling ones self a weirdo is nothing more then labeling your existence or personality as the mass formulated opionin of that label.

Someone's or something Peculairty is nothing more then the opinion of an individual - which of course is influenced many many many external influences, making the opinions of others vary and differentiate.

So DONT be a fucking weirdo, for whatever that may mean and don't even be yourself as most people would say and then the same people go on to slander you with remarks of how you should do this or that because being yourself is not suffeicent rather JUST NATURE DO IT.

>> No.8121915

Be your dad

>> No.8121924

>ywn wear khaki pants and a blue long-sleeved shirt on a beach at sunset in 2003 and have your lame girlfriend suggest you both make the shape of a love heart with your arms and have her friendzoned friend take a photo of it on his shitty dslr that he bought to impress your girlfriend anyway and then for it to exist on the internet through countless photobucket and imageshack reposts so long that the quality begins to suffer then the friend sees it on some unrelated site 13 years later and it breaks his heart to see these memories again and it affects his current relationship with a girl he met in a new city when he moved away which was already kind of falling apart anyway because they are both just kind of together because it seems like the right thing to do at this point in time

>> No.8121932

>ywn jump off the Golden Gate Bridge and hurdle 700 feet, accelerating downward, accruing such a stupefying velocity that, after your life flashes before your eyes, when you make impact headfirst into the water below it strikes you like concrete, snapping your neck and killing you almost instantly

>> No.8122206

>being weird is good

glad I have that aspect nailed down.

>> No.8122244
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>> No.8122361


>> No.8122582

>just bee urself bro ;)

>> No.8122653

>yd jump off the Golden Gate Bridge but somehow survived

>> No.8122669

This has to be the single most autistic thread on /lit/ right now.

>> No.8122722
File: 465 KB, 500x467, pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the first thing I do when I wake up after drinking is check if I texted my ex that I want her back

>> No.8122751


don't be like that