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8115607 No.8115607 [Reply] [Original]

Does Burroughs have any good books? I was told I should read the cut-up trilogy

>> No.8115670

No. He's the faggot figurehead of the worst literary generation of all time.

>> No.8115678

I started reading The ticket that exploded before I found out it was part of trilogy. Im about half way through it's pretty good, that is, if subtext about addiction and being a fag is your thing.

>> No.8115772

Burroughs is a *fantastic* writer, but nobody knows this because people only ever read Naked Lunch and Junky, which are largely formalist gimmicks imo. Read the Red Night trilogy and The Last Words of Dutch Schultz, OP

>> No.8115847

Cut up trilogy is absolutely worth reading

>> No.8115893

I read Naked Lunch in high school and I only liked it because HAHA PENIS, should I reread it? I remember it being a slog to read at certain points

>> No.8115935
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>> No.8115938

I read Naked Lunch in high school too and thought it was lolsorandom. Ten years later I still feel the same way. His writing isn't for everyone, I suppose.

>> No.8115964
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All of his writing is incredible, except maybe for Junkie - I expecially loved his last trilogy, which developed the themes of power, anarchy and speculative revolution that permeate all of his writing.

Do reread it, pages like pic related are gems one doesn't often find in literature.

>> No.8115975

the nova trilogy is excellent for the most part, but the actual cut up stuff in it can be tiresome when there's just pages and pages of it after a few paragraphs of his normal writing

the wild boys is great too but ultra gay at times

>> No.8115980

Don't get me wrong, even in high school I found myself engrossed in some parts of it, especially his imagery. But I guess it's a little too all over the place for me.

>> No.8116110

Non-contributional disparaging replies here are supposed to come with an anime girl image, lad

>> No.8117399
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red night trilogy is where i started with burroughs, and i like to think sometimes i can understand where he's coming from. the cutup books seem to me to have a couple of great ideas buried somewhere underneath the repetition. i found myself skipping over the obviously cut-up sections to where he was making sense again, more or less.

>> No.8117424 [DELETED] 

I like more as postmodern writer than beat generation writer.

>> No.8118146

the yage letters is surprisingly good

>> No.8118672

Burroughs was one of the most important authors of the 20th century, easily in the top 10.

This, Naked Lunch is great and is worth reading but if you've only read that and not any of his other works you can hardly state your opinion of him with any authority.

>> No.8118688

Junky and Queer. I've read Naked Lunch, really didn't like it. But it did have it's moments, like his descriptions of needles and that trickle of blood that gets in.

>> No.8118940

>Does Burroughs have any good books?

not really

>> No.8119922
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>> No.8122137

i agree mr

>> No.8122142

Red Night Trilogy uses a lot of gimmicks from Naked Lunch though.
Not that I have any problems with that.