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/lit/ - Literature

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8120363 No.8120363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have blacks ever written worthwhile literature?

Hard Mode: Have blacks ever written non-political worthwhile literature?

>> No.8120366

>Have blacks ever written worthwhile literature?

yes. A metric fuck ton.

>Hard Mode: Have blacks ever written non-political worthwhile literature?

Yes. A fuck ton.

>> No.8120369


>> No.8120370

Name some examples please. It shouldn't be hard, considering there are a "metric fuck ton".

>> No.8120374

How do you expect them to write when they can't even read?

>> No.8120376

>there's such thing as apolitical literature in any cultural context

>> No.8120378

>who is Ishmael Reed

>> No.8120379

holy fuck ass mcshit do we have to do this every week I'm getting tired of typing out "Teju Cole, Open City" every time /pol wants to pretend they ever research their dumb opinions.

>> No.8120383

You consider mediocre poetry that any graduate student can spit out to be worthwhile?

Who are you?

>/threading your own post

Don't pretend you've been around longer than a week.

>> No.8120386

No. Blacks have an average IQ of 70. They are unable to create anything even remotely resembling art. >>8120366

>> No.8120390

Its been done before, use the archive, search for marlon james, thiong'o, morrison, whatever. I mean we could list the american civil rights authors, african post colonial authors, biracial authors, contemporary lit types, but you would reject them out of hand, so whats the point? We have this thread every week.

>> No.8120393

> that any graduate student can spit out

I think the real question is 'who are you'?
Let's see your work then.

>> No.8120394
File: 35 KB, 428x571, Lorraine_Hansberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Color Purple
A Raisin in the Sun
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Anything W.E.B. Du Bois wrote
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano
Really most importantly Things Fall Apart

There I named a small number of classics of Afro-American literature do I get a cookie for teaching what you should have already learned in grade school

>> No.8120398

hahahahahahahaha oh man he did it

>> No.8120400

ye nigga fiddy cent, lil weezy n hova dun wrote sum classics dat be strate fire homie

>> No.8120401

short pasta is weak pasta

>> No.8120402

>He thinks I meant his poetry
Try again, pseud.

>> No.8120403
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>implying kanye didnt produce masterpiece after masterpiece

>> No.8120404

I said worthwhile you illiterates. Are you seriously going to compare these to Pushkin or Balzac?

>> No.8120405

And even to expand it past Afro-American literature, let's talk about the oeuvres of Bessie Head and Sam Selvon.

But why even waste time on this thread, the OP and his friends are just uneducated and not worth anyone's time. They're probably White Trash. :(

>> No.8120407
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>> No.8120408

You did not mention any work by name, and I guarantee you won't because none of it is worthwhile. Embarrassing.

>> No.8120409
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>a worthwhile subjective experience

>> No.8120410

>I said worthwhile you illiterates

You shouldn't set the bar so high when you live so low

>> No.8120412

And btws my dear friend, Pushkin was part black. Get educated.

>> No.8120413
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See the attached image.

Fallacy. The bar is not even that high.

>> No.8120416
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Achebe and Thiong'o, Dumas and Morrison, yes.

>> No.8120418

awww shiet cant believe i was sleepin on dat nigga yeezy I put his joints on when becky come round an dat shits a wrap nahmean?

>> No.8120423

>muh pre-modern wonderland when art's value was decided by rich toffs who had the time to sit around and ensure their standards in art where the only standards

Sorry lad.

>> No.8120427

>The bar is not even that high

You are far far far far far dumber than Chinua Achebe so I think you shouldn't judge so easily. I mean if you're so smart what's your excuse for not being able to find books everyone knows of.

>> No.8120433
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Nobody here is looking to actually change their opinion or get book recommendations.

Just ignore the thread. None of these faggots are going to learn.

>> No.8120435

Oh shut up

>> No.8120445


>> No.8120450

wrote a lot of great 20th literature and single handily created music as you enjoy it

>> No.8120456


>> No.8120459

>I mean if you're so smart what's your excuse for not being able to find books everyone knows of
None of them are worthwhile, illiterate.

