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8119110 No.8119110 [Reply] [Original]

how will it end, /lit/?

>> No.8119132

Bran goes back in time and prevents white walkers from existing and in the final scene we see all the characters alive and happy and we think it's all fine until Ned Stark chops off that dude's head again and we realize nothing has changed.

>> No.8119144
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>> No.8119170

GRRM dies, books are never finished.

>> No.8119174


or some random person we never heard of takes shit over.

>> No.8119191

Nah, he explicitly said that his manuscripts will be burned if he dies.
However, the show producers roughly know how it's supposed to end, so the show will be finished in any case.

>> No.8119201

I meant in the books. some random character takes over. some new character never seen before

>> No.8119208


>> No.8119211

Hopefully he'll die before he finishes anymore of those books

>> No.8119221

bran wargs the biggest dragon wrecking shit. danny and tyrion ride the other 2 dragons wrecking shit. starks retake the north. tommen becomes a good king. some good people die along the way.

>> No.8119223

As for speaking of the realm of jokes and tomfoolery, I hope the fat man drops dead of heart cancer. But really, no, I cannot do it, he is a human being and I wish him good

>> No.8119268

>Preston Jacobs meets GRRM
>Asks his tinfoil questions
>GRRM laughs and tells him to get a life

Can't make this shit up

>> No.8119287
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I wish it would end with Stannis ending all the corruption, crony bullshit, and decadence, laying claim to the throne that's his by right. But sadly, he's dead as fuck, so that isn't happening.

>> No.8119289

Preston is deeper than George.

>> No.8119327

"and it was all just a Game of Thrones"

>> No.8119338

preston's a fucking encyclopedia, anon. He knows GRRM's works better than GRRM. I'd trust what he says more than gurm t b h.

>> No.8119339
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Then they all died, the end.

>> No.8119421

It was all a dream.

Some guy wakes up in bed, opens his eye, mutters to himself with a tremble in his voice "how horrifying."

The End.

>> No.8119447

Starks will get some slack cut, get a bit of taste of victory in the end but the world is still harsh so his/her descendants will have to deal with similar troubles in the future and the end hints at it.

Lannisters will become irrelevant or completely crushed (not necessarily by Starks) like the Castamere senpaitachi.

I'm not even sure if the blonde bitch will ever leave the fucking squatting-in-the-grasslands. But if she does, I guess she will fulfill her role as ice zombie burner and that's it.

>> No.8119493

She's Sauron. She'll sack Volantis like the Turks did.

>> No.8119601

One conlusion from these videos is that GRRM has a thing for telepathy and hive minds in his writing.

>> No.8119642

It has to climax in some colossal elemental cataclysm.

>> No.8119662

>tommen becomes a good king
hate to break it to you anon but tommen and cersei are both gonna die
t. valonqar

>> No.8119673

Actually the phrase 'game of thrones' is used not once, but twice in the first novel.

>> No.8119677
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I want Tyrion to become king. If it ends with Tyrion sitting on the iron throne I will be happy.

>> No.8119822

Jon Snow plunges Longclaw into Dany to recreate Lightbringer and save the day.

>> No.8120494

it's a multipart series, the last video is probably the most important if you won't watch them all

>> No.8120808

Bran kills himself at the end by time travelling to his birth to undo all the suffering in the world. He will side with the others.

>> No.8120818

what's all this talk of time travel? was that in a feast or dance?

>> No.8120868

Happens in the show.

>> No.8120876

I haven't read the books but cleganebowl looks fun. I don't even think it has shit to do with the books. that's all I care about really, just that word alone.

>> No.8120902

the shows terrible

>> No.8120921

Agreed. It was sort of fun at first, but now it's just another boring drama that survives off its former hype and the pleb-tier just eat it up because there isn't much else to compete with.

>> No.8120929

Yeah, but the time travel shit is also going to show up in the books one way or another.

>> No.8120952

the scale is what pisses me off. it's all wrong. nothing is giant or epic. shit would need a lord of the rings type budget to get it right. after they cut off ned starks head I stopped watching. not enough people present in the square compared to the books.

>> No.8120968

That's the weirdest compliant I've ever seen

>> No.8120983

imagine minas tirith was built into a dainty hill. that's what it's like going from the book to the show. it's just so underwhelming. no TV show could do justice to what's going on in the book. how was that ocean battle In the show? where they lit the water on fire. probably sucked ass.

