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/lit/ - Literature

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8114719 No.8114719 [Reply] [Original]

Post 'em anons!

>> No.8114934
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Built this makeshift bookshelf last night. I find it very motivating and inspiring.

>> No.8115035



>> No.8115073

>Only gardens of the moon
Try harder

>> No.8115272

>Only looking at my designated Reddit shelf

>> No.8115279

the rest of your shelf is filled with /lit/ memes you haven't read, shut the fuck up.

>> No.8115282

I know females more stable than that shelf looks.
Buy a real shelf m8

>> No.8115308


You haven't read the Odyssey nor the Aeneid, they're completely unbent and without a cracked spine. Not sure if you've even read the Iliad although it has a slightly bent spine so I'll give you the benefit of doubt.

>> No.8115321


looks like it'll start to sag within a month

>> No.8115323
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>> No.8115327


>> No.8115331


>> No.8115332

I've read the illiad and the odyssey. You can't see the wear on the books because the pic isn't high quality enough.
I've read quite a bit of it. More than half of the entire shelf.

>> No.8115340

Robert Penn Warren is being crushed by the collective weight of his plebby neighbors.

>> No.8117054
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>> No.8117135
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Midnight bump

>> No.8117175

read your books fuck head.

>> No.8117184

Why do you assume he doesn't?
Let me guess; his spines are nicer than yours?

>> No.8117201

I really like this

>> No.8117202
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non-bookshelf books

>> No.8117211

right in the wallet

very nice though anon

>> No.8117459
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>> No.8117475

Is the bookshelf a metaphor for your life?

>> No.8117681
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>> No.8117682
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>> No.8117684
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>> No.8117701
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>bookshelf soley comprised of textbooks and coffee table books

>> No.8117704

>bookshelf comprised of things i like to read

>> No.8117720 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8117729

wow fucking reading police

>> No.8117775
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I'll spare you the comics and Harry Potter tier shelf, don't want to give anyone an aneurysm

>> No.8117817
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>tfw these threads are intrinsically anglican because those with majority non-English shelves are too disparate to find an audience
pls no bully

>> No.8117854
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Enjoy the bonus DVDs and stylish lens flare

>> No.8117875

How is Moberg and his Emigrant stories?
The movies were GOAT - some of my favourite Swedish films besides Bergmans.
Also how is Harry Martinson? His suicide after giving himself the Nobel Prize was pretty hardcore.

Also neat that you have Ronja Rövardotter. I watched it so many times when I was a child.

>> No.8118026

I wouldn't be able to tell you what they're like translated, but in Swedish they're great. After starting the first one, all I did was read and work until they were finished. The characters and places are alive and even now a year later they're still vivid in memory. I don't think there's another series I remember as much from as the Emigrant-series.

Harry Martinson, on the other hand, I've found a rough read. Friends of mine recommend him but I could barely finish Nässlorna blomma. I find his style bloated and jarring and he simply has too much stuff thrown in, events that I couldn't see matter at all. However, it's semi-autobiographical and its interesting in that sense. I'll read the other two in the series for that reason. I tried reading some poetry of his too, but that's plain bad.

Sometimes I think it's because of his background, but I've read Albert Viksten as well and he's brilliant.

>> No.8118566

he's posted his shit before and has admitted to reading less than 1/4 of his books.

>> No.8118606

you tell by looking at the spines he doesn't read them.

>> No.8118629

I'm the anon in question. I've actually caught up, and have read a little over half now. There was a period where I didn't feel like reading, but now I'm averaging one a week (though, I've been taking my time, and rereading Ulysses for the past two)

>> No.8119895


>> No.8120017
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>> No.8120025
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>> No.8120048

so much pleb

>> No.8120811

Are you an Aussie? Or did you make an anti Gravity Generator for your books?

>> No.8120824

>Shoujo Manga
>Swedish Noir novels
>Books stacked in the back

Are you sharing your bookshelf with your family?

>> No.8121847
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>> No.8122135

Just shitloads of glue desu

>> No.8122232

Are you a germanfag? If so, why did you fill the three bottom shelves of the shelves with expensive, mostly English trash when you have access to all kinds of cheap, German, literary publishers?

>> No.8122235

>two layers
triggered as fuck

>> No.8122268

If you and I were friends, we would never discuss books.

>> No.8122274

How are Bukowski's novels? I've only read his poetry.

>> No.8122615

the only one in this thread organized by author's last name

thank you

>> No.8124235

can you give me the ISBN numbers of your books?

>> No.8124261

You took a semester of Sociology and english literature?

