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/lit/ - Literature

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8118929 No.8118929 [Reply] [Original]

Will there ever be another Joyce?

>> No.8118933

There's never "another" artist.

There is only the artist.

>> No.8118936

You know what I meant.

>> No.8118938
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another schizophrenic that tricks people into paying close attention to his gibberish?


>> No.8118942

You haven't read anything from him, have you?

>> No.8118949

And thats why I said that.

>> No.8118950

What exactly do you mean, another modernist lad from Ireland?

>> No.8118954

Yeah but what if, hypothetically, I hadn't meant that, but was instead referring to that other thing?

>> No.8118960

William Gaddis already fulfilled that service

>> No.8119008

You should've specified then.

>> No.8119013
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It depends what you mean by that, really. If you're asking if anyone has been able to properly imitate him, then no, though Julian Rios comes very close; if, however, you are asking if anyone will ever match his talent and influence over subsequent authors, then yes, because that someone already came along--William Gaddis.

On a side note, in terms of sheer influence, Pound beats Joyce.

>> No.8119032

I was definitely referring to that other thing.

>> No.8119037

>mfw Gaddisbro


>> No.8119085

Define "Joyce"

>> No.8119100

Why does he always look like that?

It looks like he's raising his upper lip, or breathing through his mouth. He looks like that in every single picture (looks like he's mouth-breathing or tensing up his upper-lip muscles, I mean).

Why? Does he just have an underbite?

>> No.8119248

I meant someone with literary might that would be comparable to Joyce's, or even better than his own.

>inb4 name dropping of people who are on his level
They are not.

>> No.8119255

Jimmy is my all-time favorite, but really Gaddis is up there

>> No.8119266
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>> No.8119357

my diary desu

>> No.8119361

post it or gtfo

>> No.8119411


Literature isn't as prominent in today's society, so I doubt it.

I am sure there will be some new medium in the future and there will a artist comparable to joyce somewhere along the line.

>> No.8119552

>some new medium in the future

What could this be? I'm really curious. It seems like a nice topic for speculations.

>> No.8119557

It seems pretty much decided that the two best authors from the early 20th century (first 1/3) are Joyce and Proust. Then who are the two best from the mid and late 20th century? Mid would probably go to Beckett and Borges, but late is much less certain. The best I can come up with are Saramago and Bernhard. These aren't my personal opinions, btw, and I haven't even read all of these authors. This is just the sense I get from reading about them and their influence. Does anyone have different suggestions? Though no matter who we come up with, I doubt you would consider them of the same caliber as Joyce.

>> No.8119561

the movies

>> No.8119569


are there any new mediums of art which have emerged in the last ~100 years?

I know there have been innovative art movements, abstract art, street art, break dancing, but all of these have been an evolutionary branch of mediums as old a civilization.

>> No.8119570


>> No.8119583

Auteur theory of film (1950's)

>> No.8119593

Literature isn't totally dead, it's just that somehow someway nobody has really wrote anything relevant in concept and form in years to attract an audience for some reason.

The key to literature of the future is to look at the internet, and research the people who post in it. In that way, you find stories of the modern tragedy you don't withhold detail of. The internet is oozing with the dramatic.

>> No.8119598 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Are you kidding?

Go to Germany, scat fetishes are more popular than ever.

>> No.8119604

Stanley Kubrick takes the cake

>> No.8119608


technology is still leaping at an unprecedented rate, that of which mankind has never encountered in the history of the earth.

There is bound to be something to crop up. Something that we can't really comprehend yet. (imagine someone from the 1700's comprehending cinema, people jumped out of their seats when they first saw a train coming towards them on the big screen.)

That's just a theory though, perhaps we have exhausted all forms of media which can exist under the basis of current technology.

There has to be some new mindblowing advancement that has nothing to do with previous concepts of communication.

>> No.8119612


top kek

>> No.8121399

Possible additions to this: Kafka for the first third, Celine for the second, not sure about the final. Maybe Calvino?

>> No.8121503

I've wanted to write about modern day issues, things like postmodern activism and the almost unaware aloofness and loss of true sensibility, but it all seems to current and it risks sounding like a "born in the wrong generation" blog post

>> No.8121513

Sure. It was only the last century that he was around. There might be many great authors in the future on the level of Joyce in the next century or two. I can't predict the future, I just go by history.

>> No.8121583


>> No.8121615


All things considered, there have definitely been at least a few people named James Joyce since the author's death.

>> No.8121820

lol no

>> No.8121846
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Maybe intricately crafted 4chan posts ?


And successful a lot earlier than Joyce was

>> No.8121996

He seems more 21st century, and it's still a bit early to say just how influential he is.

>> No.8122006

I'm not sure anyone else is quite as good a choice. The only other I can think of is Fellini.

>> No.8122020

You should probably watch more films then.

>> No.8122037

It doesn't matter how many films you've watched. There aren't many other towering figures like them. You could name Welles, Bergman, Kurosawa, Tarkovsky, and maybe a couple others. But if we're looking for the absolute best, Kubrick and Fellini seem to be the ones.

>> No.8122121

So what? There is no 'born in le wrong generation' meme among literates. As long as you give it a plot and complex characters it won't be a blog post.

>> No.8122145

How can you argue that about Kubrick? Truly, what makes you say that? It is the fact that career spanned decades and genres because Herzog did the same with a wider variety.

>> No.8122170

yeah, me ;)

>> No.8122173

In terms of influence more "lay" people know about Kubrick than Herzog.

>> No.8122260

Video games. Movies and animation could count as having emerged since they were pretty obscure before. Electronic music.

>> No.8122267

hack obscurantists are born every day anon

>> No.8122349

Why not Kubrick? His films are moving, deep, and perfectly made, and his style is inimitable. The significant variety in content just adds to that.

>> No.8122358

Honestly? Yours truly's journal.

>> No.8122366

There are certainly those who're evidently trying to take up his mantle. Most recently, Jack Cox.

>> No.8122373

It's Joshua Cohen, OP.