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8120596 No.8120596 [Reply] [Original]

do you guys organize your bookshelves by color?

>> No.8120611

what the fuck
organize by authors last name you clown

>> No.8120612

I did it once, when I only had about 60 or so books.

Would be painful to do with 1,000+

>> No.8120619

I organize them by size because autism.

>> No.8120624

I own like 4 books. I just flop em down wherever

>> No.8120644

I organise some shelves by size, others by date of publication of the the author's first work on the shelf, another by colour/brand, (Black Penguins, Orange Penguins, Red Vintage Classics) others by theme and another by author's names.

>> No.8120648

>Pay no attention to genre or time period

>> No.8120654

I do mine by time period/movement/theme. It's nice to have all the Greeks together, all the russians together, all the po-mos together, etc.

>> No.8120670
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I don't need to desu familia

>> No.8120675

I honestly don't organize mine. I just add books to the shelf as I buy them. they are organized by the date I purchased them lmfaooooo

>> No.8120734

Aren't these meant for distribution in schools? Why would you willingly buy them?

>> No.8120749

is that what they are for? I like them.

>> No.8120783

No, I organise them by colour.

>> No.8120799

that's a lot of cellulose bricks

>> No.8120807

Why would he not? It's a very good format, tight binding, solid font, a bit on the orange side but books are for (comfortable) reading. I much prefer those than Wordsworth.

>> No.8120815

you sound like you fuck your books you werido

>> No.8120817

In Australia and NZ, the 'classics' sections in many bookstores are made up mostly of those orange Penguin editions. They're about half the price of the standard editions so it works out okay.

>> No.8120830

Genre. Also, all the books being the same height, yeah okay.

>> No.8120832

that's actually pretty cool. i was about to criticize you for having all the books in the same typeset and page format, but then i realized that having all of the works in the same format lets you appreciate the writing for what it is. barring the visual aesthetic and materialistic aspect allows you to properly indulge in the works themselves without any of the external complications. (for instance, having a copy of a book with a nice cover, or a more frilly font style, could distract you from the actual content of the book.)

10/10 collection, if only for the fact that the simplicity allows you for a greater appreciation of the writing itself

>> No.8120836

I have just over 200 books and I organize them all by year published. Only a few away from having read one book from every year of the 20th century. I love the "time gradient" effect.

Not sure at all what I'm doing with my life though.

>> No.8120863

I don't really organize my bookshelves at all desu

>> No.8120890

lord have mercy

>> No.8121329

how the fuck does someone have that many books the same height

>> No.8121345

Mine are organized in reverse chronological order.

>> No.8122299

I don't know where you're from but they cost 10 bucks here and less if you buy a couple.
A reprint from another publishing company usually costs 25 bucks in Aus. Sometimes the penguin edition is the only one in print

>> No.8122560

Y'all niggas need dewey

>> No.8122584

Dewey disproportionately favors Western literature. I'd have to go for at least 7 numbers to get most of my stuff in. It miffs me.

>> No.8122603

No I'm not autistic.

>> No.8122605
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Solution: get more western literature...

>> No.8122610

I've got ~300 volumes just for English and American. I'd rather continue de-emphasizing them in favor of Eastern. I just use my own system of organization instead.

>> No.8122618

I only keep the books I really like, the ones I dislke I either give to the homeless so they can make some fire and get warm at night or sell them or whatever.

>> No.8122735

Not yet. I organize my books a different way every six to eight months.

I think it's because I moved around a lot as a kid, I get tired of things remaining the same for long periods of time.

>> No.8122762

you sound like a loser

>> No.8122832

You sound boring.

Kek'd anyway tho.

>> No.8123052

I organize by authors, but not in accordance to the alphabetical order, but to how many books I own by each one.

>> No.8123797

no, but that's a pretty cool idea actually. seeing as most of my books are pockets and look ridiculous on shelves, this might make it look a bit better.

how on earth do they all happen to have the same size though, lucky.

>> No.8123837

No, because I'm not a fucking idiot. If I wanted a nice display of colours I would buy a painting.
I order rather arbitrarily, grouping that which I feel goes together. But even so it's much more sensible than by colour.

>> No.8123861

by color is more sensible in my opinion. it looks better, and when it comes to private bookshelves that's all that matters. when i've put a book on my shelf i will most likely never take it out again. for me it's just storage, might as well look good.

>> No.8123881

I guess that's a major difference, I like rereading parts of books whenever I encounter something that reminds me of them.

>> No.8123900

This is what happens when you let your gf touch your bookshelf.

>> No.8123931

I got one shelf with all the philosophy, one shelf with all the science fiction/fantasy (stop throwing rocks at me, they're my dad's, from when he was young) and one shelf with fiction, with the authors names arranged by alphabetical order.
My mum ordered my books this way because she recently lost her job so she fucking cleaned everything out of boredom.

>> No.8123953

>stop throwing rocks at me,
well aren't we a little insecure

>> No.8124086

you enjoy you autism

>> No.8124105

>they're my dad's
R-Really guys, I don't read them!

>> No.8124501

No I'm not a female

>> No.8124569

Language, then author, then size.

>> No.8124589

Section 1: book type division
Subsection 1.1 : book era division