>> No.8120463

I never see a reason why the fuck I should read some Okot p'Bitek or Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o (and this goes for every people unless they write in some less spoken native language) when there are hundreds of masters whose bibliographies would take me a lifetime to read.

>> No.8120466

If I wanted to chew on cardboard and eat cardboard I could easily eat a paper back copy of a book by Pushkin or Balzac.

If you pay me, I will eat a hardback copy of one of their books.

>> No.8120469

the op said worthwhile

>> No.8120470

What was the point of this post? To highlight your dreadful taste? Mission accomplished, mongoloid.

>> No.8120475

>Open City
>not political
Now I know why you like that trash book so much--you're illiterate

>> No.8120477

And I listed worthwhile and well regarded books. Do you need help with anything?

>> No.8120480


>> No.8120482

Pay me to eat the books.

Pay me to eat a hardback copy of The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.

One knife. One spoon.

>> No.8120485

u racist

>> No.8120487
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>> No.8120488

OP asked for worthwhile literature written by Blacks, not literature written by Blacks about Blacks.

>> No.8120489

Not really.


>> No.8120491

I know graduate students who have turned in better work than some of your tripe.

>> No.8120492

Yes. It's just that, whenever people show it to you, you dismiss it as "not worthwhile" because it's a lot easier to do that than it is to actually read.

>> No.8120495

Are you Black or do you have some unhealthy obsession with Blacks?

>> No.8120496

What does /lit/ think of Beloved? I thought it was pretty good. Very Faulkner-esque.

>> No.8120498

>OP explicitly asks for non-political worthwhile literature written by black people
>you post nothing but political and worthless literature taught to ninth graders
Do all progressives have this much trouble with reading comprehension? Is that why they read so much black literature, because it's easier for their pea-sized brains?

>> No.8120499

So what you're asking for is for people to had hold you through books you can't read through subtext.

fuck off

Pay me and I will record myself eating a hardback copy of La Peau de chagrin.

Do it.


No you don't. You don't know any graduate students.

>> No.8120502

Guys stop responding to this threat, it's b8 written by a piece of white trash who has nothing positive on which to base his subjecthood, forcing him to resort to racism in order to give him some sense of identity where he is not Pathetic.

OP why are you even talking about literature? Go back to digging ditches or whatever it is that you rednecks do.

>> No.8120503

Fuck off, tripfag.

That author is white.

>> No.8120504

>So what you're asking for is for people to had hold you through books you can't read through subtext.
What are you even trying to say, 'my nigga bix noo' muhfugga sheet', as you people say.

>> No.8120505

Samuel R. Delaney wrote some good books, he also went totally insane and wrote poo poo pee pee pepe tier garbage.

>> No.8120510
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I have an unhealthy stubborn obsession with telling really pale dudes to eat shit while not being black because it is emotionally stimulating and satisfying to see them annoyed. There is not a moment of my life, or day goes by, I will not be on /lit/ replying to every post you ever make until you get sick of me.

And after that I'll still be replying until you go back to your board.

I will be here all year. And if it takes it, all decade.

>> No.8120511

yea u is cuz u be trynta silence me but i ain't my grandad yo an I WILL fucc u up if u keep oppressing me whyteboi

>> No.8120512

The opportunity cost of reading any of these mediocre "works" is far too high to be considered worthwhile.

Another empty reply, devoid of any substance. Are you a girl?

>> No.8120513

t. Tyrone LaDaquel.

>> No.8120517

c u c k

>> No.8120519

I'm not black lol. I'm saying I'm not here to hold your hand, because you're not intelligent to understand subtext. You just admitted that you "can't understand black literature about black problems".

Like, I know what you were trying but you just fucked up and called yourself a lobotomite.

