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8113828 No.8113828 [Reply] [Original]

>there will never be a Book of the New Sun anime

>> No.8113840
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>there will never be a Deluge anime

>> No.8114399
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Angel Egg is the closest thing that will we get.

>> No.8114408

The only thing they really have in common is a destroyed world & Bible references m8

BONTS dosent even need to be adapted anyway, it'd be a waste of time.

>> No.8114429

You're a waste of time, fucking autist.

>> No.8114436

You are forgetting that the movie is already in pre production.

>> No.8114444
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>actually caring about a work /as it is/ and not wanting to haphazardly shove it into an entirely different so that it loses all its essential qualities

Lemme guess you're excited for the new GITS movie too?

>> No.8114448


>> No.8114468

The watchers dance