>> No.8120992

It's not going to be finished. Dudes like 70, fat as fuck, it's been 5 years since dance with dragons and no sign of the next one at all.

All the excerpts are the same meandering shit that plagued the previous 2.

It's ogre.

>> No.8120993

GURM has a heart attack.

>> No.8122205

> it's been 5 years since dance with dragons and no sign of the next one at all.

There was 5 years between books 3 and 4 and 6 years between books 4 and 5.

It's getting close and he's on schedule.

>> No.8122213


They weren't able to do the boom chain thing or have the battle take place on the grounded ships but it was a pretty fucking cool scene regardless.

Plus GRRM wrote it and gave us the first proper taste of the Hound in over a decade. That was totally worth it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iMllnD3xnk

>> No.8122225

I was never a huge fan of fantasy. Is it really worth reading all those books? Wiki says that the series has 4451 pages, and its not even near the end.

>> No.8122253


No matter how it ends, it won't be as good as the fan speculation. Seriously, some of the ideas they've come up with have been much better than what ended up being the case:

>the Others are actually the souls of the First Men, who were trapped in the Weirwoods and crafted new forms for themselves to escape their torment
>Roose Bolton is some sort of undead/Other creature, that literally flays his male heirs so that he can assume their identities and continue living
>maesters are secretly a controlling force in the world, arranging political conflicts and stamping out magic to better keep their power over the kingdoms (basically the Illuminati)
>Howland Reed possessed Arthur Dayne just before he died and took over his body permanently, saving both himself and Ned from death

>> No.8122280

i have a hard time imagining the series ending with anything other than a war between humans and white walkers, because that's where it seems like things are heading. even though grrm hinted that things will be more complex than just a lotr type ending.

i do think jon snow will end up becoming the new night's king. now that he knows nothing happens when you die, i think a huge part of his arc will be trying to avoid death, ie becoming immortal.

>> No.8122296


>> No.8122302

it already has if you pay attention. there are lots of moments in the book where someone hears the wind or a raven say something and it influences their decisions.

"words are wind"

>> No.8122336


Yeah, how many god damned open plot streamlines are there? Ignoring the tv advances:

>Bran's training
>Stannis vs Ramsay
>Arya's training
>Vary's endgame
>Little Finger's endgame (insert Sansa here)
>Greyjoy escapades
>The Martells just getting started
>Tullys vs Frays/Jaime
>Daenerys plot still flying in circles in the east, his enemies there, his slavery personal quest, his lovers...
>Tyrion (imo his chapters got full boring after Tywin's death)
>Zombie Cat and the rat pack orchestra

I can't recall more. How do you end so much shit in just two books.

>> No.8123009

He is not dead in the books. Remember he is a military genius and is fighting randy dipshits. He will win that fight

>> No.8123019

There is a theory that he will be raised from death by 3eyed raven. He will then do shit end up. Marrying Daenerys and strangle her other death on wedding night to raise her from the dead.

>> No.8123560

There is also
> Davos' mission to retrieve Rickon as a means to secure Manderlay support for Stannis.
>Theons redemption.
>Aegon Blackfyre and Jon Con adventures
> SAMs Jedi training.
> Nymeria's Wolfpack
> Clegane Bowl and the Sparrows endgame
> the Blackfish harboring Jeyne Westernling and Rob's heir.

>> No.8123575

not if he burns shireen for good luck and all of his men either abandon him or become despondent

>> No.8123605

Don't forget Victarion setting sail to take Daenerys as his wife. Easily the plot thread I was the most hype for.

>> No.8123677

lol GRRM knows he's in over his head and is just gonna draw it out till he dies and never finishes the books. he likes the show so much because it leaves so much shit out he can actually come up with an ending for it

>> No.8123725

There is a reddit page with much more listed.

By the way, was there any point in Quentyn's plot in the last book?

>> No.8123731

how WILL it end? idk
how SHOULD it end? right now, into the trash

>> No.8123745

Subversion of a Prince travelling to meet a princess and marrying her. ASOIAF has a bunch of them.

>> No.8123755

quentyn isnt dead

>> No.8123759

Anyway someone had to release the dragons

>> No.8123774



Is Barristan lying here?