>> No.8120522

So you do admit you have an unhealthy obsession with Blacks? Do you perchance have a girlfriend who has sex with Black men? Do you take care of her son while she's off to Detroit?

>There is not a moment of my life, or day goes by, I will not be on /lit/ replying to every post you ever make until you get sick of me.
Why would I get sick of you? Have you posted these kind of things before? I think this thread is pretty funny, you and this guy >>8120502 just seem pathetic and insecure.

>> No.8120525
File: 130 KB, 499x499, 1a4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the one doing the cucking. Everyone does, and it's on /pol/ posters.

>The opportunity cost of reading any of these mediocre "works" is far too high to be considered worthwhile.

You type like a shit sandwich smells lol.

>> No.8120528

>/pol/ on my /lit/

absolute cancer

kill yourselves

>> No.8120531

>I'm not black lol.
Sure you aren't. Either you're Black or one of those spineless underage White social justice warriors, feminine regardless of gender.

>You just admitted that you "can't understand black literature about black problems".
That is not what I wrote, you can go back and read what I wrote but I don't blame you if you can't understand. It happens with uneducated Blacks and children.

>> No.8120534
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>So you do admit you have an unhealthy obsession with Blacks?

Black girls are pretty cute.

>Why would I get sick of you?

Because you come here for the very same reason. To market your shit, and I'm pointing it out whenever you do it.

If you accuse me of saying you're not marketing your ideological brand, then let us get bogged down in an argument about why you came to the most Marxist board about literature to talk about why black people cannot write.

Your point is pointless.

>> No.8120535

t. cuckold

>> No.8120536
File: 48 KB, 490x490, 15541890293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you a girl?
might be an actual coalburner desu

>> No.8120539

>Sure you aren't. Either you're Black or one of those spineless underage White social justice warriors, feminine regardless of gender.

Oh I'm a girl don't worry your soft little unemployed head.

>> No.8120540
File: 548 KB, 960x720, What.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pay me and I will record myself eating a hardback copy of La Peau de chagrin.
>Do it.
Is your brain okay? I think your anger over losing the debate is affecting your reasoning skills.

There has always been animosity toward black literature on /lit/ though. I agree it wasn't pronounced as before, but I remember seeing frequent threads on its mediocrity when I came here in 2011.

>> No.8120542
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>> No.8120543

I'm dating someone, excuse me?

>> No.8120544



>> No.8120548

>Because you come here for the very same reason. To market your shit, and I'm pointing it out whenever you do it.
What am I marketing?

>the most Marxist board about literatur

>keeps posting pepe
you're definitely Black. Probably one of those Blacks who incessantly uses twitter and instagram. I'm guessing you came on 4chan after you found out where all those memes came from and you wanted to see what this site was all about.

>> No.8120549

Being in a relationship is a prerequisite to being a cuckold, dummy.

>> No.8120551
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>> No.8120552

>muh safe space

>> No.8120553

/lit/ isn't Marxist and it never has been. Take your memefrogs and slacker ideology back to /r9k/

>> No.8120554

Bullshit the past four years were arguing about philosophy to the point of joking about

These threads in this quantity, are a recent phenomenon. Smells of crossie.

I'll still eat those books.

It's great to fit in but last year a majority of posters were screaming at you to leave and shoving Derrida down your throat.

Again, these simplistic threads in this quantity are a recent phenomenon.

>What am I marketing?



Why did you come to the most traditionally known marxist board to market/bait? None stop throughout today.

>you're definitely Black.

I'm 100% black.
I am the most /lit/ person here.

>> No.8120555

>getting mad on the internet

>> No.8120558

Just say so if you're angry or if you're an actual coalburner.

>There has always been animosity toward black literature on /lit/ though.
Of course there has, because it's true.

>> No.8120560


>/lit/ isn't Marxist and it never has been.

Yes it has. Crossie crossie, smells of new, never came, pretend pretend. Crossie Crossie.

>> No.8120564
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>> No.8120565
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cancer goes in all fields

>> No.8120566
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>> No.8120567

I am gay and I would a black girl before a white girl. No question.