>> No.8124277

>it's the cracked spine kid

oh fuck off you clumsy club-handed imbecile

>> No.8124324


>sinclair lewis

all these books are so based except the fantasy stuff... why have you betrayed me, anonymous user?

>> No.8124361

tell me about that sherlock holmes box on the middle shelf
is is a box set of the books or something? what publisher?

>> No.8124378

i get the impression you are a follower rather than a leader

>> No.8124800

Sometimes I'm not really hungry, but I still like to chew bubblegum.

>> No.8124946

Flimsy ass shit. Looks like it's about to collapse in on itself.

>> No.8124988
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>> No.8124995
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>> No.8125000
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>> No.8125002
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>> No.8125005

Not everyone behaves like a toddler and causes ruin on everything they touch.

>> No.8125011
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>> No.8126007

>not reading translations

>> No.8126011

>not knowing every language

>> No.8126017

>knowing anything

>> No.8126209

interesting, elaborate

>> No.8126398
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>Are you a germanfag?

>mostly English trash
mix of things I needed for university and things I read ages ago as a teenager. I'm bad at getting rid of old books. The last time I gave away some was during my last move and only because my old city had public bookshelves where I could just off-load them.
well I dont know about that. Most of that stuff was sub 20€ which I dont think is too much to ask for a book.

>access to all kinds of cheap, German, literary publishers
sort of fell out of love with German lit in those teen years, that was also when I decided to study English lit. I'm aiming to get back into it but there was other English stuff on my to-read list before that. I was thinking of reading something light first before reading the classics. I really dread reading Thomas Mann for some reason.

yeah, it's a box set of the stories in pocket book size. They look nice enough but if you actually do carry them around to read somewhere, they get a lot uglier fast. Also, one of the books had multiple misprinted pages, most that was missing was maybe half a sentence. Just fyi.
Publisher is Collectors Library / CRW Publishing

>> No.8126429
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Nothing here unless you're into climbing, biology or motorsport :-/
Most of my novels wind up in storage or get dumped.

>> No.8126433
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But I at least get to read them with a view ;-)

>> No.8126445

Seems to me like you ought to be reading more German considering your apparent interest in Shakespeare, for example, as the Germans were the ones to revitalise the study of Shakespeare in the late 17th/early 18th Century (cf. Herder and Goethe), and brilliant articles continue to be published in German periodicals, such as Haverkamp's classic 'Hamlet Anamorphose' on Hamlet and Goethe's Wilhelm Meister (in Arcadia, 2000).
It's also worth noting that the study of English is more of a German invention than anything else as the English themselves didn't really find most 'Anglistik' interesting until later.
And what's more, German literary essays, in my experience, are usually just better written than English ones and don't exhibit the same tedious insistence on writing 'academically' and holding your hand through the whole ordeal ('In this essay I will...'; 'Now I will prove...'; 'Having shown that...').
Finally, if you dread Thomas Mann, just read one of the other ones, like H. Mann's Professor Unrat or K. Mann's Der Wendepunkt (published first in English, but a German work in its own right (according to the writer himself)).

>> No.8126490

>Germans were the ones to revitalise the study of Shakespeare
yeah, heard about that and it's still crazy to me.

>are usually just better written than English ones
eh, don't know about that. For students, that kind of style can help them formulate a proper argument I think. Maybe a typical German essay would be more entertaining to read but I doubt I'll be reading a lot of essays at all from now on, or at least in the near future. What does annoy me about English essays and writing them in English is the insistence on short sentences and paragraphs, at least that's what I always struggled with. It irks me when I feel I have to chop up my argument because the sentence might seem long-winded.

Anyway, I'll start a list of authors and novels I want to read. Something a bit more cheeky like Professor Unrat sounds more up my alley than Tod in Venedig.

>> No.8126499

How many versions of the divine comedy do you need?

>> No.8126502

Felix Krull would also be a better Thomas Mann to begin with because Felix is a cheeky cunt and not some anaemic, decadent intellectual.
As for English academic writing helping students structure an argument, it's the exact opposite because the phrasings like the ones I quoted are a complete waste of space and only serve to make the paper more natural sciences-like, and this is also an English disease just like the completely asinine thought of fitting articles written inside the humanities with an abstract.

>> No.8126539

Nice view anon, BC?

>> No.8126547

>Fishes of australia's southern coast
>chapter 1. poisonous fish
>chapter 2. more poisonous fish
>chapter 3. fish that would have your leg off as soon as look at you

>> No.8126574

We just had two fatal sharks here too, this week. How appropriate.