>> No.8123777

That's just crazy speculation from preston jacobs.

>> No.8123782

I get the feel gurm goes for cheap shock value. Like he's a big titted slut with a cleavage who dances very close to you and when you get to her room with her laughing and kissing you the chapter ends and you just have enough time to think "fuck not again" before the next chapter starring you is one where you're riding you're horse on the way to a castle in bumfuck nowhere and you have to reminisce four or five important things that happenned "off screen" because the fat fuck is also lazy and it's easier that way.

It's like he can't commit to telling a story and has to stop and start, only writing the first 90% strokes of the handjob and letting the 10% of the last strokes be recapped three months later matter-of-factly by some useless character one continent away.
Also fuck Cersei for being so cliché and fuck all the Dorne subplot.

>> No.8123786
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>> No.8123792

It makes sense. There are both literary and literal in-book-logic reasons to believe it.

Dany's story has had several scenes where Dany decides that burnt bones prove nothing, and from close reading of Quentyn's "death" scene, it doesn't match other scenes of characters dying by dragonfire.

>> No.8123802

That's kinda cool

>> No.8123804

>When he raised his whip, he saw that the lash was burning. His hand as well. All of him, all of him was burning. Oh, he thought. Then he began to scream.

>> No.8123805

>"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east," said Mirri Maz Duur.
Quentyn is the sun's son. He rose in the west (Westeros) and died in the east (Essos). He released the dragons and freed Dany from her curse. Thanks to him Dany can finally Mount the World.

>> No.8123813

god time travel is so stupid

>> No.8123814


o shit, what's this?

>> No.8123862

>Heat levels

First resurrection no jutsus and then this. Literally Naruto tier writing.

It kinda cheapens the threatening power of the dragons, that a kid survives this easily after such encounter.

>> No.8123932

Preston just came up with the most retarded possible explanation for Quentyn surviving. Instead of the dragons "turning down their heat levels" and his whip being covered in super flammable oil for some reason, wouldn't an easier explanation be that he just didn't get a direct hit? He makes a good point that everyone else gets instakilled Raiders of the Lost Ark style, so why did he survive for three days? My version would be Quentyn gets seriously but not fatally burned, he Arch and Drink decide to fake his death, and present Barristan with the body of one of the Brazen Beasts.

>> No.8123939

I'm okay with the resurrections because it's pretty obvious that they're not the same people anymore. It's just the bodies being reanimated, their occupants are gone.

Jon might have a shot to come back because he's a warg, but that's another question.

And >>8123932 seems pretty reasonable.

>> No.8123991

Catelyn stark isn't the same person because she saw the horror of the Red wedding. I don't think it has to do with her dying.

for Beric Dondarrian it's different, it's like he's missing pieces of himself.

>> No.8124082
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>believing in prophecy

>> No.8124097


It was all a dream.

>> No.8125641

That makes sense, I'm okay with it.

>> No.8125655

I think that a lot of the prophecy will come true. Just in a way that is subtle or not obvious. Gurm loads his stuff with a ton of foreshadowing and prophecy falls in line with that.

>> No.8125956

Burned, his writing is to shit to be of any real value in manuscript form.

It would make me very very sad if history regarded him as anything other than pop culture fad.

>> No.8125982

don't forget
>greyjoy escapades have to be split into euron/aeron and victarion/moqorro
>meereen battle
>maester marwyn
>volantis shenanigans
>probably more fucking areo hotah chapters
>cersei vs tyrells
>10 years later and we still don't know what happened on dragonstone
not to mention
>the others
and this is all assuming more shit isn't brought up. i first read these books when i was twelve and for the sake of twelve year old me i still love them but jesus christ this shit needs to wrap up, esp. since the show has become such shit.

>> No.8125990

the show was never good

>> No.8126001

Honestly I wonder if George won't just have the Others come crashing down and kill everyone in a hail of ice and death. That's a handy way to finish ALL those plotlines: have them get permanently interrupted by the coming of the Others.

>> No.8126049

you're right, it was never good, but there is a je ne sais quois between s1 and s2. like the first season actually tried to follow the plot of the book. the only continuity butterflies they fucked up were jeyne poole and khal drogo killing that bloodrider.

>> No.8126696
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So, after watching this series and seeing how Martin in his SF books wrote about the same fucking thing over and over again I can conclude that he's not a hack per se but an unimaginative cunt.