>> No.8120569

But it's a fun thread. Calm down.

I don't go on /pol/.

>the most traditionally known marxist board
I don't know where you get this from. We're on /lit/, not /his/, I think you might be confused.

Just because I don't agree with your view that Black literature is worth anything doesn't mean I'm "marketing" or baiting.

>I'm 100% black.
Laughed out loud, thanks.

>> No.8120570

Have you ever read or heard of James Baldwin?

>> No.8120571

I'm black hi

>> No.8120576
File: 1.04 MB, 184x141, 1463505924567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you would a Black girl before a White girl, Black girls look more like guys than White girls.

>> No.8120581

/pol/ might represent modern reactionaries but it isn't responsible for reactionaries being present on other boards. Most of the hardcore stormfront /pol/ users moved to cripplechan years ago

What you're seeing is a casual backlash against the media and political dominance of progressivism. It's happening in most major internet communities, not just 4chan, and will probably become even more popular after Hillary is elected president.

>> No.8120582

Blacks living in the western world are western and share the same tradition as everyone else in the west

>> No.8120584

You're really getting worked up over this thread, huh? How old are you, bud?

>> No.8120588

>I don't go on /pol/.

I don't care. And I don't believe you. Have no reason to believe you. Biggest horde of liars there is.

>I don't know where you get this from.

Years of experience. Compared to /pol/ this is a college campus. Because it is more likely to have college students, same as /sci/ or /g/.

Except this is the most traditionally, what you don't agree with board.

Always has been.

Always see your kind trying to say it was always your way.

Just because you feel it, doesn't mean it's there.

I would a fucking sea urchin before your turgid moldy socially awkward ass.

>> No.8120594

>What you're seeing is a casual backlash against the media and political dominance of progressivism

that sounds so fucking pathetic.

>> No.8120600

fuck outta here wit dat oreo shit nigga we didn't land on plymouth rock plymouth rock landed on us biatch

>> No.8120603

What could I gain from lying about going to /pol/? You don't think there's anons who believe what I've written so far without going on /pol/? Are you this dense?

>Compared to /pol/ this is a college campus.
Not a modern American one.

>Except this is the most traditionally, what you don't agree with board.
>Always has been.
What did he mean by this?

>Always see your kind trying to say it was always your way.
What is my kind?

>I would a fucking sea urchin before your turgid moldy socially awkward ass.
You already are, I know how much you Black guys love cellulite "phat" asses.


writing like


makes it very easy to tell how new you are

so forget about your "Years of experience".


>> No.8120605

Aren't you supposed to be getting income from gardening or janitorial right about now.

My public toilets need unclogging crossie.

>> No.8120608

>not agreeing with the dominant political narrative is pathetic
Okay, now go be a sorrowful bootlicker somewhere else.

>> No.8120609
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>taking the bait

>> No.8120615
File: 44 KB, 960x956, 1460242946597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 3 am and if that anon is baiting I'm still enjoying it desu sempai.

>> No.8120616

>What could I gain from lying about going to /pol/?

I don't know but that's not stopping me from sniffing bullshit and telling you you're full of shit.

>Not a modern American one.

You're right it's always been a post-modern American one :v)

>What is my kind?

Boys of the pale skin variety who do not wash their ass and skip showers.

>You already are, I know how much you Black guys love cellulite "phat" asses.


>writing like


>makes it very easy to tell how new you are

>so forget about your "Years of experience".







Of You to Catch On :v)

>> No.8120617

nigga i get a gr check from obama on top of dat scrilla i get from hustlin i ain't workin no bitchass job

>> No.8120620

>Okay, now go be a sorrowful bootlicker somewhere else.

keep feeding me sour grapes over shit that doesn't effect you. It's always delicious and decadent.

