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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 210 KB, 1440x860, 18th Century English Lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8117588 No.8117588 [Reply] [Original]

Help me with my term paper

>> No.8117599

It's terribly redundant and doesn't name a single work or author.

>> No.8117600

>>8117588 i don't want to make ya feel bad, but continue writing

>> No.8117613

>at the time

>> No.8117617

How screwed are you? When is this due? What is this for? A high school English class, a certain university course?

If you want serious help, we need to know these things.

>> No.8117618


needs some heavy revision.

>> No.8117620

>18th century American literature was influential because of its effect in gaining independence in the Revolutionary War
story checks out

>> No.8117625

First things first, stop saying things like "you wouldn't believe it." This is an academic paper, and it should be formal in tone.

>> No.8117627

>"As I said earlier, "
>written document
pick one

(in my opinion)

>> No.8117628

Just submit as is desu

>> No.8117629

hey, don't crush his spiritual well being with your "rules" and your "etiquette". he's expressing himself and you don't need to be a dick about it.

>> No.8117632

What is this for?

>> No.8117633

hey, fuck you

>> No.8117635

He's expressing himself through a heavily rule-conscious academic medium.

If he wants to do well, he needs to swallow these things. Once he makes a name for himself, then he can 'express himself' with his own rules.

>> No.8117637

>Stop shitting on anonymous!
A blind man calling another blind man ugly.

>> No.8117638

Formality is racist

>> No.8117642

I'm not trying to be mean, but this is the worst academic paper I've ever read (and I used to help hoes in a dance program with their essays)

>> No.8117643

you guys are just part of the problem, this work of art that anonymous has shared with us is just going to be crushed under your wasteland of beadledom. just give the guy some suggestions without ruining his creative spirit. he didn't ask to be beaten like a rug.

>> No.8117647

Ad hominems don't matter as anonymous. Insults shouldn't disparage anyone here. If they do please fuck off to >>>/tumblr/ or some normie site and never return.

>> No.8117648

see, this is what i'm talking about, there's no opportunity for wiggle room in this nonsensical rigidity you yourself have fallen victim to as a result of your obviously uncultured upbringing. maybe you don't want to get better, be more worldly, just stay in your comfortable box, but anon here wants to learn, to flourish, and some of us wish to cultivate his creativity and wonder and build in him the mastery of his own spiritual and mental domain. your tedium isn't wanted here.

>> No.8117649

I'm not saying it is or it isn't, I'm saying that if his intention is to do well on this paper (which, based on the scant information he provided above seems to be the case, although I'm open to being contradicted) he needs to play within the bounds of basic academic writing standards.
It stings sometimes, I know, but isn't the point here to see him do well on his term paper?

>> No.8117650

>work of art
sick b8

>> No.8117651

It's not a question of rules, it's that whichever way you look at this essay it's badly written
You can break the rules without spewing shit all over your paper

>> No.8117654

academic standards, as you and i both know, (giving you the benefit of the doubt) are just limitations, and will not serve to further him in any career that isn't prejudiced in some way. I think you really need to sit down and think about your comments one of these days and realize that what you think and feel can hurt others, and that it's not right to be so offensive, when demanding this regiment, before understanding the complicated nature of what is presented to you. in this instance, this academic paper could be a stalwart example of what his professor or tutor demanded, and he simply needs a bit of grammatical editing, but no, you assume instantly that there are shortcomings in regards to content and format. One of these days these assumptions are going to really bite you in an uncomfortable place, and though you'll be the victim, you will have victimized so many others that they will be unlikely to try to help you.

>> No.8117657

It's time to stop shitposting.

>> No.8117658

you're so wrapped up in negativity that all you ever see is the darkness within yourself.

>> No.8117660

Okay, everyone realizes you're just a troll who has no intention of actually helping the OP.

I'm not invalidating your concerns, but for all your talk you haven't exactly helped him with any grammatical editing, either. You're just criticizing the people who are actually trying to help.

>> No.8117661

>thread titled "screwed"
>OP comes to the literature board as a last resort for advice on his term paper
>you being an idealistic twat think he wants to "learn" and "flourish" when in reality he's just frantically trying to throw together a paper for a grade

>> No.8117662

oh come on, this whole damn thread is a troll, did you even read that "paper"?

>> No.8117666

>at the time would be know where neat the same


>> No.8117724
File: 2.69 MB, 320x180, 1433131041026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked as a tutor at my university's writing center when I was a student. Other students would bring me their written assignments and I'd go over their work with them, basically just help them out with whatever they were struggling with. So often I'd read a kid's essay and I'd just want to swipe the computer monitor off the table, tell him that his work is absolutely devoid of value or substance, that I'm not going to cross his t's for him when he can't even put a single coherent thought to paper, much less an intelligent one, that I feel a certain sadness or anger imagining what it would be like to actually be his teacher and have to waste my time reading his shit for an entire semester and then imagining the cumulative time that he has wasted of others' lives over the course of his academic career, tell him that he needs to look hard at how if his waste of my life for this hour can be so unbearable, the constant enduring waste that makes up the entirety of his own life should be that much more devastatingly unbearable, so much so that I can barely fathom how he's had the strength to refrain from just killing himself except that, no, wait, it's actually quite clear that it isn't strength at all that keeps you from stepping off the ledge or pulling the trigger; it's simply that you are too fucking stupid to even realize that the entire world would be better off if you did.

Anyway, that's what I thought of when I read your essay. You ought to start by narrowing your thesis.

>> No.8117731

That "you" I lapsed into was like a general "you." I certainly don't mean to imply you should kill yourself, OP. I think that work study gig did more of a number on me than I thought. Srs about narrowing your thesis though.