>> No.8126739

Cersei blows up King's Landing with Aerys' wildfire stocks after Tommen dies. Dany finally arrives and sits the throne, now queen of the cinder.

The Wall comes down, Others invade.

Euron is the final boss. He becomes the new night's king (book definition, not show) by marrying a female Other and makes his seat at the ancestral ironborn castle of Harrenhal conveniently right next to the island where the first men and children of the forest made their pact, right in the middle of Westeros.

Final battle on the frozen god's eye lake begins, bringing all plot threads back to the fucking crossroads in the riverlands. Jon and Dany team up, Euron defeated, Arya's wolf pack helps out. The dragons die.

Bran finally shows up at the very end to negotiate a new pact: Westeros is redivided back into its constituent kingdoms, Others go back north, Dany goes to live out her life the only place she was truly happy: the house with the red door. Bittersweet ending.

>> No.8127100

Jon Snow and Denaerys marry, and are crowned king and Queen of Westeros.

Hence, A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.8127719

The Dorne subplot is only shit in the show anon, in the books it's great.

>> No.8128082

A Holding of the Door

>> No.8129076

>shit would need a lord of the rings type budget to get it right.

Game of Thrones budget is more than LOTR. N

>> No.8130097

GoT budget per season: ~60 million, for around 12 hours, that's 5 million per hour.
LOTR budget per movie: ~100 million, for 3 hours, that's 33 million per hour.

>> No.8130106

not literature

>> No.8131322


It was Ned Stark's death that ruined the scale? Don't be such a cunt, you saw the Iron Throne well before that. You knew how small this shit all was.

>> No.8131373

My opinion as well. It has never happened nor will it. It just serves as a cheap twist to ruin othereise good stories.

>> No.8131397

The Death of the Author

>> No.8131402

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

>> No.8131416

Who cares? It's shit.

>> No.8131427

Minas Tirith was lacking in the movies too, anon. Jackson's trilogies were trash.

>> No.8131641

Books will end with Euron vs Stannis or Jon Snow taking his place if Stannis dies.

Cersei dies after igniting the wild fire and they find her impaled on the throne, not wanting to let go of the power. it signifies.

The Hound leads a peasant uprising and kills his zombified brother.

Aeron's religion will be his undoing just as Ned Stark's honour was his.

Euron takes Lady Stoneheart as his Other Bride. Meanwhile, he plans on raising a massive kraken from below the depths of the sea, so large that nobody will be ever to do anything about it. Meanwhile as this happens, Daenerys has arrived in King's Landing and learns the Three Heads of the dragon are the only one who can stop it, being her, Tyrion and someone else. It ends with Tyrion, Daenerys and the other third head riding their dragons and launching the iron throne as a makeshift spear into the kraken, killing it.

>> No.8131671


Aeron by the end of the series will have cast aside his religion.

Davos and Sansa co-author A Song of Ice and Fire.

Jon, Tyrion and Daenerys being the champions of Westeros all dance along to this tune as they travel across the kingdom in a parade honouring them.

>> No.8131684


Oh, and the Valonqar refers to Theon helping come up with a plan to defeat Euron or one of the other younger Greyjoy siblings.

>> No.8131799

For genre fiction standards, are these at least worth reading if you enjoy pulp from time to time? I keep seeing a complete box set of these books in those budget book stores you get everywhere in the UK for about £10 or so and I think it's tempting.

>> No.8131805

I understand. I think humour should never be limited or censored, but sometimes I can't quite joke the rudey-poo things that other anons can.

>> No.8131806


>> No.8131944

The author will die and Brandon Shitderson will finish it.

>> No.8131975

>show goes increasingly to shit
>viewer numbers dwindle as last original plot threads are resolved
>GRRM tries to write the books to follow show storyline
>realizes it's incredibly shit and unworkable and he didn't even know where he was going in the first place
>show dies
>george rushes out a shitty ending from the point of the plot his books are at, resolving everything in an unsatisfying way
>asoiaf is forever associated with disappointment and stupidity

>> No.8132203

>12 hours
How, if each season only has 10 chapters ofless than one hour.

Doing the math:
>60M x 6 seasons

>100M x 3 movies

As of S6, GoT does have more budget spent than LotR.