>> No.8120623

no, you don't

>> No.8120626

lmao gtfo wit dat cac sheeeet

we niggas baby, the only workin we doin is own our hustle n hair

hustle n hair nigga, hustle n hair

>> No.8120627
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>> No.8120628

Which one are you >>8120627

>> No.8120636

hell yeah i hit a lick on some whytebois just the other day boosted their iphones an errythang

>> No.8120637
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>I don't know but that's not stopping me from sniffing bullshit and telling you you're full of shit.
You've sniffed wrongly, but I can't blame you, I've heard about how tough the conditions are in the ghetto so it might have done something to your sense of smell.

>Boys of the pale skin variety who do not wash their ass and skip showers.
I'm guessing you believe this because you enjoy having sex with trailer trash twinks? As I understand that's what a lot of men in the US do when they're in prison, and since you're Black, well, yeah, dropping the soap and all that, am I right?

>two ":v)"
Am I sensing some light annoyance, my African-American brethren, or "nigga", as one might say?


>> No.8120641

>laws don't "effect" me
I don't think you've ever read Aesop because you're fucking up that parable pretty damn hard.

By the way OP, Aesop was a non-political and possibly black writer who was worthwhile, much better than any of this Teju Cole/Zora Neale Hurston trash being posted.

>> No.8120642

>I'm guessing you believe this because you enjoy having sex with trailer trash twinks?

Are you accusing me of being unloyal to my girlfriend. Honestly that hurts, it hurts.

> As I understand that's what a lot of men in the US do when they're in prison, and since you're Black, well, yeah, dropping the soap and all that, am I right?

Oh I forgot I was black sorry.

>Am I sensing some light annoyance, my African-American brethren, or "nigga", as one might say?

When was the last time you took a shower

>> No.8120646

Everything you bitch about regularly on 4chan does not effect you and most of it is hypocritical. And not founded logically

>> No.8120655

>smoking weed
Ah, no wonder you're so aggressively stupid. Enjoy your double-digit IQ

>> No.8120656

>you activated my unfalsifiable trap card ;)

you haven't solved shitposting newfag

>> No.8120661

>Are you accusing me of being unloyal to my girlfriend.
Is that the one with "phat" the turgid moldy cellulite ass?

>Oh I forgot I was black sorry.
Well you did say it earlier, and considering how adamant you are about the subject of this thread either it's that or you've got some obsession with them. Like those who fuel the BLACKED site.

>When was the last time you took a shower
Today. When was the last time someone crossed the street when they saw you walking towards them?

>> No.8120662
File: 45 KB, 313x496, piggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about actual author
>3 replies and 1 image, archived after about a day
>thread asking for writing advice
>7 replies and 2 images after five hours and two bumps
>thread about how black people suck
>112 replies and 23 images after an hour

when will the summer kiddies leave?

>> No.8120664

I have been here since 2006.

>> No.8120674

Weed doesn't do much for me, I'm not the biggest. I do drink though. Nothing else.

>Is that the one with "phat" the turgid moldy cellulite ass?

Nah she's korean, she's a cutie patootie desu.

>Well you did say it earlier, and considering how adamant you are about the subject of this thread either it's that or you've got some obsession with them. Like those who fuel the BLACKED site.

dude are you ok lmao


I don't believe this. I don't believe you.

God, this is only the beginning you have to prepare yourself.

>> No.8120677

Why choose such an unlikely year. Holy shit. Nobody still posts here since 2006. Why do high schoolers lie so easily about this shit. Like really you're going to choose 2006.

>> No.8120679
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Not trying to start an alt-right circlejerk, but can anyone rec me some good books by black authors that *aren't* about "the black experience"? Or at the very least, not about racism or poverty?

>> No.8120682

and your shitposting is still at this level? are you just incapable of self-improvement?

>> No.8120684

>Weed doesn't do much for me, I'm not the biggest.
Put down the bong, pothead; you're becoming incoherent

>> No.8120687

There's several threads a day about "actual author" and the same with writing advice. Don't see that many any more about OP.