>> No.8117906

> many things were happening at the time
> So important x100
Made me chuckle, but the thing killing me right now is how you never gave a single proof about how influencal it really was.

>> No.8118011

>tfw this is a final draft

>> No.8118016
File: 111 KB, 683x738, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me write better

>> No.8118035

>the way you phrased that rhetorical question

the rest is good.

>> No.8118045
File: 37 KB, 720x720, 1464361574969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back in 18th century, many things happened at the time

>> No.8118050

yeah you're right, the start of last paragraph was pretty cringey too.
what do you think about being flexible with time being critical to narrative though? I can't help but notice its in every biography I've read so far, they always go out of order or are limited omniscient (the narrator informs the reader of the future) or do some other thing that breaks the normal flow of a story. Seems like everyone thinks its important to not have a normal linear narrative, I was just wondering why that is.

>> No.8118946

>using word

well there's your problem

also you write like you're in middle school

>> No.8119109


>Not mentioning Thomas Paine even once

>> No.8119145

You are beyond help, anon.

>> No.8119146

>Due to what the British were doing to the Americans at the time, the Americans wanted freedom.
Very insightful. Also
Patricians exclusively write in 12 pt Times New Roman--no exceptions.

>> No.8119388
File: 158 KB, 1440x860, 18th Century English Lit part 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote a bit more!

>> No.8119413

two posts ending in double-8s... 'poor' writing... 'oblivious' op...
the signs are all here.

>> No.8119423
File: 13 KB, 318x345, 1463646896977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you think about it, literature is anything written

It's time to stop posting.

>> No.8119429

>[...], many things were happening at the time.

>> No.8119461

B8 tred. Not touch.

>> No.8119633

Be less gay FAG LOSER!!!!!!!!

>> No.8119703

The way that you wrote multiple pages but still managed to deftly avoid assembling any kind of thought is honestly a bit impressive. If you were able to do this consistently and actually be aware of what you're doing, you could write political campaign speeches for a living.

>> No.8119737

You didn't even look at a wikipedia article for this shit. You haven't named a single work, a single author, a single movement, or a single fact about anything that wasn't both meaninglessly vague and somewhere between arguable and wrong.
Even if someone on /lit/ tried to give you advice, you would copy a sentence word-for-word into your paper without the proper context and the departure from babbling to a real thought and back again would be so jarring the grader would know you plagiarized it.
Unless you're in a high school freshman english class for kids with learning disabilities, you will fail this paper and deserve it.

>> No.8119906

>so that was really, really important

This manner of writing is fucking 8th grade.

>> No.8120258



>> No.8120276


2nd paragraph--"he also quotes Kermode saying that time is far **too** constraining.

2nd paragraph concluding sentences are weak. "This idea is interesting..." come up with a better adjective. Probably something that previews the argument you're going to make further down.

Agreed with the other poster about how you set the hypothetical up. Would be stronger if you summarized your argument in 2nd paragraph, then you could lead in with "For example, imagine a hypothetical situation in which..." or something like that.

>> No.8120337

>literal homework help request
>clearly is a high schooler

>> No.8120438

Professional college essay writer here.

Unless your professor actually cares about helping his students become better writers (lol), you'll probably pass if you just throw in some random citations to some relevant-seeming academic papers.

Even if he did care, he's not going to have the time to read through the actual paper in question to determine that the citation is legit.

>> No.8120665

ebin b8 m8

>> No.8120816

/lit/ can't be this easy to bait

check this

>> No.8120978
File: 163 KB, 800x800, image_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucked. Just end it when you fail the class

>> No.8120995

>If you think about it
>really, really important
>super important
>was really big
>that repetition

Didn't you have to take a Writing 101 class when you got to school? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8121006

I was going to call it John Greenesque but this pretty much covers it. OP's trolling though.

>> No.8121156
File: 84 KB, 735x557, 1409510878539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at the time
>at the time
>at the time
You can destroy half of this paper and get the same content, this applies to both length and information.

>Back in 18th century America, many things were happening at the time.

Why are you seperating this sentence with a comma? You don't need one here unless you were going to add a brief word or comment .

>In 18th century America, a subject I'm an expert in, many things were happening at the time.

You don't have to remind us when things were happening shortly after giving the date, it sounds passive and turns your paper to limp shlock on THE VERY FIRST SENTENCE.

better sentence:
>Many things were happening in 18th century America.

>> No.8121171

>every single topic sentence starts with '18th century america'

>> No.8121197
File: 149 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this actually how "students" in American "Universities" write?

>> No.8121334

You don't even have a thesis.

He doesn't even have a thesis.

>> No.8121471


>> No.8121480

I know this is trolling, but this is still physically upsetting to read

>> No.8121490

Of course he does. 18th century American literature was important to 18th century America at the time because important things were happening in 18th century America at the time and they were affected by 18th century American literature at the time.

>> No.8121735
File: 120 KB, 500x491, Bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8121942

It's important... to whom?

Are you making the case for why we shouldn't just burn it all?

>> No.8121947

God bless you, this is incredible.

>> No.8122062

Throughout my life I have always felt out of place. But after reading OP's paper I finally know how I can fit in this world. I sexual identify as that exact term paper and will do everything within the power of current medical technology to turn into that term paper.

>> No.8122166

/lit/ confirmed for easiest board to bait

god damn you guys are dumb

>> No.8122189

>18th century
>18th century
>18th century
>18th century
>18th century

I hope you're in the like the 10th grade dude

>> No.8122675

OP here. You put an m at the end of who by accident.