>> No.8132456


>> No.8134035

The humans continue infighting and squabbling while the hoard of white walkers slowly envelops the world.

It all goes to shit, a lesson to our civilization if we can't get our shit together.

>> No.8134926

Isn't there a passage at the beginning of the first book saying "For a brief moment, Tyrion stood as tall as a king" or something? Foreshadowing nigga

>> No.8135048
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Yes and no. I will definitely agree that the Gondor plots were awful the movie. Denethor and Faramir were abominations, Beregond was nowhere in sight, Gondor as a whole fucking sucked.

But Minas Tirith itself looked great. My favorite thing about the entire trilogy.

>> No.8135088

I agree. I dropped it after season 4

>> No.8135094


>a lesson to our civilization if Humanity in its entirety does not subscribe to my Leftist beliefs

>> No.8135213

are you ever not triggered, /pol/?

>> No.8135960
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Here's a question, if George writes things that happen in the show, will he be doing a novelization of an adaption? If so, has this happened before?

>> No.8136630

I hope he has the balls to shit on all the fan favorite characters. If Daenerys ends as queen I'm gonna puke.

>> No.8136642

I hope the fan theory that Dany is actually the villain of the story comes true. Imagine the tears.

>> No.8136660


No, they're always triggered, and preoccupied with cuck fantasies literally 100% of the time. It's hilariously transparent

>> No.8136775

Pls fucking no

>> No.8136789

never seen the show but read all the books. she is a villian. she's a terrible person he'll bent on sacking cities and taking them as her own.

>> No.8136830

I mostly follow asoiaf so I can sneer at it from afar but I kind of enjoyed the books.
I think I enjoy hating on the facebook tier normies who watch it, not hating the show or the book by themselves.

>> No.8136840

>bringing all plot threads back to the fucking crossroads in the riverland

kek, I hope so

>> No.8136852

i hated the books and the show before i knew anything about them. then i read the first book and watched the show, and now i hate them even more. i'm not going to let that get in the way of reading and watching the rest of either series, though.

>> No.8136872

>Others go back north

Why? Slaughter them all. Even the women, even the babes in their cribs.

>> No.8136901


Introducing normalfags to the fanbase ruined everything about it. It's a perfectly fine series if you just pretend GOT doesn't exist outside of the first season. As someone who was reading it in the early 00s it's kind of horrifying to see how much it's gotten worse overtime with them poising the fanbase.

>> No.8136917


>> No.8136939

Is it possible that the TV series and the books will take completely different paths?

>> No.8137028

Considering the fact that the TV show is ahead of the books, it's a certainty.

>> No.8137245

With me still caring as little as I ever did.

>> No.8137251

That's what Jordan said. Lo and behold, it didn't happen.

>> No.8137276

It is one of the best fantasy series out there. It deals with politics and magic in a more grounded, gritty manner. Martin can be a bit over the top at times, but the plot is a real page-turner, and many of the characters' POVs are a blast. Like all series, though, there are the ones you sigh when seeing, and you start seeing them more and more by book 4 and especially 5.

I would say read until the end of book 2 or 3, and if you really had a blast then move through 4 and 5 quickly so as not to spoil your appetite.

>> No.8137325

I'm marthoning the series now. They aren't bad, but hoo boy do they get repetitive around book 3