>Nah she's korean
I didn't think Koreans would be into Black guys. Is she Korean-American or actually Korean?

>dude are you ok lmao
Why wouldn't I be? I've already laughed out loud a couple of times because of your posts.

>I don't believe this. I don't believe you.
Is it because it isn't common ghetto etiquette to shower?

>> No.8120689

I meant fan of it, I made a typo ok. I'm sorry. I fucked up.


>> No.8120692

>th-there's no way h-he's been here longer than i have!! i've been here for 2 whole years!!

bye newshit

>> No.8120693

If you wanna jerk off to black authors just go to a major university and do it to your heart's content, heck they'll probably give you tenure.

>> No.8120694

No I asked if you were ok

>> No.8120696

>th-there's no way h-he's been here longer than i have!! i've been here for 2 whole years!!

There's no way you've been here since 2006. It's blatantly false.

>> No.8120700

>If you wanna jerk off to black authors
but I don't???? I'm not too interested in black authors specifically.

>> No.8120704

And I responded. I think you're the one losing it here, read the sentence again. If you still don't understand, check out your local youth program.

>> No.8120705

How do you understand the logic and hypocrisy of my grievances when you don't even know what they are or how they AFFECT me?

Let's fact it champ, you're talking out of your ass here. You don't know who I am, you don't know what I do for a living, you don't even know what my politics are. You're lost in the dark and randomly reaching for anything that moves.

>> No.8120710

No I asked if you were ok.

>> No.8120711

>134 replies
>29 posters
Everybody who posted in this thread needs to leave this board. I don't care what side you're arguing on, just fuck off back to whatever hole you crawled out of.

>> No.8120715

>How do you understand the logic and hypocrisy of my grievances

Because you are all more or less the same in ideology and principle. If you weren't, you wouldn't be doing this atm.

>> No.8120717

i was gonna disagree with you but then i noticed the dubs

>> No.8120719


nice one. gonna copy this

>> No.8120720

Alright you're definitely gone now. Good thing it's the Internet, if it had been real life you'd have chimped out and ruined your whole neighborhood, "hands up don't shoot" and all that rioting nonsense.

>> No.8120724

But you'll come into a thread to complain about people complaining about them? Are you sure you don't care?

Listen, most posters on this board are students and in academia you HAVE to talk about how great black literature is or else you are an evil racist. Naturally this will make some people want to blow off steam for having to kowtow to this PC crap and 4chan is an excellent place to do just that. Now are you going to allow some people the right to voice their opinion that black literature maybe isn't so great and that it's annoying to have to pretend like it is or are you going to continue to be upset that people have opinions that don't fit nicely into your PC worldview?

>> No.8120733

>blow off steam

You have missed the point of the thread entirely, undergraduate. The reality is that nigger literature has no value or the value is so meager that your time can be better spent.

>> No.8120736

No I asked if you were ok.


>> No.8120740

are you ok

>> No.8120742

There aren't any, and I'm not sure why.
I don't believe that all black people are completely incapable of writing something that's not identity politics related. Even if you think that black people are on average intellectually inferior to all other races, it's hard not to acknowledge the possibility that a smart black guy who loves to write about stuff other than American racial oppression exists.
I have to believe these hypothetical black authors are overlooked by publishing companies in favor of "black bodies and reparations" types.

>> No.8120745

no literature has any value

>> No.8120747
File: 134 KB, 406x296, relaxed-man1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exact same sentence as the last two
>now also a ":("
It's over. This thread was worth the shitposting, thanks Tyrone, I can go to bed and sleep like a baby now.

>> No.8120752


You are adorable.

>> No.8120755


>> No.8120756

Very edgy my good gentlesir but bitching on an anonymous anime image board is nothing more than blowing off steam, or do you believe that your posts here are going to start the race war?

>> No.8120757

I get that. I just thought it was funny that you can't really find too much discussion on this board when it comes to specific authors/questions, but you can find a lot more when it's about things like this. And so I made a joke, and probably exaggerated a bit, and then you replied as if I was trying to be a defender of black people against the evil racist anonymous anime imageboard when I was really making a joke about it. I'm sorry, do you forgive me?