Western Australia. That's the Indian Ocean.

>> No.8126579


>> No.8126612


>> No.8126633

It takes a man to admit when someone else has better taste than you. I'm proud.

>> No.8126638

You have a bunch of banal shit everyone has read and nothing with any personal value. I'm not that anon though, so this is just a guess.

>> No.8126639

are you a qt

>> No.8126642

Oh well, I'm just getting into lit. It's all shit I'm actually interested in though, not buying things purely for the meme.

>> No.8126646

I'm a 29 year old male...

>> No.8126647

and so? ;)

>> No.8126656

I'm straight :-p

>> No.8126671
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a-ok brotha

>> No.8126995
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>don't own a bookshelf
>would rather spend my limited disposable income on more books, half of which I will probably never read
who /stacks/ here?

>> No.8127020


I thought it was BC as well when I saw that picture.

>> No.8127274

why does BC look like Perth

>> No.8127307

>still using physical books instead of ebooks

Damn you guys are hopeless

>> No.8127641
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>> No.8127646
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>> No.8127656
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>> No.8127765
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>flipping through pages on an ebook
I guess if you don't own poetry collections, a bible or similar it's not as much of an issue.

>> No.8127772

>search functions exist
>go-to-page functions exist
>page sliders exist

-10/10 shitpost, try harder next time

>> No.8127792

Sometimes you're not sure exactly what you're looking for before you've found it. I hate not being able to flip through books.
Maybe you just don't know what you're missing out on, maybe you're just a pleb fag who sees no reason to flip through his John Green ebooks (which I can fully understand), who knows.
To each their own, but I'm not giving up on physical books. I often buy the ebook as well, because it's more comfortable on the go, but I like having a proper book I can pick up from time to time and flip through.

>> No.8127816
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did you smear grease over your camera lens before taking that picture?

however, i commend you on storing your javascript book next to your matisse book.

>> No.8127933

You're calling me a John Green reader after shitting out platitudinous nonsense like:

>Sometimes you're not sure exactly what you're looking for before you've found it.

Are you on fucking crack? Also, do you still not understand what a slider is? It would allow to you do your little autistic ritual of flipping through the book to find some magic words just as well as flipping through an actual book would.

>inb4 'I like how it feels'

If you're rich enough to spend $20 every time you want to feel a new book, go ahead, but otherwise quit being a complete faggot.

>> No.8127961

Sorry oh great autist who can remember every exact phrasing. I bet you don't even need to look things up in a book because you know them off by heart, right?
As for people like me, we remember things by content, whereas search functions work by letters.
Jesus christ, fucking dipshit.

>If you're rich enough to spend $20 every time you want to feel a new book, go ahead, but otherwise quit being a complete faggot.
Yeah suck my dick fag tbqh

>> No.8127975


why would every book be $20? i bought three secondhand books today for a total of £1.50. they were in good condition (although one was over 100 years old, so it's a bit dusty). at that price i'm not too concerned about losing them or dropping them in the bath, either.

>> No.8128743

Not too shabby daniel.

>> No.8128752

Same. Trying to bust out of it.

Tossed one moldy harlequin that creeped me out and left two books I will donate.

>> No.8128848

i have 6 more not pictured here.

>> No.8128963

You can literally see where he's merged /lit/ meme books with his collection of children's fantasy. How pathetic.

>> No.8129111

Top notch Hesse you have there, family
I've read that, Siddharta, Steppenwolf, and The Glass Bead Game, and Narcissus and Goldmund is the one that stands out to me as being the most pleasant read and the most timeless book

>> No.8129119

>$20 for a book
spoken like a true normalfag

>> No.8130844

Anyone know any good websites where I can find a bunch of ebook downloads? Preferably ePub format? The popular torrenting websites have fuck all in the sense of literature

>> No.8130864

>no book smell

for what purpose

>> No.8130867

Real Books.

>> No.8130872
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>> No.8130875
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>> No.8130883
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>> No.8130885
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>> No.8130887
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>> No.8130951

Real books = money + effort + time
If I like a book enough to read it a second time I'll buy a physical copy; sorry for disrespecting the craft boys

>> No.8131085

I know several.

>> No.8131104

Would you care to share several of these sites you know with me?

>> No.8131547

not that guy but it's called lurkmo.ar huehuehuehue

>> No.8131565
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this is some weird gravity defying perspective shit going on here

>> No.8131681

Is every book a meme to you? Is GRRM and the Malazan series really children's fantasy?