>> No.8137634

How is this an "open plot line"? It's an event. It'll happen at the start of the book. It'll likely take 2-4 chapters.
>Vary's endgame
Varys' endgame is putting Aegon on the throne. As of Arianne II, Aegon has taken Storm's End and is about to face an army marching from KL. That army is likely Randyll Tarly's, and Randyll Tarly is likely going to join Aegon's army. Arianne is going to join him, and has already called for the Dornish army to march. The Sand Snakes are in KL and plotting to murder Tommen and sway the High Sparrow to their side. The only power left in KL is Mace Tyrell, whose only power is in Margaery, who is in Randyll's custody. Aegon will probably be king not even 2/3rds into the book. Endgame complete.
>Littlefinger's endgame
His plan right now is to marry Sansa to Harry, kill Sweetrobin, reveal Sansa, and march the Vale lords to take Winterfell. In the first TWOW Sansa chapter, Sansa meets and seduces Harry, Sweetrobin is getting sicker, and LF has made the lords of the Vale dependent on him. So his plan is moving along quickly. His "endgame" is just to take every opportunity for more power.
>Greyjoy escapades
Theon and Asha are in Stannis' camp and Bran is watching over them, and Theon is sentenced to death. Victarion joins the battle in Meereen in his first TWOW chapter, together with Barristan and Tyrion. Euron is going to attack Oldtown in his second or third chapter in TWOW, where Samwell is. The Greyjoys are heading into their endgame fast, and their purpose is to combine storylines.
>The Martells just getting started
The Martells are about to meet their end. Doran's fire and blood plan failed. The Sand Snakes will kill Tommen and Myrcella. Aegon and Arianne will take King's Landing. And then they'll be pitted against Daenerys and her dragons, who killed Doran's son, and they'll all die when the wildfire under KL light up.
>Tullys vs Frays/Jaime
This is not a major, extended conflict. The BwB are going to kill a ton of Freys at Daven Lannister's wedding early TWOW, and the Freys will fall apart in infighting after that. Jaime isn't even with the Freys anymore, he left with Brienne and will either be killed by LSH or forced to carry out some task. Edmure's escort to Casterly Rock gets attacked in the prologue and his captors have orders to kill him if that happens, so the Tully/Frey business is wrapping up.
>Daenerys plot still flying in circles in the east, his enemies there, his slavery personal quest, his lovers...
Dany is a girl. And the whole point of Dany's ADWD story is to set up for this to become a non-issue. Dany is going to spend TWOW ripping a fiery trail west through Essos and then crossing the narrow sea. Everything you described is climaxing: her enemies have launched a siege on her city (which is in fought in the FIRST chapters), her "lovers" are going to die or survive, not really an issue, and the slavery plot is leading up to a massive revolt in Volantis, where she'll get the ships to go west.

>> No.8138081

Time travel was a pretty cool twist in Final Fantasy 1.

>> No.8138100

The proletariat of the Seven Kingdoms will become sick and tired of the upper classes treating them as disposable and rise up in a bloody revolution to install democracy in the land. All the chapter characters will be guillotined.

>> No.8138135

Art thou serious? Books 1 and 2 are fun, but 3 is on another level. Its pacing is near perfect and almost all viewpoints are interesting to read. It's something like 900 pages and even as a slow reader, I finished it in 4 days.

I say this because book 4 has a lot of meandering, slow, boring, dull chapters that go absolutely nowhere and book 5 is somewhat similar though with the return of the more interesting characters. I wish I could forget ASOS and read it all over again.

>> No.8138149

Harry will throw the ring in the volcano and destroy Darth Vader and the Green Goblin.

>> No.8138152
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I'd love to see Stannis end up on the iron throne seeing as he is technically the legal successor to Robert.

>> No.8139343

Nah. His publishers will break into his damn house if they have to.

>> No.8139502

Is that pic real so Fucking cringe. God I hate fuckwits

>> No.8139508

I'm pretty sure I heard that episode was the most expensive produced television series episode ever. But yeah not the same as book liked both. Yeah the series is a shadow of its former self when brought back that Fucking Jon snow sausage gobbler.

>> No.8139548

Plus, the only reason most of the Northern Lords are fighting for The Boltons is because they believe Arya is married to Ramsay, but now she has escaped. Tensions are already high at Winterfell, people are fighting inside the walls, the fact Arya (Jeyne) has escaped will probably lead to some betrayal.

>> No.8139563

I fucking hate Dany, hope she dies of a heart disease.

>> No.8139594

>>Howland Reed possessed Arthur Dayne just before he died and took over his body permanently, saving both himself and Ned from death

I remember coming up with this and other time travel theories on /tv/ years ago before /lit/ was even around

>> No.8139648

At long last, the final book will be released. It is a bestseller but critics and people on this site will hate it because it is impossible for GRRM to finish every single one of his spaghetti of storylines satisfactory. It will never live up to the hype. Later, HBO will churn out a new Game of Thrones series to ride the coattails of the first one. A major game developer announces they have secured the rights and will be releasing a game taking place in the GoT universe. A crazy studio might even produce the first in a series of movies.
GRRM dies, never having written another book again.

>> No.8139667

Don't forget the theory that the Others are just bewitched men cursed with immortality, and want to return to the God's Eye (the island where the pact between the First Men and CotF was made) to finally die without ending up in some hell for being an abomination.