>> No.8120762

>posting facts is blowing off steam


>> No.8120763

no, I asked if you were ok. I'm sorry for asking :(

>> No.8120765

Beasts of No Nation

>> No.8120770

it's just entertainment. the 'deeper meaning' of literature impresses undergrads but at it's core it is just words. there's no real value to it

>> No.8120774

>serious discussions
>on 4chan

You do realize this is a website for memes right? Are you an assburger?

>> No.8120776

Giovanni's Room

>> No.8120782

I primarily go on here for memes desu.

>> No.8120786

And rightfully so.

>> No.8120787

>muh farts

a classic

>> No.8120788

I said yes.

Spoken like a true undergraduate. Let me guess, your favorite flick is The Wolf of wall Street?

>> No.8120804

>ve are nihilists lebowski ve believe in nuszing

>> No.8120809

the sad thing is you've probably seen the wolf of wall street but i haven't. back to tarkovsky you fop

>> No.8120814

>implying i watch flicks

>> No.8120825

i bet you do

you're implying i do even though i said 'literature is just entertainment'. you fucking suck dude, get some sun

>> No.8120827

>literature is just entertainment
>get some sun

>> No.8120842


>> No.8120851


All the great halfies were hardly black at all, they were so surrounded by european/anglo cultures that it sucked the afro out of them. I don't know any of the partially black authors in the 1700's 1800's (not many big ones in the first place) who made afrikanese stories. Pushkins like 1/8th black btw.

>> No.8120875

Not literature but Joseph Boulogne was pretty rad

Champion fencer, virtuoso violinist, conductor of leading Parisian symphony, colonel during the French revolution and a prominent composer


>> No.8120877

CLR James

>> No.8120880
File: 48 KB, 580x753, george.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8120887

>Not literature
Then why post it you lemming? Lebron James is an excellent basketball player but he is completely illiterate.

>> No.8120898

Because I feel like people are under the impression that blacks are entirely incapable of intellectual achievement and this proves otherwise

>> No.8120903

Alexandre Dumas

>> No.8120909

There are certainly blacks who are geniuses and have accomplished much- you don't have to look beyond Obama to see an example of someone who has manipulated and taken a nation of people for a ride. It is not worthwhile to examine them closely however, the opportunity cost is too great.

>> No.8120912

>Go back to digging ditches or whatever it is that you rednecks do.

The person who wrote this is most likely politically identifies as a Marxist.

>> No.8120913

>scared about wasting time while wasting time on 4chan

Americans are not a smart people

>> No.8120917

you sound like a nerd lmao

>> No.8120932
File: 42 KB, 312x499, 51DcgbYL+BL._SX310_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol my bad worng picture.. meant to post this

>> No.8120934

Roastie detected.

>> No.8120965
File: 1.99 MB, 283x313, jq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize Egyptians really were black

>> No.8120973

>you sound like a nerd
>one /lit/izen says to another /lit/izen

>> No.8120997

Wow, I actually know this kid. Never knew the video became so popular

>> No.8121000

You know the guy who is now like 20?

>> No.8121004
File: 436 KB, 640x360, They bought it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8121044
File: 42 KB, 1018x504, 13301395_283022752033691_5773383630577245266_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how anyone posting anonymously can be as cucked as some of the people on /lit/. I legitimately think that for the average leftist, BBC worship is higher on their hierarchy of values than any of their economic or social beliefs.

>> No.8121079

Go back to /pol/, you literal retard.

>> No.8121089

Has /lit/ ever thought outside of ingroups and outgroups?

>> No.8121105
File: 121 KB, 764x696, Avg CK Poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

_ _ _

_ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _

>> No.8121108

What the fuck are you doing here go back to /mu/

>> No.8121229

I'm gonna get shit for this, but Toni Morrison.