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File: 231 KB, 1104x1475, 71Vmj-9DZYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8112198 No.8112198 [Reply] [Original]

Can we all agree that this is objectively the greatest book of the 21st century?

>> No.8112206


>> No.8112228
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>> No.8112240
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Yeah, if you're a purple haired androgynous college girl who only likes the book because you heard it was all just vaginal symbolism

>> No.8112261
File: 84 KB, 583x851, Bitch hold on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this isn't pasta, it should be.

>> No.8112353

lol, its fun but no way.

>> No.8112415

I grew out of puzzle books when I was like 7

>> No.8112473
File: 12 KB, 480x360, mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark Z. Danielewski is a bad, fedora wearing, cuckold of an author.

House of leaves is tripe, its for pretentious people who read too deeply into things, or freak out because the word house isn't colored blue on one page, but it on the next, its like reading spot the differences in highlights for kids except its 700 pages long.

>> No.8112481

"Muh adult pictsurr bewks!!!"

>> No.8112539

I liked this book when I was fifteen but I really doubt it holds up

>> No.8112582

Holy God, what a cancerous thread.

Is the structure of the book its most noticeable quality? Yeah. Is it entirely necessary? Probably not.

Is that all there is to it? Hell no.

I loved House Of Leaves, and I'm a guy who can't stand gimmicks. I loved the atmosphere of depression and dread, the feeling of being way out of one's depth, and the childlike wonder that overrode all of that.

It's a joy to read, and /lit/'s phony snobbery doesn't change that.

>> No.8112590

>phony snobbery

That's exactly what house of leaves is you blind moron.

>> No.8112592

Yeah, I bet you have an awful lot of 'child like wonder', its probably why you thought it was a good book.


>> No.8112685

I read this when I was jobless and abusing sleep aids. Its all I did for like a month, drifting in and out of sleep not really sure what thoughts came from my dreams and what thoughts came from the book

>> No.8112696

Wow, really makes you think.

>> No.8113858

He's not good at reading out loud so he's automatically a shit writer?

>> No.8114978

I liked it

>> No.8115060


it's ok

>> No.8115113

are you the mc from the book?

>> No.8115123

btw I just want you to know that colorful hair feminists are the best kind of people in the world.

>> No.8115147

I really enjoyed it. but it's far from the greatest anything. It could be a good Kino film or series if the right director gets it. I'm about to jump into the familiar which looks interesting.

>> No.8115185

>published in March 2000
>best book of the 21st century
>still 84 years to go
Wouldn't bet on it, famiglia.

>> No.8115273

Is this true?

>> No.8115307


>> No.8115315

unironically they actually are.

>> No.8115335
File: 53 KB, 373x598, PerfekcyjnaNiedoskonalosc_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Dukaj's "Perfect Imperfection" doesn't already have that title

>> No.8115364

Whores are pretty neat but I wouldn't call them the best.

>> No.8115483

Good book, but I liked "Czarne Oceany" even more.
I'm currently reading "Lód" and it is a blast. I feel so sorry for people on this board that they will never read any Dukaj. Makes me feel better for not being a native speaker of English.

>> No.8115486

All men are whores of the world.

>> No.8115509

It's a shame that Dukaj won't get global recognition due to writing in Polish and getting barely any translations, even though he's the cream of the crop of current literature overall (my opinion).
But maybe the magic of his writing lies in the language, and maybe his books wouldn't be as good if written natively in English.

>> No.8115630


>> No.8115649

Hell naw, bruh, 'specially since you got shit by Gass, Pynchon, Bolano, McElroy, and Vollmann.

>> No.8115658

actually I can think of only one person this applies to

>> No.8115665
File: 2 KB, 277x98, No.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No actually

>> No.8115677

u edited that, it's obvious because it took 6 mintues to post

>> No.8115681

ok. exif data exists. You can tell if I modified it.


>> No.8115688


>> No.8115708

those other two posts aren't me and I'm going to get some coffee bye

>> No.8115717

they're you

>> No.8115735

Actually never mind, I just looked this person up and they don't even have colorful hair. Hair dyed unnatural colors is fedora-tier.

>> No.8116236

Don't speak Polish, or read it for that matter, what are the recommended translations for his work?

>> No.8117345

Any you can get. His last translation was for "Ice", I think.
A bit of his skill gets lost in the translation, but it's great nevertheless.

>> No.8117411
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The climax made me feel hard, desu senpai. Really amazing and emotional ending.

Plus the part about Johnny's narrative turning into a real book within his plot was a real mindfuck.

>> No.8117591
File: 219 KB, 836x688, 1430874535891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great b8 OP you almost made me write a serious reply to your shitpost

>> No.8117652

I don't think that his language is as important as you make it sound. I find his writting very uneven, often oscillating between genius and mediocrity. I'm sure that somewhat talented translator could manage it. Hell, there are translations of Finnegans Wake. I think the real power of Dukaj are brilliant ideas and unorthodoxy - something that modern fantasy/science-fiction lacks in general.

>> No.8117711

It is, though.
There's nothing that can express feelings as good as a simple "kurwa", for example.

>> No.8117739
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>> No.8117744
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Not the same guy, and not that it fucking matters, but haven't we all learned that browser inspectors exist yet?

>> No.8117860

I've always thought that dying your hair blue or pink is the female equivalent of wearing a fedora

>> No.8117878
File: 156 KB, 400x404, 6345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw you realized Zampano wrote house of leaves, Johnny is the fictional continuation of his and Palefina's son who died just after childbirth, Zampano is Minos and Johnny the Minotaur.

>> No.8118348


No. The 21st Century started on January 1, 2001. House of Leaves was published in March 2000. It therefore cannot be the 'objectively greatest book of the 21st century.'

And given the great literature that was produced in the 20th Century, it's also not anywhere close to the greatest of the 20th either.